Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 391: Too eye-catching

Some people around him noticed the big man who was close to him. The person who was pushed away still wanted to swear something. When he saw the other party's appearance, he would soon return to the exit.

This person, most people present know. He is a tourist, quite famous, known as the "black bear", but it is very appropriate with his appearance, especially when wearing a brown and black animal skin, combined with the strong and burly figure, really like a black bear transit.

Under the crowd, the "black bear" step was calm and steady, and approached Shao Xuan at a uniform speed.

Shao Xuan did not notice the "black bear" and the movements of Dokang. At this time, the attention has been placed on the stone in the hand. He knew that there were already some people around him, and he was more than he expected.

Originally, Shao Xuan only thought about whether you could use stone carving to attract a few tourists who looked at the animal skin. Even if you couldn’t attract it, if the stone was carved, the things that were carved out could be advertised here. There will always be people. Curious, after all, no one in the way around.

Shao Xuan's stone carving technique was practiced by grinding stone tools. When Lao Ke taught it, the requirements were quite strict. The mistakes in the subtle places would be pointed out by Shao Xuan, and then continue to be polished and continue to be corrected until there will be no more errors.

Since the effect of attracting attention is better than the imagination, it is more serious. The rough outline has been formed, Shao Xuan replaced the stone hammer and picked up the knife to continue.

After carving again, Shao Xuan also quickly entered the state.

The sound of the cockroach is gone, but everyone has already focused on the stone in the hands of Shao Xuan. With the falling stone powder, a mountain murderer is forming.

The tour operators have already left the hunting life, and have been passed down from generation to generation. Some tour operators have stopped contacting any large beasts and beasts and can encounter such a stone sculpture. Naturally, I feel very strange.

"This is a carved giant bear?!" Shao Xuan next to Yan Yan people called out.

A "giant" export has been forced to improve, and it has also proved to others. They did hunt for the giant bear. How could they burn such a vivid giant bear without hunting?

Although some people are carving on bronze or other utensils. But they have never seen such a lifelike stone sculpture. This stone sculpture is very small, but it can make people feel the fierceness of the fierce giant bear roaring in the wild forest.

"How do you change this stone sculpture?" The stone carving was not finished, and some people asked.

Tribal people generally require direct exchange of things. Most of them are tourists. They are very familiar with the requirements of tribes. Some people even take out a copper knife directly and want to exchange it.

Others see it. The same minded person also moved, and took out a knife that was slightly larger than the previous one, and went directly to Dokang to discuss.

The people here, the brain is flexible, and you can see that the leader of Yanjiao is the one who stands next to him. To discuss it is of course to directly find the person with the greatest power. As for the boy who is carving, isn’t he still listening to the leader?

Therefore, people who think they are smart are directly targeting Dukang.

The "black bear" who has already walked to Shao Xuan did not speak, and his eyes have been staring at the stone carving that Shao Xuan is about to complete.

A stone carving can convey the consciousness of the sculptor and look closely. "Black Bear" can find that this small stone sculpture actually conveys a brutal and violent fierce temper, and it is really like a giant bear waving a giant palm to roar the mountain forest!

If Shao Xuan is carving other beasts at this time, the "black bear" will not be so serious. No way, who would let him like a bear? Their ancestors worshipped the bears and worshipped the power of the bears, but at the same time they also hunted the bear soldiers as "warriors". Now, the tribes have been transformed into caravans, and there are few opportunities to go to the mountains to hunt the giant bears. The persistence is still passed down, the logo of their caravan. It is a totem bear!

From the stone carvings that were formed by Shao Xuan’s hands, the sight of the “black bear” could not be removed.

"I want twenty animal skins. Black bears" out of the channel.

Compare directly with other people to buy stone carvings. The words "black bear" are more skillful.

Dokang, who was talking non-discriminatingly with some people, heard this and immediately greeted people to count the hides. Still choose the kind of superb animal skin, the "black bear" has a good reputation, no matter what style he is in other things, at least in terms of trading is very real, the shot will not be stingy.

The animal skin has a good segmentation, but also a large one, but in general, it is not intentionally to raise a large animal skin, basically it is said that the small piece of animal skin is divided, the beast body is huge, and the whole animal skin is too large. It's not easy to sell. Everyone buys it back is to make clothes. It can't be used so big, so there is a well-divided animal skin.

And as time went by, everyone also formed a consensus, an inherent specification, the size of the segmented animal skin is similar, just like the formation of a matching quantitative unit system. When entering the city, the "tolls" handed over to the gatekeeper, each piece is the cut animal skin of such a unit.

Twenty pieces of well-divided animal skins are sorted out, and more people are stacked and handed to the "black bear".

After accepting the animal skin, the "black bear" looked at Shao Xuan, "Twenty animal skins, how do the stone sculptures send me? I can compensate on the gold."

The "golden tools" mentioned by people here mostly refer to bronzes and are also the targets of Yanjiao people.

At this time, the carvings on Shao Xuan's hand were completed.

When he heard the "black bear", Shao Xuan blew the stone chips on the stone carving and looked up at the "black bear". His eyes calmly said: "Thirty."

The "black bear"'s line of sight slid back and forth between Dokang and Shao Xuan, then took back the line of sight and nodded to Shao Xuandao: "Yes, then ten more... No, twenty more, the bear skin is the best, no bear skin is looking for Close to the bear skin."

Dokang pouted, and the person behind him gestured to sort out ten more.

When other people sorted out the hides, the "black bear" took the stone sculpture, looked at it, was very satisfied, carefully placed it in a thick fur bag, and then pulled the tether of the coat, screamed, grabbed both hands. Wearing a placket, heyedly opened the heavy coat to Shao Xuan and Duo Kang and others.

"Black Bear" is a bronze ware such as a large sword and a sword that is exposed inside the jacket. Some of them are inserted in the blouse. Some big points such as an axe and a sword are inserted in the waist, and some are lightly suspended. Inside the jacket.

Shao Xuan: "..." There are several sounds in the heart.

It is no wonder that the "black bear" just gave people such a heavy sense of weight, it turned out to be "heavy"!

With so many things, can you not be heavy? This is a "bear", it is simply a humanoid weapon carrying machine!

However, this also proves that the "black bear" is indeed strong enough to carry so many things around every day and still live to the present, and there is not enough strength to support it.

Dokang eyes brighten, look at the objects of different colors and sizes, raise a few points, there are big and small, forty things like the skin can change, what quality things can be changed There are counts in Dokang.

When the two sides complete the transaction, other people around them are clamoring to trade, five, ten animal skins, and there are "black bears" in front. They will not doubt the quality and the quality of these skins that Yanjiao people have come out. road. Everyone knows that the "black bear" will not buy anything bad, even if you don't understand Yan Yan people, but follow the "black bear" to buy it!

They are not as lavish as "black bears", but the number of people is too much. However, these people want stone carving again, it is gone.

One day, the animal skins that have been sold have been sold nearly half, which makes Dokang very happy. I have not been able to sell so much in the past five days. Today, I was able to get it in one day. Sure enough, Shaoxuan elders have a way.

If you follow this speed, they will be able to go back in less than ten days.

At night, when he was squeezing in a simple tent to build, Shao Xuan took a stone sculpture. This time it was not a giant bear, but another beast.

In the next two days, Shao Xuan will take out a stone sculpture every day. As with the first day, buy more and send it. This is very attractive for those who want to buy animal skin. Although many people can't buy dozens of hides at once, they will also look at the area of ​​Yanjiao. A large number of people bought beasts and stone carvings, there are tour operators, and there are also people who are sent out by the slave owners.

On the fifth day, the animal skin brought by the Yanjiao people has already sold almost. You don’t have to keep staring at the goods, change the copper weapons and food, etc., then you will get the exchanges you have. The people who saw the Taihe tribe were quite eye-catching. This time, because of some rare herbs brought over, they have already let them sell things much faster than before, but no one thought that there was a Shao Xuan in the corner of Yanjiao!

There is no big single, Shao Xuan is no longer carved. Seeing that there is not much to sell on Yanbian’s side, he will take out his own stone. For this reason, he has already helped people to watch it yesterday, so that these stones are all illuminated. The sun all day, now you can see the obvious light on the stone as long as you get a little darker.

In the past few days, more and more tribes have come to Anba City. They are surrounded by screaming and quarreling voices. They are all louder than their voices, and their voices are loud. From time to time you can see the people who are being shot.

Shao Xuan did not compare with them, but made a wooden sign with the words "The new water will shine the precious water of the water".

The spar of the tribe was produced at the time of the full moon, called the water moonstone, and the one that Shao Xuan got out absorbed the sun, and changed the "month" to "day."

The wooden sign is supported by a long pole, inserted next to it, and there is no need to sip it, waiting for the person to come to the door. The wooden sign Shao Xuan makes people turn around and change direction, so that people in other directions can also see the words on the wooden sign.

The new things are always full of attraction. Just now, the tribes have finally cooled down in the corner of the Yanyan corner. It is only for a long time, and see a large number of people rushing over the corner of Yan.

No way, it is really a sign that is too eye-catching. (To be continued)

Ps: Sorry, I went back home and thought I could have more time code words. Who knows that the banquet is full, and it is already more than ten o'clock in the evening. Today's remarks continue to linger, only one more.

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