Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 895: Antecedent


In other words, the mists are self-proclaimed gods. In the mouths of the old masters and mother-in-laws of the old iron and the island, they are called the creatures of the outer demons. They come from a magical world.

Wuwu City, with simple and simple furnishings, is heavily guarded outside the hall with a large number of weapons and armors. A large number of giant soldiers and the Five Elements Elves have blocked the world, and Wulang Erlang walks around to prevent anyone from approaching accidentally.

The doors and windows of the hall were closed tightly, and the forbidden light shone on the window sills and thresholds, leaving no gap.

Nothing in the hall could be known to anyone outside.

In the middle of the main hall, a long case was lined up. The witch iron was sitting behind the long case. The mist stood in front of the long case, and a mist of mist was floating in front of it.

In the light and fog, we can see the colorful and strange Xinghai, Xinghe, and the space trails like insects meandering through the Xinghai, linking the large and colorful bubbles in the Xinghai.

Each bubble is a kingdom of God and a vast world on one side.

Countless such **** kingdoms and such worlds overlap each other and are linked together through every natural spatial orbit to form the `` God Realm World '' where they came from.

There are countless large and small stars in the vast sea of ​​stars around every kingdom of God. These astral bodies have a multiplicity of wise communities. They worship the gods and are ‘believers’ who mist them.

"We stood high, overlooked them, dominated them, enjoyed them, and protected them from all kinds of dangerous attacks in the Xinghai, forming a perfect symbiotic relationship."

"Xinghai tide, giant stars and beasts, and various indescribable dangerous erosion."

"Because of the existence of our gods, the civilization of these cowardly ethnic groups can continue to multiply and continue to grow."

The scene in the light and fog is constantly changing, and there are scenes of the army of the gods expedition to other kingdoms through space orbits.

"A believer is an extremely precious resource and the most precious wealth to us."

"Our gods ... to be honest, we lack creativity."

"Or, because of the blood veins, the blood veins determine everything from the moment we are born, so we don't need creativity."

"Bloodline determines your looks, determines your future, determines how strong you can be in the future, and what status you can climb to. You don't need to work hard, you don't need to struggle, just live to the one where your bloodline has the strongest force In time, you naturally have everything. "

"So, the gods are actually a group of people who live very boring lives. They don't need to do anything, they just need to live, wait, and enjoy what they do."

"But those cowardly and small believers are different. They must use their ingenuity to survive ... to live better. So they have good wine, good food, beautiful utensils, and beautiful music and songs and dances. . "

"Even those beautiful or handsome heterosexuals, their attraction to the gods is stronger than their partner."

"Is it hard to understand? No, no, that's the obvious thing."

"For example, those goddesses with strong bloodlines, they ... they are just as boring as zombies."

"They are stiff and ruthless, and they have no fun at all. They will never smear fat, never dress up in Chinese clothes, never talk poetically, and please you with beautiful and attractive dancing."

"And those blood-blooded male gods do the same. Don't expect to hear any heartfelt praise to the goddess from their mouths. Because the function of" praising the opposite **** "does not exist for the gods at all. necessary."

"So, imagine ..."

The fog clapped his hands and said with a heavy emotion: "Dear High King Wu, can you imagine it? Once, for a common beautiful woman, the Three Kingdoms of God erupted for thousands of years in the" Red Rose War. "

"That beautiful woman, oh, I have seen her floral fragrance in the secret file of the wisdom protoss. The faint layer of silver fluff on her neck is really charming."

"She was frozen in the ice by the gods of the Ice Spirit and maintained her youthful beauty. The thousand-year Red Rose War, the ultimate winner, the crown prince of the Savage family at that time paid tens of thousands of people, The price of the sacrifice of tens of billions of believers finally brought beauty back. "

The witch iron glanced at the fog quietly: "You, the so-called gods, are really boring."

In the mist of light, the mist is showing the war scenes where the gods fight, one or two gods, or a demigod with the blood of the gods. Each person administers tens of thousands of believers and kills them on the stars.

The fall of gods is uncommon.

Believers sacrifice frequently.

Throughout the Xinghai, because of the desires and desires of the gods, because of the interests of the gods, divine wars often erupted. It can be said that in the world of the gods, no day is peaceful, and every day there are several **** kingdoms fighting and fighting each other.

For a common beauty of the opposite sex, the gods can break out into a millennium war.

And for the sake of an old wine, it can trigger a small-scale conflict, and let the blood of a number of gods of noble descent splash on the spot.

Even, for the melody of two believer musicians who played more beautifully, two gods from different deities can fight on the spot and use life and death to decide right or wrong.

Chaos, extremely chaos.

Brutal, extremely brutal.

Brutal, extremely brutal.

The gods are a group of humanoid beasts who have a powerful bloodline, enjoy their success, do not seek to advance, and rely entirely on their talents to eat and to act on their instincts.

Their magnificent palaces, exquisite costumes, delicious food, exciting wines, as well as exquisite crafts, ornate jewelry, all beautiful use, are the labor of the believers.

And the gods themselves, their creation is minimal.

They just use the knife and sword in their hands to constantly bring the baptism of blood and fire to this magical world of God.

"So, how did we get in touch with you?" Wu Tie stared at the fog ... He was curious, what was going on between the gods and the human race.

The light and mist in the fog's hands change, and new moving pictures appear.

"The world of God's Land has been so deadly for countless years. If nothing else happens, everyone will live like this." Misty calmly said: "The new gods conceived, were born, and grew. The blood of the body determines him. Future authority and status ... then enjoy the worship of the believer until ... "

The fog sinks: "Until the end of life, until the fire of God is extinguished ... or, for some strange reason, achieve 'eternity' and become 'immortal.'"

"The whole world of the gods is just such a deadly pool of standing water. The war between the gods can make the world of the gods make some **** ripples."

"But one day, things changed, and this was enough to shock the whole world of Divine World."

The light and shadow flickered in the light and mist, and the mist blew up.

In the "primitive dark protoss" who once threatened the entire world of the gods and was feared by many protoss, a low-blooded lower god, in a grand celebration, in the presence of all the dark gods, challenged the then dark **** King, and defeated.

He broke through the imprisonment of the bloodline, broke the blockade of the bloodline, the inferior bloodline of the lower gods, and he had the terrifying power above the **** king.

The news spread like a hurricane in the world of the gods, countless gods were shocked, and then triggered the deepest and most primitive greed in my heart.

The blood of the gods is a near-truth existence.

Blood is everything, this is the eternal heaven.

Some people have reversed the truth, some have broken the heavens, and some have really done it.

When the power of all the gods in the entire world of the gods was launched, its execution was extremely terrible ... The dark **** who challenged the success of the **** king was suppressed by hundreds of **** king powers and then completely crushed.

Every cell of him, every piece of the most subtle soul fragments, has been sifted through by the God-level power who is proficient in soul mystery.

Then, the gods rejoiced and found out ... the origins of the gods.

It was an indescribable aura of light, located in a top-secret and dangerous place in the immortal star sea of ​​the Divine World.

The dark **** who challenged the success of the **** king, when he chased a star-beast in Wudi Xinghai for fun, accidentally crashed into that dangerous place, and found that group of aura in a perfectly natural shrine.

The blood of the gods world, all the gods, and the wisdom of all the clans of wisdom, are all in that aura of light.

The gods found that shrine, and after a hundred-year thorough research, the conclusive evidence proved that this aura of light is the `` origination of creation '' of the gods' world.

He is the origin of all life forms in the Divine World.

He is a seed. The "tides of life" scattered by him spread all over the world. Under the nourishment of the energy of the heavens and the earth of different attributes, many powerful protoss were born, and a large number of weird and intelligent cohorts.

The gods above, and those small and humble ethnic groups, were born from the same source.

Of course, this news that made the gods feel "faceless" was tightly blocked.

Subsequently, the gods carried out a careful test. They selected some inferior blood gods, or demigods with ordinary blood, and let them touch the origin of creation.

Sure enough, their bloodlines have undergone earth-shaking changes. They have changed from inferior bloodlines and incomplete bloodlines to complete, complete and most noble bloodlines of the primitive Protoss, their strength, qualifications, potential, details, etc. And so on, all have been turned upside down.

The problem is then obvious.

Any protoss, as long as they have ‘origins of creation’, will continue to produce people with perfect blood. Once these peoples grow up, they will undoubtedly be god-level combat power.

If a protoss has a lot of god-level masters who add up with all other pros ... 啧, 啧, 啧 ...

The war broke out.

All the protoss want to monopolize the 'origin of creation', what is shared, divided, and collaborative development. These concepts have never existed in the minds of the gods, let alone exist.

Even within the sufficiently powerful Protoss, enough factions have been divided.

After grabbing the "origin of fortune", which family should keep this wonderful piece of heaven and earth?

All the gods want to control the Origin of Creation ... All the gods hope that Origin of Creation can only benefit them.

An unprecedented all-out war has plunged the world of God into unprecedented chaos.

The gods fought in the void, and a huge army of believers fought on the stars. Straight into the sky, the blood blew into the sea. After decades of fighting, many of the wise communities in the world of God's Land are almost on the verge of destruction.

Then the news leaked.

Those huge and strange believer races don't know how to know the truth of the Origin of Creation!

It turned out that the lowly, the eternal world can only look to the believers of the gods-they are born from the same origin as the gods, and in the blood, they have the same honor!

The nature of the war changed immediately.

A huge army of believers of the gods aimed their weapons at the once worshipped and faithful god.

The battle between the gods for the treasure has become a war between the gods in order to maintain their rule and authority and suppress the peaceful chaos of believers.

The war became more tragic.

Stars were destroyed one after another, and the bodies of countless believers covered the sea of ​​stars.

The believers used their own blood and flesh to drag a deity to death.

The reproduction of the gods is difficult, and their growth is slow. And the believers of the gods, their reproduction is crazy, their growth is rapid.

And the creativity and execution of believers are even more rigid and rigid gods, which can never be compared.

As a result, some strong believers came into contact with the Origin of Creation by inexplicable means. They broke the shackles of the bloodline and grew into strong men who could threaten the **** king in a very short time.

The intensity of the war escalated immediately.

Those ancient gods who fell asleep because they were tired of their long and boring lives were also awakened. They found the preciousness of the origin of creation, and they joined the war.

They have surpassed the King of God, surpassed the King of God, and reached an incredible level.

The strong among countless believers were killed, countless believers were ruthlessly crushed into ashes, and the war of the ancient gods made many protoss perish.

Just when the gods and believers knocked their brains out of each other, when the world of God Realm was filled with smoke and countless corpses, Pangu was riding a strange chaotic beast from the void space, ‘passing’ through the World of God Realm.

He saw that the origin of the good is good, and felt that the war between the gods was not good, so he said to many powerful ancient gods that he settled the dispute for everyone.

As a result, Pangu took the action and forcibly hijacked ‘The Origin of Creation’.

The ancient origin of Pangu broke through the yoke of blood for countless weak believers, and made them appear to be against the mighty existence of ancient gods.

Pangu gave those weak and humble ethnic groups the confidence to stand up their waists.

And himself, naturally, became the 'public enemy of the gods'.

As a result, the gods joined forces to chase Pangu frantically in the Wukong void.

Later, it was seen by the witch iron in the bloodline memory. Pangu and the Chaos Beast broke through the vast void and created a scene of a magnificent world.

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