Being said by the habitat, Shao Xuan was able to think of it and planted a precious thousand gold in his backyard.

It is said that the more precious things, the more delicate, the care. Think about the little buds that came out before, and then think about the number of days in your room. Shao Xuanchang sighed and no hope.

When Habitat saw Shao Xuan’s reaction, he realized that the elder could probably throw thousands of gold into his head and he would not take it. If other people are like this, Habitat has already begun to swear, not only embarrassing, but also hands-on, but in front of the tribe elders, the status is second only to the witch and the leader, or the owner of a thousand gold, do not dare to think Oh, let alone talk about it.

No matter how stormy the heart is, the habitat can only breathe deeply, giving all the emotions to the knees, and then, the ones she has planted have failed, and she is not qualified to say Shao Xuan.

It is a pity that the little elder is still too young to realize the importance of those thousand gold. The heart is full of emotions.

"Let's take a look." Shao Xuan will sort out the dry and thick leaves of the notebook as a record, and take the habitat to the backyard.

I heard that Shao Xuan was planting some precious crops here. Du Kang specially took people to come over and put a circle of cloth on the wooden fence, so that the naughty boys on the mountain would kick things like stone and so on. So, these days Don't say Shao Xuan, other people around, even if you go around Shao Xuan's house every day, you can't see the situation inside. Curious people don't dare to go to Shaoxuan's house at will. The position of the elders is still very powerful in this respect.

Originally, there was no hope. However, when Shao Xuan opened the back door and looked at the yard, he found a small green seedling in the backyard. Swing with the wind.

The last time Shao Xuan looked at it, only half of the ground broke, but this time. More, there are more than 80 seedlings. The 30 strains in the back should sprout a little later, so Shao Xuan did not find it when he saw it last time.

Each seedling grows not tall, and is a little bit taller than Shao Xuan's ankle. Although it grows slowly, it looks like the spirit is not good, but it is indeed alive!

"This is this..." Habitat looked at the small yard, the seedlings planted on the ground, and I was so surprised that I was not good.

Stepping forward, the habitat looked at the ground. Because no one watered and fertilized, some places cracked.

"Elders, this... how do you plant?" Habitat asked Shao Xuan.

"I just planted it like you. Last time you have seen it, you poured a little water at the time of the germination. The fertilizer is still useless." Shao Xuan was embarrassed to point to a pottery jar in the corner, where The fertilizer given by the habitat.

At that time, Habitat also said to Shao Xuan, when the seedling grows into something, it will be poured. However, Shao Xuan was busy and forgot. All my thoughts are placed on the moiré, and there is no such thing as seedlings, fertilization, and watering.

For Shao Xuan’s words, there is no doubt about habitat. She also occasionally went up the mountain during this time, and wanted to talk to Shao Xuan about the planting of thousands of gold seedlings. Who knows that every time Shao Xuan is closed, she will not bother, this time is really urgent. Have to shoot the door.

Looked at the seedlings, the habitat was full of faces: "Elders, let you down!"

"What's wrong? The seedlings you planted have problems?" Shao Xuan asked.

The old face of the habitat is red, and the color of the cockroach is thicker. I don't know how to say it. It’s just a problem, the seedlings that have grown well. A strain began to wither!

The habitation took Shao Xuan to several fields, from the mountain to the mountain. No matter which piece of land, the situation is similar.

"At the beginning, it was still very good. Everyone was very happy. However, if they grow up, they will not be able to do it..." Qi Yu and Shao Xuan talked about the growth of thousands of golden seedlings in the field.

Shao Xuan also can't figure it out. It stands to reason that they will take care of the seedlings so well. How long did it grow when they sprouted? How did they die?

Can't nutrition keep up?

Fertilizers and other people have long been prepared, staring at every day, several people staring together, listening to Shao Xuan said that thousands of gold is found in arid areas, habitats and other people have also reduced the number of watering, each time look at the situation slightly Sprinkle, don't spread much.


They all sprouted long leaves. At the beginning, the growth was not bad. They could grow up and grow up. One plant died so much. The habitat and other people looked at the heartache. Several old people did not fall asleep for several days. I discussed various methods, and I tried it over and I couldn’t alleviate this situation. Now, in the land where ten thousand gold seedlings are planted, there are only 20 seedlings left, which is better than Shaoxuan’s backyard. Those who are a lot higher, have already reached the knees, but they are not a few, the state is worse than those of Shao Xuan's backyard, such as the wind and candle.

Thinking about it, Shao Xuan can't say why.

"That... elders, what should I do next?" asked Qiqi carefully. She worried that Shao Xuan would blame them. When Shao Xuan gave the seeds, they also promised to do their best, but in the end they got such a result, and they hoped for Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan thought of cracking the progress of the moiré. He did not intend to stop halfway, and it was rare to find a way of thinking. He just cut off to take care of other things, and he was not reconciled. Compared with thousands of gold, he cares more about the moiré. The more he understands, the more he feels that the moiré contains some kind of secret about the monks.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuandao: "That way, those in my backyard, trouble you also help to take care of them together."

"Ah?" Habitat suddenly looked up, surprised at Shao Xuan's decision, not only did not blame them, but also entrusted with heavy responsibility, this ... how interesting this!

However, it is still very curious about the seedlings of Shaoxuan backyard. She wondered if the seedlings were still alive because they didn't grow to a sufficient height, or survived for other reasons?

"Well...but if those seedlings are also..." The cockroaches nervously licked the cloth with dirt on the body, and the mood was very contradictory.

"Don't worry, even if the seedlings are all dead, I won't blame you. Those are hard to plant. Since they can't be planted, the remaining grains will be cooked for everyone to eat." Xuan said.

A pumping on the surface of the habitat, such a precious seed... Eat it?

After Shao Xuan made the decision, under the suggestion of the habitat, he opened a small door to the wooden fence in the backyard. According to the saying of habitat, they will definitely look at it every day, even a few times a day, it will inevitably disturb Shao Xuan, open a small door directly on the fence of the backyard, so that she can go in and out, other things themselves Get it, you don't need Shao Xuan multi-tube.

In the afternoon, Shao Xuan made an entry and exit activity in the wooden fence. Anyway, the unrelated people did not dare to chase, and the ropes were not used.

When the door was closed, Shao Xuan’s eyes swept through the yard. He always felt that something was missing. When he walked inside the house, he suddenly stopped before entering the door.

Shao Xuan looked down at the foot. At the back door, there was a weed, and when Shao Xuan entered the door, the trouser legs swept over the weeds before I noticed it.


Turning around and looking at the yard, recalling the situation of the previous 1000-grand blonde buds, Shao Xuan remembers that at that time, there were many other weeds that could not be named in the yard. At that time, Shao Xuan thought about it. Regarding the moiré, the plan and other Miao had some more weeding. I know that I have waited until now, and it has been more than 20 days. I have not hunted Shao Xuan once in the middle.

For more than 20 days, this kind of warm weather is now, how should the annual weeds grow stronger? But the fact is that in the yard, only a few sharp weeds can be seen sporadically, and most of them are scattered away from the 1000-grain seedlings. The weeds 20 days ago are long gone.

Looking for thick leaves without writing, Shao Xuan will record this discovery first, and then look at it later.

After entering the house, Shao Xuan continued to crack those moiré. Now he has been able to crack out the general meaning from the single moiré that has been removed. Although only two moiré patterns have been cracked up to now, there is still a thick one. The clouds removed from the stack could not be completely broken, but progress is a good thing. Shao Xuan will crack all the clouds on the tripod.

In the next time, in addition to hunting, Shao Xuan left the room for the rest of the time to continue to crack the moiré. As for the thousands of golden seedlings in the backyard, he only took a look at the occasional rest. When he went out for hunting, Shao Xuan also asked about the situation of the seedlings.

In the ten plots on the mountain, the seedlings of thousands of gold are still only two of them still alive, or the two strains that are the slowest. It seems that the two strains will not last long, and the 80s of Shaoxuan’s backyard The seedlings of the plant are also growing under the care of the people such as the habitat.

The seedlings of Shaoxuan’s backyard are already as tall as the seedlings they had taken care of before, and at this height, it’s like a hurdle, changing the previous growth, rushing to the stagnation, until all death. So, look at the seedlings that grow taller that day, the habitat and others.

For the seedlings of Shaoxuan backyard, the habitat also specially recruited people to go to the Taihe tribe to exchange experience, thinking about lowering the attitude, learning something useful from the people of Taihe, if they can feed those seedlings There is also an account of Shao Xuan.

Which one, the situation on the Taihe River is not good, it is a little longer than the time they insisted. When the seedlings arrived, they began to languish. In the past, the people of Taihe thought about running the Yanjiao side.

Fertilizing the land, deepening the soil, improving the land... Everything is done, the seedlings in the ground are also very strong, how can you go down in a blink of an eye?

It’s a precious thousand gold, it’s hard to wait! Hey a bunch of people.

Because of the careful planting of the Taihe River, the seedlings grow too fast. Although they are planted later, they are even stronger than those in the Shaoxuan yard. But when the seedlings are cut, they die, and there is no way to hear them. The Shaoxing backyard is left, so every day, people from Taihe run the Yanjiao side to see the situation.

Seeing that the seedlings are accelerating under the care of Yanjiao and Taihe, they will soon encounter the "can", and the fears of the people in the habitat are even worse. They are scared and trembled at night, and they are anxious. Symptomatic.

And Shao Xuan has been closing the door to crack those moiré, and I don’t realize the horror of their horror. (To be continued)

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