Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 449: Blockage

It was not long before Yi Sigang stood, and someone went to the city wall. It was a few people of Yijia.

When I saw Yi Si, the other party was surprised. They didn't expect to see Yi Si here. The presence of Yi Shi was too low. If they didn't see Yi Si, they would have forgotten Yi Jia and Yi Si. personal.

"Hey, this is not Yi Shi, why, didn't you farm in Tianzhuang?" One of them asked with a smile, with a mockery in his eyes.

Yijia is the least aristocrat of the six aristocrats. If you look at it with your family members, it is a poor ghost. Without land, even if there are many other things, it is also a poor ghost. It may be that the family members do not think so much. They feel that only the talents who have no ability to go to the farmland have the ability to directly collect money at home.

Therefore, in the eyes of these young Yizi children, Yi Si is the one who is the most capable.

Perhaps, three generations in the past, these people may not be comparable to the status of Yi Si's family, but now they are different, they are no longer useful, they can sit in the street in Bu Yi, and like this Kind, even if there is no skill in making a living in Bu Yi Street, you can get a small field to get mixed with the influence of your ancestors.

Therefore, in the face of Yi Shi, who is now a marginal figure, other Yi family members who have gone to the city wall have no right eyes. They said a few words about the person who wants to step on more feet.

When I heard the other person's words, Yi Si did not show the appearance of the birth, but explained: "I just came from the Grange, I heard that there is a scene here, then come and see."

The other person on the other side didn't want to continue talking to Yisi. They had to go to the tower. They had already helped people to occupy the position. They wouldn’t stand outside like Yisi to blow the cold wind and watch the city gate. The guards are like.

When I was about to leave, the man saw the bag that Yisi was hanging on the waist side, and then thought that Yi Si just said that he came from the Grange. The bag may be a golden leaf!

He knows that Yi Shi will help people in the field to make money every year, and look at the big bag that Yi Si hangs on the waist side. This year, Yi Shi got a lot of it!

The eyes are moving. The other side moved forward and turned back to Yi Si.

"It’s boring to look at it. It’s better to have fun.” the man said.

"For example?" Yi Shi looked at each other.

"It's better to make a bet. Today, I heard that the people in the family want to fight with... whoever fights." When the man said, he suddenly forgot who the other party was, only remembering the family.

"I heard that I have to deal with two Yanjiao people. Is this kind of battle, is it a bit, not appropriate?" Yi Si said with a brow.

"Where is not right, isn't it always like this?" The man did not feel that there was anything. Anyway, such things were much more obvious. The world was supposed to bully and weaken. If you don't have the ability, you don't pick things up. If you provoke something, don't blame others for making a big battle to bully you.

No matter what the cause of the incident is, the purpose is not that everyone said, the spectators who come over don't care, it's just that they are idle and boring to pass the time.

"Isn't the family not defeated? I don't think this will win." Yi Shi said.

I was thinking about how to sneak a sneak peek at the people, and then showed a big smile on the face. "So, do you think you will lose?"

"Should... yes." Yi Shi's tone is uncertain.

"Then we will gamble!"

"What about gambling?" A voice was inserted.

"Oh, it's easy to handle." It's completely different from the tone of the beginning. There is something to please in the man's words.

Dressed in a gray-white robes, with a man just on the wall, I heard someone say that I want to bet. Just right, he also has an interest.

The easy handle is different from the easy division. The easy handle has no field outside the city, but the hand has always been very abundant. His own divination ability is good. The most important thing is that he has a good reputation. The position in Yijia is naturally not easy. of.

"We are talking about today's affairs. Yi Shi said that the family has lost one time and will definitely lose this time." If you are not sure about it, it will become affirmation.

"I do not……"

Yi Si has not finished. The words were interrupted.

"So I am preparing to bet with him." The man screamed, "I am gambling to win!"

Easy handles have lost interest in this unskilled gambling game. Seeing Yi Shi anxious, and seeing the money bag carried by Yi Shi. Changed the idea, hand a shot, "Calculate me one, so if the family wins, Yi Si, your bag of gold leaves will belong to us, if the family loses, I still have five bags, each bag with you There are as many money bags as there are, how?" He didn't pay attention to the money, he just wanted to be a difficult person.

"But if it can't be played today?" Yi Si asked.

"It will definitely be played. The people of the Black Bears Caravan have come over here. The two Yanjiao people are also there, and they will soon see people." Yi handle said.

Yi Sigang wanted to talk, and he was robbed again by the person next to him: "It’s so decided! Come, Yi Si, first hand over the purse, don’t let it go."

Yi Si's helpless face, grinding and smashing the money bag, a look of unpleasantness, just a solution, the other party will grab the money bag, and then count the golden leaves.

"Okay, I, you, this bag of gold leaves, we will hold it first, and wait for the family to lose, I will even give it to you with the bet." After the easy handle is called the person who is counting the golden leaves, go to the tower Over there, I did not ask Yi Shi to be with them.

Looking at the people who walked into the tower, the urgency on the face of Yi Shi faded, and even the smile flashed in his eyes. I made it, this time it was made! I don't want to bring so much money! Five times! Don't stare at the ground next year!

The easy-going pedestrian who walked into the tower went to the top of the tower and found a good seat. He looked at the drama condescendingly, and it felt really good.

Although I feel that my family will definitely win, but according to the habit, the easy handle is still intended to be in front of the black bear caravan.

From the inner pocket, I took out a bag made of delicate silk cloth and animal skin, and poured out a few pieces of jade used by my own dice.

The more sweat the forehead is.


The jade slammed together, and the easy handle grabbed the jade in his hand, blushing and gasping.

"What's wrong?!" A few people next to see the easy handle, so shocked.

Easy to shake and shake the head, the surface is unpredictable. He did not come out. Even a little bit of information is out!

Why is this happening?

Even if the divination fails, it will not be impossible.

What is it? !

Seeing the easy-to-handle face, I don’t want to say more, and the others are silent.

"Come here!" someone shouted.

Others also accept the words. Look to the side of the road.

The huge bear is swaying and coming over here.

Don't look at people. Only those giant bears will know who it is.

"The man of the Black Bear Caravan is here!"

"They really didn't avoid it."

"Don't you say that the family is going to deal with the people of the Yanjiao tribe? How do the people of the black bear caravans together?" Someone is puzzled.

"The black bear caravan and the Yanjiao are a group of two!"

"It turns out that, to put it this way, today is the family and the black bear caravan?"

"It must be."

Two people in Yanjiao were automatically ignored. Regardless of whether you have defeated you or not, one or two people will not have much influence before the family is in such a position, at least in the eyes of the spectators.

Over there, Shao Xuan went with the people of the Black Bears Caravan and walked toward the gate.

On both sides of this road in front of the city gate. There are a lot of people who are watching the crowd, and some of them are family members. It is like defending Shao Xuan to run away, staring at death, eyes cold, with a strong aggressiveness, like the next moment will be rushed out to start.

"I didn't expect the people of the Linlu tribe to pose such a battle." Shao Xuan said with emotion.

"If it is now diverted, it is still too late. I don't recommend that you continue to go here." The black bear looked solemnly. "The family knows that we are leaving today. We have already transferred a lot of people, just to block the gate. You will be very Lose."

Shao Xuan shook his head. "Go ahead."

The black bear sighed, how is this person so stubborn? Hard to touch the danger?

Although everyone knows what will happen next, no one stops there. In the eyes of the public, the caravans and bears continued to walk toward the city gate.

When Shao Xuan came to the city gate, he rushed out a group of people from both sides and stopped the place at the gate of the city. Seeing Shao Xuan’s eyes was watching a pedaling grasshopper.

"Dare to stop my way?! Black Bear" stepped forward and stepped forward, but he was pulled by Shao Xuan.

"Black Bear" looked at Shao Xuan doubtfully, and Shao Xuan Zhao gestured behind him.

Turning his head, the "black bear" saw the person who came with him. The leader of the Linlu tribe is now the leader. This is the home of the family.

This person is not tall, but it gives a strong sense of oppression. The person standing next to him is more stressed than the pressure on him.

at this time. The current leader, now the owner of the family, came with him. He was not afraid of Shao Xuan’s escape. Moreover, there were people outside the gate who were blocked by the family. So many people blocked the road and wanted to rush out. easily. He deliberately let the two Yanjiao people walk to the gate of the city before they came out with them. It is to let them realize that the front is the exit, but they can't get out of it!

Today, he did not intend to let these two Yanjiao people go alive!

Even if the Yanjiao tribe knows what to do, can it revenge Wangcheng?

It’s a joke!

If I haven't moved to Wangcheng before, I will worry about the things about the Yanjiao tribe. They will be worried about it at home, but now they are different. They are now in Wangcheng, on the site of the six nobles!

After relying on the six aristocrats, even when the relationship with Yanjiao is worse, choose between Yanjiao and Yanjia, Wangcheng people will still stand on the side of the Linlu tribe. Those who have come to see the drama today will also stand on the side of the family.

Just because I feel that the backing is hard, there are people behind me. I don’t have to worry about being harassed by other tribes in Wangcheng. I don’t have any worries, and I am unscrupulous when I move my hands.

Mou Zong’s line of sight swept away from the “black bear” and stayed on Shao Xuan’s body. His tone was very cold and cold: “Today is just the grudge between my family and the Yanjiao tribe. It has nothing to do with other people. Unrelated people can leave. ”

The idea is to let the black bear caravans get out of the way, don't get in the way. However, it was only the case of two Yanjiao people. In the words of Mou Zong, it was promoted to the entire Yanjiao tribe, which made it even more powerful.

The "black bear" grinned and raised his hand at the caravan. He shouted: "Listen to me! Who dares to stop our way, come and cut one, come and cut two pairs! Cut more and go back to the bounty leaves. Zijin Dadao!"

When the "black bear" just opened, the people of the family thought that the "black bear" would let the caravan leave, but did not expect that the latter would say such a thing, it is simply a direct provocation!

Looking at the changing face of the people on the other side of the family, the "black bear" asked aloud: "What did the ancestors say?!"

The people of the caravan shouted in unison: "You can't lose your momentum because of the other side's battle!"

The giant bear of the "吼" caravan also licked the fangs in his mouth and screamed.

Those who want to enter the city outside the city, and who want to leave the city in the city, regardless of people or beasts, are scared by this momentum. Is the man of the black bear caravan really coming? Not the same as the last time? A rare opportunity, look, must see!

Yan Zong's face is more gloomy. He found that the black bear caravan left the king of the city has come over. In his heart, he is actually not willing to fight with the black bears here. Who knows that the black bears insist on protecting the two Yanjiao people. When did the black bear caravans have such a good relationship with the Yanjiao tribe? !

In the heart of Zong Zong’s mind, when I really want to fight with the people of the Black Bears caravan, Shao Xuan said: "I think this time, I can solve the problem with the leaders of the Linlu tribe. "(To be continued)

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