Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 384: Elder hunting

The bone beast was knocked out, and it seems that it seems to be dizzy for a long time. Even if you can wake up in a short time, you don't have to worry about it. Slightly notice that Shao Xuan has another stone, and then, except Shao Xuan, Tao Waiting for others to stare at it.

Tao Zheng several people trembled in the past, to make sure that the bone beast really lost consciousness, the courage was big, and the vines were tied to the giant beast, looking for the kind of vines that were thick and tough and not easy to tear off. The bone animal is trapped like a sly. The raised mouth is also tied there. In addition to breathing, the bones and beasts don’t want to squat, and at most they move their hooves.

Shao Xuan looked at Tao Zheng and others after tying the bones and beasts. Here, I touched it and looked at it. There was a boldness to pick up the bones of the bones and beasts. The unconscious bone-bearing beast, the muscles of the head are relaxed, except for the armor-like shell covering most places, such as the lips and nostrils, which are relatively soft, and the weaknesses that are closed during the battle are now exposed.

After the touch, the people joined forces to drag the boned beast that was knocked down to the resting place. Although the hunting squads are hunting separately, the rest is the same. For such a big behemoth, they must first carry it to rest and then go hunting other prey.

Although the bones of the beast are very large, the strength of the Yanjiao people is also great. If a person can't do it, a group of people will pull together. If it is not convenient, the place will be lifted up.

"Shao Xuan, is your team as powerful as you? There are a lot of senior totem fighters like ours?" Tao Zheng lingered for a while before finally asking.

Other people with Tao Zheng also looked at Shao Xuan.

Most of their teams are living close to the top of the mountain. They know more things than others. Some of them are inquired by themselves. Some of them are told by their elders, such as the real origin of Shao Xuan. They learned from their elders.

It is no wonder that the Tao Zhenghui asked this question. If you know that the other brothers in Yanjiao are as strong as Shao Xuan, they are under great pressure! In the past, I felt that I was very bullish in the tribe. The appearance of Shao Xuan gave them a big impact.

I heard the question of Tao Zheng. Perceived the sight of others, Shao Xuan smiled and shook his head. "No, there are not many young senior totem fighters. However, there are still many powerful people."

I heard Shao Xuan said that there were not many senior totem fighters there, and Tao Zheng felt a lot of ease in his heart. Sure enough, people like Shao Xuan are still relatively few. After all, Shao Xuan is an elder. I heard that the Yanjiao tribes on both sides add up, so it is such an elder.

Carrying the bone animal to the rest of the way. If they encounter other satisfactory prey, they will also put down the bones and animals and then go hunting. Anyway, bring some prey and they will move!

Shao Xuan gave the other people the opportunity to hunt, and he himself looked at the bone animal who was fainting, preventing him from waking up to create trouble. When he was hunting in the middle of the battle, Shao Xuan noticed that the bone animal had woke up. The signs, the nearest to find a big stone came a little, let the bone animal continue to faint.

Resting. After a day of hunting, many hunting squads have rested in the past, and some may run outside for a long time, but most people will still rest, so sleep and feel at ease.

The rest of the tribe in this forest is on a mountain. The trees on the mountain are not dense, there are caves, natural and artificially expanded, which can release some of the smaller prey, which is enough for the hunting team. People go in for a break.

Some easy-to-handle prey will be slaughtered first. Then move to the cave, if it is a little troublesome, such as the last fearful beast, it is tied and brought back. Everyone will discuss how to divide.

Several tribes stared at the forest in a place outside the rest of the rest, guarding against other beasts.

The people standing on the heights saw the movement in the woods, and the people below blew a whistle to signal them to pay attention to the other side.

Soon, they knew that it was not a beast. Instead, they came with their prey and moved to the big guy. When the team is close to a trip, hey, it is Tao Zheng who.

The strength of several people in Tao contest, the tribes know that every time they hunted, their team will hunt a lot of good prey, this envy will not come, after all, the strength of the people is there, Tao Zheng, 骓, Wu, these three Even a good young warrior has a certain reputation even in other tribes.

"Tao Zheng, this is a good thing to hunt..." The vigilant people are planning to ask about the pottery that was in the forefront, but after seeing the prey they moved out, they were all shocked.

"Bone stone beast?!" Two people guarding the side shouted.

"What? Bones beast?!" Others heard and ran across.

It’s not that no one has ever hunt for a bone animal, but compared to other prey, the number of successful hunting to the bone beast is too small. Many times it takes a lot of manpower and time. In the end, it’s still empty. If it’s a little careless, It will even pay a heavy price. Unexpectedly, this time, the team of Tao Zheng successfully hunted the bone beast, and then looked at the people in the team, counting one, one is not small, even a little heavier injury.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tao Zheng can not help but face the heat. This bone animal is not hunted by them. They don’t even have a chance to shoot. As for some minor injuries, it is caused by hunting other prey. , has nothing to do with the bone animal.

"This is the Shaosong elders hunting." Tao Zheng said.

Others don't believe it. In their view, how can you hunted this bone-stone beast with Shao Xuan alone? This is not a bone animal beast!

However, in the rotation of the people in the pottery team, others were curious, and asked to help the bones beasts to the safe place.

There are three girls in the pottery team. At this time, they don't need to tighten their nerves, and they are much active.

"Xiao Lin, this bone animal is really Shao Xuan hunting?" asked a soldier.

"Of course!" The young girl named Lin was eager to talk to others about Shao Xuan’s hunting of the bone beast.

Shao Xuan, who was asked by Dokang in the past.

Hunting did not hunted the bone animal, but for Dokang, it was second. When he was young, he also hunted the bone animal, but only when the team teamed up. What Dokang cares about is whether Shao Xuan can adapt to hunting and whether he is injured.

Asked some details of the hunting, Shao Xuan answered one by one. Knowing that Shao Xuan was well adapted, Duo Kang was relieved, and he also took Shao Xuan to know a lot of herbs that they brought back during the hunt.

Some herbs in the arid land, Shao Xuan, learned some from the residence, and the plants in the forest are relatively strange, and there are certain differences in plant types in different places.

I recognized the herbs and ate a barbecue. After a day of hunting, people fell asleep and the defenders alternated.

I have a good night's sleep, and I am relaxed when I wake up the next day.

Shao Xuan walked out of the hole and looked at the forest in the distance in the morning. He took a deep breath, moved his arm and stretched his body.

Naturally, some people in the hunting ground help to guard the prey. They are experienced old hunters. Shao Xuan does not have to worry.

The next day's hunting will also begin. They need to continue hunting for some prey. It is close to the winter. The prey here will be less and they will be prepared. (To be continued.)

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