Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 108: Giant beast

Walking over the cliff and standing at the other end of the metal bridge, the general commander looked quite awkwardly at Wu Tie.

"Really curious, in fact, I saved you only for a moment, I really didn't think you could accompany me."

The right hand patted the left arm hard, and always smiled and said: "Remember my arm? It is your cut. I thought that when you are so young, you will always hesitate to be afraid."

Wu Tie looked at the left arm that always commanded the new one.

"Is hesitant to have ... fear, to say the truth, there are also." White tiger cracked across the shoulder, Wu Tie forced to rub the gun: "But after seeing the power of Zhu Zixi. All opportunities that may enhance my own strength, I am Will not let go."

"Even if I am cooperating with my former enemy?" The general commander grinned and turned and continued to move forward.

"Even if you are working with your former enemy." Wu Tie nodded and glanced at a few fog knife killers behind him.

"Hey, are you stupid enough to tear my face before I revenge?" Wu Tie took a long shot and followed the general command step by step.

He stared at the back of the general command, and said slowly: "One of my elders told me that when faced with a strong enemy, once the enemy, everyone can join hands, is this the truth?"

The total palm of the hand gave a laugh.

Going forward for a while, he said: "It makes sense, but I really don't think about my suggestion? Join the fog knife, I will accept you as a pro-disciple."

"I am a foggy knife compared to the longevity teaching, although it is only a small and insignificant force in Cangyan.... But I am confident that as long as I can return to my ancestral land, it will not be a problem to repel longevity."

"At that time, my fog knife unified the field of stagnation, and then expanded outwards. If it is not good, will you be the new master of the fog knife in the future?"

The general command to sell all the benefits of the fog knife to Wu Tie all the way, Wu Tie just said nothing.

On the side of the bridge is a square tunnel with a width of 100 meters. The four walls are made of metal. The ground and the walls are engraved with extremely thin lines. Soft fluorescence is emitted from the lines, indicating the forward passage. .

The pedestrians went forward, and every five hundred meters or so, there was a thick metal portal.

On the metal door with a length and a width of 100 meters, a series of extremely thin lines outline a complex pattern with a very fine spar shining through the cold.

When passing through a semi-open metal gate, Wu Tie deliberately used a white tiger to crack a portal that was ten meters thick.

A loud bang, the door shook a little, and some dust fell from the top of the door.

The door is made of extremely good material, extremely hard and extremely flexible.

The white tiger split so heavy, Wu Tie took a shot, but actually did not leave any trace on the portal.

The general command and a few fog knife killers saw Wu Tie's eyes. The general commander said with pride: "I haven't seen such strange things? These portals can hardly be completed by humans. Even Cang Yan domain is best at casting. Lu family, they can't build such a huge thing."

"The foundation of my ancestors of fog knives is not something that ordinary people can imagine." The general palm of the hand smiled very brightly: "I don't really think about it? I want to revive the fog knife and need talent."

"How do I feel that this is either a prison or a refuge?" Wu Tie did not take care of the general command, whispering to himself.

The face of the total palm of the hand has changed slightly.

The pedestrian stopped and stood in the ramp and looked forward and looked back.

In the dark ramp, the faint light from the thin fluorescent lines illuminates the entire ramp, not as bright as a virtual day, but it is enough to see the details around it.

Straight square ramps, every five hundred meters or so, there is a 100-meter-thick metal gate.

The heavy metal gates were not fully opened, but the gaps of more than ten meters were removed from the left and right.

This posture... As Wu said, it is either a prison or a refuge.

"I don't know how many years have been in this place." Wu Tie went to a front door and carefully looked at the deep lines in the inscriptions and the tiny crystals embedded in the lines.

do not know.

can not recognize.

The complex patterns of these lines, and these tiny crystals must have their magical effect, but Wu Tie can't tell.

There is an extremely large knowledge reserve in my mind, but most of them cannot be called. Wu Tie has been watching for a long time, and it is still a fog.

The total command was silenced for a long time, and this was a cold cry: "Let's go, this road is full of dangers. If it weren't for me to lead the way, if it wasn't for the secrets of the ancestors who had been left with the fog, we have died countless here. Times."

Walking along the ramp, I walked through a total of twelve metal portals up to ten meters thick, and the group came to a metal cave.

In front of it is a square cave with a length and a wide width and a height of nearly a kilometer.

A metal trestle extends all the way from the ground, and many portals are cut into the metal wall. Some portals have faint glare, and all portals are connected by metal trestles.

In the sky, between the trestles and the bridges across the space.

The dense metal trestle and metal flyover make this huge metal cave look crowded.

Perhaps many years ago, many people walked on these trestles and overpasses. Behind those portals was their place of living.

Wu Tie walked into a recent portal, which has some metal-made utensils, beds, tables and chairs. The space in each portal is divided into ten standard small lattice rooms. Almost exactly the same.

"I live in it, but I don't feel comfortable." Wu Tie quickly retired.

The small lattices behind the portal, the space is sturdy, can only accommodate a person lying down, behind such a dense portal, so many lattice rooms, at least for tens of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people are crowded in the same space as the nest.

The witch iron scalp is a bit numb, and he is more and more certain that it is either a prison or a refuge.

The ancestors of the fog knife, apparently not born.

Pass through this metal cave, walk through a short ramp, and then a similar metal cave.

All the way through the twelve metal caves, the front is a deep unfathomable, nearly a hundred meters wide cliff.

This time, the general command and several of his subordinates were also careful. Wu Tie also noticed that there were bright red blood near the cliff, and some broken metal fragments. It was obvious that they had always suffered from losses here.

Or always jumped off the cliff, in a hollow stone crack for a while, a metal bridge extended from the opposite side of the cliff, a group of people walked over the metal bridge, opposite the bridge, just a small platform with a radius of nearly 100 meters .

"Wu Tie, when you get here, you have to look at you." The general commander looked at Wu Tie seriously: "Here, it should be the last level to enter my fog ancestor...just..."

Wu Tie suddenly nodded. He held a long gun in his hands, his eyebrows flashed a little, and the invisible field shrouded the entire platform.

He is always on the lookout for all possible changes, especially the general command and the possible changes of his several subordinates.

The face of the general command became a bit odd, he murmured: "The ancestors... actually lost the most important voucher token to return to the ancestral home. It forced us to be so young, so hard..."

Shaking his head, he pulled out a palm-sized blood-colored crystal from his chest and set it in a pit in the middle of the platform.

The octagonal crystals and pits are perfectly dark.

A very thin blood light quickly spreads from the pits in all directions, and a large number of thin blood lines quickly cover the entire platform, and then the dense light rises and the whole platform is firmly wrapped.

The light around it rotates, and the body feels like floating in the air.

Wu Tie looked around nervously. After a quarter of an hour, they suddenly sinked and everyone came to a huge sandstone Gobi cave.

The circle can have two or three hundred miles of circular caves, and the upper dome can be several kilometers from the ground.

There are black gravel everywhere.

Witch iron bent over and grabbed a small gravel. He frowned. This is not ordinary sand, but black glazed sand that has been condensed by high temperature burning.

The muffled sound of ‘rumbling’ came from far away. In a few miles, the giant metal, which was round and round, was seven or eight meters high, wandering around.

At first glance, such giant metal shovel has at least a thousand heads.

Their left hand is a metal ball full of sharp spurs, and the right hand is a large weapon with a handle, a knife, an axe, a stick, a hammer, and everything.

These big guys roam the black sand plain, and there are huge piles of white bones everywhere on the black lacquered sandstone Gobi.

These white bones are one hundred meters long and one root is inserted in the sandstone like an arch. These dragonflies shuttle between the bones, and occasionally the body hits the white bones and makes a loud noise.

"We are going there!" The general commander bent down and grabbed the octagonal blood-colored crystal from the ground and broke into his arms.

Witch iron hole narrowed down.

Just after they were clearly on a small platform, they were ordered to put the crystal in the middle of the platform, they were sent here, and this crystal came along.

Obviously, this crystal is a passport to enter and exit this sandstone Gobi cave.

Wu Tie took a serious look at the chest of the general palm.

The general commander noticed Wu Tie’s gaze. He smiled and pointed forward: “We want to cross this plain... These big guys are indestructible and arrogant... We rushed several times and suffered heavy losses, but Didn't rush over."

Witch iron frowned. He shot a big stone around him, and the gun was picked. A huge force matched the invisible force field and threw a stone-sized stone out.

The big stone roared and flew out of the air.

A metal cymbal on the ground raised his left arm violently, and the spurred metal ball 嘭嘭 on the left arm flew out, hitting the big stone and making the boulder into countless pieces.

The metal ball stagnate in the air for a period of breathing, and the rapid in-situ rotation for hundreds of weeks, ‘唰’ flew back and put it together on the left arm of the metal cymbal.

"Indestructible, brute force, and these metal **** are all over the sky." The face of the general commander violently twitched. He looked at Wu Tie Shen’s voice: "My several loyal slain, are these metal balls. Hard to make a meat sauce."

"So, I need a brute force, and my defense is strong enough to help me block these guys." The general commander looked at Wu Tie very seriously: "I don't know, you can't do it."

Wu Tie’s face was also pumped. He looked at the huge metal cymbals and imagined the crazy scene of the metal ball hitting the sky. He couldn’t help but get a chill.

"Try it." Wu Tie told the general commander quite frankly.

"Don't be stubborn." The general command also looked at Wu Tie very frankly: "Although I really want to go to the ancestral land to see what is hidden inside the baby... According to the ancestors, the baby inside can turn around... ”

There was a horror in the eyes, and the total palm commander said: "Maybe, it can make me die. But, always go see?"

Shaking his head, the total commander looked at the metal shackles: "These guys were originally guardians of the ancestral lands... But the ancestors lost their credentials to control them, so that we want to return to the ancestral land and be blocked by them. It’s outside.”

Wu Tie took a deep breath.

The protective mirror behind his chest squirmed fiercely and quickly wrapped him into a white tragic tight armor.

The total palm of the hand is bright... He has seen the armor of Wu Tie, knowing how strong the armor has.

Wu Tie held the white tiger crack and rushed out.

The white tiger's crack is heavy and abnormal, and Wu Tie's footsteps are also particularly dull and loud. The metal wandering around is also looking at them at the same time. They are striding forward to the Wu Iron and then shaking their left arms.

A metal ball of the size of a water tank spurted out, extremely fast, and pulled out a clear white trajectory in the air.

Witch iron waves white cracks.

The long shots swayed into a perfect arc, shaped like a short sword, and the rifle was quickly slashed. In the eyes of the general command and a few fog knives and fog murderers, these puzzled the metal **** that they could not solve for a long time. Was easily smashed by Wu Tie.

Large pieces of Mars are ejected from the metal ball, and the broken metal ball can no longer fly back.

In just a few breaths, thousands of metal cymbals lost their long-range attack weapons.

Witch iron laughed, screaming at the white tiger's cracked legs.

The general command also laughed loudly, and hurriedly followed a few subordinates behind Wu Tie.

Without the heavy weapons of these long-range attacks, these metal scorpions can't move fast, and they can't keep up with the few people.

Running for a long time, a black cliff in front of it was in sight.

A huge black hole on the cliff is particularly eye-catching.

Outside the black hole, it was attached to a giant skeleton that was nearly a kilometer long.

It was a skull-shaped Hydra bone, and the dark bones were still emitting a faint black air in all directions.

"The Hydra?" The general commander stunned the subconsciously, his blood slammed a bit, and the black lines under the skin flashed past.

"This is... World of Warcraft." Wu Tie was also shocked.

This is not a Hydra, but an ancient troll, or an ancient demon can also be... the most fierce thing.

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