Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 164: Escape face to face

He was not sentenced.

After all, it is a prostitute of the Yi nationality. This is a decent, this preferential treatment is still necessary.

He couldn’t stand the Gongsun’s inability to live. He said all the secrets of the so-called heavenly people, all of them.

In the main hall of the palace, the high-ranking people of the Yi and Liudao Palaces gathered, and dozens of elders of the Yi nationality were gloomy as the clouds before the thunderstorm, staring coldly at the embarrassment in the hall.

The Lord of the Sixth Palace sits on a large chair at the starting point of Sam's hand. His white face is with a gentle smile, but his head is bare on the scalp, and a little black is constantly shrinking.

This black hour is not the size of the soy bean. When it is big, it covers almost the entire head of the six main palace.

Whenever the blackness expands, the smile of the Lord's mercy in the Sixth Palace will unwittingly bring a touch of evil and coldness. That feeling, as if there is a demon hidden in his body, he may break his body and jump out to eat.

Wu Tie stood by the big chair of Zum, squinting at the expressionless squatting on the ground.

The male and female grandsons who were bruised and bruised were kneeling beside them, like a dead dog, but he could reveal a strange smile, a kind of uncomfortable smile that made Wu Wu instinctive.

The middle-aged woman with a slightly black lips and a handsome face... From the point of view of the seniors, the squatting mother of the 娲m嫡 is standing in the hall, and the message that has just been tortured is carefully said.

The so-called heavenly person, such as Gongsun, is at the age of nine or ten years old. During the cultivation, he suddenly heard a seduce of ecstasy.

Switching to a strong-minded adult monk, such as the power of the Sixth Palace Lord, a great probability that he will use this inexplicable voice as the sound of the demon, will be suppressed by various means.

At the age of Gongsun, he was there. After listening to the voice, he subconsciously followed the method of the voice, igniting his own blood, and inscribed the so-called emblem of the heavenly election.

This emblem is truly magical. Once the emblem is successfully branded in the body, the speed of cultivation is a thousand miles, and once you encounter any bottleneck in cultivation, you will get guidance and guidance. You can use the fastest speed, the most efficient method, and the most perfect. The model breaks through the bottleneck.

Not to mention, this emblem can even sense a genius treasure that grows within a certain range, guiding the people of the day to search for picking, and these genius treasures can either be quickly grown or improved, or they can greatly improve their physical fitness, or Able to grow wisdom, a powerful soul...

In this way, it takes less than a few years of hard work, and the cultivation of these chosen people is naturally leaps and bounds, much stronger than their peers.

After taste the benefits, these natural selections will naturally follow the instructions in the emblem.

For example, don't expose your true strength in front of outsiders. This is the most basic requirement of people in the election. The existence of the emblem of the heavenly election can also help them to cultivate a great introversion, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to perceive their true cultivation.

For example, in accordance with the requirements of Huiyin, destroy some ancient relics that have been identified as sources of Taikoo pollution, and eliminate some monks that have been identified as contaminated.

Once these tasks are completed, the people who choose the day will receive a certain contribution points, and gradually upgrade the grades of their own logos, so that the repairs are faster and they can get more benefits.

After the selection of the emblems on the day has been upgraded to a certain order, they can directly pray for the projection of the gods and artifacts, just like Gongsun.

The gods of the gods are absolutely capable, and they claim to be omnipotent.

The armor is sturdy and abnormal, and the weapon is extremely sharp. It can directly improve the strength of the people who choose the day. For example, Gongsun, directly from the high-level cultivation of the heavy building, has been upgraded to the strength of the comparable life.

If it wasn't for the Sixth Palace, it would be a big bully, and it would use a similar sneak attack. A gold marble hit the Gongsun circle. Wu Tie must not be the opponent of the Gongsun in the state of artifact projection.

With the qualification to pray for the projection of the gods, the strength of the chosen person is improved, and the task of higher difficulty can be performed.

For example, certain geniuses with extraordinary qualifications can be sacrifices or items for sale.

No matter which way you choose, they can get great benefits.

If they are offering sacrifices, they can get the strength of God's feedback according to the quality of the sacrifices they sacrifice, and directly enhance their strength.

If it is a transaction...only the most precious and most valuable genius, they are eligible to become a transaction. Once the chosen people capture the most extraordinary geniuses, they will carry these ‘goods’ to the mobile exchanges established by the gods and the gods, in exchange for a large number of rare items.

To say a disrespectful word, and to trade with those who are self-proclaimed gods, the general benefit is more than double the direct gift of the gods.

If the ‘goods’ qualification of the transaction is really good, then the benefits will be more.

According to Gong Sunxi's confession, after he sacrificed his brother-in-law, he received the reward of the gods to make his cultivation a crazy breakthrough, so that he directly owned the Jiujiu Jiuli Power of the Gongsun family.

Mainly because Gongsun was not strong at that time. He did not have the confidence to find the exchange established by the **** god messenger with his own brother. He was forced to choose a direct sacrifice.

Just because he chose direct sacrifice, his brother disappeared directly, which caused the anger and suspicion of the Gongsun family. After some crazy investigations, he just placed several high-ranking Luojia in the Gongsun family. It became the goal of the public grandson to vent their anger.

Two top-ranking big families have had **** battles, three years of battles, and more than 100,000 elite warriors with double-reverse losses. The ordinary cannon fodders have killed and injured millions of people, which is called a huge number of dozens of large domains around the world. war.

He said that the things that Gongsun had told him, and the faces of the Lord and the Sixth Palace had become very weird.

There was no snoring in the house, and the Lord of the Sixth Palace sighed with a heavy sigh: "So, my little disciple is also hurt by you... He is missing very fast, and the six palaces have blocked several neighbors. The Great Fields did not find any traces left by him."

"Sacrifice? Direct sacrifice? Direct human evaporation? Good means, good means..." The Lord of the Sixth Palace snorted, and he pointed to the grandson and shouted: "Don't talk about my little disciple...that, After all, it’s your flesh-and-blood brother, how can you get this hand?”

Gongsun Yan looked up and stared at the six main palace owners: "I am a mean creature, know what?"

He proudly said: "I will wait for the people of the day, who are born nobler than you, and are more noble than you. They are one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times higher than you. We are the seeds of the detachment of the day... You, huh, huh. ...even if it’s a fellow countryman, how about?”

Gongsun’s eyes were full of blood. He looked at the Yi and Liudaogongs who were present one by one. He proudly said: “Being able to become a source of strength for me to be detached, can be our stepping into the sky, and so on... should be honored!”

'咔咔' grotesquely laughed a few times, Gongsun sighed coldly: "Wrong, you have no qualifications for honour... There are very few people who can motivate the gods, not everyone, are qualified to be sacrifices..., huh, huh, you are not qualified to be our step!"

Tom snorted and his right index finger swayed gently.

Two strong girls out of the crowd, throwing a whip to the Gongsun is a violent pumping.

Unlike the thin whip that the Yi people hold in their hands on weekdays, the whip in the hands of these two girls is a special product for feeding. The whip has a small child's wrist and a barb made of poisonous tail hooks. , 歹 狠戾 狠戾 。.

A whip is a **** mark, and a whip is a flesh and blood.

The fine needles on Gongsun’s body have not been pulled out yet, and the secret medicine of the Yi people is still working. The pain of Gongsun’s cockroaches has been magnified many times. After a few lashes, he has already licked and squirted, sweat squirted, and soon A pool was built on the ground.

After a few lashes, Gongsun was so painful that he could not speak.

The 娲m fingers licked, and the two girls took the whip and slowly returned to the crowd.

Zum looked at him with a cold eyes, Shen Sheng said: "So, you are also the so-called heavenly person?"

Although she was forced to kneel on the ground, she still proudly provoked her chin and looked at her with a provocative look: "Yes, I am the chosen you know why I always like to bully Sisters in the family?"

He smiled awkwardly and said: "Because they are not as good as me."

Zum did not take care of the provocation, she said faintly: "You, want to give the little sister..."

Rubbing her eyes, she '嗤嗤' smiled and said: "Small 兮... She was not in the ancestral ceremonies of the previous days, did she get the ancestral empowerment? I got the will of the gods, her qualifications, qualified to become Sacrifice."

Sighing, I shook my head helplessly: "But I really don't want to sacrifice her like this...not for the greater benefit, I just think... just sacrifice her, no one knows the back. What will happen..."

"Have she died so much? Or... How is it? No one knows..." Squinting, very vicious smile: "Maybe, she is so a hundred, so... dead? Isn't it cheaper?"

The finger that 娲m gently moved suddenly became stiff, and her face became extremely ugly.

"So, I think, it is better to sell her to the angels of the gods." The smile is very bright: "The messengers of the gods are self-proclaimed angels of the gods, but think carefully, they and the gods should actually Not all the way people? Even if they are in the guise of the gods, but what they do, they are robbing the goods with the gods."

Squatting and staring at him: "Of course, they are likely to have a close relationship with the gods, but they are just messengers... I sell them to them, I am looking forward to what I will encounter. ?"

She licked her lips and she smiled very brightly: "I can imagine that it is a bad thing... They bought the little cockroaches back, and certainly will not give her as an ancestor?"

"Three aunts, don't you always say that I am a kinky-chaotic monk?" He smiled and looked at him: "So, think about it, I sold her to the **** messenger, what will she become?" Looks like, oh, no, she will become even worse than me."

Sighing, I shook my head helplessly: "I didn't expect that I recruited Gongsun to marry them, and even used the contribution points I have accumulated over the years, praying for a piece of stone cage to give the stone to the gods." Sealed up... the result, the result..."

Squinting and glanced at the six main palace owners: "Old things, if you are not, you have been taken away by oysters... You wait, we will not let go of the Sixth Palace."

The Lord of the Sixth Palace smiled. He smiled very gently. "My six palaces claim to suppress six roads, and the devils and ghosts in the area are naturally confident to backlash."

He sighed: "It’s a girl, you are at this moment, you dare to open up such a provocation, why? Who, give you the courage?"

The Lord of the Sixth Palace turned to look at the 娲m: "The mother, it is difficult to become a member of the Yi people, and the people who have done this kind of betrayal can save her life, and let her go to life?" ”

Yanm smiled and shook his head: "Where is it? She, her mother, jealous of outsiders, misconduct against the Yi people, and even conspiring to kill so many family children who have made good friends with me, they are It must be dead."

Zum whispered: "I have already informed the family members who have died, and when they arrive, I will kill their mother and daughter in public..."

He and Gongsun suddenly laughed at the same time, and they laughed in unison.

Wu Tie was a spirit, and he rushed forward to the front of the ancestors and Gongsun, and reached out to grab their necks.

The Sixth Palace Lord and Yum also shot at the same time.

The six main palaces turned their hands together, and there was a tremor in the void. Six white light doors flew out of his palm and slammed down to the side of the monk and the grandson.

Zum is the right hand, and a golden light falls on the roof of the main hall, turning into a golden light to cover the two.

But the body of Gong and Gongsun’s body turned into a blue glow at the same time.

A large piece of ice crystals spurted out of the blue light with a terrible chill. An inexplicable force descended from the sky, and the roof of the hall was blasted with a huge hole.

A blue light shrouded the blue light of the 娲窈 and Gongsun, and the six light gates released by the six main palaces had not yet landed. The golden light from the 娲m was not buckled on them, and the fingers of Wu Tie were still from their bodies. A few feet away, the two groups of blue light skyrocketed along the blue light column, disappearing instantly without a trace.

"Oh, I will not let you go!" The sharp voice echoed throughout the valley.

"Oh, Liudaogong, Yi wait." Gongsun’s painful laughter came faintly.

The six main palaces, the 娲m, and the high-ranking faces of the Yi and Liudaogongs on the scene have become extremely ugly. In the face of so many masters, the two heavily imprisoned prisoners fled in such a way that everyone was thrown away. Face.

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