Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 425: See also Gongjiaheng

The wild ducks were able to choose to build their nests in the woods near the tribe. Obviously they also chose to accept the living environment of this place and adapt to it. Perhaps there is the effort of the fat duck, no matter what, for the tribe, This is not a bad thing. N∈,

The patrols that are now patrolling every day have been extended to forests near the tribe. Although they used to patrol these places in the past, there was little time, sometimes they would go around once or two days, but now, patrols go every day. The forest is yo.

The patrolling person now has a more fun to find the egg.

After discovering the nests of all kinds of wild ducks, they will return the egg tarts that have been broken or rolled down from the trees. If they can eat, they will eat them. If they can't eat, they will be fertilizers and moisturize thousands of gold. It is. These cracked eggs remain in the nest and it is difficult to hatch the second generation of ducks.

Shao Xuan wants to see if the eggs are all eggs. Unfortunately, even in the sunshine, you can't see a little bit of something in the egg. This eggshell is not light, Shao Xuan can only give up this method, only Let people bring back the broken egg.

When patrolling people walk in the woods, they will also pay attention not to disturb the ducks in those armpits, but only when they leave, they will not look close.

These wild ducks are very fine. They build the nest in the grass. When they leave, they cover the duck eggs in the nest with turf. At first glance, they will not find a duck nest there, and several times they are patrolling. The soldiers quietly followed the ducks and saw them licking the grass to find the duck's nest.

Compared with the hard work of the female ducks, the green-colored duck that Shao Xuan brought back is very leisurely all day. Of course, it will also patrol the forest, if there are some wild rats or other small creatures it can deal with. , will open the state of defense of the territory. Turning into a fighting duck, if you encounter an unbeatable human creature, the duck will open the door and call the warriors who patrol around the tribe to hear it, and then they will immediately rush to rescue.

For useful novelty, tribes are always very active. Anyway, it is idle all the time, and some children will go to catch the bugs and throw them at the ducks.

Probably I realized that this place is safer than other places, and the female ducks are more at ease.

So, one day, there were some new voices in the woods near the tribe.

Gray, yellow, and flower hairs are active in the woods.

Although patrolling people are patrolling in the woods, they will not always take care of every place. Big fat ducks are even more likely to be constantly on the lookout. When these ducklings are born, they will still attract some predators. Therefore, it is inevitable that the ducklings will be taken away, and the female ducks have also been taken away.

Shao Xuan people brought the ducklings who lost their mother ducks back to the tribe, and in captivity, the big fat ducks still closed their eyes with one eye. In fact, it did not have much to them after the second generation of the ducks were born. Interest, although the forest will be patrolled as usual. But it won't stop because of the little ducks.

For these second generations of ducks, the tribes broke out with great enthusiasm. Under the mountain, he made a big duck circle. Shao Xuan also built a duck shed with people. Every day, people take turns watching.

Then one day, Shao Xuan received a report from the people under the mountain, saying that the big fat duck himself had entered, and the ducklings were not allowed to approach.

See the fat duck that is not dead. No way, Shao Xuan made a small shed beside the duck shed and laid hay, which allowed the fat duck to move over.

Before Shao Xuan discovered that the duck eggs that came back were detoxifying. Therefore, these ducks are also attached to the tribes. As for the ducks in the woods outside the tribe, Shao Xuan did not catch people. The tribes tried to feed the ducks for the first time, and there was a contrast. Besides, the number of ducklings is much higher. For the tribes who lack experience, they can't take care of them. It is better to let those big ducks bring them.

In addition to the ducks, the tribal artisans also made great progress in casting and forging. The big copper tripod brought back by Shao Xuan also made them melt into other bronzes. The weapons were obviously improved, but they suffered. There aren't too many ores for them to try.

What makes Shao Xuan happy is that the thousand grains of gold in his backyard are also maturing, and the grain of the ear begins to turn yellow. When it turns into gold, it is almost the same. With the experience of the past, Shao Xuan let everyone pay attention to the changes when the millet is mature, such as mice and other things.

According to the estimates of the residence and others, the harvest of thousands of gold should be able to catch up with the first time this year the tribe went to Amba City. It has been accumulated for more than half a year, and it is time to go out and trade. Otherwise, it is not a problem at home. Besides, for the Taihe tribes who are good at planting, the harvest season is coming soon. After they harvest, they get to trade. The people in Yanjiao naturally try to rush together and have a photo.

However, at the end of last year, there was a small conflict with the people in Anba City. This year, I was more careful. Although they were able to go directly to the black bear with their brands, it is always good to be careful.

The witches, the chiefs of the levy, the Dokang, the generalized, the Shaoxuan and other tribes have more status. They gather in the house of Zhenglu to discuss the matter of going to Anba City. Shao Xuan is the youngest person sitting there, nor Who dares to look down.

As I said, someone came to report that someone was looking for Shao Xuan under the mountain.

"Is there a name for the person coming in?" asked Luo to ask the soldiers who came in.

The soldier thought for a moment. "He said that he called ‘Heng’.”

A few people slammed their eyelids and immediately got up. "Hurry!"

After saying that people came to Shao Xuan, they had to consult Shao Xuan’s opinion and told the soldiers who were about to leave, looking at Shao Xuan: “How do you feel?”

Shao Xuan got up and said: "I will go ahead and see."

Many people don't easily enter unfamiliar tribes. If something goes wrong, they can't escape. Thinking of this, Zheng Luo also understood, but he did not continue to sit in the room, but followed Shao Xuan down the mountain. As a tribute to the technique of casting and forging, the monks have always been very mysterious. If you want to find a monk to build a weapon in the city, there is not enough to exchange, it is impossible to move. Moreover, the more skilled the deaf, the less likely it is to help people build.

And the monks who came out from Gongjiashan. Everyone is master-level, even if it is not famous now, but for these people, being famous is only a matter of time. When they are famous, it is difficult to think about it again. It’s hard to meet such an opportunity. Nature will not be missed.

When Shao Xuan came to the foot of the mountain, Gong Jiaheng was sitting on the grass not far from the river, watching the duck team with different colors in the river.

After living in the tribe for a long time, these ducks have reduced their precautions against the tribes, and they will eat in the past after everyone spilled food.

"You tribes still have so many birds? Just stock them, don't be afraid of them flying?" Gong Jiaheng pointed to the big little ducks on the river.

Shao Xuan smiled: "They flew by themselves, they have to fly away and they are casual."

"Who is it?" The workmanship does not believe. However, he came here not to see the ducks, just to ask a question at random. As for whether Yan Yan’s people have raised these and how to raise them, he has no interest.

"After asking a few tribes, I found it here." When the workmanship came, he saw a horned warrior dragging a wild boar that had just been hunted, and throwing it to the 100 meters with a small sandbag. The companions at the time, at the time, Gong Jiaheng thought: Shao Xuan really did not lie, the people of this tribe are generally strong.

"Into the tribe, let's say it. You must be tired, take a rest here and start again." Shao Xuandao.

Gong Jiaheng is also not polite. He has been here from Gongjiashan. Apart from being repaired for two days in the place where he has lived for nearly two decades, he has not rested well. There are many beasts in the forest. He has been nervous and avoids danger. The beast. It is now exhausted. I really have to take a good rest. Although he was not familiar with the Yanjiao tribe for the first time, he still believed in Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan introduced the Luo and others to Gong Jiaheng and took him up to his house.

When the workmanship came over, he also carried a big bag. After entering the house, Gong Jiaheng will pack the bag to the stone table and make a sound of hard object collision.

"These are for you!" The armored Hengbian took a serious and serious approach to Shaoxuan: "I haven't thank you very much. These are some of my achievements in Gongjiashan, and they are also a thank you gift."

Shao Xuan looked at the things revealed in the unwrapped package. Ten weapons, swords, axes, gems, and spears were all there. Just put them there, you can feel a sharp breath, with the blade on it. Cold light, each has a moire mark, which belongs to the inscription of the armor, and one of the golden swords has the word of dark lines, written with the moire, is the name of Shao Xuan.

In the eyes of Hengjia, the eyes showed pride and strong confidence. "This is what I have now, except for the one that is enshrined in Gongjiashan. The most proud sword can easily break the stone!" Constantly sweeping the inside of the eye, seeing a few big stones in the corner, and striding forward to pick up a piece, "Look!"

Along with the squeezing into the house, Luo and Dokang stretched their necks, and their eyes were staring at them, for fear of missing this exciting scene. They have long heard that many of the weapons made by the monks can easily break the stone and split the stone in half. However, it is not a small price to build those weapons, let alone no one can find them to create them. Those who are forced to do high usually do not see outsiders.

Nowadays, they are finally fortunate enough to see such a scene. Can you not be excited? Excited to breathe!

The armor held the sword that reflected the golden light, and the other hand threw the stone.

At the moment when the stone was thrown up, the armor constantly raised his arm, then slammed the sword, and the blade pointed to the stone in the air.

When the blade is squatting, the golden light flashes, with a sense of sacredness, and like the lightning that is opened in the night, I can't wait to cut the sky.

The person who looked at him couldn't help but get cold and almost took a nap.


The stone was handed over, and a burst of crackling of the eardrum was made.

Some stone powder splashes.


The stone rolled to the ground.

The sword is in good condition and there is no gap.

The stone is missing a small mouth.

Shao Xuan: "..."

Gong Jiaheng: "..."

Le Luokang and others: "..." This is also a broken stone, right? (To be continued...)

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