Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 452: Back to tribe

The caravans that went to Anba City encountered a lot of robbery along the way. I probably know that there are more Yunguzi at this time. When I saw the suspected grain in the big bag in the caravan, the robbers even bogey of the black bear caravan. Greed is the mainstay, and many of them are lost in this adventure.

For those who rob, the caravan never stops, and this time they will continue to be beaten next time. Knowing that they are the black bear caravans still robbery, then I am sorry, killing you is not negotiating. Therefore, in order to reduce the troubles in the future, the people of the caravans are absolutely absolute. However, the number of people who rob each year is not small, and one batch is slaughtered and a batch is released.

Some of the ravages are not forced to live, but they feel that it is easier to rob.

The bears of the Black Bears Caravan, although looking awkward and shrinking when facing Shao Xuan, are fierce in the face of the robbery. Shao Xuan sees several times the giant bear directly smashes people into two In the half case, it is rare to eat human flesh.

If the giant bear is hungry, the caravans will look for food for them. These giant bears have a wide range of recipes, from grass sprouts, berry ants, to eggs and fish, and sometimes to carers. The prey they hit back, and even saw the half-cured corpse killed by other beasts on the road will eat a little.

Fortunately, most of the places that have been visited are in the mountains and there are many foods around them. The roads will not go hungry.

After two or three days of rest, Shao Xuan has recovered almost the same. The prey to be hunted will be distributed to the caravan. The three-day giant bear has been rewarded so much that the giant bear looks To Shao Xuan will be close to go to eat.

The caravan has been to the stronghold of the Black Bears caravan outside the city of Anba. The giant bears carried the goods up the mountain. The caravans will not enter the city immediately. They will unload the goods brought back by Wangcheng, and then transport them to Anba City in batches.

Shao Xuan brought eight bags of millet from Wangcheng and Jingu from Jingu Tianzhuang. He gave Shao Xuan ten bags and sold two bags to the black bear caravan. The remaining eight bags were brought back. Of course, the most important thing is the excellent seeds he brought from the residence. These are well preserved. There are also some axe that the squadron has given, and they have to bring it back. Count it, and bring back a lot of goods.

"Wait a few days, now this time is almost winter, the tribe will once again come to Anba City, sell the hoarded hides. Come back with them." General advice.

In general, people who are worried about robbery, he and Shao Xuan can't take care of those goods, and the black bear caravans will not **** them to the tribe, so the best thing is to wait here for a few days, it should be very fast. You can wait until the tribal trading team.

Shao Xuan thinks it is right. He came out with the trading team at this time last year.

If Dokang took the trading team to Anba City. The black bear caravan will definitely know that Shao Xuan asked Ma Da to help, and so far, no trading team has come.

"Then continue to wait." Shao Xuan made a decision.

The goods are placed in the stronghold of the Black Bear Caravan outside the city of Anba, which is safer than in the city of Amba.

When Mao Da took a shipment to Anba City, he said to Shao Xuan: "You will live here first. If I see you in Yanjiao, people will send a message."

There is nothing in the city. Shao Xuan and the general public stayed at the stronghold of the black bear caravan outside Anba City. But it is not white, during the day Shao Xuan and the general hunting out, the prey brought back will also send some to the black bear caravan.

In the past five days, I still have not heard the news of the caravan.

"What happened?" Worried in general.

In the past, the tribal trading team did not necessarily have the same time each year, but it was only a few days, and it would not be staggered too much. In the past, there was very little delay in the past, unless there was anything delaying the travel time.

Fortunately, people who have not seen the Taihe tribe, if they only see the Taihe tribe and not the Yanjiao tribe, it is a big problem in Yanjiao.

"Continue to wait, if you still haven't seen them in five days, let's go back first." Shao Xuan made a decision.

On the fourth day of Shao Xuan’s remarks, Mao Da finally sent people to inform them that the trading team of Yanjiao and Taihe had arrived. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Shao Xuan’s heart is in Wei’an.

The person who came to the letter sent Shao Xuan to a place outside the city of Anba. The people who used to ship the goods in the past, the trading teams of Yanjiao and Taihe brought a lot of fur, they had to move the goods.

Before the place, in the woods, Shao Xuan saw the team that Du Kang took.

Seeing that everyone is still well, Shao Xuan and the generalized are relieved.

Seeing Shao Xuan and the broad sense, Dokang is also full of joy, "You are finally back!" The harvest is secondary, and it is best to come back safely.

"What happened? The time to come has been delayed a lot?" Shao Xuan asked.

On the surface of Dokang, the color is slightly convergent, shaking his head. "A little thing, go back and say. Right, what are you moving?"

He commanded people in a broad sense, and moved those millet and weapons from the black bear caravan. Hearing the words of Dokang, he couldn’t help but reveal his color: "It’s all good things!" The person who moved the thing shouted, "Be careful to move!"

After the transaction with the black bear caravan was completed, the rest of the trade team took the goods exchanged and went back.

This time the team is big, Shao Xuan is not worried about being robbed by people.

Although the robbers were also encountered in the middle, in general, it was quite smooth. On the road, Shao Xuan and the generals and Dokang said that Wang Cheng’s business, except for thousands of gold, other picks said something, and some things are not good on the road, except for the people around them, the Taihe tribe People.

"This time you delayed the transaction, what is it for?" asked broadly. He knew that Dokang didn't say it before, just because he didn't want others to hear it. Now there is no black bear caravan here, and Dokang doesn't have to squat again.

"The thing about salt." Dokang said, "It’s because of the salt mines that have caused some trouble. We and the people of Taihe have postponed the time to trade."

Most of the salt used by the tribe was obtained from a salt mine. And that salt mine. It was divided by five tribes, and others who could not be divided into cakes could only trade with these five tribes. The Yanjiao tribe and the Taihe tribe are two of them, which was the result of the battle for salt mines that year.

In addition to the two tribes of Yanjiao and Taihe, the other three are the Lihu tribe, the Shanfeng tribe, and the Sen tribe. This Shao Xuan is aware of this.

"Is it solved?" Shao Xuan asked.

Dokang shook his head. "The Lihu tribe and the Sen tribe want to take over the salt mine. The Shanfeng tribe has already played with them, but the people of Lihu and Sen are very determined this time. Moreover, they have found some allies, not too. Anyway, go back and talk about it, see how the leader decides, if it is going to war. This winter has to be prepared."

"Yeah." Wen Yan and Xuan Guang are also serious. It is not a trivial matter to start a war. In particular, it involves five tribes.

When I finally saw the not too high mountain in Yanjiao, Shao Xuan’s nervous nerves were relaxed. Whether it was in Wangcheng or on the road, it was always prepared. It will be easy to get here. It seems like the weight is removed.

Some children in the river before the tribe were feeding ducks, and the trading team they saw came back to greet them. There were some of their elders in the team.

"Elders, Shao Xuan elders!"

A child ran towards Shao Xuan's side and looked so excited that he couldn't stop in front of Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan Shun took the child and put it on his shoulders. People in the tribe often do this, including the leader and Dokang. Sometimes Shao Xuan will do the same with them.

This little boy Shao Xuan knows that he is the second person to touch the duck egg from the river. It is rare for others to touch it. He touched it when he first entered the water. Later, he was very active when he was feeding ducks.

Sitting on the shoulders of Shao Xuan, the child appeared to be a little cramped, and then very excited to pick up an egg from the pocket inside the clothes.

Duck eggs?

"Is there still eggs at this time?" Duck eggs can hatch the ducklings. These wild ducks don't expect them to lay eggs regularly. After all, they have not been domesticated, except for one or two egg laying periods fixed each year. Basically, it will not regenerate eggs.

"The river is smashed!" The child's eyes were bright and the egg was handed to Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan took the egg and looked at it carefully. It was not damaged, but it didn't seem to have been born for a long time.

"White eggs, no, ginkgo," Shao Xuan asked the child on his shoulder. "When did you get this egg?"

"Just this morning, in the grass by the river." The child named Ginkgo raised his finger to Shao Xuan.

There are more ducks swimming there, and new ducks, I don’t know which one was born.

"Do you still have eggs at this time?" Dokang was also surprised. The ducklings grew up in a circle. They didn't hear anyone picking up eggs when they were in the tribe. How could this kid be so lucky?

"Ginkgo, you will change your name directly to the white egg in the future, and later will be more tricky." Dokang joked.

Not to mention, the child really listened to it, and thought about changing his name with his family when he went back.

"Speaking of the egg, Shao Xuan, you will go see the green duck later." Dokang said.

"That green fat duck?" Shao Xuan was different. "What happened to it?"

It can also attract new female ducks, and the fat ducks should be fine.

Dokang snorted and didn't explain. "You will know when you go to see it. In the duck shed under the mountain, you give it the duck shed."

After crossing the river into the tribe, Shao Xuan put down the ginkgo, and did not rush to the mountain, but went to the duck shed.

He found that during the time he left, there was another row of duck sheds near the river, where there were some ducks of different colors.

Entering the duck shed that was previously built for the green duck, in addition to the small door that was specially entered and exited, the door that people entered and exit seemed to have not moved for a while, accumulating a layer of ash.

Just as soon as he opened the door, Shao Xuan noticed that a murderous face came straight, not strong, but obviously, it was more like a deterrent. However, this murder quickly converges.

Shao Xuan looked over. In the nest made of hay, the green fat duck was lying there, and both wings were open, as if they were covering up, but there were too many things under the wings. Did not cover completely.

From the point of exposure, Shao Xuan knows that under the wings are duck eggs.

This goods is actually hatching eggs! ! (To be continued~^~)

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