Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 824: Mother to mother

Complex, yet so harmonious and perfect.

Like eight kinds of coarse grains, it was made into a pot of sweet and delicious Laba porridge.

This is the ultimate in ‘Art’ and it’s almost awkward!

It’s just that this 'dao' is for human life.

At this moment, he was in charge of the Jiangshan dynasty. His blood was rapidly improved. He himself could not figure out how much he had mastered. He did not kill the heart of Wu Tie, but he immediately slammed the thunder, and Wei could make Wu Tie feel frightened.

"Open!" Wu Tie snorted.

In the body, the mana was injected into the early days, and the people of the Hokkaido and the five-way Taoist who had been following Wu Ting’s body were simultaneously pressed on Wu Tie.

The mana of the three people's homologous whistling and injecting, so that the beginning of the eruption of the beginning of the dawn.

A circle of transparent waves that ordinary people can't perceive and can't touch spread out to the surrounding area. The time when the witch iron is trapped is violently swayed, and then numerous cracks are cracked.

The thunder of the thunder came very fast, and the Thunder had already reached the front, and Wu Tie had not had time to completely break the ban.

The Bohai Sea people screamed coldly, and one hundred and eight 沧海神珠 jumped and moved, like a hundred and eight smart fish, with a ripple of water and flashing in front of the witch iron.

The blue water of a layer of ripples swayed, and the powerful thunder of the dragonfly hit the water wave, and then disappeared without a trace.

Every Bohai Pearl is a magnificent ocean world.

The slap of Leifa’s strike is certainly fierce, but it is impossible to break a world. The Bohai Sea Pearl swallowed the Leifa, and the Bohai Sea people only shook their bodies slightly, and noticed that the Bohai Sea Pearl had a slight shock.

"Good baby... Angelica... No, Angelica..." There was a glimmer of light in the sly scorpion, and his negative emotions at the moment were greatly magnified. He finally spoke out the thoughts in the deepest part of his heart. .

"This treasure, Danggui 朕 all. In the future, the sacred temple of the country of Fuxi, there is a place for him." 羲繇 greedy looking at the sea of ​​the gods... now the Jiangshan dynasty envelopes everything, within the scope of the big array The perception of cockroaches has been magnified numerous times.

Even a glimpse of sand and dust in the depths of tens of thousands of feet in the ground is clearly perceived by the cockroaches.

Therefore, it is very easy to find out how great the origin of the Bohai Pearl is, and how powerful and powerful the power of the Bohai Pearl is.

Compared to the yellow pagoda that has just been driven by the wind, the quality and power of the Bohai Pearl is far superior.

"Hey baby! It's all awkward!" He pointed out the five-way man: "Your body, there is also the taste of the treasure... Take it out, take it out... Ah, I remember it, that nine days. Interesting, can you still be in your hands?"

Wu Tie looked cold and cold.

His body jerked, and he heard a loud noise coming from him. The time when he was trapped in his enchantment was smashed, and the long black snake tail screamed, and he couldn’t help himself backwards. in.

"You have other treasures on your body?" He looked curiously at Wu Tie: "Let's see... see insights?"

At this moment, the negative emotions of cockroaches are still accumulating and growing. Even if the infinite merits of Fuxi's legacy continue to wash his spirit and body, he is still inevitably affected by these negative energies.

At this moment, his greed-destination-being became blazing like fire. Every small hole in his body seemed to have a small hand stretched out, and he could not wait to grasp the witch iron in one hand and clean all the treasures on his body.

The cockroach was shaken back, and she quickly moved back with the snake tail.

Through the ancestral space of the Yi people, Wuyuan has continuously acquired a huge and divine power. Although Wu Tie forcibly broke her time enchantment, it has not been affected.

"Hey... give him a chance." 娲曌 ‘呵呵’ chuckle, she and her cockroaches are all black, and there is always blood in the scorpion.

"Give him a chance... This Wutie is also a talent. A child born outside the Wu ethnic group who is not very good, can actually lay such a large foundation in the ground world, immediately Fuxi Shenguo, no Several people are comparable to him."

娲曌 ‘嗤嗤’ smiled: “While compared with the son of the palace, you are still a lot worse than Wu’s son... but it’s also a talent.”

"As long as you sly all the treasures of your body, all dedicated to you... This palace protects you with a future, how?" The negative energy of the body is also constantly accumulating.

Or, in fact, in my heart, it is full of all kinds of bad negative thoughts.

At this moment, I have gained infinite power, and there are sequelae left by the illusory control before, and I have become mad, crazy, hysterical, and incomprehensible.

"For example, how is the future commander of the Fuxi Kingdom?" squinting, very charming smile: "Hey, you need a loyal and good lord to open up the territory for him."

Wu Tie ‘hehe’ smiled.

This pair of mother and child is also the best. Recalling what he did after he met him, what he said, what he said and did, and what the sorrow of the Fushun Kingdom of God is today, Wu Wu can only be amazed.

"The road is different, it is not a trick!" Wu Tie is not willing to continue to entangle with 羲繇 and 娲曌.

The strength of 羲繇 is still improving, and the blood is still strong.

The shackles have stolen the power of the ancestral space of the Yi people, and the strength at this moment has become a bit unpredictable.

Later, when he changed, Wu Tie only asked Qi Feng to return safely... As for the restoration of the Dajin Kingdom, the entanglement between them and the martial arts, he is actually unwilling to intervene. .

Dajin Shenguo restoration?

Then, go ahead and do it. Anyway, the original Dajin Kingdom, Wu Tie has been handed over to Wu Biao is not?

Wu Tie only seeks to save the phoenix, but he is not willing to get into trouble.

Refused to the ‘ 盛 邀请 邀请 ’ , 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 拒绝 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫

Bai Suxin has already fallen into the hands of Wu Tie. If he can still live and catch the wind... Anything is easy to talk about?

Listening to Bai Suxin said that Yan Feng was imprisoned in a place called Mozhuyu?

This ink bamboo raft is still a popular place!

Wu Tie rushed to the side of the wind, the Bohai Sea people reached out, the palm of the hand spurted the water, and grabbed the wind that was frozen by the time.

"Let's relax!" 娲曌 娲曌 : : : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ”

The compasses and rulers clenched in both hands swayed, and suddenly the void around Wu Tie and others suddenly collapsed, and time became extremely chaotic. The law of time and space was stirred up, and the laws of the roads were all chaotic.

The law of avenues impacted and annihilated each other, and the horrible destruction energy broke out directly around Wu Tie and others.

He stood in the picture of Jiangshan Society and laughed loudly.

Laughter is like thunder, and its people are like gods, standing tall in the clouds, overlooking the witch iron wrapped in chaos.

Originally, I also have this meaning. Wu Tie is still a good talent... No, it can be said that it is an outstanding talent. Talent, a emperor with a great ambition, must have a lot of talents.

Therefore, I hope to be able to conquer Wu Tie.

But since Wu Tie is not interested, angering his mother, then let annihilation kill him.

As the saying goes, talent is all.

As long as there is enough power to control enough sites and have enough people, will the talents come out like the mushrooms in the mountains after the rainy night?

If you don't say anything else, you can say that the loyal old dog, the first army around Sima Wushou... is also a very good talent.

Well, my thoughts drifted away in an instant.

For Bai Yu and Zhu Xi to recapture the land and people of the Dajin Kingdom, this is the obsession of the heart, he must do it.

But the Dajin Kingdom, the pattern is too small, I think that the Dajin Kingdom can become the vassal of the Fuxi Kingdom of God in the future. If you are guilty, you can protect your two nieces and naturally protect the country they own.

Then, the generals of the vassal state of the First Army can use it for themselves!

A loyal old dog is much better than Wu Tie, a guy who has had a back bone.

"Then, let's die!"

He also snorted and smiled.

Both the mother and the child are trapped by the sequelae left by the illusory, even if there is Fuxi's infinite merits, they are also doing the extremely evil magical means, and the incompetent merits can't completely recover them from the strong negative emotions.

At this moment, the scales of the cockroaches are dark, like a mad, poisonous snake that is squirting venom.

Chaos wraps around Wu Tie, Wu Tie but does not panic and reach out, let the chaos strangle his body. A chaotic chaos slammed the body of Wu Tie, and a thick gray mist of Wu Tie tumbling out. The chaotic airflow rushed into the gray mist, and immediately turned into a pure heaven and earth element that could be injected into the body of Wu Tie.

The skeleton of Wu Tie's body is madly cheering, madly devours the chaotic turbulence that has been painstakingly created.

The skeletal variation of Wu Tie is based on a small piece of chaotic bone.

This chaotic bone is the broken bone piece left by a stranger who accompanied the Pangu saint when the Pangu saints opened up the earth.

Although the beast is also known as 'chaos,' it is not the same as the ancestors of the ‘chaos’ family of the four fierce families.

The ‘chaos’ family of the four fierce families, their ancestors and the four murderers of sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows are the fierce creatures born after the opening of the earth. The piece of broken bones absorbed by Wu Tie is from the ‘chaos’ in front of the earth.

The ‘chaos’ family in the four murderous families, their ancestors, probably smeared a trace of the insignificant blood of the ‘chaos’ before the opening of the sky, nothing more.

Wu Tie, however, has mutated his whole body skeleton into the original chaotic nature.

Chaos turbulence, which is a deadly terrorist energy for others, is a great complement to the skeleton of Wu Tie. Even the ‘chaos’ beast that accompanied the Pangu saints in the sky, his food was chaotic.

Only chaotic energy can make the chaotic beast grow fast and smoothly.

Other worlds, talents and genius treasures, have always lacked such a taste.

Wu Tie can feel that the bones of his body are cheering, they are all shaking, and every bone is burning, releasing the heat of the behemoth to sweep the whole body.

Gradually, Wu Tie converges on his own magical powers, and the fog on his body disappears, letting the chaos and the horrible roar of his own body.

Wu Tie's skin cracked, flesh and blood cracked, and a drop of twitching blood attached to the wound, but he never refused to fly away from the wound.

Chaos rushed into Wu Tie's flesh and blood, slamming his burning dark bones.

Then these chaotic turbulences disappeared, and the skeleton of Wu Tie devours these chaotic turbulences. Gradually, Wu Tie has been engraved into the three thousand avenues of the gods, and the lines of the left and right of the 84,000 side doors begin to distort and change... gradually There is a hint of chaos, and the charm of Hongmeng gradually spreads among these lines.

The **** of Wu Tie began to evolve toward a higher level.

Wu Tie suddenly raised his head and screamed loudly at the screaming: "Hey, haven't you eaten? Just this strength, I want to deal with this king?"

The sly laughter came to an abrupt end.

His face suddenly changed.

"You want to die, this palace is full of you!" 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 的 的 的 的 的 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌 娲曌The chaos of the same dragon is fluidized into a huge tornado, straightforwardly rushing to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie took a deep breath and he displayed the Pan Gu Jing, which turned into Pan Guzhen, and his body suddenly expanded to 30,000 feet.

The huge body has soared the attack surface of chaotic turbulence by tens of thousands of times, and the attacking power of Wu Tie has also expanded tens of thousands of times. A chaotic torrent of water rushed through the body of Wu Tie, and the sorcerer's iron was like a black hole, all the chaotic turbulence was absorbed.

A little bit past, the wounds on Wu Tie gradually healed.

The magical power of the dragon can no longer effectively damage the body of the witch.

The sly laughter has long since stopped, and the sly face has become extremely stiff, with a hint of horror in the scorpion.

"Monsters, monsters... you, you, you are..." The proverb screamed: "Impossible, how can you... wrong, no one can fight the power of the ancestral spirits of the Yi people, this palace must It’s too soft and soft, so...”

The breath of the body suddenly expanded a hundred times, more than a hundred times stronger than before.

I don't know what secret technique she used, stealing part of the power of the Qiang ancestral space, so that she can secretly use part of the power of the Qiang ancestral space.

Seeing that I couldn't kill Wu Tie, I was so angry that I was able to steal a hundred times of power directly from the space of my ancestral spirit.

Well, this is no longer a steal.

This is the looting of the open fire!

The power of chaotic turbulence suddenly soared a hundred times, and Wu Wu, who was caught off guard, was beaten into blood, and pieces of flesh and blood continued to blow into blue smoke.

At this moment, a group of moist and colorful light suddenly appeared on the top of Wu Tie's head. The colorful gods shined in the ground, the chaos instantly dissipated, and the collapsed void quickly healed. In a moment, the world was clear, and then nothing happened. The horror of the landslide.

"Sister, my sister, my sister, how did you offend you, as for bullying a child with this method?"

"Oh, yes, please ask your sister, explain to the big mother and the elders, how you stole the power of the ancestral spirit."

"If my sister said it is unclear... then don't blame the sister for taking care of you, killing it, sending it to Yeouido, and punished it."

A thick, warm yellow light flew from behind the Wu Tie body. Huang Guangzhong, the height of a hundred feet, and the long tails of hundreds of feet of the same hands, also hold the ruler, the rules, seemingly slow, but the fastest to the extreme shaking With the snake tail, it was instantly around Wu Tie.

"Ahm?" Wu Tie squinted and stared at him.

"Wu Tie is not afraid, there is a mother to give you support ..." In the scorpion's scorpion, the colorful light is blurred, staring at you.

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