Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 271: Pay homage

To go to the direction indicated by the knot, you must cross the river.

Shao Xuan walked a long distance along the river. He did not find a place where he could go directly.

While clutching the eagle claws, Shao Xuan saw a scene of hunting on the riverside.

An animal with long, sharp claws, like a gibbons, is attracted by the shiny things on the river bank. It is going to be dug up and look at it, and the water arrow suddenly comes.

However, the animal reacted quickly, and the action of stopping the excavation began to quickly dodge.

There were no hits in two consecutive arrows. I don't know if it was because Shaoxuan had lost the prey in the previous moment. The fish in the water was a little anxious. The head hidden under the water was also exposed, and some fan-shaped scales could be seen.

Three water arrows were fired continuously. The first two water arrows sealed off the retreat of the prey on the shore. When the prey hurriedly turned, the third water arrow was in the middle of the target.

The prey on the shore was beaten, and that was the pause, and the subsequent water arrows arrived one after another.

The sharp and screaming sound rang out in the mountains, as if to pierce the eardrum, but its screams only flew a few timid birds, and other creatures in the forest did not have this sound. Action. Except for the fish in the water.

The fish body, which is about six or seven meters in length, looks big and heavy. Suddenly a jump rushes out of the water and falls down the river bank. The developed pectoral fins and pelvic fins are like four legs. After they land on the shore, they will bounce again under the support of the support force. It opened its mouth with its fangs and bit the prey that was slow to move by the water arrows.

Shao Xuan can clearly hear the crisp sound of the bones.

In the eyes of the prey, there are fears and unbelief, and the strange fish that bites the prey shrinks the developed pectoral fins and pelvic fins, biting the struggling prey, and the slightly cylindrical body rolls from the river bank to the river. . The screams of horror disappeared instantly, leaving only one bubble that popped out of the water.

Everything by the river, once again restored the tranquility, only some bubbles and not obvious blood color floating up from the river.

This is the fierce beast forest that the tribes fear, the seemingly tranquil underlying hidden crisis. Even if you look far away, it will give you a great sense of pressure.

Shao Xuan took back his sight and went back to the ground after crossing the river. Continue to deal with the various murders in the mountains and continue in the direction given by the knot.

When Shao Xuan advances toward the target position between the mountains and forests, the witch counts the days.

In the past six days, I don’t know when Shao Xuan can come back. I thought of Shao Xuan. The witch feels a headache and does not feel relieved.

I was worried, and I walked in from the outside.

"What happened?" Wu asked.

After listening to the words, I know that it is not Shao Xuan’s thing, but other things. The witch is also slightly relieved, but what he said is indeed treated with caution.

The people of the Lu tribe told them that there would be a special long-distance team coming in the team. They are all people of the big tribes in the middle.

The new things distracted the attention of the tribes, and the witch did not have time to count how long Shao Xuan left.

After three days of hard work, Shao Xuan finally arrived at the place indicated by the knot.

Although there is no sign here, a stone indicates that this is the place he is looking for, but Shao Xuan feels that it is here.

Look around, this is surrounded by mountains, belonging to a mountain range, the top of the towering peaks can see white snow.

Close to here, Shao Xuan feels in the mountains, and there seems to be something to attract him.

Be alert to the surroundings. Shao Xuan step by step toward attracting his own place. He didn't know where he was, and he didn't know what he was looking for. He just thought. You should find out that thing.

As the mountain goes up, the mountains are getting steeper and the trees are getting thinner, and the attraction is getting closer.

Finally, Shao Xuan came to a hole. Looking at the huge stone in front of the hole, Shao Xuan inserted the knife back into the leather case on the waist. Take a deep breath and hold the stone and move it out.

With the dull friction, the stones were removed a little.

It is already near the top of the mountain. Although there is no snow, the temperature is much lower than the foot of the mountain. However, the inside of the cave is like a fire. As the stone moves away, Shao Xuan can feel the warmth that comes to the face. With a stale heating.

Unlike this type of heating, the cave was dark and there was no fire.

There is a weird force blocking it, which excludes the intruder. It seems that if the intruder persists, the weird force will tear up everything that would force the invasion like the rotating blades of the mixer. However, this weird power gives Shao Xuan a familiar feeling.

He hovered around the sky, unwilling to come down, and not close to death. Shao Xuan does not force it.

After removing the stone, Shao Xuan went to find some dry wood, burned a torch, and walked in step by step.

I don't know how long this hole exists. There are some things in the hole that I can't see the original. When I touch it, it becomes muddy or shattered.

inside! Just inside!

After holding the torch to the depths of the hole, Shao Xuan saw several people. To be exact, it was six bodies that stood still and did not know how long they had died.

When I didn’t see it, Shao Xuan thought it was a roadblock. After seeing it, I found it was six brown, bone-like corpses. Their hair is still there. Although the animal skin on the body is no longer bright, with a layer of dust, it is not as flexible as it used to be. If it is a knife, it can be easily cut.

Six people completely blocked Shao Xuan’s way forward.

These six people, they can't see the appearance of the past, there are no eyes in the deep eyelids, but they seem to be watching seriously, obviously without expression, but inexplicably give people a firm and resolute feeling, it seems that anyone Nothing can move them away.

The closer he is, the more Shao Xuan can feel the force that seems to be smashing everything, the chest is tumbling, and the pain of a fire thorn is spread throughout the body.

Shao Xuan had to use the power of totem to resist.

However, the strange thing is that when Shao Xuan used the power of totem and the totem pattern appeared on his body, the strength of the strong resistance, but it became softer and no longer repelled, but made Shao Xuan feel close.

The weird power of blocking is gone.

People from the Yanjiao tribe? !

If it is really the people of the Yanjiao tribe, then it must be those ancestors of the millennium?

Since it is an ancestor, according to the tradition of the tribes, see the ancestors have to worship, Shao Xuan now the blood flowing in the body, but the Yanjiao people, naturally worship.

Shao Xuan put the torch on the side and seriously turned to the six people in front of him, and worshipped him with the etiquette of the ancestors.

Six bodies were fallen.

Looking at the fallen body, Shao Xuan stunned, thinking if he had fallen down on his ancestors, but turned to think, not right.

Before these six people blocked the way forward, but now they fell, leaving an aisle, not too wide, but Shao Xuan went just right.

Pick up the torch and be careful not to trample the ancestors, Shao Xuan continues to go inside.

As I walked, I walked about 20 meters away. Shao Xuan saw a person sitting on the ground, or a dry corpse similar to the six people in front. However, this corpse is more complete, except for a slight Some of the cognac is pretty clear.

Probably because of his age, this person has more folds on his face. Look at the costumes...

Not like a warrior, it is similar to the old man of the witch.


Whether it is or not, see the ancestors, and worship.

Shao Xuan once again seriously worshipped, and then, he felt that the strange power before, such as the wind is scattered.

The temperature inside the cave suddenly dropped, as if the torch was extinguished and the heating was no longer.

Shao Xuan’s line of sight crossed the people sitting on the ground. Behind this person, there were wooden boxes and stone boxes, and a layer of ash had accumulated on them. (To be continued.)

[Author reminds you! , there are faster, clearer chapters of the novel, URL]

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