Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 451: How will it be in the future?

Inside the tower, people who were flustered by the vibrations, heard the cracking of these cockroaches, suddenly froze and looked at the place where the sound came. ~,

In the tower, there was a place where the waves were raging, and some people were squatting. Someone stood on the stone pillar, and after hearing the sound, the people who were breathing on the thick stone pillars breathed a stagnation, their eyes widened and straight. I stared at the stone pillar, as if I saw something incredible.

A crack appeared from the stone pillar, extending from the bottom to the top, like an unstoppable snake, passing under his hand and rushing toward a higher place.

Feeling the shaking under the palm of the hand, the man can no longer care for the other, run the leg.

"Run! It’s going to collapse!"

It was like igniting a line of fire, the riots caused, did not care to sort out the clothes, and the ones in the tower rushed out.



The small pieces of stone rolled down, the stone chips and dust fell from the top, and then the more and more, the small stones became big slate, and finally, with the loud bang, the big slate of the tower was built that year. The block splits and collapses.

The sound of the rumble roused the Wangcheng people in shock, but did not know how to be good, just stepped back, and then looked at the towers on both sides of the city gate to collapse.

The guards under the gates are not good enough to avoid.

With a bang, huge stones fell to the ground, and a burst of smoke was swept open. The people who were close to each other were blurred and had to cover their hands.

Yi Shi stood on the wall, his position was very clever, a step away from him, a crack across the wall, like the two worlds separated. On the crack side, Yi Si suffered little impact. At the time, when he saw the situation, he was hiding behind the wall. He was already much better than the people in the tower.

Yi Si’s heart was secretly proud, but fortunately I stood far. However, now everyone is panicked and he is not calm. Then, when the people in the tower hurriedly fled, he also screamed and followed, and followed them to run, bet to win, and the money promised was not given.

Not to mention the size of the psychological shadows of the guards under the gates at this time, it is said that the family, the original plan is that the emperor will slaughter Shao Xuan. Everything is going on, if you can’t kill it, you can change it and continue to slaughter. However, they did the action plan after the loss of Zongzong, but they did not expect the process to be like this, and the ending turned out to be so shocking.

Just one face-to-face, one palm, the matter is over. They didn't even notice where the ancestral sect was flying, and they didn't know how to live and die.

Continue to send people to fight?

The family hangs their heads one by one. I am afraid that I will be called by myself. The other party will fly the sects so easily. What can they do if they go there? Continue to be shot?

The walls were all cracked, the towers were collapsed, and these people could survive? The consequences can be imagined. So no one wants to be a victim.

On the other side of the caravan, Mauda finally picked up the chin that was about to dislocate, and greeted the people in the team to appease the giant bear. There was a turn over and the earth had not returned, and the goods carried on the back of the bear were scattered, so that the bag was tied tightly and the grain inside was not sprinkled.

"Black Bear" looked at Shao Xuan in a complicated way, and seemed to never really know this person. In Ancheng, he saw Shao Xuan for the first time. Shao Xuan would easily stop Da Jinding. The second time he saw Shao Xuan in Wang Cheng, Shao Xuanzhao focused on hammering and chasing, and now...

Mou Zong still doesn't know whether it is dead or alive. The city gate is destroyed like this. Both towers are collapsed. Is this still done by people? Is this really Shao Xuan? ! Is he actually a fierce beast? !

When I thought of what Shao Xuan had said before, the "black bear" suspected that this kid had planned for this early. All the damage was borne by the family, and he just started to sneak?

In front of Shao Xuan in general, he asked: "How old are you?"

In the tribe, the witch vacated a place to give Shao Xuan a practice. Others didn't know what was going on, but they had seen it once in a broad sense. It was just that there was no closeness at that time, and the feeling was not deep. I only knew that Shao Xuan practiced each time. After that, there will always be more pits on the ground. The witch said that it was the power of the ancestors.

Now, the broad sense is finally clearly aware of the extent to which such power is!

Shao Xuan slowly recovered his arm and shook his head: "It's okay."

The line of sight glanced around, and the onlookers, whether they knew it or not, quickly staggered their eyes and dared not look directly at Shao Xuan, especially the people of the Linlu tribe, who shrank back when Shao Xuan’s line of sight swept. Shrinking, I was afraid that Shao Xuan would point them out to continue fighting.

Shao Xuan stood there and did not move, and said the words in a broad sense before moving his foot away from the original place. It’s not that he doesn’t want to leave right away. He’s a little numb in his legs. If he just walked around, it’s easy to be seen. Shao Xuan’s strong and intact appearance is all pretending. Every time he borrows the power of bones, the body is more Or less will be injured, but compared to the original in the armor of the mountain, it is much better, now more control over the power, also know what happens when this palm is played.

In the past, I was practicing alone, and I was only confronted with Ms. Zong, and I was hurt. I was not too serious.

Maintaining calm, Shao Xuan asked Ma Da: "Can the caravan go out of town?"

"Can be!" Mauda quickly hurry. In the past, he also joked with Shao Xuan. Today, seeing Shao Xuanyi’s palm will fly the sect, Mao Da will not dare to talk with Shao Xuan, and his mentality has not been adjusted.

"You have to leave, the city gate, since the family said they will bear, let us not worry. The black bear said."

The team will continue to stay here, I am afraid it will not go away.

Shao Xuan sincerely thanked the "black bear" and left with them.

The family members in the city did not chase them out. The guards did not come to stop. The family members who were ambushing outside the city face each other. No one dared to come over at the same time. They watched a giant bear walk past them, especially Shao. When Xuan passed, the person who was the closest was still stunned.

At this time, in other places in Wangcheng, the people who had not taken the family and Shao Xuan seriously, were shocked after they learned the truth.

Within the palace, several people hurriedly entered from outside, and they also got news. In fact, they just felt a breath that made them all shake.

"Yanjiao people? Yanjiao tribe? How do you have them every time?" said a gray-haired old man with an eyebrow.

"When was the Yanjiao so strong?"

"I heard that it is the elder of Yanjiao. It is very young."

Someone remembered the words left by the master of the Yi family that he heard that year, and suddenly jumped in his heart. "Isn't the huge change mentioned, refers to the Yanjiao tribe?!!"

“Thinking about it, the Yanjiao tribe seems to be coming to another place.”

"This alien tribe is very threatening. I said it that year."

For a time, everyone in the room was silent, and they felt that there was such a possibility.

The people in Wangcheng are talking about the threat of Yanjiao, and Shaoxuan has left Wangcheng, and walked out of the long dirt road outside Wangcheng, and once again entered the forest, not to mention a few giant bears who transported goods, that is, Shaoxuan also It's much easier.

"Mao Da, use your bear to use one." Shao Xuan said.

Mauda is thinking about further cooperation with the Yanjiao tribe. Today's events can be seen. The strength of the Yanjiao tribe is definitely stronger than they think. Working with such a tribe has great benefits for them, let alone Shao. Xuan also knows Master Heng and Jingu Yiju.

When I heard Shao Xuan’s words, Mao Da temporarily stopped his thoughts, and some of them were awkward. “Let’s borrow a bear? What do you eat?” I heard that Yanjiao people like to eat giant beasts, and they like to eat a lot of fierce beast meat after each consumption of physical strength.

"Let your bear sit and sit, I want to take a nap." Shao Xuan said.

Mao Da’s eyes flashed, and I knew that Shao Xuan might not be as good as it looked.

A hand, Mao Dadao: "Use it, just pick it."

Shao Xuan chose one nearby, which happened to be the one who wanted to attack him when he met the giant bear.

Seeing Shao Xuan approaching, the bear shook and wanted to escape. Shao Xuan had already turned over and sat on the back of the bear. So, the bear’s walking posture looked very stiff, and the four legs were in a chaotic rhythm. inverted.

If it is said that it used to only avoid Shao Xuan's words, now it is afraid of Shao Xuan, but after watching Shao Xuan turn over the bear back, he did not do anything, and it gradually calmed down.

Shao Xuan needs a good rest to repair the wounds in the body, to withstand such a huge force, from the neck to the shoulders, from each muscle to each bone, it seems to be blocked and running, every move seems to be difficult, the body The sense of heaviness is becoming more apparent.

However, with his ability to recover, it would be much better to sleep, so after he left the city, he would rest on the back of the bear when no one was watching.

He did not speak in a broad sense, and he was guarded by the giant bear. At the same time, I am thinking about it. Since Shao Xuan is so powerful, can you find the way to the other side of the sea? Both the witch and the princes pinned their hopes of returning to Shao Xuan. In the past, they were skeptical in the broad sense, but now, he thinks, maybe it is really possible.

He also had great interest in the other side of the sea. When the old friends chatted and ate meat in the tribe, they also talked about another brother tribe. It has been a thousand years, but the people in Yanjiao have no deep feelings for this land. Wu said that this is not the place they should be, so there is no sense of belonging.

If there are outsiders attacking the tribe, the general will work with other people to keep the tribe, but if they can't keep it, the witch and the leader decide to move. Although they will be a little emotional, they will not be too strong. Every year, I can hear the news of the migration of other tribes. Some migrate from the wilderness to more places, and some tribes are forced to stay away from the land that has lived for hundreds of years and enter the mountains.

When the fire is no longer rooted, people are like no roots, wherever they float, wherever they fall. Some tribes are scattered and can no longer be brought together. Some tribes are beginning to deteriorate, just like the Linlu tribe.

Yanjiao tribe, what will happen in the future?

Looking at the yellowing leaves in the mountains in a broad sense, it is rare to be emotional. (To be continued...)

Ps: A chapter tonight.

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