Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 418: Yanjiao Shaoxuanliu

When Shao Xuan slept last night, he dreamed of a lot of people, all of whom could not see the appearance, but Shao Xuan knew that those people, he did not know.

He saw someone lettering on the mountain wall. In the mountain wall that I saw before, there were some people who used to go. First, a person, extremely corrupt, carved the first column on the mountain wall, and then, Some people appearing in succession, just stop to watch and then leave, while others pick up the knife lettering; some look steady, and some are quite heroic.

In addition to there, there are other places on the mountain wall, and some people have lettering.

All the places where you have the lettering, there are two people who go to the most, one is the one he has seen before, about whether to join the blood of the beard when forging. The other is in...

Shao Xuan came to another mountain wall according to the dream of sleeping last night. There are many plants around here. The vines are densely packed, and the mountain walls are almost covered with the walls, and the mountain walls are covered. Strict.

Shao Xuan carefully peeled off the vines attached to the mountain wall and saw the words on the mountain wall.

However, unlike the lettering on the front wall, the first words here are written with pigments, but they do not know what kind of pigments are used by the people who write. The pigments actually penetrate into the stone walls and the writing is clearly preserved. long.

The above words, sharp and sharp, can be seen from the words to write these people, how arrogant at that time.

Look at the above words: "I am observing the life and death of the grass and water stone, observing the heavens and the earth, and now I know the change of the nuclear species, come to ask for advice!"

Translated a word: Laozi is coming to the market!

On the left side of the sentence, several concentric rings are drawn. Each ring has a distance from the center of the circle, some are near, some are far, and the spacing between the ring and the ring is not equal. On each concentric ring, there is also a line of lines, as well as various labels. It seems very complicated, but the label on the ring makes Shao Xuan happy.

The above symbol Shao Xuan does not understand, but he can guess that one of them is copper and the other is tin according to the following text. As for the other few, it must be other metals.

Seeing this, Shao Xuan's heartbeat has accelerated, this is his first time, so close to the core secret of nuclear species. What Arthur Heng said is just some historical things, and above it is the truth of the cut.

It turns out that nuclear species can make such changes in stone. It turns out that those who worked around the nuclear species used such rules to harvest ore.

According to the Yi tribe, give him a piece of ore. He can know which part of the nuclear circle is in the ore. He can even tell which kind of gold is best for this ore.

This is also signed later, "easy song."

I have to say that this Yi tribe, called Yi Qu, gave Shao Xuan a deep understanding of what kind of changes the nuclear species would bring to the stone and what it would eventually become. Which metal is distributed in which circle, what kind of metal is the most suitable metal, and so on, all of which are listed, and also listed "formula", but that formula is derived from the ring map, Shao Xuan still can't understand.

It must be admitted that these people of the Yi tribe are really talented!

Originally, Shao Xuan only thought that the people of the Yi Department were only famous for their divination, but they did not think that their brain ability was too developed!

After the song, some people replied. Compared with the complicated texts of the former, this monk just replied with two very simple words: "Fart!"

The words are directly engraved, engraved greatly, each word is engraved very powerful, it is clear that the people who were lettering at the time, the mood is quite bad. Anyone who is hit by the door will not have a good attitude, not to mention that these things do not understand at all!

Later, there were easy people coming, using similar paints, and then in the column after the reply of the previous swearing, wrote: "I have deep feelings when I look at the words of the predecessors."

The "predecessor" mentioned by the latter is naturally referred to as Yiqu, and he also wrote his own "feelings". It is an upgraded version of the doughnut chart, and the concentric rings above are denser. The thickness of each ring is also different, and there are more horizontal lines on the drawing, which enables more accurate calculations.

After the picture, there is still something, and it is obviously said to Yi Qu: "The above is the summary of the younger generation. As for the cadres, the ignorant people, my generation is ashamed and remarked!"

The writing is not so ostentatious, it seems introverted, and the way of writing is gentle, but the things written are not lost to his predecessors.

For the upgraded "formula" map of the Yi tribe, the reply from the later monks is as simple as his deaf ancestors: "All are fart!"

They can't understand the pictures in front of the Yiqu. They will not understand the upgraded version later, but this does not prevent them from ridiculing the Yi tribe.

Later, there are disputes between Yi tribes and tribes, ranging from the proportion of gold, to the composition of ore, and the most suitable mining time. However, one is biased towards theory and one is biased towards practical experience.

The monks are adhering to the fact that they are more hands-on and tempered. The monks have a very high talent in the technique of casting and forging. This is something that other tribes can't compare. The talents and hard work, the things that are cast and forged will be amazing.

The Yi tribe, the brain is developed, skilled in the number of surgery, Bu Tian measured all things, a bronze he can give you the ratio of copper to tin analysis to ten decimal places.

One focuses on practical behavioral experience, and the other focuses on the theory of arithmetic; one encourages everything to work, and the other encourages everything to work.

The monk said: The Yi tribe loves to dig the tip of the horn, and the mouth of the mouth thinks that he can change the world.

Yi tribe retorted: This is called rigorous, this is strength.

The monks said: The tribes of the Yi tribe, nothing to think about, think too much to become neurotic, and move more hands, one by one like a weak chicken, can you hammer?

The people of the Yi tribe are scornful: I am so smart, much stronger than the fools who are only stunned by the hammer. We only need to use our brains to crush you thousands of times! How to say, we are also one of the six major tribes, much better than a smashing monk who is gradually declining.

Deaf people: We are willing to do our best to invest in gold, to find out the greatest value of nuclear species, to change the world, what can you do? What is the word on the verbal? waste! spendthrift! No wonder the beggars have received it! Or observe your vegetation and die!


Shao Xuan looked at their arguments, smiled and cracked his mouth, took out the animal skin rolls, and copied them all. This contains a lot of useful information, not only the complicated ones listed by the Yi tribes. Formula-like maps, as well as what they have revealed in their arguments, for example, many people in the Yi tribe are weak, they have nuclear species, but they are not used for casting and forging. The main purpose is to deduct the calculation. There is also a history of unspeakable workmanship.

Of course, the technology came out in the quarrel. The quarrel between the two sides also mentioned a lot of things about casting and forging. They are some very useful techniques. Shao Xuan copied it without missing a word.

Here, Shao Xuan witnessed a controversy on the mountain wall that spanned the millennium.

I saw it in another mountain wall before, but it can be said to be a discussion. After all, the people who are engraving will be excited, but they are basically swearing, and the words are engraved, and the tone is still moderate. And here, if there is a real person here, it will definitely be a fierce war of words.

The origin of nuclear species, Shao Xuan already knows, the role of nuclear species, Shao Xuan is also clear, and even the distribution of metal and some casting and forging skills, have all been known, these are recorded on the animal skin rolls. I just remembered what he saw in the desert that year. Those people chose the stone to be placed around the nuclear species. Different stones and nuclear species had different effects on it. How specific, this Shao Xuan got his own answer.

Shao Xuan has found several other mountain walls. However, the lettering of those places is very random. Most of them are engraved by people other than the monks, and they are not very useful. Most of them are for expressing this tour. Depressed mood, after all, they are not easy to come here, but failed to enter the Gongjia Mountain, want to destroy this place, but can not help but guard against it.

In general, Shao Xuan is very satisfied with the harvest.

In the following days, Shao Xuan regained the power of inheritance in the valley, and also explored all the useful things in the valley to study the complex maps left by the Yi tribes. Whether it is the things left by the Yi tribes or the skills left by the monks, it is very useful. Shao Xuan can integrate these, the theory is related to the reality, and it is much more convenient when the goldsmith is built in the future.

In the meantime, the workmanship came out several times, but every time he rushed out, picked up some food and went in. It looked like he was immersed in a certain state and ignored everything outside. Shao Xuan also discovered that when this person picked the fruit, he suddenly saw an arm and made the fruit into a jam without knowing it.

This is too much investment, so that I ignore everything around me.

After another ten days, Shao Xuan felt that the power of inheritance in the body had recovered almost. He planned to try to stimulate the power of bone decoration here.

In order not to step out more pits, Shao Xuan intends to try in the original round pit.

This time, with previous experience, Shao Xuan has mastered a lot. Through the prohibition pressure of the sorcerer in the valley, he urged the inheritance of the body and let the flame people finally appear again. Shao Xuan tried to walk, but still could not go much, only took a small step.

Then, the ground has a diameter of more than ten meters, and a round pit with a palm is deep into a round pit with a diameter of nearly 20 meters and a depth of half a meter.

Before leaving, Shao Xuan engraved a circle on the wall of the pit, thanks to the predecessors who came to the Valley of the Armored, and benefited him a lot. The end of the signature - Yan Jiao Shao Xuanliu.

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