Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 270: Another direction

It's raining.

It really rains.

Compared with the time predicted by Shao Xuan, it is only a few seconds apart.


Or is it really the same as the result predicted by the knot?

After flushing the bird's cockle in the rain, Shao Xuan walked back into the hole, took out the straw rope in the animal skin bag and cut it again. Look at the rain curtain outside the hole, thinking, would you try again?

The rain has already gone, then, the next one, but also what.

Why not try this rain when it stops.

Shao Xuan recalled the state of the rope when he was just roped, thought of what he thought when he was roped, then picked up the rope, closed his eyes, and let go of other distracting thoughts, thinking about the time when the rain stopped.

Waiting for the hands in my mind to appear again, Shao Xuan observed it and found that the knot movement of the hands was different from the chaotic knots of the past, and it was different from the previous one.

There is a play!

Shao Xuan carefully observed the movements of the hands, and in his own hands, the straw rope was tied in the same way.

When Shao Xuan was separated from the ideology, the feeling of vandalism came again. There was a moment of darkness in his eyes, and his brain was hurting for a while.

It seems that this way of entanglement is really very expensive.

Looking at the new conclusions made by the hand, Shao Xuan interpret it and found that this time, it is not as detailed as it was just now, but the meaning is somewhat vague, but it is roughly speculated.

The rain will stop before noon.

Even without the sun, Shao Xuan can guess the approximate time. I am used to the days when there are no watches, and I can see the sky, even if it is covered with dark clouds. This is a must-have skill in hunting in the mountains.

Noon, and soon, wait and see.

Shao Xuan put the knot on the side and ate a piece of chilly barbecue. He rested on the wall and restored his strength as soon as possible.

When Shao Xuan felt that the time was almost the same, the rain outside the cave was small, but it did not stop.

Walking to the hole, Shao Xuan looked outside, the thick clouds of the sky were dissipating, and the gap between the clouds, as well as the sun shining through, was on this vibrant mountain forest.

The rain gradually became smaller until it stopped completely.

The sky, the clouds are scattered, the sun is just right.

One coincidence, two times coincidence?

Shao Xuan believes that the inheritance recorded in the long lived leaves is the knot.

Since the knotbook was gradually replaced, Shao Xuan rarely saw such a way, even when he was traveling, he had never seen it. He did not expect that he would get such a thing. I don't know, which one of the tribes is left by the witch, and there is no trace of the tomb of the tribe.

After the rain, the sky flew out and grabbed a not-too-big beast to come back and eat it with Shao Xuan. After eating, he was resting next to him. Shao Xuan stayed in the cave. His lost physical strength had recovered. He looked at the remaining straw ropes in the animal skin bag. He thought about it and cut it again with a stone knife.

Not in a hurry to leave, Shao Xuan intends to try again for the third time. It’s hard to make a rope, and he plans to study more.

He wants to predict what might be encountered next, but this is not so smooth for the third time. It is still a chaotic festival and tied to the finger.

Come again!


Come again!

It failed again.


The straw rope in the animal skin bag has been used halfway. Shao Xuan put down a mess in his hand and rested on the wall.

How can it fail?

Is it too difficult?

He was next to him, watching Shao Xuan create one grass after another, and then hit the ground with his head against the wall. It does not quite understand Shao Xuan's thoughts. He just thinks that human beings are really complex animals.

When the physical strength is restored again, Shao Xuan thinks that it may be that the things that I just wanted to do are too difficult, and I am not sure. If it's simple, you can't try it anymore.

Picking up a straw rope again, Shao Xuan thought, where to go next.

When the knot was finished, and I saw the rope knot that was finally successful, Shao Xuan felt a sigh of relief. Was it just too difficult? A simple point is a success. Don't be too high, or take it step by step.

The next place to go, naturally, is to tell him where to find the stone, this difficulty is really small.

However, when Shao Xuan interprets the meaning of the knot, comparing the direction given by 喳喳, he finds that the directions pointed by the two are not the same.

If the knot is successful, it should not be made indiscriminately. Then, is the direction that Bu came out more meaningful for Shao Xuan?

In order to understand, Shao Xuan made a slight adjustment and tried again with a straw rope. The result is the same as before.

Shao Xuan looked at the direction predicted by the knot rope, thinking about what is more important than stone in the end.

After a little thought, Shao Xuan made a decision.

"Hey, let's not go to the stone first, go there." Shao Xuan pointed to a different direction.

The direction that Shao Xuan pointed out has never been visited, but it doesn't matter. It is quite exciting to go to a strange forest area.

Because of the consumption of a lot of physical strength and time, Shao Xuan decided to start again tomorrow. At the same time, he also took out the hole and went to find some vines in the stone box as a rope, in case the straw rope was not enough. He used so many straw ropes to tie the ropes, and he had to prepare for it in case of emergency.

The next day.

Shao Xuan and Yan, who regained their spirits, left the cave together and marched in the direction indicated by the knot.

There is a river running through the forest, the river is a little green, and some animal activities are occasionally seen around.

Shao Xuan did not walk by the river. It was dangerous. He was at least twenty to thirty meters away from the river.

On the gravel beach by the river, there are some bright things, and Shao Xuan wants to take a look.

However, as he bent over to squat, suddenly there was a whistling sound that cut through the air.

Shao Xuan has been guarding the surroundings. After hearing the movement, he will turn his body and dodge to the side.


Originally where Shao Xuan stood, a water arrow passed through it and hit a large stone.

Water arrow?

Shao Xuan's eyelid jumped, where did the water arrow come out? Fish by the river?

Did not wait for Shao Xuan to think more, but also the water arrow shot from the river, although it is water, but the power is fierce, the speed is extremely fast.

The second water arrow was escaped by Shao Xuan, shooting a tree nearly 50 meters away from the river bank, leaving a hole directly on the trunk.

Followed by, the third and fourth water arrows also chased Shao Xuan.

However, because of these consecutive arrows, Shao Xuan also saw the source of the water arrow, indeed from the river, floating on the river with a raised object, which is part of a certain creature in the water.

Shao Xuan did not want to spend time here. After avoiding the water arrow, he left the river bank. The deeper into the forest, even a fish in the river, can not be underestimated. Big fish have the threat of big fish, small shrimp have the ability of small shrimp, and if you don't pay attention, you will stay here forever.

However, Shao Xuan did not understand that there were special things in the depths of the mountains and rivers.

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