Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 428: Smashing

To determine exactly what kind of situation, you can replant the obtained grain and see what it is like when it is planted. However, this method takes a long time and there is no time for planting this year. Oh,

The second method is to find a squatting house and see what the old man planted is a thousand pieces of gold.

No matter what kind of 1000-grain gold it grows, no one will doubt its speciality. Ordinary millet can cause such a big movement? The process of collecting the millet is full of tension.

"First cook a little to see how it works." Shao Xuandao.

For them, how useful is food, whether it is good or bad for the body, how much harm is great, and although it is not so accurate, it can also be said to be generally good or bad, especially witches who are good at herbs, etc. The spring cypress of the Taihe tribe, they are also good at this, in the end, how to cook a pot to eat and eat.

Shao Xuan stripped one hundred and fifteen grains, and the chaff was specially put into a pottery pot. The witch would take it back to study, and the thousand pieces of gold that had been removed from the chaff would be put into a pottery that came from the witch. In the past, she used this medicine for this purpose. This time, for the sake of a thousand gold, the pottery was specially cleaned and even the firewood was carefully selected.

Because Shao Xuan's house is too small, can not accommodate too many people, but also a bird smell, then transferred to the position, came to an empty warehouse, here is not how to use it on weekdays, the Luo family automatically picked up.

Twenty-three people who have harvested thousands of gold, plus witches, and a few people who have participated in the cultivation of thousands of grains, more than 30 people, one layer and one floor are surrounded by Tao Ding, as for the Taihe tribe The people, "please" they waited for the next time before the harvest.

More than one hundred large grapes of 1000 pieces of gold were placed inside the pottery, plus water. Burn up the wood that has already been prepared and cook it up.

A touch of scent spreads.

It is somewhat different from what Shao Xuan once heard, but it is not completely different. There are three similarities.

More than 30 pairs of eyes stared at the small Tao Ding, to be cooked, the soup inside turned purple thick. The wizard took out a polished wooden spoon, took out a spoonful of thick soup, poured it into the pottery bowl, and tasted it first.

The expression of the witch, from the fine taste, to the thought, then suddenly, revealing the joy, and finally the ecstasy: "Good!!"

Can get such an evaluation of witch. There are already a few counts in Shao Xuan’s heart, which shows that it is worthwhile for everyone to work hard for so long.

The witch picked up the wooden spoon and left the granules in the tripod, leaving only ten, and was filled with another pottery bowl. This was for the people on the Taihe River.

Shao Xuan felt that this time it was planted. It is much better than the last one, and the pores on the body are like being opened. It released a turbidity. Because there was no injury and no other illness, the body did not feel much tired. Shao Xuan did not feel too deep in the moment, but he saw the surprises of other people and knew that the return exceeded the pay. It is worth continuing to plant.

"I feel that the physical strength is back!" said a soldier.

"I feel that my injury is not so painful." This was said by a soldier who had been seriously injured in the previous hunting.

"I feel... I feel... it feels good, it’s better than eating a whole wild boar!" said Dokang. "How do you raise this thing? When I plant the next time, I will hunt some prey, oh. More points, I am!"

"No, the use of thousands of gold is definitely more than that. I think that thousands of gold can bring us great benefits!" The witch face is happy, as long as she gives her some time, she can put thousands of gold. Find out where other uses are.

"This, keep it!" Zheng Luo pointed to the twenty-three bags brought over, excited and authentic. The benefits of thousands of gold for everyone, perhaps there is no definitive answer now, but it is always good, just wait for the conclusion of the witch, it will not let everyone down.

"More than next year," said Habitat. Although she only ate one, she already had a feeling of fullness, and she felt refreshed, tired nerves and sleepy spirits were greatly relieved, and she also felt that thousands of gold came to them. Say, the use will never stop there.

"These will take a lot of good things when you take the city of Anba." Dokang slammed his mouth and said.

When Dokang just finished speaking, he slammed the slap. "Fart, this kind of good thing is of course to keep eating it yourself! How can I be willing to go out and trade?"

Dokang thought about it, too, and they didn’t have much internal knowledge. Why bother to exchange it for others? It is ok to switch to the hide.

"When I went out in a few days, didn't I take this?" Dokang asked.

"Except for those that Shao Xuan carries, other people don't have to bring it." Zheng Luo replied.

When I discussed it earlier, Shao Xuan will take a thousand dollars to go out. When I go to Wangcheng, I will give some work to the armor. Later, the tribe will build weapons, and this is indispensable.

"Shao Xuan, how much is left in the grain last year?" Wu asked.

Shao Xuan thought for a moment, "It has already consumed two hundred and fifty, and there are still more than seven hundred."

"If it is ok, all of it will be planted next year. Some of the harvest this year will be planted, and some will be planted next year. However, there are so many difficulties." Witch frowns.

"This time I went to Wangcheng, I can't find other methods of planting." Shao Xuan said.

The witch nodded, "It can only be like this."

The harvest of thousands of gold, divided into 500 tablets to the Taihe tribe's Quanbai and others, they provided a lot of help, the people of Taihe still want more, sign a word, do not give. The beasts are caught by ourselves. The method is what our people think of, the seeds are our own, and the last defense is our own. We are not enough. Where can we give you extra? It is already good to give these.

So Quanbai several people went to Shao Xuan to complain, and finally from Shao Xuan to a hundred grains last year, only to be happy to leave. The so-called where to fall from where to climb again, they planted last year's seeds failed, no longer one kind of unwillingness.

As for these hundreds of new millet, they will plant it out next year, and when it comes out, it will become more.

After three days, set a good time for going out.

Shao Xuan counted a thousand grains, packed in animal skin bags and left with the trading team. The rest of the thousand grains of gold millet are placed in the witch, how to distribute those millet in the tribe, has been negotiated, and there is no need for Shao Xuan to be more distracted.

After the trading team arrived in Anba City, the teams of the two tribes did not go directly to the free trade zone in the city. Shao Xuan took the sign given by the "black bear" and went to the place where the black bear had said.

It was a small house with a yard. Even the yard was a hundred square meters. It was not too big or too eye-opening here.

Shao Xuan buckled the front of the wooden door.

"Who?" There was a rough voice coming in, and I could hear the footsteps of striding.


The wooden door opened, and a tall, burly strong man came out. The bear's body was a little worse than their head, the "black bear," but it was not much different.

Originally impatient tone, after seeing Shao Xuan, the brawny "snapped" and pointed out the thick carrot fingers pointing at Shao Xuan. "Are you not the one who broke through?"

Even if Ding Ding, what does it mean to "break" Ding? Besides, the tripod that was brought back last year is not too much.

No more nonsense, Shao Xuan took out the brand given by the "black bear."

"Hey, is it really you? Yanjiao? If you come two days later, you will not touch us. Two days later we have left to go to Wangcheng." The brawny said. (To be continued...)


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