Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 40: Forgot all

On this day, Shao Xuan hunted back and heard that there were people from the Taihe tribe.

Between the two tribes, although there will occasionally be some small friction, there will be exchanges. After the outbound trade at the end of last year, the relationship between the two tribes eased a lot. Until now, there has been no quarrel, and at least the leaders of the two tribes have not quarreled.

"What are the people from the Taihe tribe coming over?" Shao Xuan asked the person next to him.

"I heard that it is about farming, and it is on the other side of the field." The person speaking is obviously unhappy.

The people of the Taihe tribe are stronger than the Yanjiao people in farming. Everyone has to admit that people in Taihe can not only grow food crops, but also grow herbs. Every year they bring the herbs to be traded. In fact, many of them are They planted it themselves. In the Taihe tribe, the area of ​​cultivated land is much larger, and it is not like the people of Yanjiao. They are very valued for farming.

As for the story of the Taihe tribes coming to the Yanjiao area, why are everyone unhappy? In fact, because of the cultivation of this, the people of Taihe have a sense of superiority. Every time they come in the name of guidance, they are all one. The deputy pride of pointing to the state of the country, several times the small-scale quarrel is because of this.

However, from the perspective of tribal interests, Wu is still very happy to see this kind of "academic exchange". Although there will be quarrels, it will be worthwhile for Yan Yan people to learn more.

Thinking of the thousands of gold in the habitat, Shao Xuan put the prey down and went to the field.

Regarding the thousand-gold case, Shao Xuan did not keep the habitat secret, and he even asked Shao Xuan. If the Taihe tribe came, would you want to cover it?

Shao Xuan refused. If it is better to get useful advice from the Taihe tribe, it is better not to worry about the Taihe people. At least until now, the people of Taihe have not had such a criminal record.

After Shao Xuan asked the person, he came to a place near the mountainside, where many people had been surrounded. Shao Xuan remembers that there is also a piece of land used to plant thousands of gold.

Habitat is a good mood today. In the past, when the Taihe tribe came, people always used "pointing" to use it. It’s hard to find a thing to fight against Yan’s people. They are naturally welcome. However, today is different, although the people of Taihe have caught some mistakes, but because of the plow and thousands of gold, this time it is rare to let these people shift their attention.

When Shao Xuan walked over. Two people from the Taihe tribe discussed what was around the plow, while others, along with the habitat, stood next to a field that was purposely separated by wooden fences, where there were only a few seedlings. And the people around the fence looked at the eyes of the seedlings with light.

See Shao Xuan come over, Qi Yu has done the same as before, and then introduced several people from the Taihe tribe. It has been degraded, and the habitat is rewarded today. When it was introduced, the expression was like saying: Hey, a few earthen buns. Lian Li has never seen it!

After being satirized by the habitat, the faces of the Taihe tribes were stiff and stiff. It was rare to have no irony in the past. Instead, they quickly put on a smile and a close relative. One of them coughed and went forward: "Taihe tribe Quanbai, this time, I want to make a deal with Shao Xuan elders."

At the end of last year, they heard the returning trade team say something about glowing spar. They also sent people to try several times, but the Yanjiao people’s mouths were tightly closed, and they didn’t even find out what was useful. This time the leader was interested. Let them come over and trade with Yanjiao, and use something to change a few glowing spar to go back and see.

Originally they thought, if Shao Xuan is not there, they will go to other people, and other people in the Yanjiao tribe will also shine in the hands of the spar. Unexpectedly, today I just came across the hunting team of Yanjiao.

"I want water stone? Naturally it is ok." Shao Xuan said. "Just don't know what you want to change?"

"What do you want Shaolin Xuan to?" Quan Bo asked.

Generally speaking, the trade between the two tribes is less when using bronzes, most of them are animal skins or others. On the other side of the Taihe tribe, there are more herbs. Quanbai thinks that Shao Xuan will directly propose trading with precious herbs. .

However, after a short thought, Shao Xuan said: "I don't know the craftsmen of the Taihe tribe, how is the skill?"

Quanbai brows a move, do not understand why Shao Xuan suddenly asked this, is it because the ability to abandon the Yanjiao tribe's craftsman is not good, so I want to ask the craftsmen of the Taihe to forge or cast bronze?

In terms of craftsmen, the people of Taihe are still emboldened.

At this point, Quanbai was proud to say: "The artisans of my tribe are naturally highly skilled. Although they are not comparable to the famous teachers of the six cities, they are also..."

Quanbai intends to say "it's better than your Yanjiao". Seeing Shao Xuan's line of sight looking over here, I think that there are still things to do, and the words are turned, and the object of contempt is transferred to other tribes.

"But it is much stronger than the tribes such as the fox." As for how many tribes this "equal" word contains, it is not clear.

Shao Xuan "hmm", and asked: "The people of Taihe, the casting skills have been passed down for thousands of years?"

Quan Bai’s heart is tight, and the dark road: Could this kid want to steal a teacher? ! This can never be done!

The heart is vigilant, the spring cypress is not obvious, just saying: "Before you came to this place, our river has already forged its own tools. But compared with the people of the six cities, it is still far away."

"I don't know if I can communicate with the craftsmen of your tribes? I have some doubts." Seeing the people of Taihe, such as Quanbai, were full of defenses. Shao Xuan said again: "Reassuring, not asking about casting and forging skills, but other ""

Hearing is not asking about casting and forging, Quanbai’s hearts are slightly loose, but they are still prepared. Some things can be exchanged, but some have to be firmly held in their hands, such as the cultivation of some precious herbs of their tribe. Law, they will never spread. Casting and forging skills are also one of them. It can be processed on behalf of the core, but the core will not reveal a half sentence.

Seeing that Shao Xuan’s request was only to communicate with the craftsman, the matter of the glowing spar was temporarily solved, and he could also explain it to the leader, but... the eyes of several people in the spring cypress went to the seedlings inside the wooden fence. .

One of them secretly poked the back of Quanbai and signaled him to hurry.

Quan Bo brewed a bit, to Shao Xuandao: "I don't know that Shao Xuan's elders can still have 'thousands of gold'?"

Shao Xuan swept them all, "What? Want?"

"If there is, we want to make a deal with Shao Xuan elders." Quan Bo looked forward. They had just observed the seedlings at close range. Quanbai himself did not pay attention to it. He used a finger to squat down in a place where the seedlings were inconspicuous, and then smelled the smell, and licked the fingers of the leaves and tasted it. I tasted it and I was straight. Just keep pressing on my heart's desire and try to calm down and talk about conditions.

"I want to do it, wait until I communicate with your craftsmen before making a decision." Shao Xuan said.

Do you have to communicate before making a decision? !

Quanbai is anxious, who knows how long you have to communicate? Missed the best sowing time. That is simply a big failure! Sorry for these sows forcing!

Shao Xuan's decision has been fixed and cannot be changed. Ming knows that Shao Xuan is forcing them to arrange the exchange of masters, but they can only do it.

The Taihe tribe, who was originally planning to drag on, soon arranged a veteran craftsman in the tribe after the deliberation, and communicated with Shao Xuan in the past. This craftsman not only stronged other people in his skills. The brain has to be flexible, otherwise it will be a bit stupid. If you accidentally get all the homework skills of Shao Xuan, it will be too late to cry.

The craftsman also did enough work, with a warning of 120,000 points, met with Shao Xuan, thinking about how to avoid this if the Yanjiao elders proposed casting and forging. What he did not expect was that Shao Xuan did not ask about any casting and forging skills, but asked about the monks.

Since it is not forging and forging. The mechanic's tight nerves were looser and he said what he knew. As for the cloud pattern that Shao Xuan said, the craftsman didn't know much.

Thinking of what, the craftsman said: "I remember that the records left by the ancestors seemed to have something about the moiré."

Shao Xuanzheng was disappointed. He also came to the spirit when he heard this: "Have your ancestors studied the mob of the monks?"

The craftsman nodded: "It seems that, just after they have gone, no one will pay attention to the monk's moiré."

The facts were actually several masters of the Taihe tribe at the time. I want to imitate the swearing things, because the sultry things can sell high prices, and the most typical ones are those complex moiré, but they are really cast and forged. But it is extremely difficult to find those seemingly simple moiré! A little bit worse, the things that are made are much worse, and the people who are discerning are fake.

For this reason, several craftsmen have studied their lives, but unfortunately they have not been able to fully understand them, but they have also touched the way. Write their own discoveries in the notes they left and pass them on to future generations. The people of the Taihe River are not happy with the imitation of other people's things. Gradually, everyone will no longer pay attention to it, but occasionally a cursory look at the ancestors' handwriting.

For the Taihe people, the mob of the monks is something of others, not their own tribes, so they are not classified as secrets. These are the trades that can be taken out. However, the ancestors’ hand can’t be given at will. The teacher promised to go back and sort out those ones and write one to Shao Xuan.

When Shao Xuan saw the other party's well-organized records, under the joy, he directly gave three glowing spar. This is also the people of Taihe who have been negotiating well, and they still feel that they are taking advantage of it.

As for the thousands of gold that Quan Bai and others are eager to read, Shao Xuan also took out 50 tablets, and the people of Taihe took the herbs for change. The rest of the matter Shao Xuan directly let Dokang come over to talk to them, Shao Xuan took the note back to continue to study the moiré.

I have to admit that the craftsmen of the Taihe River really wanted to carry out the road of imitation, but unfortunately they kicked the iron gate and could not open the road. The mob of the monk seemed simple, but always let People can't figure it out.

Fortunately, what they left behind was very inspiring to Shao Xuan. Although they have not been able to completely crack the moiré, their ideas and the questions they have answered have made Shao Xuan’s mind flash in a row.

In the days that followed, Shao Xuan had been locked in the house to crack the mobs, until the habitat was stunned and looked for him.

Seeing the blood-stained Shao Xuan, the habitat was shocked and shocked: "Shao Xuan elder, you are... is it your failure?"

"What did you fail?" Shao Xuan blinked and asked inexplicably.

"Those who grow."

“What? What?”

"Of course it is a thousand gold."

Shao Xuan: "..."

During this time, he was busy cracking the secrets of the moiré and completely forgetting the things in the backyard. (To be continued.)

Ps: The code word went to cook a pot of rock sugar Sydney, and it took some time, sorry to drag it to the present.

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