Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 466: Giant beast

There was a creaking sound in the salt cave, like the friction between the rocks, and I wanted to go around the bottom of the heart. ∷,

The ground under the feet trembled with the sound of these cymbals, and the white frost quickly spread from the inside of the potholes that dig into the fire crystals. It was like an unstoppable trend, and the strong spread around.

The leaders of the fox and the Mori tribes have no other thoughts at this time. They just want to leave here quickly. They are panicked and their faces are bleak. Perhaps they have realized what is underneath, and regret it. They are now more regretful than the people in Yanjiao. Digging the fire crystals will dig the fire crystals. Why do you want to dig deeper below?

If they found out earlier that there is an unbeatable behemoth underneath, they will be very careful. Even if there is a blizzard outside, they will go back to the tribe with the fire crystal that has been dug up all the time, give up the salt mine and give up all of it. Something, never come again!

It’s just that at this moment, they regret it is useless.

They have opened the violent door under this snowstorm.

"Run, leave here!" shouted the leader of the fox. No longer calm, but with panic and a despair that he himself does not want to believe.

The other fox fox tribes and the Mori tribes in the cave did not know what had happened. It was just that moment, suddenly felt tremor, a tremor filled with oppression and fear, there was an instant, anti- The legs of the pressure difference are soft.

After hearing the words of the fierce fox leader, the cave suddenly became confused. Someone pushed open the stone blocking the wind in the hole and rushed out. Some people chose to shrink against the wall.

Those who sit in the cave, sleep, or have no time to react, are screaming at the ground and screaming. No one looked at him more. Even if someone wants to help, it can't help. At this time, the slower people also realized that there was a change in the cave. How to say it is also living in the mountains, and there is still a basic ability to predict the crisis.

The strong and strong people will open the people who are in front of them. Squeeze out, because the width of the hole is limited, it is still good when there is no accident before. Now, when something happens, I want to go out, one is not directly blocked, and people are quickly deformed.

The leader of the fox ran out of the cave and rushed out on the head of the hole. At this time, other people realized that they could do the same, and they jumped up. Some jump too high, hitting the top of the hole and bleeding, not even the blood, and continue to rush forward. Some of them are pushed away by the force of the front.

The inside of the cave is more and more chaotic.

The more urgent the people around, the more violent, the more they feel that there is a greater danger. Haven’t seen the leaders running out?


Inside the salt cave. The white frost continued to spread quickly toward the outside, and some people who were blocked behind felt that the temperature around the body plummeted. The exhaled water vapor condenses instantly, and the skin is frozen into chunks. There is no temperature. Fortunately, they have left some of them. They are not close to the pit that digs the fire, which is much better than those who are directly frozen.

This change does not only spread in the salt caves of the fox. In the salt caves of the Mori tribe, more than 500 people were found here by the two hordes of the foxes. They were still there, but there were people who were killed by the Yanjiao who came to the salt mine. There are also people from the fox and the Mori tribe in this cave, who are kept deeper. There are also salt mines that are not mined. They are kept in the naval area to prevent them from being taken away by the outsiders, and they are also monitored to prevent them from dig down. The people in the cave have a total of more than a thousand people.

When the frost was found in the lower cave, the guards of the guards felt that something was wrong, felt the power of the scalp around them, and the different vibrations of the ground under the feet, listening to the sound of the ripples coming from the rocks. Scurry and flee, leave this cold land.

Similar changes have taken place in the other three caves, and white holes have been found in the potholes dug out of the Yanjiao.

Seeing those, Shao Xuan and the three leaders have quickly avoided.

The change was too sudden, too fast, and the ground beneath the feet was quickly covered with hoarfrost. There was no place in the hole where they avoided, and they could only step on these hoarfrost.

Fortunately, such changes only occur in the lower salt caves, although the upper salt caves are cold, but much better.

The levy was difficult to move, and the soldiers with the lower salt caves walked up.

The chill of the sole of the foot rises from the leg bones, and the blood vessels are filled with ice slag.

"Escape?" asked Luo Xuan.

Shao Xuan shook his head reflexively and immediately returned to God. He said: "I don't know what it is, but it is not a good idea to run out of instinct."

"Then stay in the cave first, more Kang, let the soldiers quiet, hide the breath, just like when lurking in the mountains, do not show murderous!"

After the beginning of the panic, Zheng Luo has been a little calmer now, but the voice is still a little shake, he is also the first time to face such a situation, I do not know how to be good, but see Shao Xuan said, he did.

The heads of the Taihe River and the mountain wind are the same. Now they don't dare to suspect Shao Xuan. They don't know how to choose. See what to do with Yanjiao. What should they do?

In the upper salt cave, because the people in the lower salt caves joined, there were almost no aisles, and they were crowded from the crowd.

However, there were three leaders who were in a hurry, no one dared to mess around, and when they saw them, they also gave up space so that they could move around.

When I came to the hole, Shao Xuan slightly pushed the stone stuck in the hole a little. The snow near the hole will be cleaned up after a while. Although it doesn't take long for half a person to go, it can't stop them from looking into the distance, but the perspective is limited and can't be seen wider.

"There was someone out there." Listening to the movement coming from afar, Zheng Luo said. He has already heard someone screaming at the fox.

"Go out and see?" asked the leader of the Taihe River. Although afraid, worried, but also curious.

"First wait!" Shao Xuan stopped them, "Listen."

The rock acts as a medium, and the sound is transmitted, as if something is moving at the foot.

There was silence in the cave, and everyone else was smashed. At this time, it was full of sense of crisis and breathed out. Therefore, the sound of the cymbal sounded very clear in the hole, and the hair behind the person was straight up.

"It's a big guy! Can't you really go out? This salt hole in the upper layer can be as strong as the lower layer. What should I do?" said the leader of the mountain wind.

Zheng Luo and others looked at Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan is now under great pressure, and his choice will determine the fate of nearly 3,000 people.

Intuition, believe in intuition.

"Leave in the hole." Shao Xuan said again.

"Then stay in the hole!" The sign of Luo Chao Dukang made a gesture.

Du Kang swallowed and swallowed, then turned and squeezed into the hole, telling the other Yanjiao people the decision to collect the Luo. People who usually face the beasts in the forest will not be able to pause, but now they are shaking hands.

The heads of the Taihe River and the mountain winds looked at each other and their eyes were struggling. This upper salt cave is really not so strong, especially near the hole, otherwise it will not be so collapsed, so the extent of the monster can not be attacked, not to mention the king beast level, estimated It can be collapsed with a single pumping. If the cave collapses, these people will have to be buried inside, but if the giant beast does not come out before it runs out, maybe there is still a chance to live?

Who wants to stay here to face the king beast? Waiting to die? ! Will it be frozen if you are not collapsed? !


The leader of the mountain wind just said two words, the leader of the Taihe River is right next to one person: "We are like Yanjiao, go in and inform everyone, how do people in Yanjiao do it, we will do it!"

If the leader of the mountain wind did not finish, then it would be stuck. He wanted to say that they still fled, but now...

Hesitate, still hesitate!

"The leader!" The people around the leader of the Shanfeng tribe have begun to remind people. These people are also divided on both sides. Some people agree with the practice of Yanjiao and Taihe. Some people think that since the people of the fox have escaped, they also fled. Forget it, oh now.

"We still..."

When the eyes were not finished, the buzz began to grow and the ground vibrations were more severe.

"It's coming out!" Shao Xuan whispered.

Out? How to do? We are also planning to run! I am in a hurry.

Only heard a bang, the ground trembled, and the snow wall outside the cave was shaken. The cleaned up road was once again buried in the snow that was collapsed. This time, they can't see the situation outside, the hole is dark.

A long, rough salt particle was swept by the wind and rubbed the sound of the rock, resounding between the heavens and the earth, listening to some hoarseness, but with sharpness, like the essence, scratching the nerves in people’s minds. The goose bumps all come out, and the uncontrollable tremors rise from the bones, and the hair can't wait for the roots to stand upright.

The sound waves spread, and they penetrated into the cave. The soldiers with a slightly lower strength had blood flowing out of their ears. They looked awkward and slowed down for a while before they recovered. It was only a moment when the ears received influence and the next person whispered to him. He can't hear it, he can only look at his mouth.

In the long whistle, the sound waves are like a fierce wind, and the snow layer of the salt mine is almost all flying.

The snow layer with an average height of nearly ten meters on the salt mine, such as cracked into pieces, is generally turned into snow clusters of different sizes, like time backflow, flying again into the sky, and being swept away by the air current.

Just now, the snow that was pressed into the hole was almost half of the time.

Shao Xuan reached out and pushed the snow stuck in the crack in the hole of the hole. A cold wind blew into the hole from the gap. At this time, he was not too cold, including the three chiefs, the few closest to the hole. Looking at the rock, or picking up your feet, you can see the distance from the gap.

The snow at the hole dropped from ten meters to less than two meters.

A white, sturdy beast, from one part of the salt mine, slanted upwards, and when the leaping in the air, the body still swayed, arbitrarily disturbing the storm, it seems that this weather is not for it. What kind of difficult environment, on the contrary, this kind of weather makes it very happy, happy to jump up. (To be continued...)

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