The people of the Taihe tribe and the wind tribe appeared on the third day after the arrival of Yanjiao. At that time, the snow on the ground was nearly five meters high.

Blizzard stopped for a day in the middle, and now it continues, even more fierce than the first day.

The cold wind blew, like a knife, blowing a face like a cut hurt. Even the Yanjiao warriors who are self-skinned and rough-skinned are not willing to go out when they are not their guards. They are resting in the cave.

There is less firewood in the cave now, and they are used in addition to porridge. Yesterday, the snow stopped, and Luo took people to the vicinity of the salt mine. Apart from the two salt caves blocked by rocks and thick snow, the salt caves of the fox and the Mori tribe were very resistant. Tight, it is not convenient to go in and grab something, and I don’t want to use it to deal with the power.

When Zheng Luo learned that the people on both sides of the Taihe River and the mountain wind finally arrived, he was excited to take the first piece of fire crystal.

Before he dug out, he and others also felt the existence of the fire crystal. It proved that there was indeed a fire crystal below, but it was buried too deeply. Because of the interference of the salt mine, they could not detect it. Now it is finally near. It’s hard to dig out, and of course I can’t calm down.

"People in the Taihe?" Hearing the report of the man who rushed over, Luo took the hot line of sight away from the fire crystal of the size of the fingernail, and calmed down the excitement.

Quite reluctantly climbed out of the pit that was dug out, and asked Luo to hand over the fire crystal to Dokang. "You continue to dig, I will go and see them, I don't know what they are doing now."

"Reassure the leader, I am staring here!" Dokang took the fire crystal carefully, and his mouth was cracked. Their efforts are still worthwhile, and the mood of depression has now dissipated.

Shao Xuan was originally thinking. The action of the levy jumped out and called him back to God.

"The people from the Taihe River and the mountain wind are coming?" Shao Xuan said, standing up from the salt stone and going out to see it with Luo.

Zheng Xuan took a look at Shao Xuan, but did not ask. In the past two days, Shao Xuan’s state is somewhat wrong. Sitting there for a long time, if no one calls him, he will sit down all the time. I don't know what I was thinking. He asked once, but Shao Xuan answered, just trying to sense something. If you get the results, you will be sure to tell everyone.

When I came to the mouth of the cave, I saw the heads of the Taihe River and the mountain winds carrying twenty people here. Everyone’s face was not very good, and there was still snow that was not photographed.

When I saw the sign, the leader of the Taihe River and the mountain wind was slightly loose. Smiled bitterly: "You are really lucky, come over in advance, otherwise it will be like us."

When the party was waiting here, the two leaders had learned from the mouth of the Yanjiao soldiers in the cave that the Yanjiao arrived ahead of time, that is, the day when the sky changed, the front foot just arrived, and the hind foot was blizzard. Not like them. In the salt land, there was a change in the sky, and there was a death and injury in the middle.

This kind of weather is something they have never encountered before. Don't say them, even if they are ancestors, they have never encountered them. Not only did unnecessary deaths and injuries occur, but the trip was still seriously delayed. It was possible to arrive yesterday morning, and it was a drag on another day. Still the result of the night. After the change of the day, it is very difficult to catch a road on the salt ground, especially the snow is still so thick, the weather is cold, no one can adapt.

Good luck. There was no explanation for Zheng Luo. He asked about the situation of the two teams. He learned that although there were deaths and injuries, it was not too much. But now the two teams are in poor physical condition, especially those who live in the mountains, where they live. It is warmer than the place where Yan Yan is located. The cold wind in winter is blocked by the mountain next to it. Even if it snows, it just means meaning. How have you encountered such a situation? Therefore, the situation of death and injury of the mountain wind is slightly more serious than that of the Taihe River. It is no wonder that the leader of the mountain wind is now looking dark.

"How about the hole?" asked Luo. When he brought people to look at it, the salt caves on both sides collapsed, but it took only a little time to throw the stones away. "If there is a need, our people can help move the stones."

However, if you ask for the words, the two leaders will look even more ugly, so that they can't wait to bite, and the squeaking of the teeth can be heard clearly.

"Don't mention it! The **** **** of the fox and the Mori tribe, they poured salt poison in the hole!!" The leader of the mountain tribe angered.

Salt poison is a kind of blue-gray salt stone on the side of the mine. This kind of salt can not be used to cook salt. It is not able to poison people at once. It is only after the cooking that the smell is pungent. If it smells more, it will dizzy. Therefore, in general, if you dig into the salt and salt stone, the soldiers who keep the mine will take it far away.

Although there are not many salt and salt stones, they have accumulated in these years and there are also a certain number. The people of the foxes dug out the salt-poor salt stone and boiled it in batches. The first three pots of the pot were poured into the salt caves of the Shanfeng tribe. Who made the people of the mountain winds complain the most? If it weren’t for the mountain breeze to investigate again, it would not be like this.

The fourth to sixth pots are boiled in the salt caves of the Taihe tribe. The people of Taihe are better at the herb. This has always been a taboo for the foxes. Finally, it is the person of Yanjiao, but the sky changes in advance. They changed the plan, and they didn't have time to cook the last salt-salt salt stone. So when people in Yanjiao entered the hole, they didn't have to face salt poison, although they lost a lot of things.

After the salted salt stone is cooked, it will melt in the water, and then continue to cook, it will become a viscous liquid. It will seep into the salt mine on the ground. If it is dry, it will be with the salt mine, unless the layer is shovel. Go, otherwise, some are better.

This kind of weather, the stormy snow, the temperature is unprecedentedly low, finally finally rushed to the salt mines, there is no need to go directly to war, but there is no place to escape for a while.

The two leaders of the Taihe and Shanfeng tribes who arrived at the salt mines almost at the same time came to Yanjiao to see the situation. I did not expect that the people in Yanjiao not only banned in advance, but they lived well, at least compared to them. On both sides, it is quite good. They are not demanding now, just want to find a place to avoid the cold and take a rest. The people in the team are now walking on the road. If this is the time to fight with the fox and the Mori tribe, the ** will be unlucky.

I learned about the situation on both sides, and the levy of the mouth was smacked. He really didn’t know that their luck was so good. The salt poison thing must have been done by the people of the fox fox. If it was not changed, say no. The salt caves of their tribes will also suffer, and they will not only face the caves that have been severely collapsed, but even if they go in, they will be smoked.

Really sinister!

"Come on, though it will squeeze a little, but the cave can still be accommodated. Right, there is no firewood in the salt cave on your side? Take it with you." Zheng Luo said.

Seeing the signing of the promise, the two leaders had a loose heart and hurriedly said: "I used to ask, if there is, I will bring it."

The salt poison on the ground has penetrated into the underground salt mine. It is not a matter of a moment to shovel it. Now, on such a day, I will first go to the Yanjiao side to avoid it.

The levy let the soldiers in the cave give up some places, do not occupy too much, and say that the people of the Taihe River and the mountain wind are now allies, helping them also help themselves.

Not many meetings, the leaders of the Taihe River and the mountain wind came with their own people, look at the spiritual state of Yanjiao people, and then look at the sadness of their own team, the taste of the two leaders, don’t mention too much Uncomfortable. The hatred in my heart is deeper, and it is against the fox and the Mori tribe.

A salt cave contains nearly 3,000 people. It really squeezes. If there are two layers of salt caves, each layer is deep enough to accommodate so many people. In the passage, the left side of the entrance should be vacated with an aisle. This is convenient and convenient. There is no urgency or delay. Therefore, the cave is almost horrible.

The people of the Taihe River and the mountain wind brought some firewood. They also had their own hiding places on the other side. They were all brought away by the people of the foxes.

However, there is not much firewood. No one knows when such weather will last. The savings are certain. Except for cooking things, you can't burn. Fortunately, people in Yanjiao have illuminating spar to illuminate, not to be full of black eyes.

People have more holes and deeper air. It is more difficult to breathe less air. Of course, when you open a salt cave, you have considered such a problem. Therefore, there are still several vents in the cave, but when the people at the beginning of the horn come in, because of the cold weather. Large, several vents have been blocked, and now that there are more people, breathing is somewhat difficult, and the vents that are blocked will be opened again. Two of them were blocked because of Blizzard, and it took a little effort to get through.

Even so, the hole is still a bit stuffy, but the advantage of crowding together is warmth.


"What is it?"

"Who is farting?!"

"Hey, brother, have you stepped on animal dung?"


When I hurry down, who has the time to wash and clean up, there is more dirt on the body when it is on the road. This is still the result of being washed by snow. Now I have a break in the hole, coupled with poor air mobility, a variety of sweat odor, foot odor, fart odor, and all kinds of weird smells on the skin, suddenly mixed together.

Even so, this is much better than salt poisoning. This is the same as the heart of the Taihe and Shanfeng tribes. After the weather changes, this is the most comfortable time for them.

The people in Yanjiao are more familiar with the people of Taihe. They are very quick to chat together. Although they are noisy in the tribe, they are always cooperative. After all, they have a hard time. They also have the feeling of being a brother and a brother. I don’t know who started. The people of the screaming fox and the Mori tribe suddenly resonated, and even the silent mountain wind tribes after entering the cave are now following up. Swearing out with the swear words of their respective tribes.

The leader of the Taihe River and the mountain wind is now being taken to see the fire crystal. The presence of Fire Crystal was confirmed, and the gloom of the two leaders was slightly lighter.

The three chiefs personally took the tools and began to dig the fire crystals. They are now in a bad mood, and they can't find people to fight. They can only turn anger and depression into the power to dig fire crystals.

Excavating the ignition crystals can also allow the soldiers to recover quickly.

Outside the cave, the snow five meters high in the morning is now one meter higher, the snow is still down, and there is no point to stop. (To be continued...)

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