Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 392: We don't want

When Shao Xuan’s stone was taken out, it attracted many people’s attention.

The words on the wooden sign are so simple that many people don't look at the other ones and squeeze directly into the area of ​​Yanjiao.

"What will shine?"

"Not going to be nonsense?"

"There seems to be the place where the Yanjiao tribe is. They used to sell their skins well."

"Go, it’s awkward in the past, it’s true or false to see the bottom!"

Regardless of their views, my heart has raised curiosity, and I would rather waste more time and not miss a possible rarity. For the purchasers sent by the slave owners, they get some rare things to go back. If the top people are happy, they will get a lot of benefits. For the tourists, after buying them from the tribes, change places and change hands. If you sell it to other slave owners, you can still earn it.

On the side of Yanjiao, the goods carried have already been traded almost. After Shao Xuan took out the spar, he saw more and more people around him, and he also spontaneously guarded the left and right. Every year, there are many thieves who messed up things. They have to light up their glasses.

This time, Shao Xuan took a total of ten spar, and now only one is taken out.

At this time, the weather is already cold. Many people are wearing animal coats with large cloaks. It is very simple to check whether the spar is really shining. Take a coat and cover it. But don't think about stealing, how many pairs of eyes are staring around, as long as you see the signs, the claws sticking out don't want to take it back.

The ones who squeezed each other used a large, completely shaded animal skin coat to cover the spar in Shao Xuan’s hand, and the eyes went over. In the dim view, the small spar emits a distinct radiance, and it is easy to see the words placed in the dark with it.

Not waiting for them to see more, Shao Xuan has already retracted his hand and showed it to the next person.

After waiting for almost fifty people, Shao Xuan took the spar and returned to the original position. He said to the crowd around him: "How. Can you still be satisfied?"

Someone nodded, some people groaned and did not say anything, but they all stared at Shao Xuan, his eyes were hot. Waiting for the words behind.

Shao Xuan did not say anything, and Dokang took over the task, but did not say the truth, but said that the spar was encountered when they were hunting for the beast, and dug in the bottom of a river connected to the sea. This is not a lie. If there is water in the river, it is bigger than the river in front of the tribe. Is it a big river? It is said that the river will flow to another larger river, and then a larger river will enter the sea. This is not a mistake.

As for the total spar, Dokang only said that there are five. This was decided last night after Shao Xuan and Duo Kang and others negotiated.

Unlike Shao Xuan, some people who often hang around here are no strangers to Dokang, so. They also believe that Dokang does not lie, at least not completely lie.

When Dokang introduced this kind of sparkling spar, the "black bear" who left for three days was holding a pottery bowl with a large basin in a stone house with a large yard in the city. Soup, there is a large piece of barbecue in the plate next to it, and the "black bear" will be solved in two or three mouths.

When the "black bear" screamed, a big man hurriedly pushed the door in.

"Hey, there are things on the side of the tribe!" The man yelled as he ran.

Every year when the tribes come over. It will bring some rare things. Although the "black bear" left there, it also sent people to stare.

"There is something out there? The black bear" put a mouth on it and put it down on the pottery bowl. Asked.

"Yanjiao people have come up with a kind of stone that will shine! That stone can really shine, really, I saw it with my own eyes!" The big man was afraid that the "black bear" would not believe it, and quickly guaranteed.

"It’s another Yanjiao? The black bear" squats, put on his coat and call the man. Stride over to the other side.

On the other side of the chaotic trading floor, Dokang has already said the rules of the transaction. It is also a good negotiation in advance, using the auction mode, and five spar shots together.

This spar will certainly attract more attention. If you take a separate shot, the longer you drag, the more unfavorable they are, and maybe you can get more benefits, but the danger is too great. It is still a quick fix, and you will leave the first thing after you have finished fishing. The people of the Dokang Tonghe tribe have been negotiating. In order to let the Taihe tribes collect the stalls in advance, Dokang also divided some of them.

Dokang took out a long copper sword with a long arm. It was a person who had been trading for a long time. He could judge the value of the sword at a glance, and Dokang used this as the reserve price to let others start bidding.

"A sword and a bag of millet!"

"Two swords!"

"Two swords plus five animal skins...what, don't be hide, then the millet, guarantee that it was just received this year!"

"Two swords plus ten bags of millet!"

"Three swords!!"


Listening to the atmosphere, the more fry the hotter, the higher the price, the more comfortable and happy.

"Head, do we want to fight too? The man next to the black bear" is in a hurry. That kind of spar, even five bronze swords like this is very cost-effective. In Wangcheng, they only need to change hands and get more.

The "black bear"'s line of sight swept over Shao Xuan and Duo Kang, and was preparing to call a price. He listened to an arrogant voice and shouted: "A copper tripod!"

When everyone used the unit of measurement given by Dokang directly, suddenly there was a "Ding" in the sound of many "swords". It was very sudden, like a group of pigs. Killing like a chicken.

The crowds were forcibly broken open, and four tall men with strong muscles attached to the front opened the way, followed by a young man in a silver-gray animal skin coat. There are other people in his body, and the most conspicuous is the person standing next to him who is carrying a heavy object. Each foot can leave a clear footprint on the ground, and the raised dragon-like meridian beats. It seems to be under great pressure. On his back, there is a heavy object wrapped in cloth. tripod?

Everyone only felt that the ground under their feet was shaking with the other's steps.


The heavy Ding was put down from Shao Xuan and Duo Kang, and when it landed, it made a muffled sound with metal tremors. The hearts of the people heard were like the sound of this sound.

"that is……"

Someone guessed the identity of the young man.

It is natural to be a slave owner in the city of Anba, and it is not low.

The slow-moving young man raised his hand and swept the dust that did not exist on the animal skin coat. The general tone of the alms said to Shao Xuan and Duo Kang: "A copper tripod. Do you tribes like copper? I will give you a Ding, enough for you to do a lot of swords."

Dokang almost spit out a spit. Listening to this tone, people who don’t know how much cheaper they can really take. Can copper and the sword be the same? I really thought that a copper can easily create another thing? When are we lying? !

When the other party pulled down the occluded cloth to reveal the copper tripod that reflected the dazzling light, many people present were amazed.

Look at it this way. This trip is really good... Oh, no, how are the three legs of this tripod different?

The three legs of the triangular copper tripod are two long and one twisted. Resting on the ground is also unsettled, and the pattern on the copper tripod is also blurred, and even a part of the circular body is sunken!

The slave owners here are very valued by Ding. As a ritual device, they will certainly not tolerate such a failure to make their own home now. And now, this Saobao actually took out a bad quality to bully people? !

Why, when you give alms, throw garbage directly?

Yanjiao people can't get used to slave owners. You tell him about strength. He tells you about class. You talk to him about class. He talks with you about the virtual and the snake. The topic is never on the line. Therefore, the most disliked by Yanjiao people is the group of slave owners who can't afford it, but the slave owners really have a lot of good things in their hands. There are a lot of skills and knowledge that they need to learn. They admit that they have to pay some price to learn and know, but they don't mean they are afraid of slave owners.

The slave owners watched the Yanjiao people, and they felt that the Yanjiao people were a group of hobs, and they did not eat soft and hard, but also smashed him!

Unfortunately, this young master obviously does not understand the style of Yanjiao.

"Do not change! We don't want to be a tripod, as long as we have already built weapons such as swords and axes." Dokang said.

I did not expect to be rejected. The young man frowned and was dissatisfied with Dokang’s answer: "Don't you?"

"We don't want to go." Dokang once again confirmed.

The young man smiled, and there was not much smile in his eyes. Instead, he flashed a hint of haze. "You have to!"

As the last word of the young man fell, the person who had just put down the copper tripod rushed straight, almost all the arms of the power, such as the ignited artillery, would be placed on the ground of the copper tripod, pushing Shao Xuan and Duo Kang side The past.

The copper tripod that was pushed up by the high speed is like a flashing golden light. Leaving the ground, with the smoldering wind and the chill of the gold, straight into the Shao Xuan holding the spar!

"Black Bear" thought that Dokang would take the shot. After all, in this case, in general, the shots are blocked by the leaders in the team. They represent the whole tribe. Their meaning is the decision of the whole team.

Counterbalance or compromise? The onlookers thought about it.

But what everyone expected was that Dokang, who was standing closest to Shao Xuan, did not take the shot. He still stood in the same place.

In the place where Jin Ding is facing, Shao Xuan squats and bends his knees. The whole person is like a mountain tied to the ground, and an arm is lifted up to meet Jin Ding.

Actually choose a positive hard resistance!


With the reverberation of heavy metal trembling, such as the deafening sound waves that the huge bells and drums suddenly hit, even the golden light reflected by the three-legged copper tripod seems to be completely shaken at that moment.

At the moment of the sound of the entire tribal trading area, everyone is shocked!

What happened? ! This is what people who have never seen that scene think.

What happened? ! This is the person who saw the whole process but could not react.

"Black Bear" eyelids jumped straight and forth, that kid... turned out to be one-handed, hard to take over! !


It was a shock, but it was different from the sonic bombing just now, but the sound of heavy objects falling on the ground.

Nearly one person's high body once again landed on the ground, the surrounding clods and stones were shaken off, the dust rose and floated with the wind, but the copper tripod failed to advance a little, and stopped in front of Shao Xuan. (To be continued.)

Ps: Just one more. I didn't have a cold for a long time, I caught a cold again. I was cold last night. I started to cough again today. I went to the feast during the day and came back to the code at night. But my family didn't let me stay up late. It was already the limit after 12 o'clock. I can't hold friends who vote.

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