Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 411: Two suns

Shao Xuan still returned to help A Jia Heng to share some of the burden, after all, this can also speed up the place where the monkey is occupied.

The monkeys in this area are not so friendly. Although they are not big, they are very difficult. According to Gong Jiaheng, these monkeys like to eat human brain. He once found several human bodies in this forest. It was opened.

Can you find it here, and which one is weak?

Therefore, you can't touch this group of monkeys, you will suffer big losses, and leaving as soon as possible is the most correct way. Since the two are traveling together, they always have to help each other.

Originally, I was thinking that Shao Xuan, the young man who came to this place for the first time, would encounter a lot of difficulties. When he was at the right time, he could save his face and beat the boy, but he didn’t want to coming.

To this end, when the two men ran away from the area occupied by the monkeys, the expression of Gong Jiaheng was somewhat stiff, and he did not know what to say. He thought of his own excuses for his peers, and his old face was red, and he only said a word.

In the woods behind him, there were monkeys who were not willing to scream and beat the branches. It seemed very angry. They didn’t stop an intruder, they were still far away. They even had human skins. Did not touch.

After leaving the site of the monkey, the two have been on the road, do not need Shao Xuan to find again, Gong Jiaheng directly lead the way, he has come so many times, cooked here.

There are some rivers that are not too wide, similar to what you see on the hunting grounds in Yanzhou. You will see the riverbed in the dry season, and you don't know which branch is separated from it. It extends here.

There are some smaller crocodiles and other aquatic animals living here. Now, in the season when the river is dry, the sounds of animals in the river and the river can be heard from time to time.

A otter is slowly moving in the grass by the river, lazy, and ignores other animals around because it is already full. When Shao Xuan passed away from it, he saw that there was a bulge in the otter, estimated by shape. Probably this otter had just swallowed a crocodile.

At the beginning of this section, Gong Jiaheng said to Shao Xuan, and you need to pay attention to what has been mentioned, so you don’t need to be reminded. Shao Xuan safely avoided the hidden predators.

Shao Xuan is doing too well. It is not like the first time to come here. It is precisely because of this that Gong Jiaheng has not found the opportunity to point Shao Xuan again, which makes the workmanship feel more and more. The excuses that I had originally proposed were superfluous and my heart was very depressed. I can only sigh that the tribes living in the mountains are really suitable for jungle operations.

Two days after departure.

"At this speed, we can reach the place of rest before dark," said Gong Jiaheng.

Because I often came over, there were several workers along the road as a place to rest in the middle. When he was looking for Gongjia Mountain, he found a cave on a mountain, which is suitable for a rest. At that time, there were a lot of snake worms in the hole, and he also used the powder to drive out. Every time he leaves, he will be smoked there again, in case he leaves the snake worm nest during his departure.

Before the sun went down, the two men arrived at the mountain that Ji Jiaheng said. The mountain is steep. There are various moist mosses on the mountain wall. It is relatively slippery on the mountain, but it is not for Shao Xuan. problem.

"It's here!" Gong Jiaheng looked at the big stone next to the hole, and there were some green powder marks. This was the medicine he had when he last went back. It has not completely disappeared. Explain that there should be no insects in the cave, and there is no need to waste drugs.

"Hold, I will remove the stone." Gong Jiaheng handed his package to Shao Xuan and moved his shoulder. Hands on the stone, suddenly force, push to the other side. This stone can be heavier than the crocodile he hunts, and it is still a little difficult to push.

Suddenly, the workmanship felt that the resistance was light and the stone quickly moved away from the other side.

"Hey. I am not letting you take things, you push..." Gong Jiaheng originally wanted to say that Shao Xuan took things with him and pushed the stones.

Because of the material restrictions, he was very good at the weapons in the baby package. If he lost it, it would be hard to find it. However, many of the flying forests in the sky are full of curiosity. They love to steal things, but they can't throw things down and push the stones. However, the workman always turned and found that Shao Xuan was carrying all the things of the two, did not put down, and the other hand was pushed on the stone.

"Push... push it well." Gong Jiaheng only took out these words. Mindfulness: Is the strength great? !

However, as a companion, there is such a boost in Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng really feels that this time to go looking for, a lot easier.

In the past, it took at least three days from the start to here, but now it only arrived in two days. Gong Jiaheng had to admit that Shao Xuan was a little capable.

Burning the fire, the sky is still not black, went out to hunt a small beast, and brought it back to the cave to eat after the outside treatment.

“When I first came here, I still wanted to build a house. Later I found out that it was convenient to find a cave.” Gong Jiaheng said while grilling.

"Our tribes live in caves when they go out hunting." Shao Xuan said the situation when hunting.

In the past, Gong Jia did not understand the jungle hunting life. When he had experienced himself for 20 years, he was not curious and did not ask much.

It was a little cold at night, the wind was strong outside, the hole was not deep, and the burning fire was blown by the wind. Shao Xuan went to the hole, moved the stone, and left the gap to avoid the night wind blowing into the fire.

See Shao Xuan easily move such a large stone, and the armor is always sour in the heart: "You Yanjiao people, are such great strength?"

"Well, our tribes have a lot of manpower."

"It's quite suitable for forging. Speaking, I used to hear the names of your tribes, but it's only a long time, I don't remember." In the past, Gong Jiaheng mainly focused on casting and forging, and many things just listened to other people. Talk about it, more people don't understand it, and they are not interested in understanding. Later, when looking for Gongjiashan, the information is more occluded.

After a meal, the workman finally put out the fire, and planned to rest, but saw Shao Xuan took out a glowing spar, and pulled out a skin roll and a strange round pen, by light. Write and draw on the animal skin.

"What are you writing?"

"Additional map." Shao Xuandao.

“What do you do with the map? How many times are you prepared?”

"do not know."

"It's good to be able to go back alive. Don't think too much. As a real monk, I haven't found it for 20 years. You want to find it again? But it doesn't matter if you can't find it. It's a practice." Gong Jiaheng said in a comforting tone. In fact, he is also looking forward to finding it once, but once again, Gong Jiaheng has prepared for a long-term struggle and will not give up. If it is not because you are too far away to trade with other tribes, you will want to live directly here.

However, for the map of Shao Xuan's paintings, Gong Jiaheng is still somewhat curious, so he will look over. Shao Xuan, who had seen the map drawn by cracking the moiré, was only a few simple ones. Now, it has been enriched a lot. The places where they pass, monkey forests, pools, shrub areas, and even several high mountains are marked.

“How is it empty here?” The workman’s constant finger pointed to somewhere on the animal skin.

"I haven't been there."

"I have been there! I told you..." Gong Jiaheng pointed to the blank on the map and couldn't stop talking. There he used to go to the Gongjia Mountain. Although it has been several years, the vague impression is still there.

After that, the workman Heng Heng said: "When you go back, your picture borrows a picture from me." Some of the simple and effective ways of Shao Xuan's annotation of the map are very appreciated. He also wants to get one.

"Yes." Since the workmanship is so refreshing, Shao Xuan is not awkward. "I will draw another one for you when I get there."

When he heard Shao Xuan’s words, Gong Jiaheng was satisfied. At this time, he also felt that all the fatigue was coming, and he was very sleepy.

"I slept earlier, if you don't have a lot of rest, you have a good boy!" Two days of rushing down, both physical and psychological, are very tired, just like the goldsmith who has been playing for ten days in a row, just a night's rest. Very rushed. This kid is still staying up late?

"Yeah." Shao Xuan continued to write a book.

Seeing the situation, the workmanship is not much to say, let this kid regret later.

However, when the next day, the workman will always wake up. However, Shao Xuan was found to be better than his spirit. He even went out hunting early and dragged the prey back for breakfast.

When the armor Hengzheng wanted to say something, he listened to Shao Xuan questioningly: "Master of the art, how can there be two suns outside?!"

When I came yesterday, it was close to the sunset. But there is only one sun. In the past, Shao Xuan only saw one. When I went out hunting this morning, I found that there were two suns in the sky! Where is the other one coming out?

Being asked by Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng did not care about why Shao Xuan’s resilience was so strong, and there was a deep smile on the face: “You’re scared by two suns? If you find that there are more suns in the sky, How are you staying?"

Shao Xuan was a little silent, and the test asked: "Fantasy?"

The armor is more surprised in the heart. If other people have heard that they will encounter more suns in the future, they will not be said to be scared. They will also ask the reason. I did not expect that Shao Xuan actually revealed the core.

"Okay." The workman constantly walked out of the cave and looked up at the two suns in the sky. He said with emotion: "If it is so good to find a mountain, there will be no countless people buried here!"

Whether it is the people in the mountains or the people in the cities under the control of the slaves, the direction and timing of the sun are judged by the movement of the sun, but what if the movement of the sun changes? Now the two suns in the sky will not affect their forward route, but the more the future, the more difficult it is to judge, the decision will be seriously disturbed.

Although the two suns in the sky are not far from this time, it is really difficult for people who are not familiar with it.

"Do you know which sun is true?" When the squadron asked this question, he couldn't help but feel proud. However, when he thought of Shao Xuan’s technique of divination, he had some expectations. “Is it better to be one?”

Gong Jiaheng went to find the straw rope, where Shao Xuan’s eyes closed and opened, looked at the sky, and then pointed to the sun that was slightly to the left: “That is true.”

Gong Jiaheng took a piece of straw rope and rushed to hand it to Shao Xuan. He watched a technique of divination. By the way, he considered Shao Xuan’s degree of divination. He heard the words but dropped the straw rope.

"How do you judge?"


"..." (to be continued.)

Ps: One more tonight, three more tomorrow night.

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