Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 438: Test sword

When the street changed, Shao Xuan had not left too far and heard the movement. Although I couldn't see what happened there, the "black bear" and Mao Da could be guessed based on past experience.

"It should be a hairy rush," said Mauda. He just heard the voice of the elephant, but it stopped without a lot of meetings. The guards will not let them smash and ruin everywhere in the city.

"Fortunately, we will leave quickly, or we will be affected." When the "black bear" thought of leaving the store, Shao Xuan said, eyes looked at Shao Xuan's side several times, thoughtful.

If it used to be, Mauda will definitely look at the excitement in the past. However, compared with the work of the Jiajia family, the commotion here is not so attractive. "Walk away, go to the armored home, right, the armor. Where does Hengsheng live in the armor?" Mauda is curious. His time back to Wangcheng was relatively late. Regarding the work of Gongjiaheng, he still knew privately when he chatted with other people who stayed in Wangcheng.

"There, I have been there. Black bear" pointed to the finger and walked ahead to lead the way.

Most of the people in the Jiajia family lived in a place in Wangcheng, surrounded by a large courtyard wall. Although other people lived in other places, they were relatively few. However, it is precisely because of the large number of people, so the walls of the armored family have doors in four directions.

In fact, there is no need to worry about not finding the right door, because now the armored family is surrounded by a lot of people because of the workmanship. Even if the armored family is bigger, just ask a little about it and know where it is.

"Why, do you also go to see the sword?" asked a person who knew "black bear" passing by.

"Well. Black bear" did not say much, if you directly say it to find Gong Jiaheng, it will definitely be wrapped up.

When I arrived at the place, I still didn't see the door. Shao Xuan saw people surrounded by layers, some of them came to test the sword, and some were purely watching the fun.

"Oh. It has failed again!"

"The sword is broken, he is not a chance."

"It's not as good as the previous one. But what failed today?"

"Twenty-one, only one success, I have not seen, I heard that it is six people who seal the family."

The people around him talked about it, and some people squeezed out from it, and they were dejected, and they were pointed by the people next to them. Obviously. This is the person who failed the test.

"So much!" Shao Xuan looked at the crowd who couldn't see the door and sighed.

"Now it's still a little less. Some time ago, when the workers were just returning, there were more people. Black bears."

After two decades of work, Jiaheng returned from Gongjiashan, and the Jiajia family was shocked by a underground bus. I thought that I was not a genius in the past, and I couldn’t make a place in the entire work. At that time, I was left to go to Gongjiashan. Many people are not optimistic. Many people have such ideas every year. After leaving. I have never returned, and there are very few successful people. They are also very intelligent people. Like the singularity of the squadron, it is simply the rhythm of death.

It is a pity that no one expected that Gong Jiaheng not only came back alive, but also successfully learned the skills left by the outstanding craftsmen of the Yijia Mountain.

Not to mention the inside of the armored family, even the Wangcheng has set off a lot of waves. Many people have come to seek to build weapons. The nobles have swords and many people come to seek swords.

but. After all, Gong Jiaheng has a high status, even if he faces the six nobles, he dares to face his face. There are too many people coming to the door. The armor was impatient, and he came up with such a level of test. The talents who pass the customs can be registered in the list, and they are qualified to go to the factory to negotiate with them. Otherwise, they are all blocked.

The so-called test sword is actually a workmanship to prepare some large stones, put them outside the door, and then put some weapons, if anyone can use these weapons to cut stones without hurting the weapons, even if they pass. It’s a failure to get a gap in a weapon. Don’t mention that the weapon is broken directly.

In fact, this is also a test of the strength of people. The texture grades of weapons and stones are specially selected by the workers. If they have enough ability, they can cut the stones directly without hurting the weapons. Even if the stone is not cut, as long as the standard is reached, the weapon is not hurt, and it can be recorded in the shortlist.

For most people, such conditions are too harsh and difficult, but everyone can understand that even many people think that it should be like this. After all, people are masters. How can they create weapons at will?

After setting the level of the test sword, there were many people who came to test the sword, but as more and more people failed, the number of people who came out to test the sword was much less. Failure is not afraid. The fear is that the knife will be broken directly. In the future, it will not be possible to find a permanent armor for weapons, and may even be rejected by many artisans. Many of the craftsmen and apprentices of the armored family are following the pace. This is called the idol effect. Gong Jiaheng said that he will not build weapons for those who will follow, and those craftsmen and apprentices who follow the work will always follow suit.

When Shao Xuan came, he happened to encounter a sword-killer who shook the copper knife used when he cut the stone. He was directly listed as a knockout. Even after the work, he would not build weapons for them. The test swordman I just saw will be defeated. Later, if he wants to find a person in the armored family to build a weapon, he can only find the craftsmen and apprentices who do not follow the workmanship.

The "black bear" opened in front of the armored car, forcing the crowded onlookers to one side, and he went inside. Shao Xuan three followed.

The person who was squeezed out by the "black bear" wanted to open his mouth. When he turned to see the "black bear", he shut up. No matter when, there is strength to speak capital.

Some people standing on the outer layer dare not say "black bears". After seeing the black bears in the past, they want to take advantage of the opportunity to squeeze forward, but they don't want to. They just moved forward and they were squeezed out. And it was squeezed three times.

“Who else wants to test the sword?” Some people on the crowd shouted.

"Hurry up, after I finished reading, I went home to eat, starved to death." Some people complained next to them.

It’s almost like playing a movie when it’s not playing.

When I saw the "black bear" squeezing in, many people's eyes lit up and cheered up. Perhaps this seemingly strong person can stage a good show?

"Black Bear" really wants to give it a try. In the past few days, he was only exploring the situation and observing observation. This time with Shao Xuan, he also wants to come, even if it fails. Perhaps it is possible to continue Shao Xuan’s relationship and let Gong Jiaheng change his mind?

Do not blame the "black bear" without confidence. I used to cut people and cut vegetables. How can I cut stones? .

Determined, "Black Bear" to Shaoxuan: "You wait, I will try the sword."

Just as the "black bear" was preparing to go, the person who was crammed from the other side of the crowd with a gray cloth was only wearing a cloth strip behind his head, and his face was blank and looked dumb. Not conspicuous.

When the "black bear" spoke to Shao Xuan, the man squeezed out the crowd and went to the test sword. Since he grabbed the first, the "black bear" could only be placed behind, which made the caravan boss a little bit uncomfortable. .

The gray-clothed man looked at the several weapons, swords and axes on the side of the table. He took the sword directly and did not prepare much. He came to the sword stone and faced a large stone of melon. I am going down.

There is no skill, a simple sword, but at the moment of your knees. It gives people a sense of fierceness.


A deep trace was left on the test stone, but it was not broken. Then look at the sword in the hand of the gray man. There is a shallow gap in the sword.

The onlookers made a cry, not only regret, but also gloating.

For the reaction of the onlookers, the people in front of the sword stone did not pay attention to it. If he did not smell it, he just swayed the sword. The fingers smashed over the sword and stared at the gap in the sword. As if to print it deep into the heart, and then looked at the deep traces of the stone. With two pairs of swords, he looked solemnly at the door: "Teached!"

After finishing the gray man, he put down the sword and turned away without leaving his heart. The back of the lonely high, such as the old swordsman in the story of the old people walking around the world.

The onlookers were surprised to see the other party’s reaction.

"Wait, this strong man, what did you understand after you cut a sword? How can you understand the true look of this place?!"

“It’s better to find a place to have a drink and talk about life?”

Some onlookers followed up to ask, but unfortunately, the unnamed person still did not speak, his back was straight as a sword, and he quickly walked away in the autumn wind.

Is it an expert?

The thoughts of the world's high-ranking people are always different, and they cannot be theoretical. Maybe people can become famous knights afterwards? Someone thought.

However, the "black bear" did not pay more attention to the person who left, and he saw another failure. He was also nervous. "You said, what kind of weapon should I choose?"

"Sword? I heard that the people in the armored family have more swords. Perhaps the sword is stronger than other weapons," Mauda said.

"Black Bear" looked at Shao Xuan again.

"Which kind of weapon is usually used, when it is cut, it is a beast that is about to kill in front of you. Don't think about other things." Shao Xuandao.

"Black Bear" nodded, Shao Xuan's meaning is the same as his idea. It is only suitable to use weapons or habits. He actually likes to use it, or an axe.

Over there, the guards outside the gate will change the sword stone for a new one. The stone for each test sword is different, but the material is quite.

When the "black bear" was preparing for the past, Shao Xuan whispered to him, and the "black bear" flashed in the eyes and nodded.

Under the eyes of the public, the head of the caravan, the general body of the bear, directly picked an axe, tried it in his hand, and used his finger to play the axe blade. He knew about the axe in his heart. I don’t know the stone, I use more weapons, and I know that there is still some.

Thinking of Shao Xuan's words, after the "black bear" was past, it was not directly like other people. Instead, he tried the sword stone on the front side, but turned a little closer to him. He looked at Shao Xuan and saw Shao Xuan nodded slightly. The black bear took a deep breath and concentrated. Attention, empty thinking, then think about yourself walking with the caravan now, met a fierce beast suddenly rushed out, no hesitation when he was in danger, he screamed and jerked high The arm of the axe, then squat down!

When he left the axe, the black bear had a cold killing in his eyes, and the murderous people let the onlookers bow.


Different from the crisp sound of the previous few test swords, it is especially clear at this time.

The stone was broken in half, and the axe was deeply embedded in the wood below.

The people around are more anxious than the black bears: "Get up and see! See if there is a gap in the axe!"

The coldness in the black bear's eyes instantly dissipated, and he returned to God. Now he is smashed, and a force is used to pull out the axe embedded in the wood.


"No gap!!"

"Haha boss! You succeeded!" Mao Da ran over excitedly, squatting and trying to give it a try.

Shao Xuan also used to be happy.

"Get out of the way when you're done!" An indifferent voice sounded, especially in the excitement and excitement.

The joy of the "black bear" just risen was poured into a cold water by this words, and the smile was put up. A bear face was seen and looked at it. Then he snorted. "Who am I? It turned out to be the Linlu tribe." of."

Linlu tribe? Shao Xuan knows that this tribe is still because of the horse-riding man who came across the road to the residence there yesterday. It is the Linlu tribe. It is said that he has embraced the thigh of the family and became a new small aristocrat in Wangcheng. (To be continued)

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