Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 896: Nine Kings Rebellion

Lidu, Imperial City.

In the not-too-large bookcase, Feng Yan sat behind the book case, looked at the various documents piled up in front of him, and sighed wearily.

Rao is approaching from the 660 Gate Avenue. Rao is the cultivation of the pinnacle of the gods. He can sleep without sleep and drink and eat. It is already an inhuman existence. In the face of these complicated national affairs, the wind is beating. Feeling tired.

He can sit quietly in the flower forest for a month without moving, listening quietly to the sounds of flowers blooming and petals falling.

He can also sit in the snowfield, stay still for half a year, smile and listen to the sound of snowflakes falling and ice crystals solidifying.

He is more capable of white arowanas, walking on the bluestone slabs, walking from one city to another, admiring the scenery along the way, teasing cats, dogs, and occasionally making candy gourds, which can make him Feeling good for the first half of the year.

He is a prince who is willing to affectionately in the nature of heaven and earth. He never thought that one day he would become the emperor of the great dynasty.

He does not like these state affairs.

Because I don't like it, it's tiring to deal with it.

The body is not tired, but the soul is tired.

He now wanted to escape this prison-like bookhouse, take off his coat, jump into the moat outside the capital city, and admire a battle between king eight and shrimp in the moat.

The documents sent by the military department in his hand to apply for military expenses, to reorganize the forbidden army and garrison were dropped on the book case. Feng Xuan rubbed his temples with his fingers a little annoyed: "To the old master Xiahou said, I do n’t care if he and the King of War Witch Iron's bet or something ... "

"In short, I will not let him resign, and he will continue to kill his life honestly."

"Well, the granddaughter of the grandson of the Xiahou grandma, the granddaughter of the three grandchildren ... pick a good place, and by the way conceive a hereditary first-class count, and give it along."

"Even if it was tied up, it was necessary to get the old lady Xiahou back from the fief ... this military service in the Joseon Dynasty had a headache."

"Also, let Taifu and Taibao, find a way to contact the King of Kings ... this dynasty's overall situation has stabilized, Luzhou has been compensated to Wu Guo, and your father's king should be put back?"

"Ask the King of Wu, the conditions to redeem the Father King ... Hurry to welcome the Father King back, I abdicate, let the Father King care about this. This huge dynasty, I really are not ready for it!"

Feng Yi said very irresponsibly that if it was passed out, it would be enough to shock the Manchu Dynasty.

He grabbed a copy of the insect disaster that occurred in several Southeastern states. The states requested documents for relief, which were listed in the book case: "These things, these things ... hey, what about the insect disaster? With the strength of the state and state leaders, kill these How much effort does it take? "

"Everything should be falsely accused, every one should be falsely accused ... this one is also falsely accused, the other one is also falsely accused, can't they be the official officials of Xinjiang, can't they write less? They can't say anything. Do it again! "

A fair-skinned, well-maintained **** smiled and walked over holding a clear soup lightly.

"Your Majesty sighed with anger, and officials from all over the place played, which is also a mature and stable approach. No wonder they ... Hey, at night, His Majesty entered a bowl of snow ginseng soup and supplemented his spirits."

The old **** was careful and put the clear soup on the book case.

The wind sighed, and he shook his head and said, "What's the supplement? What's the supplement? The essence of the spirit is complete, but ... I just don't want to see these things."

Holding the soup cup, Feng sips the soup.

Putting down Tang Zhan, Feng Yi stretched out his hand reluctantly: "Take the most urgent points of discount, I deal with these, and go to rest ... The rest, call back, let Taifu, Taibao They deal with it as appropriate. "

Feng Zheng looked at the **** in front of him in earnest: "They are both senior officials of the dynasty, and they trust and trust them."

The old **** opened his mouth and laughed. He took the soup lightly and sent it to the door. The eunuchs left with empty soup light. Then he returned to the case of the book, picked up a few blood-colored signs on the cover, representing 100,000 rush documents, and carefully unfolded and placed it in front of Feng Zhi.

Feng Yan looked at the dozen or so documents with the 100,000 signs of urgency in front of him, sighed heavily, grabbed a cinnabar pen, read it carefully, and figured it out.

While demonstrating the official document, Feng Xun grumbled gruntingly, "Well, this is not the material ... 朕, I'm really not prepared ... 朕 ..."

Talking about it, the wind's skin has become a faint cyan.

The original red lips, white blood, and **** windswept winds. At this moment, it looks like a **** who has fought in the blue building for ten days and ten nights. His face has become bleak and shivering, and the flesh has become translucent. .

He continued to moan, but the breath from his mouth had condensed into a white mist.

A stern chill sprang out from the white mist he sprayed, but Fengyu himself didn't feel the chill.

However, Feng Yan saw his prominent white gas, and he paused, raising his head blankly to look at the old **** standing next to the book case.

"Mr. Fu ... Look ... Uh ..."

Feng Yan wanted to stand up, but his movements became noticeably stiff and weak.

He had just stood up for a while, and his body was crooked, and he sat back heavily. The old **** supervisor Fu quickly rushed over, reached out and supported Feng's body: "Your Majesty, you can ... take care ..."

With Mr. Fu's whispering words, his hands were like electricity, and a long black needle appeared on his fingers. Quickly stabbed on the back of Feng Zhi.

From the back of the head to the tail vertebra, all the important points along the way, including every segment of the spine bone, the cartilage tissue between every two spine bones, and other vital points are all pierced by long black needles.

Feng Yan hissed, his body twitched violently, and he raised his hands and patted him towards Fu.

The other three eunuchs turned in from outside the bookhouse like ghosts, and they took countless afterimages with their hands, and quickly stabbed a long black needle into the key points in front of Feng's body.

Feng Xuan's body was stiff, and her newly raised hands dropped heavily.

Thousands of very thin long needles pierced the body of Fengyao, and the long black needles began to extract the essence and blood from Fengyao's body, emitting a trace of dim fluorescence, and then formed a black paint in Fengyao's body The lotus seal seal between the real and the false.

Feng Zheng's body was completely stiff. In addition to his eyes being able to turn slightly, he could not move any more up and down.

"Your Majesty, you can, take a rest."

Director Fu looked at the stiff Fengyun, and sighed softly: "Hey, what is the world of this dynasty ... But, what can the slaves do? The slaves are just a group of hard-working people. Masters give orders, we can only obey! "

Early in the morning, the bad news came out of the dynasty and quickly spread throughout the dynasty.

The Emperor Fengfeng, who had just been on the throne a few days ago, had a serious illness in the forbidden palace. Now he is bedridden and can no longer handle the administration of the court.

Master Xiahou was unnamed, Master Fu was unbreakable, and Tai Bao Yan Zhengxing led the civil and military officials to visit the Imperial City, but was attacked outside the Imperial City gate. A terrible assassin was concealed. Hundreds of dignitaries were killed and 30% were left, and everyone was seriously injured.

Xia Hou's nameless, Yin Bubo, and Yan Zhengxing are the key targets of the assassin. Yin Bubo and Yan Zhengxing were killed in the chaos, and the spirits were completely dissipated. Only Xiahou Wuming relied on his physical body and Xia Hou Wusheng's family to death. The **** escaped by chance, but was also severely injured and fell into a fainting state.

As soon as the news came out, the dynasty trembled.

Suddenly, nine princes of the Feng clan rose up in the Quartet.

Kaiping King, Chengping King, Shunping King, Dexing King, Xinxing King, Renxing King, Changding King, Shengding King, Rongding King.

This is the King of Sanping, Sanxing and Sanding, which was sealed off at the beginning of the Qiang Dynasty. It is the top of the royal kings.

Their strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary patriarchs. It is the ‘confidant king’ that the Wind clan intends to monitor the world and deter the Quartet. In terms of the area of ​​the nine kings alone, it is more than ten times the number of ordinary kings. The number of troops and the level of armed forces are far more than those of ordinary kings.

The nine kings all played the banner of the Kuangzheng Dynasty, and all of their armies came out, hitting the heads of state and state who were adjacent to their fiefdoms. They were caught off guard. Within a few days, many heads of state and state were defeated and defeated. To escape, the territory and the people went into the hands of the nine kings.

Feng Yan's "Can't afford serious illness", Taishi, Taifu, Taibao Sangong died and were seriously injured. The big brothers who can take the lead in the court, dead, injured, and wounded, for a time, they couldn't find a big enough The guy presides over politics.

The embargo was at a loss as to what to do, and the garrison troops in various places were fighting without a leader, and then they were defeated by the nine kings.

In Wuwu City, the witch iron and the mist are still talking in the heavily guarded hall.

"The Pangu saints opened up the world in this way." Wu Tie said with a deep emotion: "He has a chivalrous temperament."

The fog snorted coldly: "For you Pangu survivors, he is a creator and so on. What he does is naturally a good thing. But for my gods ... we suppress the rebel believers and what he has Relations? Just insert a knife and take away the origin of good fortune. "

Seems to be thinking of something incredible, the mist shook his head and grinned.

"However, this Pangu ... is really a fierce man and a murderer. He fights the gods one by one with beasts. There are hundreds of ancient gods killed by his big axe. Ten thousand? "

"For other ordinary gods, I really don't know how much has fallen. With one person's strength, he ended the crazy **** war of all races."

"It's true that there are too many gods killed by him, and the races have no courage to fight again."

The mist slowly said: "Pangu opened up the world, Hongmeng erupted, the gods who chased him were almost dead and wounded, and few gods who survived were almost washed away by Hongmeng's eruption. They were even scattered by the chaos tide.

"It was a disturbed and anxious history."

"The gods stopped the war, and the war between the believers also stopped ... the gods above were forced to sign a peace contract with the believers who had been strangled at their feet."

"What a shame, that a shame that cannot be washed away."

"The gods are licking their wounds and recuperating. Everyone is waiting. Pursuing the gods of Pangu will bring back the good news."

"Every protoss is fantasizing that their own tribe can kill Pangu and return with the origins of good fortune."

"But waited for many years, many years."

"No one has been coming back. It seems that the gods who hunted down Pangu completely disappeared, and no news came back."

"So, the restless gods began to send a lot of ears and eyes, went deep into the Xinghai Sea, stepped into the boundless emptiness of Hongmeng, looking for Pangu, the origin of creation, and the news of those who hunted down Pangu.

"The endless emptiness of Hongmeng, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of gods spilled out, as if a handful of sand spilled into the sea, and no foam could emerge."

"Looking for many years, many years ... I don't know the co-ordinate points of Panmeng that opened up the world, and I don't know what happened ... the gods searched blindly for many years, and there was no news."

"Gradually, even this battle of the gods almost became a legend. When the origin of creation was completely used by epigenetic deities as the legendary items in the story ... scouts sent by the gods found a chance to survive but were seriously injured. A dying **** who seals himself on the edge of a black hole.

"When the news came back, the major protoss were shaken."

"All eyes and ears have got approximate spatial coordinates, and they have rushed towards the land of Pangu."

"Mu mainland, this is what we found."

"The first advent war broke out, and the gods who arrived earlier launched a comprehensive offensive against the mainland. In that battle, the mainland was broken from a complete continent into a starry sky."

The mist slowly recounted the history of war recorded by the secret files of the Protoss of Wisdom, and there were rapid footsteps outside the hall.

Wu Tie looked up, he heard the master of the footsteps, and immediately pressed his hand to the mist.

The light and fog suspended in front of the fog dissipated, and all the light and shadow images disappeared.

The gate of the hall opened, and Huang Lang, who was panting, slammed in: "Your Majesty, the Emperor Feng of the Emperor Dynasty cannot be seriously ill. The assassins of the Manchu dynasty were assassinated and the casualties were heavy. The Emperor Sanping, Sanxing, and Sandingfeng rebelled. The Nine Kings Army swept the world within a few days, and the Qiu Dynasty already had 30% of its territory occupied by the Nine Kings. "

"Today, the situation is worsening."

Huang Lang quickly said the message sent back by the spy of the Wu Kingdom: "In addition to the chaos of the Nine Kings, the northern kingdom, the eastern demons, and the southern ghosts also invaded the territory of the Chao Dynasty."

After a pause, Huang Lang said in a deep voice: "In the West, there are also some demon instability in the country of the demon country. They are approaching the border of Luzhou."

Wu Tie paused and looked at the mist: "Did you do it?"

Misty also stayed for a while, then called the sky-high injustice: "Not me, impossible, absolutely not."

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