Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 467: It is coming

"That is...what?" In just four words, the sign was finished twice, and it was clear that the scene just happened to shock him. £∝,

It’s not just the levy, I’m afraid that other people in the cave will see the outside and can’t calm down.

In the mountains, they saw the first thought of the behemoth, how to kill, how to divide, how to eat, how to use, how much can the skin change? The moment I saw this monster, even if I couldn't see what it looked like because of the snow, I saw it so far, but there was a sense of crisis that fled in the first place.

Can't fight! This is the conclusion of the sign.

"Is it a snake?"

"The snake will call it like this? Will this weather come out?"

The three leaders whispered.

Outside, the king-like beast, like a giant python, rushed out of the salt mines and landed among the rock formations around the salt mines. The sound of the rock was filled with snow. The strange stone forest is like the decoration placed there, and it is easily swept down. One tail is a large piece.

What Shao Xuan can see from the cave is that a stone that has been swept away is flying into the sky and throwing away.

Dokang swallowed again, and wanted to talk, but couldn’t say it every time. From birth to the present, he felt this for the first time. The fierce beasts in the mountains, even the most ferocious behemoths he has ever encountered, can only be compared to the outside, which is a small role.

Can easily sweep away the hard rock, the body is not hurt, such a skin, can you cut it?

The king-like beast, which looks like a giant, flattened the place where it passed, but cleverly avoided the salt mine. All the rocks were swept to the other side, like purposefully cleaning the road. .

Shao Xuan even saw the figure being swept up along with the rock, just. Those figures have no signs of life, like dead things, and they are thrown away with those rocks.

That is the escaped person.

The leaders of the fox fox tribe originally wanted to flee with them, but they could not leave smoothly. The thick snow and the rocks buried in them all brought them a big hindrance. Even if you want to avoid the fierce thing, you can't hit yourself into the stone.

The behemoths are very fast, and they are directly in the direction of the fox leader.

Listening to the movement that is getting closer and closer, the woman in the head of the fox fox pulls him, "Go back." It may not be able to escape, and you can venture back.

The fox leader frowned, he did not want to go back to adventure, but the road ahead was really inaccessible because of the thick snow layer. It is difficult to breathe for a long time. He calculated the strange rock, he also faced a wider salt field, which is more dangerous, and he did not bring food when he came out.

The woman pulled him again and gave him a look. "Let's fold back there."

The head of the fox screamed and the footsteps changed instantly. Turned in one direction and folded back. But instead of returning along the original path, it ran to the direction of the Mori tribe. Quickly waving the sword in your hand, such as a broom, sweeping the thick snow in front of you, and you can recognize the road ahead. If the sword hits the stone, it will circumvent.

Someone saw it. Follow him along.

In the middle of the encounter with the leader of the Mori tribe and other people, perhaps the same mind, go there.

In addition to their side, someone returned, just. It is not the orientation of the salt cave in the Mori tribe, but the return along the original road.

Although they staggered the sweeping position of the behemoth, the crisis did not pass.

When they escaped from the salt caves, they were still struggling to avoid the various rocks. Now they are close to a large area on the other side of the salt mine, except for some traces of rocks on the ground that are easy to stumble. Nothing remains.

There are no thick layers of snow and no rock formations with irregular sections. They turned back very quickly. In order to prevent them from being stared at by the behemoths, they did not dare to squat back. They did not stop at all, and ran towards the target point.

Therefore, the people who originally escaped from the cave were divided into four parts, some still want to leave here, and still ran away; some scattered in the rocky forest, lost their way under the urgency, bearing the pressure of the snow layer and The crisis of lack of oxygen; the third part returns along the original road and escapes to the previous hole, while the fourth part, along with the leader of the fox, goes in the direction of the salt cave of the Mori tribe.

The five salt caves in the salt mines are distributed in five different positions in the salt mines. Therefore, Shao Xuan is in the cave and cannot know the situation there. However, from the current situation, it is best to stay in the cave. The choice, at least until now. They did not escape under the snow, but they could imagine the difficulty.

"What should I do?" Listening to the loud noise from the distance, even if it is always arrogant in the weekdays, like the leader of the mountain wind tribe who stands in the high place, the speech can be shaken uncontrollably and the voice is lowered. Ask other people. As the leader of the tribe, there is nothing to do with such a behemoth. At the same time, I am fortunate in my heart. Fortunately, I have not gone out. If I go out, they may not be able to escape.

Others are silent.

The sky has changed enough for them, and I did not expect a bigger trouble. This trouble can be easily solved without hard work. If it is really hard to fight, I don’t know what price to pay, and it’s possible to get rid of the whole army.

I don’t know what to do for a while. After all, they never had such an experience, so the three leaders once again looked at Shao Xuan. Until now, Shao Xuan’s decision has been correct.

"Shao Xuan, is there any idea?" asked Luo.

Shao Xuan thought for a moment, "Send someone to the lower level to see if it is not as cold as it was just now, then go down a group of people."

"I am going." Dokang volunteered. He only wanted to find something to do with himself. Otherwise, he was afraid of being uncomfortable. It was the first time that he felt this way.

The behemoth outside is still cleaning the rock formation, it should be around the salt mine area, and will appear in Shao Xuan's field of vision after a while.

"You said, did it find out that we didn't?" asked the leader of the Taihe River.

At the same time, Luo and Zhao looked at him and did not say anything.

The king beast that looks like a giant python doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but slowly cleans up the surrounding area.

"Shao Xuan, what do you feel?" asked Luo. Instead of asking the other two leaders, it is better to ask your own tribe elders.

"Feel?" Shao Xuan thought about it carefully. "I feel that the guy is in a good mood."

The three leaders were disappointed. No matter whether the behemoth is in good or bad mood, it is not a good thing for them.

Dokang has returned from the lower level, and arranged some people to go down. The crowded caves have been a lot easier, and the air is smooth. It's just cold.

"It seems that those frosts are brought by the behemoth. If it comes over here, we have to avoid it." Dokang said. After running for a while, my body is not so stiff, and I have a lot of talk. Now he figured it out, he died, and with so many people, he was not alone. It was a pity that he could not see Duoli’s wife and children.

When Dokang just finished, he listened to Shao Xuandao: "It is coming."

The giant beast came over to the salt mine. The speed is not urgent or slow, and there is a mood to level off the uneven ground.

When it swept the rocky forest, the place where it was cleaned before fell a layer of snow, so the place where it passed left a trace of long shackles.

The direction of the behemoth is toward Shao Xuan on their side. The people who saw the situation outside were frightened, and they muttered in their hearts: Don't come over. Don't come over and go to the evil foxes!

The giant beast climbed the salt mine. The distance is near, Shao Xuan also saw how it looks. The giant beast looks like a snake, but the head is different, more angular, and there are some raised things like ice, distributed around the head.

With the behemoth approaching. The temperature inside the hole gradually decreases.

Shao Xuan signaled everyone to retreat.

Fortunately, some people have just been arranged to go to the lower level, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw quickly.

After the giant beast climbed the salt mine and passed over the salt cave, even if there was no light, Shao Xuan could hear the sound of frost in the cave.

The behemoth scales scratch the ground of the salt mine that is not smooth. The sound was clearly transmitted to the cave, like a brush with ice, and it swept across the heads of the crowd. Many people took a nap and shrank their necks.

When the sound left, and gradually went away, Shao Xuanyi used a light-emitting spar wrapped in animal skin to illuminate the cave.

Just below the giant beasts, they have already let them out, and at this moment, in that period, a large area, from the top of the cave to the bottom of the cave, is covered with a layer of frost. There is a herb on the ground that does not know who has fallen. At this time, it has been covered with frost, and it is stepped on with the foot and broken into slag.

"This is the king beast." Zheng Luo just sighed, slowly relieved.

"The place where it went is..." Shao Xuan listened, recognized, and raised his finger to a position, "Where?"

"There is the direction of the salt cave of the fox."

"Will it be that the fox digs the fire crystal to dig up this giant beast?" Dokang trembled, and he also dug the pit, but it was not deep.

Whether or not they know, they can only discern the sound carefully, and guess what happened in those sounds. Anyway, they will never get out of the hole anyway.

At this time, the fox was tying a group of people to hide in the salt cave of the Mori tribe. When they entered, they found that the bird and the fox that they did not bring were all here, and they all found a corner.

On the other hand, people hiding in the salt caves of the fox community heard louder and louder sounds and shook their teeth.

There was a hoarfrost in the hole, and the condensed sound sounded.

The people inside the cave rushed into the depths of the cave.

The sound of "嘭", the stone blocking the hole in the hole disappeared and was smashed. A beast head covered with ice-like white scales appeared in the hole.

The hole is great for people, but for this giant beast, it is still a small circle.

The behemoth can't get in, and the people in the hole are still a little relieved, far away, and in the darkness, nervously look at the weird beast head of the hole.

In the icy eyes, the blade-like pupil looks into the hole, as if the air is frozen. Looked inside the hole, then, suddenly opened his mouth and screamed inside the hole.

The harsh whistling sound rushed directly into the hole, with a white scent of frost, pouring from the hole into the depths of the cave. (To be continued...)

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