Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 894: Advent

The mountain of wisdom, a new set of robes, and the fog exited the closed hall.

He stepped on a teleportation array shining with colorful crystal light. After inputting a divine power, he quietly waited for about a quarter of an hour. The colorful crystal light on the transmission array flickered, and his body disappeared.

The next moment, he came to the celestial body of the Celestial Protoss.

Whether it is the God of Wisdom Mountain or the spar celestial body, they are rapidly moving in the airless sky, and the teleportation array of the Celestial Protoss also needs at least one quarter of an hour to lock the coordinates of the requester.

"The efficiency this time is good ... Last time, you guys made me wait for an hour and a half." The mist with a smile, nodded to the people of the Celestial Protoss standing on the spar astral teleportation square.

These gigantic statures are more than a hundred feet tall, and the petite ones have a dozen feet high. The Tianjing Protoss are shining with three colorful and colorful crystal lights, and each one emits a strong, powerful humming from the nostrils.

The silly big people of the wisdom protoss, the weak protoss, and the Tianjing protoss never take the fog seriously.

Not to mention, the observation outpost is now controlled by the five protoss. In the hearts of the trinity protoss, the weight of the mist is even lighter.

The mist shrugged its shoulders, and pulled out a bunch of geniuses and treasures sacrificed by all forces on the mainland of Mu, and placed them neatly on the ground.

"Troublesome people, I'm going to send a hundred distractions into the mainland ... should these expenses be enough?"

‘Hey’ The strange laugh came from a distance. A three-hundred-foot-tall tall man shone with colorful crystal light, and a faint ray of radiant celestial protoss came near the heart.

"His Highness of the Mist ... Have you divided a hundred deities into the Mu continent again? Aha, have your spirits been so powerful? In this way, you have recently ... have been very nourishing."

The bodies of the Tianjing Protoss are formed by the indestructible **** crystals, and their faces are extremely hard. This huge Tianjing Protoss is very stiff and difficult to pull out a smiley face, and then rubs his hands vigorously. A large swath of Mars was splashing.

"However, the price has risen recently." Tianjing Protoss grasped the genius and treasure that threw the mist in the palm of his hand, and stretched out five fingers toward the mist: "Five times ... the price has risen, Dear Highness, the misty . "

The mist turned green and his poisonous gas was almost unstoppable, and it almost broke out.

He glared at the Celestial Protoss, and said angrily, "Burned, the price has risen? What is the reason for this? Don't rely on ..."

Standing three hundred feet tall, Misuo didn't even shook his head with the fiery confusion of the tip of his little finger, and gently pressed his head against Misuo's head: "Inflation, Your Highness Misty ... Inflation ... His Highness is a huge harvest, so ... "

An ecstatic laughter said, "Our little people who work below ... Ah, of course, it has nothing to do with us ... Instead, we have accumulated too much wealth and the quantity of goods has remained the same. Then, inflation It is a matter of course. "

The fog rolled his eyes.


"Great harvest"?

This is all nonsense ... To put it bluntly, burning is to severely kill the mist, and nothing more.

However, if you want to come to the mainland, you can only do so. You can use other methods, which are not only time-consuming and laborious, but also very risky. It is likely that you have already been on the mainland before you reach it. Those ancient sins killed.

The fog took a deep breath, and he looked at the big face that was flashing with crystal light and said fiercely, "I, remember you."

Blazing carelessly spread his hands and accidentally knocked out several petite people near the teleportation team.

He laughed loudly: "It is my honor to be remembered by His Highness and Wisdom. But I am curious. What can you do if you remember me? Can you break through my body defense?"

The fog closed his mouth.

Wisdom Protoss is not good at fighting. The Supreme Artifacts of Wisdom Protoss are also lacking in combat. There are colorful divine lights on this guy's body, which proves that this guy has reached the extreme of the divine realm. As long as the group of divine lights near his heart lights up, he can smoothly and smoothly break through the ranks.

A respectable Celestial Protoss, the body is almost indestructible.

Even if the fog smashed into pieces, I was afraid that it would be impossible to get a small piece of broken chips from the blazing body.

"You all underestimate the power of wisdom!" The mist roared frantically in his heart, and then he showed a sneer of sneer, throwing dozens of crystals from his sleeve.

"I don't have any more on hand, only these souls are crystallized ... Do you want to ..."

Before the words of the mist were finished, the slamming body 'banged' collapsed to a height of three feet. He grabbed the crystals of the spirit drawn by the mist, and his tone suddenly became extremely warm and enthusiastic.

"A bunch of idiots, hurry up to the Honourable His Highness Misty to come to the Crystal Bridge ... Aha, Honorable Your Highness Misty, where are you going to come? Oh, oh, of course, this is confidential, I shouldn't inquire ... Enter the coordinates in the crystal bridge. "

The enthusiastic and enthusiastic guide the mist to a high platform in the middle of the teleport square, then turned around and let the mist operate on a delicate crystal platform.

"So, Your Highness Misty, I wish you success ... Aha, no matter what great plan you have, I wish you a lot."

"I admire your wisdom for a long time and believe that your wisdom, which is beyond anyone's reach, will definitely bring you huge benefits this time."

The fascinating and flattering flattering the fog.

The mist was scolding in his heart: "A stupid idiot, a level of flattering, is not as good as a **** in the imperial palace."

The entire teleportation square was lit with blurred crystal light. In the empty space, the huge spar star stopped suddenly. A very long, tens of thousands of spines slowly protruded out of the huge star, according to the coordinates entered by the mist. , Locked on a point on the continent.

On the high stage, there was a shining light.

Suffering suddenly coughed heavily: "Dear Highness Mist ... In order to ensure that your distraction can safely enter the mainland ... the human spirit surrounded by your distraction should be prepared by yourself."

The misty face suddenly froze ...

He looked dumbfounded: "I want to prepare myself to hide the spirit of the human race? This, this, this, this should be the standard equipment that comes to Jingqiao, it should be the standard materials that your Tianjing protoss are responsible for!"

Zhichao looked at the mist very seriously: "But, it's not ... inflation recently ... I'm going to hook up with the little girls in the clan, and they all want a crystal of spirits to let me sleep all night ... a crystal of spirits. ... It used to be a panacea. "

Miwu slaps his head, groaning in pain and annoyance.

Blaze continued to say very seriously: "A crystal of a spirit soul represents all the masters of a terrestrial godland ... and a master of the terrestrial godland, at least tens of thousands of elixir they have eaten during cultivation Hundreds ... When encountering some big family idiots, thousands of elixir are inevitable. "

"Now, those wicked little girls, they want me to crystallize one night ... Oh!" Sighed with confusion: "This price is skyrocketing, don't take extra money, you make us bitter How do you live? "

"Bitter ha ha ... ha, ha, ha!" The mist laughed angrily three times, and then obediently pulled out a few crystals of the soul, and threw them to the confusing force.

"Come on! Dear, noble, wise, intelligent, generous, generous ... Your Highness, the misty, ready, this will send your distraction to the mainland of Mum ... Hey, you are ready, all the way to peace." The confusing Ma Liu put away these crystals of spirits, and then shouted loudly.

"Close all other teleportation arrays and prepare to descend on the crystal bridge ... the main power system is ready to be recharged ... after the advent of teleportation is completed, immediately evacuate this void coordinate."

"Damn, it's faster. I don't want to be hacked again by those terrible, too old monsters on the mainland."

On the teleport square, tens of thousands of Celestial Protoss are busy, hundreds of large and small teleportation arrays are locked, the fierce divine light on the teleport square is shining, and an incredible amount of **** crystal energy is on the spar Stars linger inside.

Blazing began to count down.

"Ten" ... "Nine" ... "Eight" ...

The teleportation array on the high stage began to light up, and a group of people who looked exactly like him appeared around the misty side.

When the countdown was completed, the entire spar star vibrated violently, and a long colorful spine locked on the long crystal thorn locked on the mainland of mainland China spurted out into a long stream of light that pierced towards the mainland of Turkey.

The hundred figures around the mist disappeared.

The mist's breath became much weaker, and his face paled a lot. He staggered off the high platform and waved to Chizhuo: "Tell a few distinguished highness, I will not attend the regular meeting in the future."

"One hundred gods were separated at one time. My spirits were too worn out. I must, I must rest for a while."

Shrugging his shoulders, he smiled lightly and enthusiastically: "Have a good rest, Your Highness, the generous Fog ... Welcome to come again next time, um, next time, I'll give you a 10% discount ..."

The mist was so vomiting blood.

10% off?

You raise the price to five times the original price, and then give yourself a 10% discount ... This is not the case for black trade!

The mist walked into a teleportation array without a word, and a gleam of crystal light flickered. This time, after two full minutes, the teleportation array locked the coordinates of the Mountain of Wisdom and teleported the mist back.

Wu Wu's deep cry sounded on the teleportation square: "Is it the fog? Where did he teleport? Call up his coordinates and let me see."

Blazing went to the small crystal table, palms were stuck on the crystal table, a light curtain was lit, and the space coordinates on a continent were illuminated.

"Oh, oh, Chao Chao?" Wu Wu laughed. "I heard that he lost money in the Chao Dynasty. The Grand Prince of the Chao Dynasty he supported was killed ... He is proud, but weak and incompetent. You can only use a conspiracy to conceal the fog of the man ... Hehe, he is going to take revenge. "

"Very good, Chao Dynasty, Dizi B5 battlefield, this is a fat prey ... if he can succeed, then ... it is also a good thing."

He coughed heavily, and Wu Wu scolded: "Blazing, improper price increases, this is a disgrace to the glory of our Tianjing Gods ethnic group. You must pay 70% of those extra fees today ... otherwise, I will punish you with clan rules! "

The confusing body lit up, and a layer of viscous fire like a glaze melted on his body.

He gasped for a moment, then groaned helplessly: "His respect, Your Highness, as you wish ... but 70%, too much."

Not to mention bargaining and confusing bargaining, the misty deities mingled in the ninety-nine distractions, landed smoothly and smoothly on the mainland.

At the edge of the funeral army, a ray of divine light descended from the sky, the fog hit the ground again, and looked around, opened his mouth and sucked, ninety-nine distractions flew into his mouth, and he was reintegrated into the spirit.

The next moment, there was a wave in the void in front of the mist, and the witch iron immediately moved over.

The blond hair was gorgeous, and the beautiful and beautiful mist was gritting his teeth and staring at the witch iron: "Wu Wang, witch iron ... I never really thought that I would actually meet with a king of a human race in the mainland of Mum."

"Not with my avatar, but with my deity."

The mist said fiercely: "It's too dangerous, too dangerous ... if it weren't for your **** curse, I would never do such a dangerous thing."

The witch iron looked up and down the fog, and slowly nodded: "I didn't expect that one day, I would see a full-tailed, full-scale armor ... alive ... heavenly demon."

"God!" The mist roared loudly, and he yelled at the witch iron: "We are extremely honorable gods!"

The witch iron banged heavily on the stomach of the mist, and the mist slammed down his waist, holding his fist in his hands, widening his eyes, opening his mouth, and drooling in his mouth like a stream.

The witch iron's heavy fist resembled a red-hot iron stake, piercing its back from the misty front abdomen.

The fog was almost fainted by this punch. He held the fist of Wuxi Iron with both hands, and after a while, he shook his head hard and said gently, "No, no, no, we We are civilized ... we are Sven ... in the words of your ancestors, gentlemen are silent ... we, we, peace is precious! "

Wu Tie almost didn't laugh.

This fog is very interesting. How could he say such a thing? It can be seen that there is no knotty and no bottom line.

"I'm not a gentleman ... in the words of You Ruo and Aconite, and those of the alien demons I've dealt with ... Oh, barbaric!" Wu Tie finally laughed, he smiled heartily: " Barbaric, isn't it strange to do anything? For example ... "

The other hand of Wuxi Iron patted the misty cheek gently: "We have a special kind of food called ... hot pot."

"External demon, although some people look like you, but you are not humans. From bloodline to the structure of the viscera, you and my people are very different ... You know, we have a kind of punishment called Ling Chi execution."

"Look, Your Royal Highness looks like fine-skinned tender meat. The quality of the meat is excellent."

Wu Tie laughed extremely horribly, horribly evil.

Mi Mi looked up hard and looked at Wu Tie poorly: "I think I still have value, don't I? In fact, it is from my heart, I want to cooperate with you, want to help you , Kill those **** guys! "

Watching the fog blinking, Wu Tie smiled.

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