Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 269: divination

After that, Shao Xuan did not use the straw ropes provided by Guize, which was too wasteful. He practiced the knot rope using the ordinary straw rope. Although it is rough and has burrs, it does not hurt when it is broken. If it can't be solved, it will be firewood.

For five days, in addition to patrolling and hunting, Shao Xuanquan used it to try to tie the rope.

Lao Ke did not quite understand why Shao Xuan was so persistent in playing the straw rope, but since Shao Xuan insisted, he did not say anything, and the abolished grass group, regardless of the big and small, was used as a firewood.

After failing again, Shao Xuan was somewhat discouraged. He slammed the grass with his fingers and threw it to the side. He picked up the gourd with water and poured a few mouthfuls.

It’s just a rope, it’s so full of sweat, but it’s much better than the previous few days. You can go out and run twice in a whole day. If you are in the first two days, you can walk almost, don’t talk.

After taking a long time, Shao Xuan ran to the stone house of Wu, and said that he was troubled by the knot.

"I just feel that I am not right. I will bind my hands every time I hit them." Shao Xuandao.

The witch was silent for a long while, saying: "If this is the case, you don't have to think about it from time to time. It's better to be free. Don't be obsessed with imitating the movements of the hands, you can have your own ideas."

Shao Xuan thought about it, too. Anyway, it was in his own mind. Now I can’t figure it out, and I will try it later. How do you say that, "If you need it, you have to learn to be blind."

It has been said that people who are unsatisfied are actually very smart, because they can always do things that others can't do.

Enlightenment of that inheritance is not a matter of overnight, but it is also anxious to come, but it affects the mentality.

"I know." Shao Xuan seriously thanked.

See Shao Xuan, Wu Wu nodded with satisfaction, and was preparing to boast a sentence. He listened to Shao Xuan again: "After two days, I plan to go to the forest and take a trip. It may be a bit far, and it should not be within three or five days. Come back. I seem to have found a nice stone over there, I want to see it in the past."

The witch’s heart twitched and lifted it up. “On yourself?”

Now the hunting team does not go hunting, but conservatively explores a little. They are now seeking stability, and by the way, train the new soldiers who awakened this year. Since Shao Xuan said that he would go out, he would not come back in three or five days, and the witch would be worried.

If other people, the witch is not so, but the person in front of him is Shao Xuan. It is difficult to come up with such an elder who has lighted the bones and inherited the ancestor's will. The witch is hesitant, but still nods.

"Yes, you must be careful, don't be rushed, don't take it!" Wu said.

"I know, you can rest assured." Shao Xuan promised.

The witch heard this and was dying, and he could not wait to grab the beard.

Two days later, Shao Xuan took the polished stoneware and food, sat on the back of the donkey and left the tribe.

After flying away from the tribe for a day, Shao Xuan walked directly between the forests. The sky must also guard against other flying birds that suddenly appeared. Shao Xuan did not want to get in the air.

Walking in the strange woods, this is not the border zone when the tribe entered the forest, which has already gone deep into the forest.

The surrounding environment is sinister, the experience of hunting for many years, and the stronger hunch than others, makes Shao Xuan very sensitive to the hostile sights around him, even if you don’t bring any murderousness, just pay attention to Shao Xuan. In this forest, as long as the other party walks Within a certain range, Shao Xuan can also be alert immediately.

The forest here is very humid, like a fog, and the mountains in the distance are also stunned. Here, even a small beast, a short mountain, is also very dangerous.

Go ahead and walk into another forest. The tall, dense branches obstruct the light above, and the place where Shao Xuan walks is very gloomy. Not far away, there was a roar of hostile screams. I don’t know what kind of beasts. They hid behind the thick grass between the trees, staring at Shao Xuan’s wild eyes, braving the dark fierce light.

If you are on the other side of the river, the beasts who see the hunting team will run away because they know that these people are not good at dealing with them. However, in this strange forest, the beasts in these forests do not know humans. They are wary of any strange things, and they are treated as prey, not only will not run away, but also try to attack.

The figure that leaped from behind the grass, accompanied by the low howling of the beast, declared the beginning of the killing.

The low-lying beast became sharp and fearful, and the sound of abruptly stopped, the blade opened the movement of the flesh, the splashing liquid, and the **** blood. When Shao Xuan converges in the eyes of the murderous, with the blood-stained knife coming out, there is only a blood-stained corpse in the woods.

When Shao Xuangang left and walked out less than ten steps, there were some small beasts that rushed out. It was not against Shao Xuan, but rushed to the body of the beast that had been cut into two halves. They screamed for food. If you can't grab it, you will bite each other. I don't see Shao Xuan. However, it won't wait long, as the pungent **** smell spreads out, there will be other beasts coming over, driving away these small beasts and robbing the corpses.

After flying for a day and walking for a day, Shao Xuan looked at the sky, the sun was already hidden under the mountain, and he planned to find a place to rest.

He fought a fierce beast with a pointed claw in a cliff hole, drove the beast out of the cave, and then teamed up with Shao Xuan to treat the beast as a dinner.

There are many animal bones in the cave, with rotten smell, and many large and small bugs crawling up and down. Shao Xuan burned a torch and expelled the insects. As for the animal bones, they were all smashed. Going outside the hole.

It can be used as a temporary break. If you come back later, you can rest here.

Shao Xuanyu out of the animal skin, will draw a picture of the place along the way, and then mark the place where the hole is located. This time, in addition to finding the stone, he will also draw the place where he passed to a simple map to facilitate the hunting team to explore hunting.

The medicine was given to the wound, and the sputum was also painted. Shao Xuan extinguished the fire and took time to rest.

When I woke up the next day, the sky outside was a bit gloomy. Standing in the hole and looking out, the forest below was carrying a damp water vapor.

"It seems to be raining." Shao Xuan said.

I don't like rain very much, so I plan to stay in the hole and wait until the weather is fine. It has come many times, knowing that the weather here is changing fast, it is raining now, and it is not too long to be clear.

The little animal meat that was baked yesterday was eaten for breakfast. The meat of the beast had become cold and hard. Shao Xuan didn't care at all, while eating and watching the sky outside.

"I don't know when this rain will come down." Shao Xuan went to the cave to prevent the rain from coming. The wind here is very big, and it is impossible to blow in the rain.

Sitting in the hole, Shao Xuan saw the rope tied to the waist, and some itchy. I didn't touch the rope for two days. Anyway, I was idle. I took the rope in the animal bag and cut it with a knife. I played it in my hand. These ropes in the animal skin bag are spare, as for the "pants belt" on the waist, of course, can not be solved.

I was planning to tie the rope according to the previous technique. When I thought of the witch, Shao Xuan stopped again. If you follow the previous method of knotting, the result must be the same. Finally, you will bind your hands and get a messy grass.

Sighing heavily, Shao Xuan closed his eyes and put aside the memories of the past. He just used the rope to wander aimlessly in his hand. Gradually, Shao Xuan also had no thoughts on ropes, thinking, when can the rain Get up, the rain in the woods, once you get up, go fast. This season, it will not rain every day. However, this gloomy sky, if it has not been kept, then it has not been waiting?

Thinking about it, Shao Xuan seemed to see the hands again, and the rope around his hand, the rope quickly circulated between the fingers. However, this time, the way to tie the rope is different, and the feeling for Shao Xuan is not so chaotic, it seems to have a strong purpose.

This time, Shao Xuan did not distract, but concentrated to pay attention to the knot movements on the hands. And Shao Xuan's hands are also unconsciously following the action, exactly the same as the action of the hands in the mind!

I don't know how long it took, when Shao Xuan broke away from that state, opened his eyes and looked at his own hands. He was shocked to find that the rope on his hand had already hit several knots instead of sticking his fingers all the time ago. live.


Still failing?

In contrast to the basic conclusions learned before, Shao Xuan speculated on the meaning of these ropes and knots. Just now, what do you want when you tie your rope?

hunting? No, no.

Stone? No, go back.

rain? Yes, it’s raining!

At this point, Shao Xuan looks strange and excited. If the meaning of these conclusions is true...

Regardless of success or failure again, you have to verify to know.

Look at the sky outside, Shao Xuan stood up, walked to the edge of the hole, took a deep breath, felt the damp and cold water vapor in the air, clenched his fists, reached out, and his fists up.

I counted the time in my heart.


The fist is open and the little finger is extended.


The ring finger is extended.


The **** is extended.


The index finger sticks out.


The thumb is extended and the palm is open.


A soft sound of a liquid landing.

The palm is slightly cool.

Shao Xuan couldn't wait to see the past, then smiled and condensed.

A beach bird, lying quietly in the center of the palm.

Pumping the dough, Shao Xuan intends to wipe the palm of his hand with something, is planning to take back his hand, and it is a drop of liquid.

Followed by the second drop, the third drop, the fourth drop...

The dense water droplets landed in the air, and were blown by the wind on the cliff wall, and some squatted in the hole.

The woods under the mountain were instantly blocked by a layer of rain curtains, and dense raindrops hit the leaves and the sound of the ground coming from below.

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