Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 448: Then fight

Since I said this sentence, it means that it is really unsafe.

After returning to the caravan's place, according to the words and attitudes, "Black Bear" and Shao Xuan said his speculation.

The people of the Linlu tribe are probably going to shoot, but other people will not step in, just watching.

"Actually, in the eyes of the six nobles, these things are trivial matters, including Shao Xuan’s slap in the face. They will only listen to the gossip after dinner, and don’t care." Because of these things Did not reach the level of attention of the six nobles.

How did Shao Xuan fight? What can you prove? Can you prove that the Yanjiao tribe is stronger than the Linlu tribe? No. Seeing the strength of the tribe is not just about one or two people. Besides, whether it is Shao Xuan or the genius of the Linlu tribe genius, it may allow others to take a look, but in the eyes of the superiors, it is only the children's small fights. That's why, until now, the weights of six nobles have not appeared, because they haven't put these little tricks into their eyes.

As for Shao Xuan's life and death, those people are even less concerned. On the contrary, they are even more happy to see Shao Xuan unfortunately. They don't shoot, they don't mean they don't want to see others. The Yanjiao people are unlucky in Wangcheng, which is also a pleasure for them.

The analysis of "black bear", Shao Xuan and the generalized have listened to it.

In fact, the black bear does not say, Shao Xuan can also guess some, but the generalization is different. I heard that the people here are not pleasing to the eye of the Yanjiao tribe. They are unlucky to go to the Yanjiao people. They also don’t look at the elders of their tribes. They are all things!


Very unhappy!

But the heart is not good, there is no egg to use, even if you are wrong, you can only squat, trouble? Just rely on these two Yanjiao people, against these people in Wangcheng?

Looking for death.

In the past, Yanjiao came to Wangcheng. They are all teamed together. One or two hundred people together, the fighting power is great. Few of them feel guilty about them, as for now... who asked them to have only two people coming over? ! I want to fight and I can’t beat it!

Wrong. Wrong!

In the broad sense of the grievances, I forbeared the spur of the forehead, and the fingers slammed several times. Every time I quickly grasped the shank, and forced it back, I wished I would give it to the house.

"However, I will leave tomorrow, and I don't have to think too much. The black bear" comforted.

unfortunately. The comfort of the "black bear" is useless in the broad sense.

I have to leave the city every day. It’s not that they voluntarily leave, they are forced to leave by the situation, leaving with grievances and unhappiness!

"Actually, what I am worried about is that the Linlu tribe will stop you from going out of town tomorrow. The black bear" has sorrow in the words. When the Tianzhuang road was closed, someone who robbed the Jingu Tianzhuang car was definitely the Linlu tribe looking for someone to do it! These are dare, what else dare not? This may be really difficult to deal with.

Just talking. Some people came to the caravan to report, "The people who are staring at the Linlu tribe say that there seems to be movement there."

"What is the movement?! Black bear" was shocked.

The person who came to report shook his head. "Only I know that people from home are going in and out, and suddenly I am going to give gifts to the six nobles. It seems that I am planning something." In the end, they could not find out what to plan. After all, the core of the six great aristocrats, they can not get in, and now no one can find anyone to inquire further.

"Continue to stare, send more people! Black bear".


When the reporters leave, the "black bear" is even more worried. "Maybe they have already started to take off. It may not be smooth tomorrow. If the caravans leave the city tomorrow, the people of the Linlu tribe will stop... ”

"That's a fight!"

Generalized gnashing teeth, this is close to the tribe. He has been fighting with people for a long time. The survival of the tribe is the battle of the war, and it cannot be retired! Taking a step back will take the second step, the third step, until it is forced into a more difficult situation. When the ancestors brought the tribe to come, they all came all the way, and now the place where they live is also fighting to win!

Although in the tribe, the generalization is very stable, but when it comes to some things, he will not be silent anymore.

However, the broad sense of Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan has a special status in the tribe. The leader and the witch all value him very much, and Shao Xuan is the only one who came over from the brothers and tribes of the sea. He is not afraid of his own accidents in general. Even if he died here, he has no complaints, but Shao Xuan can't!

At this point, the generalization is entangled, and the muscles on the face are twisted together.

"Black Bear" sees the general response and looks at Shao Xuan.

"Shao Xuan, what do you think? Black bear" knows that among the two, Shao Xuan is still making decisions. Moreover, this kid has more ideas and may think of a more relaxed way to avoid those of the Linlu tribe. What about people?

In the broad sense, he also hopes that Shao Xuan will come up with a way to avoid it, but another voice is crying again, hoping that Shao Xuan’s reply is the same as his own. Extremely contradictory.

Shao Xuan will take his eyes off the window and calm down: "That's a fight!"

The same answer as in the broad sense.

Hearing this, the broad sense does not know whether it is gratifying and proud, or worrying about worry, opening his mouth, or being silent.

After receiving the responses from the two men, the "black bear" shook his head sighingly. "First rest, I will bring you out of town tomorrow."

After the "black bear" left, only the general and Shao Xuan were left. After a generalized entanglement, he still planned to persuade him to persuade him, but he did not wait for him to export. Shao Xuan said: "I will sleep early, sleep well, and have energy tomorrow." ""

The generalized shut up.

Early the next morning.

Mao Da took the team that was leaving Wangcheng this time and put the goods on the back of the bear. Shao Xuan and the general also helped in the past.

"Is it a good night's sleep?" Mauda also worried that the two men were insomnia because of the Linlu tribe. I didn't think that the two men looked at it like a night.

"It's very good." Shao Xuandao, "This time I came to Wangcheng, thank you for your hospitality."

"Thank you, the boss said that we have also got a lot of benefits this time." Mao Da said with a smile, then turned to the other bear to see the loading of the goods. After he turned around, the smile on the face was gone, with fear in his eyes. The latest news this morning, the family wants to block people, but this thing is still waiting for the boss to see if you can find other better ways.

The target of the Linlu tribe is not the black bear caravan, but the black bear caravan will not leave Shao Xuan for this reason. They are also principled. Tossing Shao Xuan and watching them is like they are afraid of the Linlu tribe. For this, they have to fight.

Mao Da smashed the ears of the giant bear on the ground. Isn't it a Linlu tribe? Afraid of a ball! Just hit it! Then the last time I didn’t finish playing!

At the gate of Wangcheng City, the guards yawned to open the gate, and then planned to stand next to chat with their companions. When they turned their heads, they found several familiar figures.

"Hey, I am not blind, how can I see the Lord of the House?" The guard was puzzled. Usually, this young master has never been so early.

"You still don't know?" another asked.

"what do you know?"

"Not just the young masters, the six nobles, many of them have come." Another said Nunuzui.

The person with doubts looked over there and saw that there were several beasts with aristocratic patterns on the side.

"What day is it today? What do these young people come up to do so early?"

"Look at the show." The other side is mysterious.

"Play? What kind of drama? Who is going to dance or play a big knife and sing a little song?"

"Hey, you are not well informed!" The other party proudly said, "According to the news I got, it was the people of the family who asked them to come and see."

“麓家? The new Linlu tribe is home?”

"Yes, it is them."

When I heard that it was the Linlu tribe, the unsuspecting guard was not interested.

"Isn't that the shackles of the family have been beaten? What are the good things about the family?"

"You don't know this, if you are beaten, you won't call back again?"

"You mean..."

Several guards are talking there.

Some aristocratic lords who have come one after another have already boarded the city wall and entered the towers on both sides of the city gate.

Because there are always behemoths coming in and out, there is no tower above the city gate of Wangcheng, but a tower is built on both sides of the city gate.

These aristocratic lords received a gift from the family yesterday, and there was a letter in the gift, inviting them to come to the castle to watch the play.

Others may not be really interested in this, come and join in the fun. But the turnips and the cockroaches are not. They came to the tower very early and took a good position.

Outside the city gate, Yi Si was sitting on the ox cart carrying his own food, and when he was approaching the tower, he suddenly became a spur. The atmosphere around is not right!

The road over the Tianzhuang side was unsealed today, and there were more cars coming and going, so he could hardly get into the city early. Who knows, before he entered the city, he found that it was unusual around today.

Look at the towers on the wall, early in the morning, I saw many acquaintances!

"What happened?" Yi Shi told the driver to ask the guards at the gate of the city.

There are not many guards and guardians who have just guarded the door. Now they have passed the 10th and the 10th, and now they all know it. They are the people of Yijia. The other party has given the benefits. They are in a good mood today and are in the middle of excitement. I told the people who asked me about it.

The coach who came to ask questions went back and talked to the defenders about the guards.

"The family? The people in Yanjiao?" Yi Si thought thoughtfully. He knows that the young people who went to his Grange along with the Dwellings that day were the Yanjiao tribes, and the Yanjiao tribe came to the Wangcheng, only two!

"Less Zhuang, we continue to go?" asked the coachman.

"No, you drove the things back, I went up to watch them." Although the Yi family is only a marginal figure, as a descendant of the Yi family, Yi Si is also qualified to go up the tower of the city wall.

Seeing that the company has made a decision, the driver can only do it.

When Yi Shi walked up the city wall, he found that there were quite a few people getting up early in the morning. Apart from the people of Yijia, the other five people had it. Even people who usually sleep like pigs are yawning today.

Yi Shi did not get into the tower, he could not squeeze in, he could only see it on the outside wall. In fact, looking outside is not necessarily a bad thing. (To be continued)

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