Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 429: Don't you die?

"Wangcheng?" Shao Xuanyi, did not expect to happen to meet their black bear caravan to Wangcheng, he can consider the time to follow the black bear caravan, so also save yourself to ask the road, and, along with the caravan will be safe Some, even if you pay some compensation, it is worth it.

However, it is still the first time to complete the tribal transaction.

"Do you have a black bear in your head?" Shao Xuan asked.

"The head has already passed, we are waiting for a batch of goods here, and then take the goods in the past, just right, and wait for your Yanjiao people." The strong man said. The Yanjiao tribes brought very good things. The last animal skin, they made a lot of money when they went out, and the rest of them were divided by their own insiders, not to mention the winter warmth.

However, compared to the animal skin, the kind of glowing stone makes them care.

Bring Shao Xuan into the house and sit on the stone bench in the yard. There are no wooden benches. For these people of the Black Bears caravan, the wooden bench is too weak.

"My name is Mao Da, my head is not there. I am responsible for all the transactions in Anba City. What good goods did you bring this time? Is there any kind of glowing stone?" Mao Dakai started and asked with expectation.

"The lighted stone didn't bring a few. This is dangerous in the river for half a year. It's not good." Shao Xuan said half-truth. In the river of the hunting area, the river still has not dried up. Although the crocodiles appear less, there are still some. If you want to dig the stones again, you have to wait until the river has dried up.

However, before Shao Xuan came to build a few water and stone. Things are rare, and it is better not to take too much of this kind of thing at one time.

As soon as I heard that there was such a glowing stone, Mao Da’s eyes all smiled and pushed, and the big palm slammed hard. “Well! Where is the thing?”

"Not brought into the city." Shao Xuandao. Not afraid of things, but there are too many things in the team. If you really fight with the people in Anba City, you will destroy a lot of things. The people in the team can’t bear it. Why bother for the people in Anba City? s things?

Thinking of what happened last year in Amba City, Mao Dalai. "You are right to do this. I went to the trading area a few days ago and saw Anping carrying people around. Right, Anping, do you remember? It is the one that gave you the broken trip."

"Well. Remember." Shao Xuan listened to Mao Da's words and knew that there were many stories he did not know.

"The break that Anping launched last year seems to be a bit of a head. It is just because of some reasons that it has failed. But for the Ancheng nobles, it is not a gift. Unfortunately, the idiot of Anping will be launched in the public. Go back. After being cut off with an arm, he recorded the hatred on you, so if you enter the city, be careful, don't be touched." Mao Da told Shao Xuan what happened in Anba City.

"Do you want to give the tripod, isn't it safe?" Shao Xuan wondered.

Mao Dazui stunned and dismissed: "There is a top disaster that is not used. It is enough. But you are also very powerful. Let Anyan eat a squandering loss. I heard that the people who went out at the time were only going back. Very few."

After a brief understanding of the current situation in Anba City, Mao Da took people and went out with the city of Shao Xuan to a forest not far from the city.

Mao Da, these people, went in and out all day, and the guards of Anba City were used to it. Therefore, I didn’t think too much when I saw Mao Da’s going out. They also don't know Shao Xuan.

Not long after leaving the city of Anba, Mauda saw the team of the Taihe River in Yanjiao. Because he often followed the "black bear" to deal with the leaders of the various tribal trading teams, he also knew Dokang and others.

After the inspection, Mauda talked with the leaders of the two teams about the price. If you want food, you still need gold or other things. The things brought out are not enough, and Mao Da has brought people back to the city to bring some out.

Mao Da is very optimistic about the goods, and Du Kang and others have no objection to the price given by Mao Da, both parties are very satisfied, therefore. The transaction didn't take long. Compared with the past few days in the trading area after entering the city, it was necessary to guard against the sneak attack and robbing of all parties. It was necessary to hand over part of the venue fee. Now it is very good. It is.

The people of Taihe were the first to encounter such a good thing. Although they had to admit that this was the light of the Yanjiao, there was a bit of awkwardness in their hearts, but in general they were very happy.

"Since the transaction is completed, we will find a place to rest for two days and then go back. If you want to trade something else, you will go together and go to the city. The team will not enter the city at all. The goal is too big." The people of Taihe discuss with Dokang. .

"Well, it's OK." Dokang looked at Shao Xuan and asked him, "When are you going to leave? Send more people to follow."

Dokang wants to lead the team, can not be separated, but others can.

"I intend to go with the black bear caravan, they will go to Wangcheng the day after tomorrow." Shao Xuan said. On the way he has already been with Mauda, ​​and Mao Da agreed.

However, if you follow the caravan, you can't bring a lot of people, otherwise the caravan will not let.

"There is not much to bring people, just let the generals go with you, there is a kind of care, although the general can not recognize people, but other experiences are still there." Generalized perception of danger is very strong, there is a generalization followed , Dokang can also be assured.

Shao Xuan thought about it and nodded. "Also."

Two days later.

Dokang took the trading team and went back to the tribe with the people of Taihe, while Shao Xuan and the general public went to the place agreed with Mao Da, where the people of Mao Da came out.

In a short time, a team of one hundred people came out of the city, and everyone in the team was very burly, especially when standing with other people.

Moreover, this hundred people are carrying a large parcel wrapped in multi-layered linen, or carrying a large wooden box, there are other people around to see the goods after the enthusiasm, but once they know the black bear caravan, they will die It is. This group of people can not be provoked.

"You just squat something to Wangcheng?" Shao Xuan looked at the big parcel on Mauda and asked.

Mao Da just smiled and let Shao Xuan and the general public follow.

The general silence is next to him. He can't tell who is who. The team of Mao Da is in his opinion, there is no bear, there is no difference, but the momentum is still slightly different, and the generalized attempt is based on each person. The momentum to identify these people.

After leaving Anba City, it took less than half an hour and the team came to a mountain. The mountains are not high, not steep, and there are obvious traces of artificial modifications, there are roads, and there are buildings near the top of the mountain.

Mauda took out a number made from a horn and blew it.

Not long after the horn sounded, Shao Xuan noticed that there was something down the mountain, and looked up at the past. Several huge figures ran down the mountain. Next to these huge figures, there were some fast-moving figures.

"Those are... bears?" Shao Xuan was surprised.

"Not bad!" Mauda’s eyes are proud, and the huge behemoth with such a large figure is used as a means of delivery, which is not what the average caravan can do. Even if there are giant beasts in other caravans, they are mostly beasts that do not have much attack power. Unlike their caravans, they are all giant bears!

"Do you wear bear skins and use giant bears as transport workers? They won't be angry?" Shao Xuanqi said.

Mao Da and the people around him swept Shao Xuan with a look that "you really have no knowledge". "On the contrary, when we wear bear skin, they will be closer to us, and we wear bear skin. The better the quality, the more they obey."

As I said, the behemoth that ran down the mountain had arrived.

A total of seven giant bears, each standing up and lifting their forelimbs, the height is more than ten meters, the hair color is dark brown, probably taken care of very well, the body of the oil is bright and shiny, when running in the sun, you can still see The light that flashed on them.

After the seven giant bears came down, they had already stopped, but suddenly they smelled the strangers, and these breaths made them feel strongly uneasy.

A giant bear roared and accelerated again. He ran towards Shao Xuan, and the fat bear's paw stepped on the ground, so that people standing nearby could clearly feel the vibration.

Mao Da's brow wrinkled, "all spread out!" They don't have anything on their body, so they don't bother to pull hard, let them go crazy, naturally it will be better.

Looking back, Mao Da discovered that Shao Xuan was still standing there and shouted: "Don't escape! Don't kill?!"

The giant bear has arrived, and the strength of the bear's paw is on the ground, and even if you look at it, you can feel the power. With the scream of obvious anger, the leaves on the surrounding trees shook and shivered.

Shao Xuan looked at the giant bear that was about to rush to him, lifted his foot and slammed down.


Under the foot of the ground, the ground suddenly vibrates, and the tyrannical power erupts from under the feet, as if a bigger monster has stepped on it, as if to crush everything here. The collapse-like vibration was transmitted from the ground to the ground, and from the ground up, the stones on the surrounding ground suddenly swelled, and the fine dust was transpiration, and numerous cracks broke open and extended outward.

With this foot, the power of the totem in Shao Xuan instantly increased, but it was put away at the next moment after the foot. Many people have not seen the totem pattern on his body, and they have found that the lines have faded, as if they were just squinting.

The giant bear forced to live five meters away from Shao Xuan, because of the emergency stop and shoveled a piece of hard soil. At the foot of the giant bear, there are more clods that are divided, which are caused by cracks on the ground.

Shao Xuan stood there, quietly watching the giant bear in front. The original giant bear, after the pause, the hair around the nose shook, turned his head and screamed in the other direction, like a conversation when he encountered awkward situations and suddenly transferred the topic, some blunt, turned and walked It is.

Ma Da and others were silent for a while, and the words "Don't kill" that he just said seemed to echo in the air.

In the broad sense, a thin branch is smeared next to it. What are the good things that these few people raise? The giant bear that Laozi has slaughtered is much more than these! (To be continued.)

Ps: One more tonight, three more tomorrow night.

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