Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 419: Fat duck

Shao Xuan stayed in the Valley of the Armor for another ten days, and waited until the inheritance of the body recovered almost.

Before leaving, Shao Xuan Chao had a ritual in the valley. Although he did not know the people who kept the words on the mountain wall, perhaps these people had already passed away, but Xuan Xuan also wanted to express those things that he had copied.

After picking up a leaf and giving it to the company, Shao Xuan intends to leave the valley. It is useless to stay here. Shao Xuan can feel the existence of a repulsive force. Even if he rings the bell, he can’t hear the echo. It will be booed, and outsiders are not welcome here.

Shao Xuanben intends to return along the original road, only to find that the door that was promoted by the previous workmanship was not opened. Forcibly opened? I don't know if it will trigger any ban.

However, when the door was not opened, Shao Xuan found that there was an opening in the other part of the valley.

The door at the opening looks like a whole body with the mountain wall, plus vines cover, many plants cover it, if it is not opened by itself, Shao Xuan really will not find this door.

The dark passage inside is very similar to the aisle that came when you came. It doesn't seem to be completely occluded. Although it has a stale atmosphere, it is not strong, and it also has some other scent. .

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan stepped in and walked along this opening.

Take the spar out of the lighting, Shao Xuan walks, while paying attention to the traces on the surrounding walls. In the past, some people should have walked over here. There are scratches on the walls, which are deliberately left out. In order to prevent the back from getting a mouthful. Then go forward, Shao Xuan found that this passage has no martyrdom, but can feel the bend of this passage, do not know where to go.

There are some small holes in the upper part of the passage. I don't know where to go, and there is no light from the inside, but I can feel the air flowing from the small holes.

Going on, and finally waiting to see the light again, Shao Xuan found that he was no longer in the Valley of the Armor.

Looking back, it is a stretch of mountains, and in front of it, there are large green forests.

I did not see Shibuya with a breath of death, as if coming out of this aisle, I came to another world.

This is not the mountain forest that Shao Xuan is familiar with. It is not the place where the same worker came when he came. The surrounding forest is very strange.

After Shao Xuan walked out of the aisle, he heard a sound behind him, and the hole was automatically closed. The closed place was integrated with the surrounding area, and there was no sense of suddenness. If you didn’t see it, no one would know that there is a aisle.

Shao Xuan looked at the sun in the Tianshan Mountains and determined his position. Fortunately, he did not deviate too far. However, he had to go back to the route when he came back.

Into the forest, Shao Xuan is not worried about no food.

There was a sound of birds called insects. However, Shao Xuan did not see the shadow of a flying insect or a bird. There were no figures in the grass that the bees jumped over.

The more you go, the more active the insects are.

It is not a stout tree, the branches and leaves are swaying with the wind, and the sound of insects and birds rang in the ear of Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan carefully distinguished the original line of sight of the bird in the branches and moved to the surrounding trees.

The sound is not what the birds are coming from, but the trees!

As for the sound of insects, it is not the worms called out, but the sound of the grass on the ground!

Especially when the wind blew, the sound of the worms mixed together, and as the wind blew, the waves fluctuated.

It’s a strange forest.

Like the forest that Shao Xuan had encountered before, there is also a blind eye in this forest, which makes it easy for people who walk in it to lose their way. However, since Shao Xuan was able to walk through the previous forests when he came, this forest can still pass.

After walking for nearly two hours, Shao Xuan discovered that he had not left the forest and did not return to the original place. He even had a feeling that the distance he had traveled in the past two hours did not actually leave the starting point. .

Shao Xuan pulled a grass and tried it. The grass was so flexible that it was equivalent to the thickness of the straw rope used by his divination. He tried the divination directly with this grass.

The first time, failure.

Come again, it still fails.

Almost without waiting for Shao Xuan to start, the grass was broken.

This is not a question of grass. Shao Xuan feels that when he is in the divination, he can't concentrate at all. If he can't concentrate all his efforts on the divination, the power chaos will be out of order, and the failure rate will naturally be very high.

At the time of the divination, the sounds of the insects around them seemed to increase, and the more complicated, the noisy Shao Xuan could not calm down. If you want to be a diviner, you have to block all the sounds around you.

Shao Xuan first placed an early warning trap around him. If someone or other beasts approached, he could also perceive it. After everything was arranged, Shao Xuan closed his hearing, isolated all the sounds around him, closed his eyes, and once again divined.

This time, the divination is a lot easier.

Looking at the final knot, Shao Xuan continued to close the hearing, walked in one direction, did not go to see the surrounding forest grass, just went straight in one direction, no distraction.

When walking out of this weird wood, Shao Xuan suddenly felt a light body. The shield was removed, and the sound of birds and beasts came around. It was not the sound of pure insects in front. Shao Xuan could hear the sounds of various beasts, and the sound of the leaves. There should be nearby A small waterfall, Shao Xuan heard the sound of running water from a height.

Everything is back to normal.

This kind of forest is normal, although there may be various threats in the forest, all kinds of ferocious beasts, all kinds of exotic plants, but it makes Shao Xuan have a relaxed and refreshing feeling.

The forest is like this!

Washing his face next to the water under the waterfall, hunting a bad old big porpoise to fill his stomach, take a break, Shao Xuan intends to continue on the road.

There are not many ferocious beasts here, and even the beasts are relatively few. Shao Xuan also took a lot of time to find the one. The birds are not too active. Occasionally they can see one or two flying, but they are not like the group of birds that Shao Xuanping saw in the day. Here, it seems a lot more monotonous.

Probably still close to Shibuya, so there will be fewer animals.

In any case, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, Shao Xuan intends to leave as soon as possible.

There is a green-colored bird flying through the sky, and there are some dead-leaf patterns in the eyes, like wearing a blindfold. Look at the form, like a fat duck.

The green bird stopped at the tree nearly 30 meters away from Shao Xuan and twisted his neck and looked at Shao Xuan.

"Hey - hey!"

The green bird screamed, seeing Shao Xuan did not move, it flew down from the tree, landed directly on the surface of the water, then folded its wings, padd water on the surface of the water, and occasionally stretched the neck into the water, then Lift up and sway the water, and after that, continue to swim around there. Occasionally, a small fish was pulled out of the water and swallowed up.

I have to say that when there are very few birds and beasts around, it is really exciting to see such a fat duck.

Shao Xuan did not take the first shot.

When the fat duck just landed on the tree from the air, Shao Xuan was keenly aware that the fat duck’s toe had a sharp hook at the front end, firmly hooking the branch, but at the moment it landed in front of the water, two The toe between the toes suddenly spread like a sputum.

Like a poultry, it has the claws of a raptor.

This is not as harmless as it seems.

However, such a fat duck, swimming in front of Shao Xuan, and swam, it is like talking to Shao Xuan: Come, eat me!

Shao Xuanqi started a stone on the side of the ground and shot at the fat duck.

However, the fat duck seems to have been prepared for a long time. When Shao Xuan had an action, it came directly to the water drifting, spreading its wings and quickly slamming the feet with the feet, running through the water. Start a water pattern. Then the wings are flying, the shackles on the soles of the feet are also contracted, and the rest are only claws like eagle.

From the surface of the water, the fat duck did not fly directly, but flew between the trees, and occasionally flew up, it looked like it was too long and too fat to eat too much to fly.

Shao Xuan continued to chase, when he was about to catch up, the fat duck was like the acceleration of the propeller, and he flew while he was screaming.

The surrounding trees are very thick, and twenty people can't be surrounded. There are very few birds and animals in the vicinity. In this way, the green-colored ducks that fly in the air are very eye-catching.

Shao Xuan chased the fat duck and ran between the trees. At his speed, he could quickly catch the fat duck. However, he was not in a hurry, just kept a distance behind and looked at it. Only fat ducks screamed in front.

When the fat duck stopped, Shao Xuan stopped and did not move forward.

Resting on a 17-meter-high branch on the ground, the emerald fat duck licked the mane and looked at Shao Xuan. It seemed to be very strange to Shao Xuan’s stop there.

"Hey!" The fat duck screamed again, and opened his wings to shake the flesh of his body.

Shao Xuan did not go to see it, let it scream in there. The line of sight swept around the surrounding forest and clenched the sword.

When the fat duck stopped, the surroundings seemed very quiet. Only the wind blew the sound of the leaves, there were beasts, but it was a little far from here.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly burst out in the woods, and the cold light reflected by the blade was fierce and fierce. The air was turned into a sharp air force, and it was forced to come to Shao Xuan!

At the same time, on the other side, a black shadow was rushed at the same time. The other party did not take any weapons, but the arm contained a strong and solid force. The arms were rounded and the air was torn when it was pulled out. roar.

The two are approaching each other.

Shao Xuan instinctively perceived the danger. Before the two figures rushed out, they were prepared. They did not block the joint force of the two men, but ran toward the front.

The cut sword body broke a crack in the ground, and the soil and grass clippings were high.

When a sword is hollowed out, the other party is not disappointed. It is just a joint pursuit of another person, and with a suffocating face, it is more sly.

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