Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 453: Grab the egg

In the past, only the female duck was hatched, and the male fat duck even took the eggs from the duck's nest at the time. It was a blind eye and one eye, after the second generation of the ducks were born, fat The ducks didn't have much interest in them. They patrol the forest every day, but they don't stay because of the little ducks. Oh,

But now, this fat duck is actually hatching eggs? !

However, where did these duck eggs come from?

The ducklings are growing up so much, where are the duck eggs?

Think of the duck eggs that the ginkgo picked up, is it the new ducks born?

The fat duck stared at Shao Xuan, seemingly guarding Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan took a step forward, it was even more nervous, and even opened his mouth, revealing the fangs in his mouth.

There are no such fangs in the mouth of other wild ducks. The duck's paw is not like this. Apart from the appearance of a duck, the fat duck does have a lot of strange places. Perhaps, everything before it was not what people imagined?

Did not go in again, Shao Xuan withdrew from the duck shed, asked people who usually take care of the duck shed.

"The duck? It behaved strangely. After you left, it brought back a few eggs from the outside. Later, there were new ducks coming to the forest in front of the tribe. After a while, the patrolling people found that there were ducks and eggs. It was the same as before, but one day, when a patrolling person wanted to get close to the duck's nest in the grass, he was attacked by the green duck. If the person did not hide fast, the hand would be smashed into a hole!" The person who cares for the duck shed said.

"Does it actively attack the tribes?" Shao Xuan asked. If this is the case, the fat duck has to be fixed and can no longer be stocked.

"Not at all, after the patrolman left the duvet, the fat duck did not attack any more, but the patrolman said that he later hid behind the bushes and sneaked. He saw the fat duck from the duck's nest. Inside, an egg was caught and then flew away. Later, even if the patrolman approached the duck's nest in the grass in front of it, it did not respond." The person who guarded the duck shed said.

"This fat duck actually hides eggs?!" Shao Xuan surprised. Just don't know when this fat duck began to hide. It shouldn't be just a momentary move, maybe it started very early, and everyone didn't find it. But why did you bring the eggs back to the duck shed after hiding the eggs? Deliberately brought back to hatch?

"Not only to hide eggs, but also to grab it." The person who cares for the duck shed continues. "When it is caught from the duck's nest, if it is seen by the female duck, it will fight with the female duck."

Whoever wins and wins is clear, and those wild ducks are not the opponents of this fat duck.

It’s really ruthless.

"The patrolling man used to save the mother duck that was almost killed, and the green duck took the egg away."

"Only grabbed one?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Yes. Just one." Whatever thought of, the person who cares for the duck shed again said, "The green duck often goes to the duck's nest, but once you see it, it won't go again. It's like... It seems to be picking."

Yes, pick, whether it's on the tree or the duck's nest in the grass. If there is a duck egg inside, the fat duck will look at it. Most of the time I have seen it before I leave, and I won’t go back later, but sometimes it will grab an egg from the nest, take it away, and won’t look back at the duck nest.

"Besides these eggs, it doesn't care much?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Sometimes if you see other beasts in the woods, it will still be expelled, but except for the eggs that are taken away by it, the rest seems to be secondary." The person who cares for the duck shed said.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan asked: "When is the first time I saw it taking the egg away from the duck's nest?"

"The elders didn't take long before you left. The patrol's people found out. Then one day, I saw it glimpsing a place from the woods to the duck shed."

This is a long time hiding some eggs, and later transported the eggs back to the duck shed?

Counting it, if it is so early, it will start to grab eggs and hatch eggs. "What the **** is it?"

The man who cares for the duck shed shook his head. "It doesn't allow me to get close. I stare at it every day, and I haven't seen anything hatched. There is no other movement." He even sneaked into the duck shed while the fat duck left. I have seen those eggs and have not seen any difference.

The eggs produced by different ducks have different colors and patterns, but the eggs in the same nest do not see much difference when compared with each other.

"I went in and saw it once. I was threatened by the fat duck the next day." I thought that the fat duck was murderous and murderous. The person who took care of the duck shed now remembered it.

Worried that Shao Xuan directly slaughtered the fat duck, and the person who cares for the duck shed did not forget to say good things to him: "In fact, as long as you don't go in, don't touch the eggs that it moved into the duck shed, the fat duck is quite good. Get along."

"Well. The duck shed here is hard work, you have to look at it." Shao Xuan said to the man who said the duck shed.

"It’s not hard, it’s not hard. After that, there are more ducks and more eggs. Those eggs are more useful than ducks,” one said.

Duck eggs have a lot of effects, especially in detoxification, which is very beneficial to tribes, but other ducks can't. The patrolling people will be brought back by the dead ducks who were attacked by the beasts. After eating, they found that there is no The great benefits are similar to the ordinary birds they eat in the mountains, so the tribes are very attentive when caring for the little ducks that grow up.

From the duck shed, Shao Xuan thought about the reason why the fat duck did this, thinking about the difference between the eggs that were taken away by it.

After all, it’s not humans, animals in nature, the behavior is very strange, can only wait to see if those eggs can hatch.

Going up the mountain, I haven't lived for a while, Shao Xuan has a layer of ash in the room, and the backyard is often taken care of. The thousands of gold have gradually withered, but they have been insured for safety, and they have not moved the plants, thinking about seeing them next year.

Putting things down, Shao Xuan went to find the leader and the witch.

In the broad sense, the leader and the witch are talking about Wangcheng, and there are other people in the house, which will appear when the important meeting was held.

When Shao Xuan arrived, the broad sense was about Shao Xuanyi’s attempt to fly the ancestral sect. The people in the house were flushed together. Imagine what I was like in my mind.

Seeing Shao Xuan coming in, the leader took a smile in his eyes and called him to sit in the past.

Since the Shao Xuanlai tribe, the leader has one more seat on the other side, which is dedicated to Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan and Wu Zhe sit on both sides of the leader. Everyone else has to go to the back.

Shao Xuan brought back the millet to make everyone very happy, and there are a few weapons of Gong Jiaheng. Of course, the most exciting thing for everyone is that Shao Xuanyi will fly the Linlu tribe leader. What do other people think? The people in Yanjiao didn't care, they recognized Shao Xuan's move. In their opinion, this is very exciting.

"This should be thanks to the ancestors." Shao Xuan will take out the bone necklace. "Without them, I can't do that at all."

"The ancestors blessed!" Witches can't wait to squat on the ground.

The same is true of others, and in their view, nothing is more pleasing than the ancestor's blessing.

"Right, what happened to the salt mine?" Shao Xuan asked.

The words of Shao Xuan made the atmosphere in the house happy.

The levy also convinced the smile on the face, calmly said: "The fox tribe and the sen tribe are coming true."

Divide the five tribes of the mine. Each person will be stationed in the mine and change batches at regular intervals. However, in the days before the outbound trading. The people stationed in the mine came back, all with injuries, some of them with arrows in their bodies, life crisis, and poison on the arrow. They came back after coming back. These two days can only go to the ground.

"The people stationed are forcibly driven away. In addition to us, the people of Taihe have also been rushed back, and they have to suffer from the herbs they brought. Otherwise, our people have long been poisoned and killed."

"In the beginning, it was mainly to drive away. There was no squatting hand, so there were so many people who came back alive, but then the people of the Shanfeng tribe were not reconciled. After the past, the people of the fox and the Mori tribe started to get hotter. The people of the past mountain wind tribes have died a lot.” Zheng Luo and Shao Xuan said, “Yesterday, the mountain wind tribe came to send letters, and it took a while for us to talk with the people of Taihe in the past. They had to retaliate, but only rely on it. They simply can't fight there. We also want to get back the salt mine, and we want to find out why the fox and the Sen tribe are doing this, so we promised to discuss it together."

"Fox and Sen, they have different attitudes in two acts. Why?" Shao Xuan thought, if only to seize the salt mine, the first time will not stay. "Do you have anything else in the salt mine?!"

Zheng Luo nodded, "I also thought about it, but I don't know what there is in the salt mine. It is worthy of their opposition to the three tribes. If this is the case, the things in the salt mine are worthy of their opposition to the three parties. It is definitely a very important thing. Moreover, the amount is still great!!"

There are flashes in the eyes of the levy, there are good things, how can they have fewer people with their horns? If you can't talk about peace, then grab it directly!

Shao Xuan also understood, perhaps, the first time Huo Hu and Sen just discovered those things, so they joined together and wanted to drive away the other three, but they did not dare to offend people. When they started, they converge a lot. This will give us room to look back. But later, perhaps the number of salt mines was more than they expected. Just as the Shanfeng tribe passed, they would choose to die, because they want to occupy those things and do not hesitate to fight with the three parties!

"The fox and the sen went to find other tribes and promised that if they helped, they would send a lot of salt to them. So now the mountain wind people will want to find us and the Taihe, so that they can continue to fight. Go on."

"I will go with you tomorrow." Shao Xuandao.

Shao Xuan and the general return, also let everyone more peace of mind, more than two major combat power, but also very energetic morale.

However, before that, Shao Xuan planned to ask the people stationed in the salt mine to understand the details.

The people who led the team to leave in order to cover the team, and a few arrows in the body, almost screamed, and hung a life back to the present, thinking that it is quite weak now, can make Yan Yan people so strong and lie For so long, this long-lasting injury can make a strong man become skinny.

Shao Xuan was ready to see a skinny and weak wound, but he didn't think about it. When he followed the sign of the past, the wounds he saw were completely different from what he imagined. The ruddy complexion is still a fat circle.

Seeing Shao Xuan’s surprised expression, the injured person pulled his mouth and explained: “The egg is eating too much.” (To be continued...)

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