There was still a fierce wind in the day, and when it was blown through the valley, it made a loud noise. Oh,

“It used to be a river before.” Gong Jiaheng said. This river is called the Weihe River. However, when the Weihe River dried up and became a valley, it was called "Shibuya".

"The valley is sad. When it was still a river, it was still good. When the river was dry, it became a valley, but it suddenly changed. It was reported that after someone entered Shibuya, it never came out."

These are all known to the old people who listen to their own tribes when they tell stories. Now they really see and feel different.

"I don't want to be Shibuya, Shao Xuan, have you smelled a very special taste?"


"It is the taste of death."

The workmanship has a deep sense of emotion and then walked forward.

Gongjia Mountain is in Shibuya, but even so, when walking around such a valley, there is always a kind of repression that cannot be said.

There are no animals, there are bare rocks on both sides, and there are few vegetation. When I was in the woods, there were no beasts and beasts, but at least there were dense plants, and here, it was like an infinitely dead place.

Have you ever lived in such a place?

Gong Jiaheng said that it was a river long ago, so it should be a good habitat in the early days, but I don’t know why it is like this.

"Take the afternoon and go." Gong Jiaheng said.

"Why?" Shao Xuan asked.

"After noon, you can find the door to the armored mountain."

Since Gong Jiaheng said this, Shao Xuan also agreed, and the monks know more than him, and it is better than blindly moving forward.

After noon, the two talents set off.

Go further. Shao Xuan has a familiar feeling. He recalled that when thinking of something, Shao Xuan had to admit that it was true that Gong Hengheng said that there is indeed a taste of death here. But at the same time, for others, it is also an opportunity.

Shao Xuan felt the existence of nuclear species, not here, but still a little far away, but Shao Xuan really felt the kind of death that belongs to nuclear species. Perhaps the valley around the barren and desolate forests of other creatures is caused by nuclear species.

It is rumored that only the talents of the six Zhucheng have nuclear species, and other tribes only have a very small amount. And the monks who have already dispersed all over the country also have nuclear species?

No matter what, find Gongjiashan, perhaps found the answer.

Like the woods in front, it is like an enhanced version of the labyrinth. There are many ramps. When you walk, you are blocked by the mountain wall. Shao Xuan is not easy to turn over. Now he can still remember the way back to the road, if it is turned over. Who knows what the road will look like?

Gong Jiaheng climbed up the mountain wall, did not jump over, just walked on the mountain, he did not believe that he could not go out.

Shao Xuan is now unable to succeed in the divination. Like the woods that have passed before, he still does not have enough ability to dig out. So you have to make other additions, and you have to go first. If you get more information, you will succeed.

Waiting for the third time to go to the closed road, Gong Jiaheng sighed: "I once heard the old people of the tribe said that the Weihe River is a very special river. Now I finally realized it."

The Weihe River is naturally formed, not artificially manufactured. Because of this, it is even more special. Now, the river has no water, and the Weihe River has become a natural maze.

Looking up, it is a blue sky, a monotonous almost invisible cloud, surrounded by a lonely valley full of death.

The roads that pass along the way, Shao Xuan and Gong Jiaheng will mark on the mountain wall. After the sun goes down, Gong Jiaheng will no longer move forward, and will wait until the next day after noon.

"If you don't find it quickly, we will starve to death."

When they are in the woods, they will go back to the original road. If they are hungry, they can temporarily leave to find food. But if they are lost, they cannot return to the original route, and they are easily trapped in the valley. Even if I jumped up the mountain, I felt that I could go out along a line from a height. However, walking around would unconsciously deviate from the direction. This is a very strange feeling, and it is even easy to judge the wrong direction because the sky The sun is changing all the time. Sometimes it is one. Sometimes it suddenly becomes two. Sometimes it will appear more. Even when there is only one sun, what the eye sees is not necessarily correct.

In such a place, if the psychological quality is not strong, it is really difficult to continue.

For three days, Shao Xuan and Gong Jiaheng had been in Shibuya for three days and still had no gains. Every day, they only have half a day to look for. According to Gong Jiaheng, you can go slower, but as long as the method is right. Unfortunately, there is nothing useful to gain.

In order to save consumption, in addition to the time of searching, they find a place to rest, reduce consumption and save food. They have limited meat and can't last too long.

When they saw the closed road again, they saw a human skeleton there. This skeleton does not know how long it exists here. It should be a more powerful person, at least above the intermediate totem warrior level. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, this skeleton can be broken with a single tap.

According to the posture of the skeleton, this person is like raising his arm before death, roaring on his back to the sky, even though the flesh has long since disappeared, Shao Xuan seems to be able to see the unwillingness of this person before his death.

"Now there are fewer and fewer people looking for Gongjiashan, because most of the people who are looking for it are dead, and there are very few successful ones." Gong Jiaheng said.

This is only the first one. Later, Shao Xuan saw more bones. Some people carved words on the mountain wall, but probably because the years are too long, the weathering is serious, and they are already invisible, so that these people are dying. The last words of the past have not been told, and no one can know their identity. If you are lucky, you can speculate through the rusted weapon. If the weapons are rusted and you can't see the inscription above, then there is no way. Once again, you will never know who it is.

Shao Xuan looked at the rusty weapons on the ground, got up and looked heavy on the face and worked on the road. "You have to hurry up, otherwise you will return along the road. We don't have much food."

"Well, if this is not the case, I will continue next time." Even so, but Gong Jiaheng feels that the goal seems to be in front of him, but he can't see it. Just go back, he is not willing to be himself. It is no wonder that those who are dead are in such a position. Some people are too stubborn, and they are harder than their own ability. Perhaps most of them are starved to death.

Why is it sad!

"Can you get it?"

Shao Xuan shook his head.

The expectation of the eyes in the eyes of the workers has turned into disappointment, and then some self-deprecating. It is really the more live and the more go back. Isn’t the monks relying on their own, how can they pin their hopes on other people? Especially the other party is still outside.

Look at the sky, Gongjia Hengdao: "This is the case today, continue tomorrow." He can calculate according to the shadow of the sun and the ground, and the stone division on the surrounding mountain wall, but the speed is too slow, maybe still I didn't wait for him to find Gongjiashan in this way, and he starved to death.

Sitting on the ground blankly, Gong Jiaheng carefully took out a piece of dried meat, saved the water in the pot, and thought about what to do next.

Shao Xuan is also thinking about it. Inside the cheekbones he saw today, he found some scattered skeletons that had been dismantled. Shao Xuan speculated that it was probably eaten by people. When people are in desperate circumstances, they will always make some unexpected things. Shao Xuan sees more. People who go to find Jiajiashan have different personalities and can imagine such things.

Shao Xuan didn't want to starve to death here, and he didn't want to hang on to the human armor here. If he couldn't find it, he would go straight back, but since he got here, he has to try his best.

I don't know why, Bu Yi has been unable to succeed, Shao Xuan can only choose another method.

Feel carefully, surrounded by the kind of death that nuclear species bring, you can want to determine the position, but not simple.

Use the totem flame in your mind to judge? It doesn't work either. It used to be a terrible place. It has nothing to do with Yanjiao, and the totem flame can't help.

Shao Xuanzheng intends to calm the totem power in the body, but found that a trace of power gathered at the chest under the neck, opened his eyes, Shao Xuan saw a light.

The elder bones worn inside were picked up. Shao Xuan found that there were flames on the four bone ornaments. There is no wind now, but the direction of the flames is moving toward one direction!

The workman kept his eyes closed and thought about it. He noticed that the change of his eyes opened his eyes and saw that there was a fire in Shao Xuan’s hand, and the flame went straight in one direction.

"this is……"

"Go to the other side tomorrow." Shao Xuan re-inserted the bones into the clothes, calming the power of the totem in the body, and the flame on the bones was extinguished.

Gong Jiaheng eyes bright, he knows that Shao Xuan this kid must have a way!

I thought that I would go back without any progress, and now I feel that there is hope again.

The next day, I still waited for the afternoon, the two talents set off, in the direction of the bones of the flames. At the same time, after a period of time, Gong Jiaheng will quickly calculate and determine whether it is correct.

When the two passed by, the workmanship suddenly suddenly stopped, loudly: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Shao Xuan asked.

Before the flame really pointed to this side, Shao Xuan’s bones were going to try again. I saw a nail from the workmanship, inserted it on the ground, then looked at the sky and asked Shao Xuan: “Now Is the sun in the sky right?"

Shao Xuan nodded.

After confirming, Gong Jiaheng looked at the shadow of the copper nail on the ground, made a stroke on the ground, and then looked to the side of the mountain wall, and walked according to the presumed position.

Not far from the mountain wall, Gong Jiaheng feels that every step is as heavy as it is. The distance of ten meters is hard for more than a minute. The throat is dry and his eyes are awkward.

Finally, before going to the mountain wall, Gong Jiaheng looked like there was no abnormal mountain wall, his hands were attached to the wall, and he screamed and tried his best to push it.

The sound of the sliding of the stone door sounded. (To be continued...)

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