Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 424: Duck egg

Compared with other beasts in the forest, this fat duck still has a closeness to people. When he is far away, he doesn’t know what to do, but he will fly back before dark, and rest in the woods on the other side of the river. The river and the forest on the other side of the activity, because it is close to the Yanjiao tribe, and no other dangerous beasts are close, it is safe for the fat duck.

When the courage is big, it will adapt to it, and the fat duck will not be stable.

According to the man who often observed the fat duck at the foot of the mountain, the fat duck disappeared for a long time. People at the foot of the mountain worried that it was gone. When he planned to report with Shao Xuan, he found that it was back again, with another A bird, and then the two left, and when the fat duck came back again, he brought another one back.

In this way, a bird will be brought back one or two days later. These birds are not exactly the same. Some birds are pointed, some are flat, some have long wings, some have short wings, and some have bright colors. Some are gray, some like to rest in the trees, and some like to rest in the grass. Even though the birds brought back by these fat ducks are different, but in terms of form, it can be seen similarly, looks like a duck, and may have a close relationship in ethnic history.

If it is in the past, the tribes will see the flying birds, they will definitely shoot and kill, and the prey that is delivered to the door should not be white. But the fat duck was the elder of Shao Xuan, no one dared to shoot, and even the other birds did not touch.

The people under the mountain are now interested in counting ducks. When they have time, they go to the river to see if there are more ducks on the river today.

"Hey, how many?" asked a soldier who was on duty today.

"Seventeen, yesterday is still fifteen." Another patrolling soldier is happy.

"I didn't expect these birds to become more and more!"

"What stupid thing to say?! That was the bird that Shao Xuan elders brought back. It is worthy of being an elder, only bringing back a bird. How long it has been now, it has become seventeen!" The man envied the authenticity.

"Just, those birds look bad, too small, and not much meat. Look at it is just an ordinary bird. What do Shao Xuan elders want so many birds?" Some people wondered.

"Since the old Shaolin is doing this, there must be his truth. Let's not think too much. Just stare at the people and don't let the birds start."

"Don't say it. It's a detour!" the leader said.

Compared with the fat duck, the other ones are more timid and very vigilant. After all, the fat duck is getting along with others, and the acceptance is higher. It is also easier to adapt on the human site, but the others are different. If someone approaches the river, those who are still swimming on the water will scream and escape, and will return for a long time, some even for a few days. Nothing to see.

Therefore, in order not to fly the birds, the people under the mountain will count, and the distance will be long. They also figured out the safety distance, as long as they are outside this distance, they will not be surprised. To this end, the people who patrolled on the wheel, when they walked to the river, changed their way to avoid the birds.

So, when the hunting team came back, it was just as the ducks passed by, with a burst of noise. The group of ducks that had been moving upstream on the river all flew up and screamed Gao Fei to run away.

The hunting team, which was full of rewards, was planning to take a bow and shoot a few down, just took out the bow. I saw the people in the tribe patrolling the wind and rushed over.

Others in the hunting team: "..." What happened when we were absent?

The patrolling people said the cause of the incident, and the people of the hunting team quickly put the bow and arrow away, but the group of the flying ducks could not be called for the time being.

"Do they come back?" Dokang asked.

"It will... But for a long time, if the elders can only come back, most of the others will follow." The patrol's leader hesitated and replied.

"The little elders are going to raise birds?"

"The elders didn't care, the birds flew by themselves, the one that started at the beginning, and the more they flew, the more I have today!" The patrol leader showed a smile on his face, but thought of the birds. Will it be scared by the hunting team's position, no longer flying back, the smile on the face is also weak, worried. After all, the hunting team is still **** and murderous, and it can be different in peace days.

Worried, the leader of the patrol went up the mountain and said this to Shao Xuan.

"Don't worry, as long as the most fat one can come back, even if the rest won't all come back, there will be more new members to join in later." Shao Xuandao.

The head of the patrol team saw Shao Xuan saying this, and he was not worried. He only rushed to the river every time he took turns, to see if the birds came back, and returned a few.

Probably the ducks were really scared. This time I came back a lot slower and only flew back to the fifteen. However, everyone sees the greenest fatter still, and my heart is no longer worried. This is just fine. Anyway, it will lead back more.

Shao Xuan did not anticipate the situation today. He thought that if this fat duck settled near the tribe, it would probably hook a few female ducks. However, Shao Xuan still licked the ability of the fat duck, and the goods actually came over. group! Nowadays, the harem of this fat duck is still expanding.

It seems that bringing the fat duck back is correct.

If the female ducks lay eggs in the future, there are ducklings hatching out, maybe there will be inherited fat ducks to detoxify the body, the male ducks can eat, the female ducks can be slowly domesticated, see if they can make as many eggs as possible.

Regardless of whether the second generation of ducks will develop as Shao Xuan thought, it is still early, not even a duck egg, don't mention the second generation of ducks.

On this day, Shao Xuang just came back from the coppersmiths of the tribe, and saw the guards at the door, two soldiers patrolling the mountain, a woman, and a child who was not taller than Shao Xuan.

"What's wrong?" Shao Xuan asked.

See Shao Xuan coming back, waiting for the woman there to get excited and take out the things wrapped in the arms carefully wrapped in the animal skin.

"This is what my child had found in the river last night. It should be the elders and your stuff." The woman handed the egg to Shao Xuan.

Usually at night, the ducks will leave the artificial river, enter the woods, and return to their nests to rest. The group of ducks, some built the nest on the tree, and some built in the grass, Shao Xuan once went to see.

No matter which kind of wild duck, it is not like the eggs that have been domesticated for a long time.

"Where did this egg come from?" Shao Xuan asked the child.

"In the grass by the river." There were no ducks in the river at night. These children sometimes went to the river because of curiosity. I didn't expect that he had an egg in the grass by the river last night. I was not happy at the time. . After going back to talk to my mother, today, under the leadership of two patrol fighters, I went up the mountain to find Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan looked at it and the egg had cracked. He gave the egg to the child. "You can take it back and eat it. Eat it first. If there is nothing else, eat the rest."

Looking at the egg in front of him, see Shao Xuan is not like a joke, the child grinned: "Thank you elders! When I find more eggs, I will send them to the elders!"

With this first egg, after the ducks left in the evening, many people used to look for it. However, it was rare to find the eggs. Shao Xuan saw it in the woods. Some of them were lying in the duck nest. More than a dozen eggs. (To be continued.)

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