Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 437: There is a robbery today

There are things in the front, and the "black bear" is particularly sensitive to Shao Xuan's "old friend."

When he was at the entrance of Jingu Tianzhuang, he did not take Shao Xuan’s words seriously. Shao Xuan said that he would go to the residence to collect debts. He was a joke, but he finally proved that Shao Xuan’s is true. Yesterday’s experience was simply It is like a sweet dream.

Therefore, when the "black bear" once again heard that Shao Xuan said that he would go to Gongjia's home to visit his friends, the treasure hunt in the "black bear"'s mind violently beaten and quickly recovered the previous words.

However, under curiosity, the "black bear" still wants to understand, Shao Xuan said "the friend of the armored family" in the end who is referring.

"The armored family is a very special existence in Wangcheng. Although Wangcheng has only six aristocrats with the most special status, this is the largest of the six nobles. The others are only small aristocrats, but the armored family is different, even six nobles. People who think about the work of the armored family will also think more. The black bear said.

"Because of the skill of casting and forging in the armor of the armor?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Not bad."

Because the people in the armored family don't have much ambition, most of their thoughts are placed on casting and forging. There is not much time to consider other things. Although there are some people who think carefully, but these people can't afford to go over. The wave, the core character of the armored family, does not have the mind to fight for power. Others are reassured by them, and because of the talent of the armored family, the attitude will naturally be better.

"A lot of the weapons of our caravans are also obtained from the armored family. However, most of them are only from the hands of some elementary schoolers and artisans in the armored family. As for the craftsmen, it is too difficult to ask them. The black bear said, asked Shao Xuan, "What is your friend's name? Maybe I still know."

"He called Gong Jiaheng." Shao Xuan answered.

"Black Bear", Mauda: "..."

Mao Da looked at the "black bear" and bent over the thigh of the "black bear": "I don't care! Boss, you said let me lead the way tomorrow!"

"Black Bear" ignored the cognac of Mao Da, swallowed and swallowed, and asked Shao Xuan again, and wanted to confirm: "You said. But the one who came back from the factory?"

"Should be, there are several people in Wangcheng called Gongjiaheng?" Shao Xuan asked.

"On one! Some time ago, it was said that I came back from Gongjiashan and left for twenty years. Once I came back, I became one of the most special craftsmen of the Gongjia family. Many people want him to build weapons, even the six nobles. Less, unfortunately, after the return of the factory, I did not show up, I heard that I am building weapons."

Listening to the "black bear", Shao Xuan nodded: "Yes. It is him."

"Black Bear" took a deep breath, "Reassured, I will accompany you in the past tomorrow!"

"Boss, and me" Mauda is dry.

At the request of Mauda, ​​the "black bear" finally agreed to let him also keep up.

So, the next day, when Shao Xuantong went out in general, the "Black Bear" and Mao Da jointly served as tour guides, which made the Black Bears caravans stunned. Regarding the case of Jingu Tianzhuang, the "black bear" was not made public. Only a few core figures of the caravan were known. Therefore, seeing Shao Xuan and the generalized in the black bear caravan received special treatment, others were quite puzzled. After the four left, they also gathered together to discuss and finally Mao Jinjin. Pick up a stick and go back to work.

Mao Jin also suffered in the heart. He knew the insider. He also wanted to go out, but unfortunately, he was thrown down to handle the housekeeping of the caravan.

Shao Xuan walked on the streets of Wangcheng. The streets are wide enough to accommodate the behemoths, and there are also some strange beasts that have never been seen before, but these giant beasts are mostly domesticated. The size is huge, usually very docile, not the kind of fierce temper.

The shops on both sides are also very distinctive, and a series of them are all together, such as a street selling food and a street selling wine. A street selling pottery, a street selling copperware, rarely scattered.

Shao Xuan and a general interest in the bronzes are not only weapons, but also a lot of beautifully shaped copper utensils or decorations. However, these things, Shao Xuan and the generalized is just to see, will not buy, buy back is useless, what do they want these decorations? Forced?

The shopkeeper who sells bronzes has no intention of trading in Shaoxuan. There is no smile on the face. Then he wears Shaoxuan’s clothes, and his eyes are also despised. It’s obviously those tribes who are far away. These beautiful bronzes, which can be bought by ordinary tribes?

Ignore those eyes, Shao Xuan listened to some rhythmic wood block collisions coming from not far away, and asked: "What is the street next door?"

What the "black bear" is about to say, Maoda is rushing to share what he knows. "That is the place of the divination. Many of them are the descendants of the Yi family. But they are just some people who are not important. It is a really bad family. I rarely go there. However, sometimes there will be a family. Going there to sit there, every time the street is full."

"Di Bao?" Shao Xuan is curious.

He has heard that the skills of the six Yi family's divination are very powerful. When they were in the Valley of the Armored, the murals left by the Yi family could be seen. Thinking of the knots that I have learned, Shao Xuan intends to swear.

"Black Bear" and Mao Da can't wait to go to the armored home now, but since Shao Xuan said that he wants to go next door, they can't help. "Black Bear" licked Mao Da's eyes, letting you lick, you don't say, Shao Xuan will not waste time next to it.

"There are not many people on the street now. If you go there, you can't ask anything. It's better to wait for the next person in the Yi family to come to the town, let's come back. Black bear" suggest.

Shao Xuan "hmm", but still went over there. He just wanted to ask something about the knot.

In this street, many people from far-away tribes and caravans will come here to find people, even if these people are just the branches of the Yi family, they are just some small people with low technology, and they can’t extinguish their enthusiasm. .

Therefore, when Shao Xuan came over, he found that the street was more lively than he had imagined. There were no people on the road, but there were quite a few shops on both sides.

When Shao Xuan went along the road, he listened to it. Some people have bigger voices, and they can hear clearly without much effort. It is asking about their chances. Others are like telling secrets, probably asking what **, eyes vigilantly sweeping around, for fear of being stared.

The eyes swept around and Shao Xuan chose a shop to walk in.

Sitting inside is an old man with a slightly thin hair.

The old man sat on a soft pad. In front of the low table, there are some wooden blocks connected by straw rope. There are various symbols on the wooden blocks, which are not understood by outsiders.

When Shao Xuan came over, the people in the store just went out. Without queuing, Shao Xuan came to the low table.

"What is the matter?" The old man is a high-profile person.

See Shao Xuan looking at the grass rope and wooden sign on the table, Mao Dadao: "It is better to give you a Bu Bu, how is our luck today?"

The old man pointed to the wooden block on the table with the straw rope. "Take the rope and move. Know the rules?"

"Know know." Although Mao Da said that these people did not have much ability. But he is also a frequent visitor here. Every time he comes to Wangcheng, he will always find someone.

Without the power of the totem, Mauda took the rope and shook it, and the pieces of wood on the rope spread along the rope.

The old man looked at the scattered pieces of wood, and then pulled out some smaller pieces of the same type of wood with the same shape, arranged on the table, moved and moved, and silently read something in his mouth.

About ten minutes later, the old man stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Road: "Good thing."

"Hey!" Mauda is very happy, "Shao Xuan, what do you want to say, talk about it."

"Just now, finished?" Shao Xuan doubts.

"Bu is finished." Mao Da nodded.

Shao Xuan looked at the old man sitting there, did not say what he wanted, but asked: "Do you know the knots?"

After Shao Xuangang finished, the old man sneered, "I don’t know anything when you look at it. The knot rope has been disappeared for a thousand years. Today’s knots are just some tricks that some people have made cheating. Young people, persuaded you to say, if you see someone who will say that you will be careful in the future, don't be fooled." The old man said "I am for you".

"That said, did the knot rope exist a thousand years ago?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"Nature, the knot rope has been one of the three strongest confuciers in Yijia. It is a pity that when Yijia changed, the knots disappeared. But it doesn't matter, there is no knot, and we have more powerful homes. In the past millennium, Yi Jia’s talents have been born, and many new methods of divination have been created.” The old man raised his head slightly and his eyes were proud. Although it is only a marginal figure of Yijia, the old man still hangs "our Yijia" in his mouth.

But the old man is silent about the knots.

"Knot the ropes, is it only a rope b? How is it?" Mauda is curious.

The old man looked at Mao Da with a contemptuous look. "Is it the way you know?"

"Oh! Don't look down on me, you certainly don't know!" Mao Da counterattacks.

"I don't know?" The old man blows his beard. "The method of rope wood used by me is similar to the knot rope. Moreover, the method of rope used by me can be accurately figured out, for example, I will give it I have been robbed, and there is a catastrophe today, and life and death are at stake."

"You are still so casual about life and death, don't worry?" Mao Da does not believe.

"Why do you have to worry, the coming will always come." The old man is still calm, "If you don't believe, you can stay here and wait."

Mauda pouted. You have a smack of my ass, sitting here to see you robbing, I might as well go to the door of the armored family to see people try the sword.

"Let's go to Shao Xuan, let's go to the armored home. I just heard people say that there is someone trying the sword." Mao Daxin tickles.

This time Shao Xuan did not keep it, but said to the old man before leaving: "You are not tired when you sit here? It is better to go out and walk in the direction of the sun rising."

"Don't talk to the old man so much, the people of Yijia only believe in themselves. The black bear" said, Yu Guangjian saw what was thrown in Shaoxuan's hand, and looked at it carefully. It was found to be some yellow grass clippings, like grass. The rope was ground in general.

After Shao Xuan’s departure, the old mind in the store kept thinking about what the young man had just said before he left.

Why not go out? Anyway, here is the place of Yijia, Yijia has the rules of Yijia, so many eyes around, don't worry about being stolen.

After sitting for so long, it’s good to go up and walk.

The old man got up and walked out of the store. He walked two steps and looked at the sky. He thought about it and turned his way to the other side of the street, in the direction of the rising sun.

After walking more than 80 steps, the old man is thinking about it. It is better to go back a hundred steps and then go back, and then he will hear a loud bang, and there will be a huge humming sound of Mao Zedong.

A mammoth did not know why it went crazy. It rushed from the street next door and knocked down several houses, including the old man’s own shop.


The sharp, glaring spear, with unrelenting **** suffocation, rushed to the raging rain, and shrouded the hair.

Blood is splashing.

Only one blinked, the mammoth became a hedgehog, and the blood gas spread.

Around the mammoth, there are also many empty spears that slant into the ground.

People in other places on the street didn't scream and run away. Instead, there were a lot of people who were close to watching the fun. It was not uncommon, but it was inevitable that some unlucky people would suffer, such as those who were knocked down by the Mao Zedong. It will be crushed to death by the house, but it is likely to be trampled by the mad hairy elephant. If it is unlucky, it may be nailed to the defender's spear.

The old man around the discussion did not listen at the moment. He saw that his shop was in ruins, and there was no trace of the intact wood. If he didn't come out...

Thinking carefully, the old man is a spirit. Just now, the young man just mentioned is just a casual mention? (To be continued.)

Ps: There is only one more.

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