This chapter is free. The gift that the holiday gives to everyone is considered to belong to Fan.

On the other side of the sea, the junction of the desert and the sea.

Since Shaoxuan disappeared on the coast, after solving some of the Jinjiawei, Sapphire took the team to the beach every day to see if Shao Xuan came back.

This can be a bitter to the people in the nearest Tianlun City. The out-of-town patrol team encountered several beetle army several times, and each time they saw the black wave, they flew away. After getting along for a long time, everyone in the Tianlun City knows that those worms are eating meat, don’t run to stay and wait for the beggars? How many worms did you see? !

As the days passed, sapphire also felt that Shao Xuan was getting farther and farther from here. Because of the frequent occurrence of insect tides, few people have come over this coast, and even the beasts in the desert have appeared very few, avoiding this black wave.

The food is scarce, and the sea can't go. The sapphire can only go to other places with the beetle army temporarily, and then notice the return of Shao Xuan, and come here to meet.

The desert has been swept by war. The first to break the city is White Rock, followed by other cities. In order to avoid the fate of being killed, the slaves of the lord fled to other places, the desert is so big, the slave owners are busy fighting, and will not spend too much energy to recover those slaves. For slave owners, those slaves are too cheap to be used by a large number of people.

The blue big beetles are feeding around with the beetle army, and the number of beetles joining the team is increasing. I don't know when, the beetles that live in the beasts are getting less and less, their recipes are changing, and these beetles are changing.

The battlefield after the end of the battle is an excellent place. They continue to act as scavengers throughout the desert, cleaning up the remains of the battlefield, leaving only a skeleton and other unusable appliances.

In the past, they mostly lived in the beasts and acted as the cleansers of the beasts, and nowadays. They act as cleaners for the entire desert.

As a beetle that pushed the ball from an early age, even if the sapphire has grown a lot now, the recipe has changed, but the habit is still there. After each sweeping of the battlefield, it will collect some things from the battlefield and wrap it up in a big one. ball. Pushing to play. While pushing the ball, the army of beetles ran around. In addition to drilling underground, it is outside the sand at other times.

If not many people will run away if they see this beetle. I can still see the worms after the sweeping of the battlefield, the leading blue beetle pushes a big ball and plays on the sand. Behind the blue beetle, which was pushed up with two long legs, a large black beetle followed.

A group of slaves who escaped from the city due to the war between the slave owners, marched in the desert, and walked on the desert with only a few pieces of rags, all kinds of stains and wounds.

Half of them are the lowest slaves in the city and have not yet recognized the Lord. Therefore, there is no power from the slave owner. The possibility of a surviving slave surviving in the desert is almost zero. Fortunately, there are still half of the slaves who have recognized the Lord. It may not be strong, but at least it can be eased. In the dilemma, arrest some small desert beasts to fill the hunger.

There is a certain blood relationship between these groups of slaves. Generations are slaves, familiar with each other, fairly united, or they cannot escape collectively.

From the moment they fled the city, they could not go back, there is still a line of life outside. But if you go back, you will be killed by the slave owner. They don't want to be the cannon fodder on the battlefield, they don't want to be killed by the slave owners, they just want to survive.

There are men and women in the ranks, and there are elderly people who are not sick, but they have been in the desert for a long time. It will also become weak.

They settled in a place that had been abandoned for a long time, and it was enough that one of the slave owners had built it.

There may have been a lot of slaves who fled here before them, but in the end, those slaves did not know why they became a bone.

To their surprise, there is also a small spring pool. It used to be an oasis. Later, the underground spring pool was reduced, and the water was turbid, and it was abandoned.

Even the turbid water is a very precious thing for these fleeing slaves, and this water will allow them to survive.

For a period of time when they first arrived, they were scared every day. They were afraid to see the army of the slave owners. But gradually, they worried that they would put down some. Except that occasionally one or two fierce desert beasts passed nearby, they did not see anything else.

One day, when the sun is empty, the sun burns the earth.

The people in the abandoned land lean against the wall and close their eyes in the shadows.

Suddenly, a man with a black spear and a black man slammed his eyes open and jumped up and looked at one direction.

Others saw it and watched it with vigilance. Pick up all kinds of rough tools and look in that direction.

In the distance, there is a team close to it. It is the army of the slave owners. The animals and the beasts are running and the dust is flying. Although they are still far apart, these refugees have already smelled the **** smell.

Where the slave-owner’s army passed, but all the slaves who fled, no matter which city they were, were all slaughtered.

The man standing on the broken wall looked at the eyes on the other side, the lean body was tight, and the back of the hand holding the spear, the meridian jumped. He looks like a wolf who is in desperate but still reluctant to back down.

The leg was tight, he looked down, and the younger son, who was less than five years old, was holding his leg with a panic in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, go back," the man said.

A woman came over and picked up the child and gathered with other people.

When you meet the army of the slave owner, you can only escape. After the younger ability to leave behind, others packed up and prepared to hurry and leave.

The slaves' teams were getting closer and closer. They also saw signs of slavery in the abandoned land. The leader of the team screamed, the team accelerated and rushed, and all the sin slaves met outside, killing innocent!

The rumble is like a tumultuous thunder, and the air seems to be full of killing and suffocating.

The sound of the roar is getting closer and closer, while on the other side, the people who leave the abandoned land have not run far, and their speed is too slow compared to the army of the slave owners.

The hoarse voice of the person standing on the broken wall sounded. I was going to greet the slaughterers in the desert, but soon he found that the rushing team rushed to the side like a brake, and suddenly slowed down. In the team, the people behind him couldn’t stop. . Directly hit the person in front, I don’t know why.

The team of slave owners stopped. No more forward, standing on the broken wall, people look at each other, see the doubts in each other's eyes, can't understand what happened.

However, when they found the sight of the cycling team and looked behind them, they were shocked to see the scene that made them immortal.

There was a pointed dune in the air, and above the sand dunes, something like a worm. Is pushing a big ball and going to the top of the hill.

They have been here for a few days, and they have never seen such a scene. The sand dunes seem to suddenly appear in midair, making them shocked to see miracles.

The slaves who fled to this are not sure what the push is, but the team of slave owners is very clear, in the desert. As long as you encounter that group of black insects, two choices: first, stay and die; second, run!

The leader chose the second one, and they care more about their lives than the few slaves who are as low as the ants. Pulled the reins vigorously. The leader in the team controlled the riding beast and turned away.

The momentum of the rushing team, counting time, and turned around.

The escaping slaves who had not left the abandoned land looked at the miracles in the air. An old man excitedly stood down and everyone else followed. They felt that the miracles just saved them. but. What did the miracle show just now? dune? And what about the push of the ball?

After a while, they did not see the slave owner's team again.

After a while, the people who remained in the abandoned land really saw the group of black beetles that appeared like waves. The most conspicuous thing is the blue beetle that is pushing the ball and rolling.

When I saw such a worm wave, the people in the abandoned land were so scared that they could face a slave team. They could still fight for it, but they really didn’t know how to fight like this. Is good.

Fighting? How to fight? It seems that it is impossible to escape? It’s been around in a circle!

On the contrary, an elderly person in the abandoned land was very excited. He saw the blue beetle pushing the ball, picked up a beast that his son had just caught, and went straight to the tide of the insects. Others did not react at all. It’s too late to pull.

Seeing that the man dragged the food and committed suicide like a worm, the others were shocked.

Sapphire has been here once. Why was there so few beasts in this abandoned land? Because the insect tide has been swept once here. In the land where the tides are swept away, there will be no other beasts to sway in the short term. This is also the main reason why these refugees can spend the days in the abandoned land.

Sapphire saw a person coming over to himself. He thought about cutting a paw. But when the other party was more than ten meters away, he squatted directly, and moved to the side of it, and the one in his hand was not big. Point the beast to throw it on its side.

Sapphire does not move, other beetles will not move easily, even if they want to get rid of that piece of meat.

Slowly walked over and looked at the beast thrown on the ground. The sapphire paw picked it up and threw the meat to his younger brother. This meat could not be seen.

The beast thrown into the worm pile was instantly overwhelmed by the rushing insects. The people who saw the abandoned land seemed to be frozen, and they were like cold ice.

After throwing away the beast, Sapphire looked at the person who bowed in front of him. Well, there was no aggressiveness, no murderousness, and then carefully distinguished it. Sapphire came to a conclusion that it was not good!

Just at this time, Sapphire noticed that there was a place in the distance that seemed to have another war, and could not care for the people here. It greeted other beetles and rushed over to the battlefield, and even the **** that were rolled over did not. If it is slow, the food left after the war will be robbed by other animals!

The tide of insects left and left, not long after, there was only a deserted sand around, and a bone that didn't leave a little pork. That is the beast that was just thrown away.

No, there was a big ball that was much higher than the one that was left, which was pushed by the big blue beetle.

After the abandoned land determined that the insect tide had left, it seemed that the frozen blood had slowed down, and the young man ran over and raised the old man who still worshipped the ground.

And when they got up and looked at the big ball, they found that there were a lot of good things in the big ball!

Swords and axe spears, animal skins, and other bones, branches, large pieces of cloth and so on.

When the elders saw the situation, they suddenly burst into tears and bowed to the ground again. He felt that this was the reward that the big blue beetle left for them.

They got better weapons from this ball, as well as fur armor clothing to protect themselves, branches, bones and cloth, etc. used to build the top of the windshield.

The elders used a stone knife to engrave a painting on the highest wall of the abandoned land where they settled.

On the painting, the beetle that has been inverted, the beetle is a ball above it. (To be continued.)


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