Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 823: Reborn

"Wu Wang Wutie, but this is the case." The curfew smashed Wu Tie, could not help but smile.

"However, if I want to fight the world, I can't do everything. You, and the witches behind you, this palace gives you a chance. As long as you are a vassal of our children, there will be a glory in the future." Rich."

"As for the offense that you used to be against me..." He nodded slightly. "For the emperor, when there is atmosphere, it will be."

He chuckled, and the five fingers flicked, and the black ruler on his hand turned a few dexterously.

Ever since, a wave of time in the void has spread, and with the Jiangshan Array, the time flow rate in the territory of the original Jinjin Kingdom has been steadily slowing down.

Double, double, triple...

Under the cover of the Jiangshan dynasty, everywhere in the state, everywhere in the county, everywhere in the city, there are more or less the dynasty banned soldiers, white lotus palace disciples with the brigade of the underground indigenous tribe warriors, driving a variety of battleships quickly rushed back .

The hustle and bustle of the mountains and rivers made all the people of the original Jinjin Kingdom into a coma. Their fine spirits and spirits were all integrated into the big squad, and they were turned into a part of a huge force.

But these banned troops from the Sui Dynasty, the disciples from the White Lotus Palace, and the soldiers of the lower-lying people, they lived in the territory of the original Dajin Kingdom for a relatively short period of time, and they were less involved with this side of the water and soil.

Therefore, the trillions of people are fainting, but they are still able to move freely.

The earth is tearing, the sky is like a skyrocket, there are countless natural disasters in all directions, the generals of the Sui Dynasty, and many high-level officials of the White Lotus Palace, all of a time know that something went wrong.

They returned with their tribal warriors who were leaning against them, in full swing in the direction of the raging wind.

If the wind is dead here, the accompanying banned soldiers will all be the end of the sin of the house. The disciples of the White Lotus Palace will not be able to get there. Everyone will have a big trouble waiting for them.

So, return at full speed.

It’s just that the sky is hurricane, the wind and rain are falling, and the various natural disasters have stirred up the chaos in the sky. Even in the large array of rivers and mountains, even those large warships with hundreds of feet are flying like a tortoise.

Occasionally, a hurricane rolled up the battleship and let three or five warships collide.

The dull explosions are endless. The performance of the three-class warships is far less powerful than those of the small warships of a hundred feet long. A warship was destroyed in a natural disaster, and countless soldiers screamed to fall from the sky.

Fortunately, these fighters have the ability to fly and fly. Although they fell awkward when they fell, there were few who were actually killed.

Controlling the hustle and bustle of Jiangshan, he quickly discovered these large and small warships that were constantly gathering.

The natural disasters became more and more raging, and the hurricane lightning blew in all directions. The large and small warships were hit by the Thunder, blown by the hurricane, solidified by the frost, burned by the flames, the battleships continued to collapse, and countless soldiers flew out of the battleship.

The warriors from all the underground tribes only had a slight shock on their heads, and they were fainted by the huge people's minds, and then fell to the ground.

These tribal warriors from the underground, who are obedient to them, are of great use. He is reluctant to kill.

But the banned troops from the Sui Dynasty, as well as the disciples of the White Lotus Palace, the entire Jiangshan squad gathered together in the heavens and the earth, all of them rushed toward them.

The black ruler is rotating, and the time flow rate within the range of the rivers and mountains is constantly slowing down.

The Sui Dynasty banned the army, the white lotus palace disciples are also good, their movements are getting slower and slower, the reaction is getting slower and slower, they watched a thunder squatting toward themselves, wanting to dodge but not to dodge.

They clearly felt that the speed of these thunders was not fast, and they could easily evade the past with their cultivation.

But the Thunder are sturdy on their heads, letting them do their best to avoid, thunder, or other kinds of natural disasters, it is so easy to hit their key.

In the territory of the original Dajin Shenguo, an elite squadron of the squadron was turned into a fly ash, and one of the white lotus palace disciples roared with the gods.

A beam of light rises from the sky, and a huge black vortex emerges out of thin air, swallowing these beams of light.

The smell of cockroaches became stronger and stronger, and gradually, even Wu Tie felt a bit of a sigh.

"By borrowing the power of the heavens and the earth, the belief of the people, recasting me." Was ironed by thousands of times and tens of thousands of times by the time seal, suddenly heard the screaming and screaming.

The ancient and mysterious spells came from the mouth, and the spells were voiced into the golden runes visible to the naked eye, as if they were raining out of their mouths. These runes leaped, moved, and pieced together in the void, and eventually became a huge golden light array that would be firmly wrapped.

All the slain soldiers who were killed by the dynasty, all the white-bellied disciples who were killed, their blood, the soul, their cultivation, mana, and all their things were moved by the Jiangshan big array.

In the hands of the cockroach, a piece of egg-sized colorful light flies out, it is a crystal clear multicolored **** stone!

The 娲庐 '部落’ tribe, which has its origin, has a colorful stone, which is a reward from the island, and it is the supreme artifact of the ‘娲庐’ tribe’s inheritance and treasure.

However, this colorful stone appeared in the hands of the scorpion, and at this critical moment, she was thrown at the embarrassment.

The colorful **** petrochemical is a god, flying to the top of the skull, suspended above his head.

The hundreds of thousands of banned soldiers and white lotus disciples who were killed were turned into a group of colorful flaming gods, infused with a golden light array of cursing words.

He screamed a low cry, then snarled wildly.

"The heavens and the earth are furnaces, and all living beings are charcoal!"

The screaming and screaming, his skin and flesh and blood were turned into a smoky smoke by a little bit of the colorful inflammation.

He also raised his hands high, and he screamed hysterically: "The heavens and the earth are made, the ancestors are blessed!"

Wu Tie was trapped in an extremely fascinating time enchantment. At the beginning of the whirlwind, the enthusiasm of the 结 娲曌 娲曌 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结 结The power of the spirit of iron can sense what is going on in the big battle.

"This mother and son are two, what are you doing? What to do?" Wu Tie whispered: "With hundreds of thousands of weakest are the bad gods of the Sui Dynasty's sacrifices? Stealing the power of the Yi people's ancestral space... In the legends of the ancient mythology, the Pangu saints opened up the earth, and all things breed, but the human race is made by the Emperor of the Emperor..."

"Myths, there are always illusions that cannot be studied, but myths are sometimes true."

"The power of the creation of the Emperor Huang, and the Terran must have a great relationship ... they mother and son, what do you want to do?"

A low roar came, and the colorful stone slowly fell to the top of the skull.

娲曌 is also cursing, countless spells into a stream of light, constantly injecting the body of the scorpion: "Colorful **** stone, can fill the gap, can fill the blood of the day after tomorrow ... return to the ancestors, trace the source ... Fuxi sage Blood...return to the world!"

Wu Tie was sweating and sweating.

Hey, hey, this mother and son, they dare to do it!

Legend has it that the sages Fuxi and Yuhuang are generally in the form of human snakes... Even Wu Tie has seen the true image of Fuxi in his own blood memory in his many times of enlightenment.

But now the royal family of the Fuxi Kingdom, they seem to have lost, turned into the ability of Fuxi's original form.

Hey, 羲武乐, 羲不白等, they don’t seem to have this ability.

Their blood seems to be a lot thinner...but it is the Yi people. They have a unique power of creation. Even the weakest babies in the past can rely on a magical power to have the form of the Emperor.

If you, with the help of such a sacrifice, you will use your own sacrifices to purify your own blood, powerful, and even powerful to the extent of being inconsistent with Fuxi's... Will it be another Fuxi?

Well, it’s impossible to be strong to the sage level, but it will become more powerful than ever, and even master some of the powerful talents that Fuxi’s talents... that’s a matter of course!

A good pair of mother and child, nodule calculations, step by step, I really did not expect that their true purpose is actually like this.

Hey burning, crazy burning.

Wu Tie can feel that he will gather all the strengths of the Jiangshan squad, the spirits of the banned soldiers, the spirits of the white lotus palace disciples, and even the ordinary, the people of the original Jinjin Kingdom. The fineness and spirit of the people are used as fuel to calcine themselves.

Below, the wind screamed with anger, and the yellow pagoda rose.

The compass on the hand gently stroked down, and a black glimmer flashed through it. The void swayed and the yellow pagoda was moved away without a trace.

Wu Tie looked at the corner of his eyes.

How powerful is the strength of the wind, this yellow pagoda is an amazing treasure.

But 娲曌 borrow the power of the ancestral space of the Yi people... Oh, no, it is stealing the power of the space of the Yi people's ancestral spirits, and the wind is in front of her, there is no resistance!

The yellow pagoda was removed, revealing a deep pit below.

The wind and the scale of the scales are struggling to get up from the big pit. The ruler in the hand is gently swaying, the time is frozen, and the wind is frozen in the same place.

Wu Tie has a very early life, and his understanding and mastery of Time Avenue is far superior to ordinary people.

Therefore, Wu Tie is slowly breaking away from the freezing of the enchantment, and the wind is actually frozen in the long river of time.

In the Jiangshan big array, he raised his hands and looked up at the sky.

He sang an old and mysterious spell loudly. His body was burned by black flames. In his body, a strong blood spurt continually rolled out.

The energy of the giants gathered in the Jiangshan dynasty is constantly injected into the body.

The body of the cockroach is constantly reborn, burning constantly, skin, muscles, blood vessels, internal organs, bones, bone marrow, brain... constantly burning green smoke, constantly reborn. In this constant calcination, a little bit of the most essential blood energy is constantly accumulating.

The cockroach itself is the genius of the Yi people who were amazing before 6,000 years ago.

The Yi people of the whole Fuxi Kingdom, their ancestors' blood is quite weak, but in the body, his blood concentration is extremely amazing.

Using the mystery, stealing the heavens and the earth, and sacrificing hundreds of millions of souls to fulfill themselves, the scorpion itself is strong enough blood, is constantly purifying, powerful, counter-source, and chasing the ancestors.

The physical strength, potential, and potential of all aspects are rapidly improving.

Even his IQ is improving, and his emotional intelligence is constantly increasing because of the natural improvement of IQ and strength.

According to his original talent, he may be able to grow up in the Sui Dynasty as a 'king of the gods' that is slightly weaker than the wind.

But after a short quarter of an hour, the talent potential of 羲繇 is enough to make him a much stronger ‘wangshen’ than the wind entropy!

Awkward talent is still growing rapidly.

His blood is still rising rapidly.

Under the cover of the Jiangshan dynasty, the sorcerers of the Ming Dynasty who were killed, all their spirits, all of them were absorbed by the big array, and the naked body was injected into the body.

The whole body is black and tumbling, suffocating, and the eyes are full of blood.

However, as the blood of the Dai people in his body continued to be purified and constantly strong, his blood, suffocation and suffocation, and even the blood in his throat, were constantly inexplicably diminished and dissipated.

It seems that there is a strange power in the heavens and the earth.

Wu Tie subconsciously transported the 'Praying Heaven' of the Yi people.

"You are, you don't sue, you are stealing!"

Wu Tie saw what it was.

In the void, the inexplicable light of a vast expanse of merits and floats, the foundation of the merits of this group of unknowns is not in the mainland of the Three Kingdoms, but has an inexplicable connection with the whole world.

As the blood of the scorpion continues to grow, the glory of the golden light of this group of glory is constantly falling, constantly washing the body, constantly eliminating the negative energy accumulated in his body.

Wu Tie immediately understood the origin of the light of this group of merits.

This is the legacy of Fuxi's, and it is the legacy of all the descendants of the Yi people. The descendants of the Yi people, as long as they do not die, can enjoy the shelter of the light of this group and enjoy the infinite benefits he brings.

Not to say that the rich and the rich forever, the high is on, but at least the seedlings can not stop, the children stretch.

But hey, now is killing.

He killed hundreds of thousands of people to upgrade themselves, but he did not hesitate to sacrifice countless ordinary people to complete himself. These actions are no different evil spirits.

The infinite amount of negative energy converges on the cockroach. He does not know what means to attract the shackles of Fuxi's existence between the heavens and the earth, so as to shelter the mind and guard the body.

To complete him alone, even the entire Yi people!

Such a thief means...

The sturdy body gradually became transparent.

Gradually, a huge snake tail came out from his waist.

In the void, a line of visible roads, such as dragons, roared across the void for hundreds of millions of miles.

A stream of purple gas came from all directions and continued to gather on the body.

"I want to be holy... and so on, all are ants!"

Proudly looking down at the earth, he saw the witch iron trapped in the enchantment of time. He calmly slammed and slammed into the iron.

‘Banglong’ was a loud noise, a thick and thin, long-lasting purple thunder fire yin and yang, five-wheel rotation, and more with the power of the twenty-eighth star, affecting the power of the Quartet and the four spirits, and quickly lightning down to Wu Tie.

The Thunder, whose attributes are so complex, is perfectly integrated.

This is the highest and most impeccable high law that Wu Tie has seen in his life.

A thunder seems to contain a world.

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