Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 417: Nuclear origin

When I walked to the main hall, I was carefully looked at it. I didn't find Shao Xuan's trace. I carefully observed it. The hall was still in the same way. The 18 bronze statues stood there intact. There was no change. Everything in the hall was the same. The organs and traps in the dark have not been triggered.

Shao Xuan did not step in again. This made the workmanship a sigh of relief, and the mood was quite complicated.

If other people are unconcerned, Gong Jiaheng will definitely try his best to use the power of the mountain to kill it. Although Shao Xuan is curious about the skill of the monks, he is not so greedy, if other people, perhaps During the period when I was left, I continued to sneak in. I might even threaten Gong Jiaheng and let him hand over the things in Gongjiashan, but Shao Xuan did not do this, and Shao Xuan also helped. If there is no Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng knows that he will not be able to get here again after 20 years.

This busy, the workmanship is always remembered.

However, Shao Xuan is a strange person.

The workmanship constantly touched his own secret hustle and bustle. The situation before Shao Xuan stepped into the hall was clearly printed in his mind. It was... scared that his beard had broken a lot.

However, as long as Shao Xuan is not strong enough to enter the mountain, Gong Jiaheng is very willing to make good friends with this.

Carrying the fish out of the mountain, Gong Jiaheng stood at the door, and the line of sight swept around. He saw the round pit with a diameter of more than ten meters. The pit was very shallow, only one palm was deep, but the pit was very flat, like It is like who has been flattened.

The circular shape of this depression, which did not exist before, is very certain that the work is always affirmative. If it is here before, he will definitely remember it.

Thinking of the vibration that I felt in the mountains, the workmanship was not calm. What happened during his time in the mountains? !

When the workman finally found Shao Xuan, Shao Xuanzhen was sleeping with a white melon.

Feeling that someone is close, Shao Xuan woke up, just listening to the footsteps is very familiar, he did not attack.

"Come out?" Shao Xuan yawned.

"Have a good sleep here? Dream of something good?" The armored Heng saw that Xuan Xuan slept very well, joking.

"Dream your ancestors." Shao Xuan answered.

"...hehe." Gong Jiaheng did not take seriously, and did not believe Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan did not say much, got up and cut the melon as a pillow, and divided the division into half.

"This melon is good, can I get some seeds to go back and plant?" Shao Xuan asked.

"You can't take it with you. They can only be born here. They can't live in other places. I heard that many people have taken the seeds out before, even the germination is not successful." Gong Jiaheng said.

"Then I can only eat here." Shao Xuan had some regrets. He saw the fish raised by the armor and asked: "Where does this fish come from?"

"There is a pool in the mountain. This is the fish in the pool. I will eat this later."

Shao Xuan looked at the fish, which he had not seen before. The fish also had a strip of green markings. It is better to eat fish than to eat melons.

"Is it finished?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No, I am trying to tell you this." The workman always smothered his mouth and said: "I may stay here for a while. If you can't wait, I will go back first. After I finish studying, I will go to the Yanjiao tribe to find You, when you send me some weapons that I built."

"Is there an ore?" Shao Xuan asked.

"There is a passage to the mine in the mountains, and you foreigners can't go."

Sure enough, there are nuclear species. For the theory of Gongjiaheng, Shao Xuan also believes that if it is so easy to get nuclear or ore, for many years, there are no more than one thousand foreigners who come to Gongjiashan, but no one can nuclear. When you get away, the monks dare to leave the nuclear species directly here, and naturally they have the confidence.

Shao Xuan didn't have that ability right now, and he didn't want to think about the nuclear planting of Gongjiashan. He turned to the worker Jiaheng: "There are two words to ask you, I don't understand."

Shao Xuan swung his sword on the ground and wrote down the two incomprehensible words he had seen on the mountain wall.

When Shao Xuan wrote, the expression on the face of the armor was more and more weird.

"This, where did you see it?"

Shao Xuan raised his finger to the mountain wall, where it was engraved.

Gong Jiaheng eyelids jumped and almost picked up: "How is it possible?!!"

Shao Xuan went to the front of the mountain wall, and opened the vine leaves, pointing to the two unknown words on the mountain wall: "Hey."

I’ve been pumping a few times on the face of the workmanship. I want to be angry and angry, but I finally sighed and said with a smile: “I don’t think so.”

"You first talk about what the two words mean. This is not the inside of Gongjia Mountain. This is the light and the big outside, and there are foreign people's words on it." Shao Xuan said.

The armor was on the ground, pulling a leaf from the vine, chewing it and chewing it, and said: "That is not a word, it is a word, meaning a green face. These are written in the records left by the ancestors in the mountains. It is the word created by the ancestors."

No wonder I don’t know, Shao Xuan thought that he knew shallow and the words were not recognized. I didn’t expect this word to be original.

"Your ancestor is a real cow." Shao Xuandao.

"Ah, haha, I think so too!" Gong Jiaheng smiled and looked at himself, but then the smile faded. "I thought that these would only stay in the treasures of the mountains, but I didn't think, even outside. Also engraved."

"The so-called blue-faced beasts, in fact, are a kind of fierce beast. They are not big, they are blue, they have very thick skin, they have horns and no horns, and there are two long long fangs, often in The mountains are beating, although they look very fierce and their temperament is fierce, often attacking other beasts, but in fact they are grazing."

Gong Jiaheng said while drawing a stick figure on the ground.

It is not exaggerated to say that the simple strokes are very simple. After the paintings of the ancestors recorded the paintings, the paintings were not deliberately fooled, because the painting techniques of the ancestors were also limited, and the paintings were like that.

"However, later, some of the older generations confirmed that a blood-stained worm has more than a few times more blood than a blue-faced fangs. It is just that kind of worm that is not easy to find. Ordinary small worms can't be done at all, and they must be beast-level."

“Stoneworm?” Shao Xuan is familiar with this creature.

"It should be, different places are called different ways." The discussion of the armored Hengshan on the mountain wall has revealed a lot of secrets. Even when he joined the blood of the beast, he wrote it. Is it really easy to reveal these so easily? !

But since it was left by the ancestors, he could not destroy them all, but it was just tangled. I can think about it. This is also the place where the ancestors are confident. They are not afraid. Even if others master this method, the weapons they create will not match their masterpieces.

With this in mind, Gong Jiaheng is consciously stunned. Sure enough, he still needs to learn from his ancestors, both in terms of his mood and his skills.

Adjusting the mentality, when the workmanship finally looked at the words on the mountain wall, it was much calmer. He also learned to leave a sentence on the mountain wall similar to the one in front, and engraved his own name at the end.

From these discussions, Shao Xuan also knows a lot of forging things, plus what he has mastered, Shao Xuan believes that as long as there is ore, he can also create bronzes. Just the quality of the bronze does not know how.

"Nuclear, how did it come?" Shao Xuan asked.

This, Gong Jiaheng was not clear before, but yesterday he knew about the records left by the ancestors, and it was not a top secret. He listened to Shao Xuan and asked, "The nuclear species come from outside the sky."

"Tianwai?!" Shao Xuan is different.

"Well, more than 2,000 years ago, nuclear species came and scattered everywhere. At the beginning, many people regarded nuclear species as artifacts, but later, more and more people with nuclear tribes died, and everyone will Nuclear species are regarded as monsters, a symbol of death, throwing them far away. But..."

Speaking of this, Gong Jiaheng's eyes are proud and proud. "We also have nuclear species around the tribe. Just like other tribes, we have discovered the secret of nuclear species. It is not a monster, it is the supreme treasure of changing the world!" ”

The rise of the tribes originated from nuclear species. They first discovered the use of nuclear species and created bronzes. Other tribes exchanged bronzes from the tribes. At the same time, the six tribes also collected nuclear species, and I have mastered the use of nuclear species. Since then, the war has started, sweeping across the continent, and in the records of the ancestors of the tribes, it is called the "war of nuclear species."

In the history of the mainland, there are two stages of crossing and turning. One is the change of fire. After that, the tribe's fire pit has no fire. The second turning point is nuclear. After that, the six tribes become the real six. The tribes, they control most of the nuclear species, other small tribes can only drink soup.

Later, the tribes conquered the remaining five tribes, collectively known as "macro", the city gradually formed, and the six men were under the numerous slaves. They were also called slave owners, and the tribal leaders called the king.

However, for the tribes, those have nothing to do with them. They have been immersed in casting and forging, and they are fascinated by it. The six tribes have not found trouble with the tribes. They create gold.

Under the lure of interest, many people in the tribe left, and later, because of the changes in the terrain and the nuclear species, the Weihe River became dry and became a valley. Under the long-term influence of nuclear species, Shibuya became a dead valley, and Its natural topography has become a maze.

The ancestors of the monks had to leave this place for the tribe. Before they left, they created the Gongjia Mountain and painted a moire map with many secrets, so that the descendants of the monks did not forget this place. From generation to generation, every monk who comes here will present his most proud achievements. This is their place of faith.

Slowly, it has become a treasure trough, because in the Gongjia Mountain, there are the most precious monks in various periods, and the unique skills that are reluctant to share with others on weekdays.

As the first person to create bronzes, it is not one of the six major tribes. On the scale, on the status of the mainland, there are still many gaps between the tribes and the six cities. Moreover, the monks are more dispersed and want to It’s hard to get together.

Shao Xuan sighs at the bottom of his heart: This is the difference between engaging in technology and politics.

After talking to Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng felt embarrassed. He came here, and there is no personal secret skill to offer. He can only build a utensil to leave a tribute after learning.

"So, I have to stay here for a while, Shao Xuan, how do you plan?"

"It will leave in a few days." Shao Xuandao.

The workman nodded steadily. "I learned to go to the Yanjiao tribe to find you. Right, how did the round pit there?"

"I stepped on."

Gong Jiaheng: "..." Go ahead! I can't stand here! !

I remembered the things in the armored mountain. After I had eaten something outside, I was in the mountains.

Soon after the construction of Hengjin Mountain, Shao Xuan went to a place in the valley. He said that he dreamed of the ancestors of the monks, not a lie.

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