Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 464: heartbeat

On the night of the arrival of the Taihe River and the Shanfeng tribe, the wind outside increased again, and the wind and snow were all over the sky. Even the soldiers who guarded the outside of the cave could not hold back. They had to call them all in, and they were waiting in the hole. Otherwise, it will freeze to death outside, and it will be buried in the snow without freezing. Oh,

Now outside the hole, unless all the snow is swept away, the surrounding snow is like a thick wall, blocking all the sights, you must stand on a high place, sweep away the snow that blocks the view, you can see more Far away.

Shao Xuan stood on the top of the snow and looked at it. It was all white between heaven and earth. The land of the rock formations, now there is no such thing as a sly look, drowned by the white ocean. At first glance, I thought it was flat.

Shao Xuan tried to use the grass rope divination, he wanted to check the weather, and the kind of crisis that made people feel chilling, but there was no success.

Look around, where the line of sight is, there is no shadow of other people. Compared to the Lihu tribe and the Sen tribe, there is no meaning to come out.

After entering the hole, the stone blocking the hole is moved back to the original place.

Many warriors of Yanjiao looked at Shao Xuan, and I was looking forward to getting good news from Shao Xuan. Before I heard Shao Xuan’s words, they were not as terrible as the Taihe River and the mountain wind.

What disappointed them was that Shao Xuan shook his head silently.

The salt caves became quieter. At the beginning, there were people complaining about the people of the fox and the Mori tribe. But now, they complained that they were gone. I just hope that the weather will end soon.

Wuhuan and Taihe met several people in the middle and middle school. They were the leaders of the younger generation of the tribe. When the people of the Taihe came over, the couples who were familiar with each other gathered together to exchange experiences on this road. No one is talking now, and I can sleep when I fall asleep. Reduce consumption, and if you can't fall asleep, squint your eyes.

Hearing the chewing sound next to him, Wuhua kicked a foot over there. "What do you chew?"


"Come on."

The Taihe tribe's Fei Ang handed a half of the grass past, they often carry some herbs on the body, even if the medicinal value is not large. I will also bring some, so that when they are okay, they will chew and play, and they can meditate.

When handing over, Fei Ang asked: "Your elders did not seem to bring good news."

"There will always be." Wuhuan did not say much. After picking up the grass, he chewed it in his mouth. It was a bitter taste. I don’t know how people in Taihe would like to chew it.

There will always be, everyone thinks so, but it goes by day. More and more people feel depressed.

When they wake up every day, or when they go out to release water, they will be shocked again by the changes outside. It seems that there is never a limit, and there is no limit to where the limit lies.

This change is panic.

If we continue this way, will the mountain forest where they live become a land of ice and snow? The thinking of young warriors has begun to spread without purpose.

The land of ice and snow will be counted, and some mountains are also snow all year round. But they have never seen it, and there is snow in such a place. This is still on the plain ground. Moreover, the snow is still down, there are so many short stops in the middle, but this trend does not mean the first point to terminate.

"How to do?"

The three leaders got together, even if they held the fire crystal in their hands, but now the situation. Let them be very embarrassed. The excitement of digging into the fire crystals began to cool down now.

With the people of the fox and the Mori tribe, they must fight for a battle, or they will run so far and far, and pay so much. Everyone has a sulking sigh in his heart, just this sulking, forced to suppress under the change of the sky.

The face was silent, the burden on the shoulders of the three leaders was heavy, and the psychological pressure was also great. I don't know what these people will be, and I don't know if the tribe is safe now.

"I knew this, even if we give up the salt mine, we will not come." Shen Feng tribe's leader Shen Sheng.

"Who can expect to encounter such a huge change? Even the people of the fox and the Mori tribe may have underestimated the change of the day." The leader of the Taihe tribe had no choice but to sigh. At this time, who does not regret it?

Seeing that Shao Xuan did not speak, he had already walked to the salt stone where he had been sitting for a few days and continued to "stay in a daze". The eyes of the three chiefs could not help but show disappointment.

Now two other leaders have already known that Yanjiao can avoid the change of the sky. It is because of Shao Xuan’s reason that people who did not predict the weather in their ranks can only put their hopes on Shaoxuan. Despite good news and bad news, as long as you know what will happen next, they will be more practical in their hearts, so that they can be prepared.

"Hey!" The levy is really unstoppable. When I am free, I want to think more. I have some stiff hands and feet, jump into the pit that digs the fire, and continue to dig.

The other two leaders looked at each other and got up and expanded their shoulders. They also jumped in. Dig, stay quiet and they will be more melancholy.

Nowadays, their progress has been slower every day. The harder the stone is, the more the mining tools are abolished. Although there are more than ten pieces of fire crystals, they can be small and not enough. Everyone absorbs a little and gives the soldiers a refreshing touch.

Shao Xuan sat on the transferred salt stone and carefully felt the changes around him.


I can hear the sound of the fire in the pit next to it, and everyone's breathing can be heard clearly.

Farther away, there are whispering conversations in the caves, some people talking in the sleep, some are snoring, and he can even feel that many people are squinting in the darkness.

There is also the sound of the air blowing from the vents.

What else?

There are people's heartbeats, and Shao Xuan seems to be able to hear the sound of blood flowing in his body.


Before the high and low, the beating sound made Shao Xuan's eyebrows shake.

The sound of heartbeat?

The sound is very light, but it makes people feel very powerful. It seems to echo in the rock, with a reverberation.

Your own heartbeat?

No, not your own, not the next person, not the other soldiers in the cave!

who is it?

Whose heartbeat?

Shao Xuan wants to listen again, confirm, wait, but can't hear the voice again.

Shao Xuan feels that he is close to the answer, but he always feels a little worse. Just a little bit.

Just as Shao Xuan felt that when the voice did not appear again, he heard it again.


Still high and low, or the strong heartbeat just now, carefully distinguish it, you can find that this sound is slightly larger than the previous one. It’s just that Shao Xuan can’t be sure if it’s true.

The heartbeat that does exist is not like the heartbeat of a person. It seems to be very far away, but it feels very close. It is not certain. The sound is not big, but it can clearly hear the sound coming from the stone layer.

"The leader, what sound did you hear?" Shao Xuan asked.

Digging the fire crystal to dig up the levy of the action, "sound?"

Several other people in the pit also stopped moving. Listened carefully and carefully.

"I didn't hear it." Qi Qi shook his head.

"Now, I just rang." Shao Xuandao.

Listening to Shao Xuan said that a few people in the pit did not dig, and concentrated on waiting to identify all the sounds in the cave.

"What kind of voice?" The sound in the hole was too mixed, they had to figure it out.

"Heartbeat. Not big but it feels very strong and powerful heartbeat, like from the stone layer, there is echo." Shao Xuan said carefully.

That is even more confusing. How come there is such a voice?

Several people in the pit are patient, and countless times in the hunting test people's patience. Therefore, a few of them are still patient. Just after stopping all the actions and listening carefully, they still haven’t heard the voice of Shao Xuan.

Zheng Luo was preparing to speak, Shao Xuan suddenly said: "I just rang again. Have you heard it?"

The three princes looked at each other and saw doubts from each other's eyes. It is obvious that the three of them did not hear it.

Looking at a few more people, it is also the same full of doubts.

"Do you really hear it?" asked Luo.

"I heard it three times." Shao Xuan sure.

The three chiefs of this time are not calm, not that they do not want to believe Shao Xuan. It’s just that the three of them really didn’t hear the voice that Shao Xuan said. If the weather is predicted, the leader of the Taihe River and the mountain wind will not dare to compare with Shao Xuan. After all, it turns out that Shao Xuan is correct. He can say that he is listening. They think it is good and they will not hear it at all.

The other two leaders are skeptical and can be convinced. Shao Xuan has too many places different from other people. Wu believes Shao Xuan, so Zheng Luo is serious. "If there is such a voice, Shao Xuan, what do you think is that?"

"I don't know. But the source of that voice is what I have been jealous of." Shao Xuan said his thoughts.

The levy throws the excavation tool on the hand and climbs out of the pit. To the more Kangdao: "Notify others, pay attention to vigilance."

Dokang is no nonsense, he throws his tools and ran away, and he could hear the voice of him screaming while running.

Seeing Zheng Luo, the other two leaders said that they still have doubts, but since the people in Yanjiao have acted like this, they also followed suit.

In the original silence of the cave, suddenly blasted the pot, because I do not know what happened, stay vigilant? Is there any crisis coming?

"Shao Xuan, you continue to listen, once you find anything, tell us." Zheng Luo sat down next to Shao Xuan, he has no intention to go to the fire crystal, fire crystal is important, compared to the team So many people have to go back.

The other two leaders also moved over a salt stone and sat next to Shao Xuan. They also wanted to see what the young elder of Yanjiao had heard.

At this time, another part of the salt mine, inside the salt cave owned by the fox tribe.

The fox leader woke up after a nap and ran over to see the progress of the fire crystal digging.

“How about digging?” asked the leader.

The person who supervised the work beside the pit pointed to the basket at the foot of the foot. There was not a few pieces of fire crystals, which made the head of the fox come up.

It is getting slower and slower now, and he is extremely dissatisfied with such efficiency. However, the more the fire crystals go down, the more you can wait.

"Continue, don't let me know who is lazy!"


At the bottom of the pit, among the excavators, a shovel of a fierce fox tribe went down and heard a slamming sound, thinking that it was shoveled into the rock, and there was no salt mine, only stone and earth. He has shoveled hard rock several times these days, but this time, the tool was badly damaged.

"Unlucky!" looked at the deformed copper shovel, the soldier threw the shovel in his hand, picked a few new tools next to him, and continued to excavate.

"I have to see what kind of stone is this!" (To be continued...)

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