Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 163: Godsend

Suddenly, it became quiet and peaceful, and the six-dominant palace owner, who had the kindness of the elders, took the six-way palace of his eight palaces to the throne.

The master of the Shibuya contemporary mother, together with the twenty-four elders of the Yi nationality, greeted the ceremonial ceremonies.

In countless people in Shibuya, especially in the young children of the major forces stationed in Shibuya, and the deacons, elders, spies, eyes and ears of the people around them, he talked with the six main palaces. Huan.

The two sides stunned for a full quarter of an hour, fully reviewed the profound historical friendship between Shibuya and Liudaogong, and looked forward to the future friendship between Shibuya and Liudaogong, and exchanged views on the situation around the major areas around Shibuya. In the same time, Zum arranged the Liudaogong in a stone building near the palace.

Because of the personal visit of the Lord of the Sixth Palace, Shibuya became a bit undercurrent.

A lot of eyes and ears are inquiring about the news, and some powerful forces are rushing around, and many people are speculating that the Sixth Palace Lord is coming to Shibuya.

"I heard that since the Sixth Palace retreats to the Sixth Palace to the high secrets 100 years ago, he has never stepped out of the six cities."

In the deep underground rampage of the palace, the younger brother gave the road to the witch, while he kept talking.

"In the major areas around Shibuya, the Sixth Palace is also the top of the strong sect, especially in their compliance with the rules and regulations. Within the territory of the Sixth Palace, each household does not have a dispute, and it is quite peaceful, so the six palaces are famous. not bad."

"I really don't know what they are doing in Shibuya."

"After all, a hundred years ago, the six main palace masters were the top versatile masters, and the great men of the Megatron, even if they were the lords of the longevity teachings, they were beaten by his three punches."

"After a hundred years of retreat, I don't know how much he has become so powerful... How can such a big man suddenly come to the door?"

Yan Qinger still doesn't know what happened before. I don't know that the Liudaogong personally shot and suppressed Gongsun and others, and I don't know that the Sixth Palace owner swallowed a few unlucky young men and women with the secret method of being evil.

Not to mention that the Sixth Palace Lord wants to take away Wu Tie and Xiao Xiao.

These things, and the owner of the Sixth Palace, who is obsessed with the rules and regulations and obeying the rules, is completely out of place.

Wu Tie shook his head gently. When he saw the dark six-door palace owner, he felt that his condition was very wrong.

The black-painted six-way palace gives the feeling of witch iron, such as a ghost.

The white-colored Liu Daozhu gave the feeling of Wu Tie, such as Xian Rusheng.

A person, but there are two different temperament, this is very weird.

However, regardless of the mystery of the six main palaces, the elders of Shibuya naturally cope. The main name of the Sixth Palace is re-emerging. Was it not suppressed by the ancestors of the Yi people together with many elders?

Witch iron is curious, it is the Gongdao and the monks who were handed over to the Yi people.

They and Poxi are clearly the same way.

The mysterious ice armor on their bodies, the squadrons in the hands of cold and cold air, and even the way they get these armor and weapons, are exactly the same as those of Boxi.

Wu Tie subconsciously touched the spider-shaped pendant on the chest, the crystal brain of the old iron, in this pendant.

The underground of the palace has a complicated system of ramps. It is just as complicated as a spider web. It took a half-quarter of a minute for Wu Qing to walk in the ramp, and this came to a small cave.

The square grotto is surrounded by acre, the walls, the floor and the dome, all of which are covered with thick metal plates, and a layer of runes is also engraved on them. From time to time, there is a glimmer of light across the runes. A small snake.

The Gongsun, who was smashed and cleaned, was clasped by two chains, and was hanging there against the portal.

Before his knee was pierced by a small turtle with a crystal of the six main palaces, at the moment two metal piles with thick wrists penetrated his knees and fixed his lower body to the wall.

On his neck, shoulders, elbows, and lumbar vertebrae, there were thin black hair pins.

There is a faint irritating smell in the air. Wu Tie subconsciously smokes his nose, and Qing Qinger whispers: "These needles have the secret medicine of the Yi people, and they can be plunged into the body. The magnification of the body is suffering from pain."

As if to prove the words of Qing Qinger, Gongsun, who was placed in this way, suddenly opened his mouth and screamed with screams.

On the wall of the cave, the thin runes illuminate the forest, and the roar of Gongsun’s screams seems to have been swallowed up. Although the gates of the grotto are open, the snoring has never been able to pass the grotto.

There were several middle-aged women in black dresses standing in the grotto, and they saw the screams of the faces of Gongsun’s faces, and they laughed at the same time.

A woman with a delicate face and a slightly blackened lips smiled and glanced at a six-way palace king who stood by her side: "I heard that the practice of the Sixth Palace is a great achievement for the refining body, so it is very deep to the human body..."

"The legend, the master of the Sixth Palace, is best at letting the enemy enjoy the most intense pain, but it will not cause too much damage to the body." The woman said indifferently: "So, very good, with my sister's secret medicine, look at this Little guy, how long can you stick to it?"

In the grottoes, there are a total of six Liudaogong's town palace kings, and the Yi people, in addition to these women, there are more than a dozen healthy girls.

After listening to the woman, everyone laughed in a low voice.

A big man smiled and nodded. He strode to the front of Gongsun. He reached out and provoked the chin of Gongsun, and said: "The palace owner has orders, everything you know, you have to say it... no It is concealed."

"The mother of the Yi people, also said, no matter who you are behind, dare to come to the territory of the Yi people to provoke a sin... oh..." Dahan Shen said: "Boy, give you a chance, say it yourself, always finish After suffering, I was forced to spit out."

Dahan’s tone is very serious: “To be honest, my Sixth Palace’s understanding of the human body is quite profound. We are proficient in all the painful means. But the tradition of the Sixth Palace, the rules of the Sixth Palace, we prefer to kill the enemy, and It’s not to afflict the enemy. You open your own mouth, I don’t really want to slap your hand.”

Dahan said very sincerely.

After Gong Sun’s screaming, he squinted his head and stared at the big man for a while, opened his mouth, and spit on the face of Dahan.

Dahan did not dodge, and he let his grandson vomited and spit on his face.

He turned his head and smiled at the other five men behind him: "Several brothers, this is no stranger to me."

Wu Tie and Yan Qinger stood by the door and watched the big man reach out. It seemed to be an understatement and pinched two times on the sacral joints of Gongsun’s scorpion and poked two times.

Then Gongsun’s body was weirdly distorted.

A strip of blood vessels and blue veins continually swelled from under his skin, and his joints gave a harsh rubbing sound, and some joints were completely distorted by common sense.

His ribs are like living things, and a root is beating, sliding, pulling his muscles and fascia.

Gongsun’s abdominal muscles suddenly pulled open, and the outline of the internal organs was highlighted under the muscles. His internal organs were also creeping and weird, twitching, and he could see the intestines he had plated together and heard his gastrointestinal motility. The sound of 'whistling' sounded.

I can't imagine how painful Gongsun is now.

The means of the Sixth Palace is terrible.

Even worse, Gongsun is now being secreted by the women of the Yi people.

The means of torture in the Sixth Palace, in conjunction with the secret medicine of the Shang people, Wu Tie also could not imagine how terrible the suffering of Gongsun is now.

After three breaths, Dahan reached out and wiped a hand on Gongsun.

It is amazing that the place where his palms pass, the body of Gongsun’s wriggling is instantly calm.

The witch eye looked at the sweat of a soy bean from the pores of Gongsun's cockroaches. The body of Gongsun's body was almost covered with water, and the sweat dripped down his toes like a stream.

Just a time of breathing, Gongsun’s whole person shrank a circle.

Like a million-year-old zombie who suddenly returned to the soul in the coffin, Gongsun slammed a deep breath and his chest suddenly swelled up. He seemed to breathe the air in the grotto in one breath, and continued to breathe in one breath. The time five people breathe.

The slogan of ‘houting’ was long, and Gongsun’s screams were unspeakable.

His bright eyeballs have become obsolete and look just like dead fish eyes.

He opened his mouth in a difficult way and laughed dryly: "You... I said..."

Dahan nodded and stepped back two steps. He smiled at several middle-aged women of the Yi nationality: "We are not good at torturers and labor."

Wu Tie, Yan Qinger, and the Yi people in the grotto also looked at the big heads of these six palaces.

Is this called not to torture people?

The Yi woman who had just opened her mouth smiled and walked slowly to the front of Gongsun, and began to ask him various questions.

"your name."

"Gongsun Sun."

"Your origin."

"White River, the son of Gongsun."

“Why come to Shibuya?”

"Let me to contact us in secret language, come to Shibuya, kill Wu Tie, give birth to a small donkey, and sacrifice the donkey to the gods in exchange for the gift of the gods."

Gongsun’s face was bleak, as rigid and rigid as the dead, and he would talk to them about their plans.

"Oh, I’ve confuse a group of ghosts, all of whom are the children of the big family who are stationed in Shibuya. Let them first go to Wutie."

"Whether they succeed or not, they are dead."

"They succeeded in taking a nap, we will kill them all, and then take away the little cockroaches... the black pot, naturally they are coming; and the ultimate culprit can also push them to win a lot of On the head of the 娲姆, this is Sam’s self-confidence.”

"They failed, Wu Tie fled with a small scorpion, and we can kill Wu Tie, and take a nap..."

"There are so many people's bodies to testify, how to investigate, and we can't find us on our heads..."

"More importantly, because of Sam’s mischief, it caused so many incidents that her son was killed and her daughter was taken away... Xiao Xiao is the best genius of the Yi people in these years, and is deeply influenced by the Yi people. The elders value..."

"If they have something to do, he will be deeply attacked. Even if she is the mother of the Dai, her prestige will be weakened and she will never be as strong as it is now."

"She has to bear the martyrdom of the family forces of the dead ghosts. After repeated attacks, her power in the Yi people will be weakened."

Wu Tie stood by and listened quietly.

Is this all awkward calculations? Really calculated is very good, very good.

Wu Tie suddenly became a big head. He did not distinguish the identity of the attackers. He was beaten up by a mess. He was a feeding torpedo that collapsed a large section of stone. The attackers were completely annihilated.

They are all children from all major families, this is really a big trouble.

However, if you hand over the sins and your mother and daughter, what should you solve?

Witch iron frowned, gloomy face looked at Gongsun.

"You, what is going on? The secret technique you use is not like the inheritance of the Gongsun family." After the woman asked about the calculations behind the attack on Wu Tie and others, her face was extremely bad and asked Gongsun.

"We are the people of the day." The same man, Gongsun, had a bit more vitality on his face, and raised the disfigured face of the gold bullets of the Sixth Palace. The grandson and grandson showed an extremely ugly smile.

"It's not the same as the ants that are struggling in the muddy mud... We are the people of the day, we have the opportunity to escape this dark world. This hopeless, no light, can not see the era of destruction, darkness Generations... Hey, we are the people of the day."

"We are the real talented people, our blood is noble, our talent is excellent, we are born above the ants."

"So, we heard the voice of the gods, we felt the call of the gods, we got the gods given by the gods."

Gongsun’s heart, a blue and beautiful shape, is a perfect hexagonal ice crystal pattern. A dark blue secluded light illuminates the caves with a radius of about 100 meters.

"This is the emblem of the gods given by the gods... Through it, we can communicate directly with the gods."

"We can borrow the power of artifacts and greatly enhance our strength... Because our contribution to the gods is high and the strength we gain is not the same."

"The armor on our body, the weapons in our hands, are the projections of the gods."

Gongsun’s enthusiasm is full of enthusiasm: “That is the power of the supreme god... We are the chosen people of the gods, we are born nobler than your despicable creatures, and we have the potential to be God.”

"As long as we complete God's mission, we will continue to sacrifice to the gods... or sell some people or goods to God's messengers..." Gongsun took a trace of greed and whispered to himself: "Just like Like me, I am two years younger than Gong Sunyuan, but I really got the power of the Kowloon Nine Elephants in the blood of the Gongsun family!"

"Do you know how I got this power?"

Gongsun’s quirky smile: “I gave my younger brother, Gong Sunlin, who was just born nine months ago.” Tianshen directly filled me for the sky, let me break through the 18th heaven, let I got the power of the Kowloon Nine Elephants directly!"

The Yi women who asked Gongsun’s exclamation exclaimed: “Is it the case that the Gongsunlin’s disappearance of the **** battle between Gongsun’s family and Luo’s family was caused?”

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