Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 107: Long life robbery

The viscous and slippery wind is like a big wind blowing in the ear.

The whistling wind hits the rocky rock, and the sound is like a whistling beast of countless beasts, making people feel chilly.

The dome above is only a hundred meters high from the top of the head, and only a dozen meters when it is short.

There is no road at all, there are only countless stones.

Wu Tie followed the general command to shuttle in the rock. Several fog knife killers were looming around, and they watched the movements in a vigilant manner.

Holding the white tiger's crack in both hands, he squatted on his shoulders, and the heavy white tiger cracked the Wu iron step, and stepped on the ground like a nail.

Walking out of the distance, Wu Tie looked back at the direction and gave a soft breath.

Before the departure, Wu Tiejun asked the general commander to send a confidant, to the early warning of the big stone city - the longevity teaches a terrible master, so that the giants can only rely on the secret treasure to desperately get out of the master.

I don't know how the situation is now in Dashicheng. Wu Tie only hopes that his early warning can help the stone to escape.

Think of the terrible strength of Zhu Zixi...

Wu Tie could not help but burst into a creep.

That kind of powerlessness is simply a horror.

"Hope, you can come up with countermeasures." Wu Tie sighed and speeded up.

The feet are slippery, the rocks on the rocks are full of sticky moss.

In some places, a stream of varying sizes runs between rocks, transparent fish, crabs, and other crustaceans and arthropods.

I can't see it with my naked eyes. Sometimes I can hear the sound of 嘶嘶 远 from the distance. I don't know if it is a viper or a lizard.

Breaking through the senses, Wu Tie condenses the mana, and the talented supernatural powers ‘mastering the Qiankun’ has been enhanced. Nowadays, his invisible force is placed outside the field, and it is easy to cover a space of 500 meters.

This rugged, rugged rocky terrain seems to be barren, but it is full of vitality. In places that are invisible to the naked eye, all kinds of ferocious and vicious creatures fight each other wildly and compete for the space and resources for their survival.

All the little creatures here, even a thumb-sized light blue jellyfish in the water, contain terrible poison.

These little things are much more ferocious than the little creatures in other areas of the Cangyan area.

There seems to be an invisible force that affects the evolution of these little lives.

The word 'evolution' is not wrong...

Wu Tie searched the shallow knowledge that Lao Tie taught him and determined that he did not use the wrong words. He carefully crossed a stream more than a meter wide, and a small octopus covered with a light blue ring jumped out of the water and spit out a water arrow.

Easily avoiding the attack of the Blue Ring Medal, the tiny water arrow spits on the side of the boulder. In the sound of '嗤嗤', the soil quickly turns into black poisonous water, and the hard rock is eroded by half a inch thick. a large piece.

Witch iron hand pointed, a blast hit, and the fist-sized blue ring magic chapter flew.

The soft blue ring of the body flew for dozens of meters, hitting a large stone, and then jumped back into the stream a few times if nothing happened.

It seems that I understand that Witch Iron is not easy to provoke. This dangerous organism that emits blurred blue light quickly flees to the lower reaches of the stream.

"It's weird here... It seems that the closer I am to the fog, the more dangerous these little things are." The general commander sprinted forward and whispered, "Do you believe it? I fled from the hands of the traitors." The first time I came here, I almost died."

The general command is cold: "The size of a basin, like a flying spider, a poisonous spider that is invulnerable, almost tears my heart apart. The spider is poisonous... if it is not two confidants, I already dead."

The witch iron is moving.

The general command is that the masters of the heavy realm, those poisonous spiders, poisonous lizards and the like, it is impossible to pose any threat to him.

Wu Tie did not dare to care, he reduced the invisible field to a hundred meters.

Although the scope of control has been reduced a lot, Wu Tie's control over this range has almost reached a level of visibility.

Don't want to be close to Wu Tie and his party with any small creature.

The road is difficult, and the wind in the ear is even more distracting.

At the speed of Wu Tie and others, they walked through the rock for seven days, and the front stone suddenly broke off.

The rock walls on both sides are towering, and the bottom is the bottomless abyss. Numerous luminous plants grow on the rock wall, and the cliff walls are bright. Under the fluorescent light, you can see the dense fog in the abyss, and there is a circling flying creature.

"The only real heir of the fog knife is that I know how to get in and out of the ancestral land." The general commander stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the other side of the cliff a few kilometers away. He sneered: "Other people, even if they found it, If you want to pass this cliff, there must be death and no life."

The sorcerer was big and he stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

The flying creatures in the thick fog were strangely shaped. He searched for a while in his mind and finally found out that these guys were born in the same way as the ‘Pterosaurs’ in ancient times. They were only a little petite, and the wingspan was only about one meter.

Although the size is small, these guys are covered with black scales. The occasional whistling sounds straight through their minds, and the eardrums are stinging, so they are not good to provoke.

“What is the danger here?” Wu Tie looked at it for a long time and did not find anything special about this abyss cliff.

These small pterosaurs are fierce in appearance and do not seem to be a difficult one to deal with.

The general palm smiled lightly, his right hand grabbed the ground, and a stone flew up and fell straight into his palm. He threw the stone toward the opposite cliff and slammed the stone.

Just flew less than a hundred meters, in the air above the cliff, a glimmer of light flashed through, leaving a glaring light mark in the vision of Wu Tie.

The head-sized stone directly vaporized and disappeared without a trace.

Wu Tiezhuo's eyes widened. He didn't see where the glare came from. He didn't know how it came about.

"Even if you come to 100,000 people, fill the cliff with a body, you don't know the right way, you can't pass." The general commander glanced at Wu Tie, and he suddenly jumped down.

Wu Tie hurriedly looked at the general command.

Seeing that he fell down a hundred meters, his body swayed into the cracks in the extremely inconspicuous depression on the rock wall.

I don't know what the general commander slammed underneath. After a while, there was a subtle 嗡嗡 声 sound on the cliff wall opposite.

The friction of the metal of 咔嚓, 咔嚓 is constant.

Wu Tieyan’s eyes widened and he looked at a metal bridge that was more than a dozen meters wide. It stretched out toward this side.

There are no columns below, and the cliffs are several kilometers wide. This metal bridge extends like this one by one. In the end, ‘噗嗤’, this metal bridge extends to the front of the Witch Iron, precisely embedded in a reserved stone seam.

This metal bridge has no cracks in the whole body, and it shows a very high casting skill.

The years did not leave any traces on the bridge, the bridge surface was still smooth, and at the edge of the bridge, there were two very thin fluorescent lines, indicating the safe range of the bridge.

The total commander flew from below, and one turned over on the bridge.

He nodded to Wu Tie and said: "Let's go, this is the only safe road. If you don't know the secrets of the organs here... Hey, how many people will die."

The general command of self-deprecating, proud smile: "Those traitors, I thought I mastered all the secrets of the fog knife? Hey, they never dreamed, the real core secret of the fog knife, the true inheritance secret, here."

Looking up, the total palm of the hand sighed with relief: "When I was thinking about it, my ancestors of the fog knife came out of the ancestral land, and the blue roads and the thorns of the scorpion smashed the thorns and thorns... opened up a big foundation... the future generations are not filial, incompetent... Longevity, oh!"

Wu Tie interrupted the grief of the general command of the fall: "The general command, you are sure, in your homeland, is it good?"

The general commander nodded abruptly. He followed the metal bridge and walked forward: "You come with me, you will know when you meet.... There are quite a few ambushes in the ancestral land. It is not easy, not easy to get those benefits! ”

Wu Tie also embarked on a metal bridge.

He looked back again and glanced behind him - the general commander sent the confidant, should have already passed the news to Dashicheng?

On the fourth day of Wu Tiehe’s general command to shuttle in the rock, before the abyss of the abyss, the joint army of the Changsheng and Yan’s family had already followed the secret passage of Wu Tie and others. Appeared under Dashicheng.

The longevity teaching in ten thousand is elite.

More than 30,000 soldiers from the Warriors City.

Four squares of squares surrounded Dashicheng from all directions, four long metal flagpoles, and the longevity flag of black blood was dancing in the wind.

Shi Meng stood on the wall and gloomy face looked at the army that suddenly burst out of the secret passage outside the city.

The team of Wu Tie and others did not return.

Two days ago, Shi Meng received an intelligence claiming to be sent by a smuggler.

In the direction of the sword city, the longevity teaching has changed, and there are extremely terrible masters. According to the master, he is the master of Jia Zhengfeng, the third assistant of the longevity teaching, and the elder of the longevity teaching.

In the intelligence, Wu Tie described in detail the entire process of their raids.

Wu Tie frankly expressed his apology to Shi Meng - Zhu Zixi is terrible, Wu Tie does not think that in the face of Zhu Zixi, how much he can play.

Therefore, Wu Tie did not choose to return to Dashicheng to help the fierce enemy.

Wu Tie let the fog knife killer tell Shi Meng - the task that Shi Meng sent him to do, he has done it perfectly. The point of the Yan family has been completely destroyed, so Wu Tie chose to withdraw and regain his strength.

Stone stunned and looked back at the information that Wu Tie had sent back.

In fact, before the witch iron warning, the giant who escaped by the giant lights had already told everything about Shi Meng.


After a long time, he snorted and slammed a sledgehammer and slammed into the tens of thousands of people who had formed an elite education under the wall: "Well, wait for war, fight!" ”

‘Awaiting battle, fight!’

Two days ago, I received the information sent back by Wu Tie. Shi Meng chose it, relying on Dashicheng, and Changshengjiao, and the Yan family.

In fact, Shi Meng has no retreat.

He killed the stone sarcophagus, occupied the big stone city, and played the banner against the longevity religion.

Therefore, he can only stay here, can only stay here, can only choose to live with the longevity to die.

Otherwise, where can he go?

Shi Bao clenched the giant lamp and snarled and leaped from the city, and his feet fell on the wall. He looked down at the longevity army outside the city, biting his tongue without a word, and a blood spurted on the giant lamp.

The bang of the 啪啪 不断 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Countless fist-sized Mars circling out to fly out of the city, whistling to the longevity army.

The long-lived elites who stood in the forefront have drawn out the forged metal shields, which are like the heavy shields of the tortoise shells, which form a thick shield wall.

Countless Mars fell, Mars exploded, and a group of fires swept across the square. With the screaming '啪啪' screaming, the shields were blown apart, and the soldiers of the Longevity Church shouted, at least five or six hundred. The man was blown by this blow and his arm was broken and covered with blood.

The military line of the Longevity Church was blown up a small piece, all the blood was full of blood, and there were broken shields and pieces of nails everywhere.

Zhu Zixi, sitting in the special cart, was gloomy.

Inexplicably trapped by the law, a group of tyrannical ancient squatting around him, with the strength of Zhu Zixi, he spent a lot of effort to get out.

However, Wu Tie escaped and fled with the flames.

Zhu Zixi’s mood has become extremely bad, even if he forcibly left Yan Hanlu as a maid... His mood is still extremely bad.

Shi Bao hit a shot, seriously injured hundreds of longevity warriors, Zhu Zixi snorted, the whole body blood tumbling, and immediately took out the frame.

"Hey, the giant blood, the most thick and mellow... But let this seat try your blood, the taste is better than the big ones killed a few days ago."

Zhu Zixi beat the anger of Shi Bao in one sentence. Shi Bao remembered the giants who were traveling with Wu Tie but were killed by Zhu Zixi. They could not help but scream and jumped down the wall.

The left hand clenched the giant spirit lamp, and continuously spurted a large piece of blue smoke and fire star to Zhu Zixi. Shi Bao’s right hand smashed a special giant mace, which was like a whirlwind to the Zhu Zixi.

The print of the top of Zhu Zixi's top button floats, and in a large **** fog, a giant **** skull with a height of several hundred meters emerges.

Zhu Zixi was wrapped in the blood and blood of the sky, and the body shook like a ghost, and it was instantly in front of Shi Bao. The right hand underestimated the punch on the chest of Shi Bao.

A loud noise, Shi Bao chest depression, he spit blood in a big mouth, fell back 100 meters, and broke the gate of Dashicheng.

On the wall, Shi Meng also buried a number of warriors and wolves in the collapsed walls.

Zhu Zixi waved his hand and pointed a finger at Dashicheng.

"This seat is in a bad, the massacre!"

Four thousand soldiers outside the city stayed, and then with the longevity of a few warrior leaders, the 40,000 soldiers rushed to Dashicheng.

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