Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 412: Out of the woods

"Do you know it already?" asked the worker. If not, how can Shao Xuan be judged in such a short period of time? Anyway, he did not believe that Shao Xuan was guessing.

"Yes, I already knew it." Shao Xuan said.

The armor of the armor is a loose heart. Sure enough, I don’t know where the kid got the answer. Did someone tell him when he came? Just thinking so, Gong Jiaheng listened to Shao Xuandao: "The results I got when I was hunting in the morning, I just confirmed it again."

" said that when you went out in the morning, you saw it?"


"How did you get it?"

"I can see which one is illusory." Shao Xuan did not say that he could use another kind of vision to see things. In another field of vision, there is only real thing, no illusion, and of course he can see it in the sky. Which sun is true, just surprised in the morning that there is such a phenomenon.

Gong Jiaheng did not expect that, except for the divination, Shao Xuan actually had this ability!

Gong Jiaheng was able to know the correct answer by using some secret gadgets and past experience, and Shao Xuan was the first time to come to this place. However, since Shao Xuan can see through such an environment, it is also a good thing to look for Gongjiashan. As for what Shaoxuan used to see the illusion, Gongjiaheng no longer asks, and everyone has secrets, just like him. He also took advantage of Shao Xuan's many things, some of which can't be said outside, especially when it comes to different tribes, you have to close your mouth.

After eating the prey that Shao Xuan brought back, Gong Jiaheng took a rest for a long time before he called Shao Xuan.

It was already noon, and the two suns in the morning sky disappeared now. That illusion has disappeared.

"Here, the two suns only appear in the morning, and at noon, they return to the original. So, if you sometimes encounter difficulties that cannot be solved immediately, you may wish to wait for more. If you can't stop, you can unlock yourself. "The armor of Heng Yi, a deputy elder, taught Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan also listened carefully, although the worker of the company always loves the sorcerer, but the swearing master. It’s a good thing to bring this problem, and some of the things he teaches Shao Xuan also listened to.

Later, Shao Xuan knew the reason why Gong Jiaheng said that “the two Tianyang were not so surprised” because Shao Xuan came across more illusions. Not necessarily the sun, sometimes it is a mountain, sometimes it looks like an ordinary wood. In such a deep forest, if you go wrong, the more you go, the wrong. Instead, the more you go to this side, the beasts are rare, even the average beast is less, if you have not prepared the meat, you will definitely be hungry.

but. If only these illusions interfere, it is not a big problem. Shao Xuan will change his vision. The real problem is the real thing. The real existence, under the influence of many factors, will interfere with the correct judgment. .

Just as Shao Xuan and Gong Jiaheng walked in a forest for two days, they finally found themselves back to the original road. Neither of them is a road idiot, knowing how to judge the position. But in the end, I returned to the place two days ago, which is troublesome.

Gong Jiaheng's experience of guiding the road is only valid in the previous paragraph. Later, he can't give a message. If it is easy to crack these, the workmanship will not go for 20 years, and I haven't found the Gongjia Mountain. I know that I can't find it somewhere in this position.

"I was trapped here, I couldn't go any further." The workman smacked a sweat on his forehead. Said.

This forest looks very ordinary, there is no dangerous beast, and even looks very peaceful, but let the workmanship stop here.

"It took fifteen years to finally get here, but it only ends here. This piece of wood, I have been away for five years." The workman sighed and calmed down. Now that there is no sorrow at the time of being trapped, there is calm in the words.

Shao Xuan stood in the place where he stood two days ago. His eyes were taken back from the surrounding forest and a straw rope was pulled out. "I will try again."

Two days ago, when Gong Jiaheng came here with Shao Xuan, let Shao Xuan Bu look at which direction he should go. However, Shao Xuan Bu made it three times, once failed, and the knot was not played. The straw rope has been broken.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come out." Gong Jiaheng saw that Shao Xuan insisted that Shao Xuan's heart was probably full of unwillingness. However, if it is so easy to go out, why has he been blocked for five years? He always has a strong feeling that as long as he walks out of this forest, he should be coming soon, but like a thick door, it blocks the target in front of him.

However, it is okay for Gong Jiaheng to say that he can't come out, but his heart is equally unwilling, he doesn't want to be okay, the more he wants to be more annoyed, the mood that has just subsided is now getting up again.

Moving the line of sight to the side of Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng thought, when is the rope knot on Shao Xuan’s hand disconnected? However, in the past, a knot was finished, after a while, another knot was formed, and then the third...

Gong Jiaheng is now like a statue, there is a stiff place, his eyes can't wait to come out, staring at the straw rope on Shao Xuan's hand, his facial muscles twitching like a twitch.

The third knot is finished, the fourth knot, the fifth...

Seeing that the straw rope on Shao Xuan’s hand hits a knot, then the knot is knotted again to form a more complicated knot.

Just a little worse, just a little! Don't break, don't break!

The armor has been roaring out of his heart, but his teeth are biting, and he does not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Shao Xuan’s knot.

After searching for 20 years, I was blocked here for five years. I have not made progress in five years. Now, the straw rope that I thought was hopeless, but in a little bit, I can imagine the mood of the work.

Gong Jiaheng prayed in his heart: straw rope, grass rope, don't break, don't be big, I will slap each of the grass ropes carefully, and every knot is carefully beaten.

Now, there is still some regret in Gong Jiaheng. When Shao Xuan took the straw with him for the sake of Buddhism, why didn’t he suggest that Shao Xuan use better and stronger forage? What if I hit the critical moment and I was accidentally broken?

Clearly motionless, Gong Jiaheng took a sweat, and the big drops of sweat on his forehead fell, and he couldn’t care about rubbing. He still stared at the straw ropes of Shao Xuan’s hand.

A soft bang, this is the sound of the finger sliding on the straw rope after the completion of Shao Xuan Bu ,, and this sound also means that the entire divination process is completed, the knot is finished.

Shao Xuan Chang sighed with relief. He had a lot of power in the body. It was like spending a few days in the mountains and nights. It was very exhausting. After the game, there was still some wood in his mind. After a while, when I returned to God, I found that Gong Jiaheng kept the posture of sitting on the tree just now. His face was red and sweaty, and his eyelids were still pumping.

"Master of Art, what's wrong with you?" Shao Xuan asked.

The armor’s face that had been flushed red again shook a little, and then asked with a strange voice, like what was pressing hard: “Is it out?”

"Well, Bu came out." Only he himself really went through it, and he could come out. Otherwise, he would only be able to speak successfully.

Shao Xuan’s voice just fell, and the worker who was sitting there by the tree jumped up from the ground. When he was old, he broke his branches and ignored it. Then he breathed hard and his fists were vigorously waving up and down. Like, there is a groaning sound in the throat.

This master... seems to be a bit abnormal. Shao Xuan thought.

When the workmanship finally returned to normal, he ran to Shao Xuan, his eyes excited, and asked: "Where to go?"

"follow me."

Shao Xuan changed his vision, concentrated his attention, and screened all other foreign objects to interfere, as if he had locked himself into another world, and then walked up according to the tips on the knot.

Gong Jia Heng sees Shao Xuan like this, and does not say anything, even if he is curious, in order to find Gong Jiashan as soon as possible, he has to endure, this time can not interfere with Shao Xuan's judgment.

The two did not say a word, the footsteps were very light, and only the wind blew the sound of the leaves in the woods.

After half a day, the two finally took out the forest. There was no more high and dense trees, and they could see the mountains in the distance.

Before sunset, the two arrived in a valley and could only rest here tonight.

Without a cave, the two found a place to rest.

This is not the Gongjia Mountain, but the workmanship can have a feeling.

"It's almost coming, I feel that Gongjiashan is calling me." Gong Jiaheng looked at a position and looked solemn.

The more you feel close at hand, the more cautious you can be and you can't fall before dawn. Such a seemingly ordinary valley is not necessarily easier than the previous forest.

Shao Xuan started to rest on the mountain wall. He consumed a lot of energy today. He didn't rest after the divination. When he walked out of the woods, almost every nerve in his brain was in a state of high tension. He has only relaxed a little now. In the mind, on the totem flame, a trace of energy lines extends out. With the blood, along the bones and muscles, it is repeated again and again in the body. Once every cycle, the body's almost exhausted force increases and recovers quickly.

The paleness of Shao Xuan's face gradually disappeared. With blood color, it was only at night, it was not so obvious, and the workmanship could not be seen. If he knew it, he would certainly be surprised again by Shao Xuan's ability to recover.

Shao Xuanyuan thought that the silent situation would not happen in the depths of the forest, but did not think, it would be met here.

It was very quiet at night, except for the occasional sound of rolling sand particles that were driven by the wind, and nothing else. When the wind stopped, no other sounds could be heard. The winds that came out of the woods during the day were like illusions.

The next day, when Shao Xuan woke up, the feeling of exhaustion was gone, and the sun just came out, not dazzling.

In the "u"-shaped valley, the thickness of the thick mountain walls on both sides is about one to two hundred meters. If you look at the mountain, you will find that the more you go forward, the higher the mountain walls on both sides. Therefore, Shao Xuan cannot know. The details of the valley in front of you can't see where the valley is heading. (To be continued.)

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