Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 472: Salt beast

The original quiet land of ice and snow became fierce in an instant. The collision of the two forces caused a strong impact on the surrounding air, and the frozen ground at the foot seemed to have a weak whine.

Shao Xuan grabbed the bones that had been pulled out by one hand, and the other hand was drooping tightly, and a piece of fire crystal was still in the palm of his hand.

With his current strength, even a high-level totem fighter, the strength in the tribe has been at the forefront, but in front of the king beast is not enough to see, a face can be easily killed, here is the king beast is who Unwillingness, if you don't want to be able to escape, you can't avoid it, you can only bite the bullet.

What Shao Xuan can use, only the strength of the ancestors, only this, it is possible to save his life, to hold this behemoth, this is only possible, if not, let alone Shao Xuan himself, here Three teams, nearly three thousand warriors, can survive, perhaps less than one percent.

On the rapidly expanding muscles, the totem lines are like a rock with flames, all over Shao Xuan's body, and even the fingertips of the fingers are covered with totem patterns. Due to the appearance of the totem lines, the Shaoxuan surface is completely invisible. Originally, only one pair of eyes stared up obliquely above.

With the gust of air blowing in the face, the air seemed to be pierced by a sharp spear, making a sharp scream, one after another.

The white spurt from the mouth of the giant beast, mixed with frost and endless chill, will cover Shao Xuan in the whole. If it is not the cover of the flame, I am afraid that Shao Xuan has frozen into ice and burst, just like the original Those who were frozen into ice at the mouth of the fox cave, the blood of the viscera was frozen, and no drop of blood could flow or even feel pain.

Under such circumstances, Shao Xuan can barely see through a full white frosty cold, and see a huge virtual shadow, with a sharp ice and cold air flowing in the ear, as if the knife continues to sweep across Everything that is touched is ruthlessly wiped out. Do not give a chance to breathe.

The power of the totem in the body, as well as the power of inheritance, the power of blue and red rushed out, as if crying. In the roaring, the blue torrent rushed out of the totem flame, rushed out of the outer envelope of the totem flame, and gathered toward the chest bones, and quickly flowed. A swirling vortex is formed at the chest, constantly inhaling the incoming blue current, and then passing it to the four bones outside.

The power of the red totem, through the blood flow of the meridians, skeletal muscles, poured into various parts of the body, holding on to the cold that constantly wants to infiltrate, and supporting the body, in order to continue borrowing that huge force.

Outside, the double strong confrontation, while the body inside. Blood is also in the rush, killing both battlefields at the same time.

The white frost flow from the behemoth, the main target is only Shao Xuan, and did not care about other people, so the main attack power, was lived by Shao Xuan, and the jets and waves were not much The residual breath dissipated outwards, flying everything around him, and the ground beneath his feet was trembled, as if he couldn’t hold back such power.

Under the frost storm. Although the flame giant will occasionally diffuse, but will soon re-gather, continue to hold on to the spurt of the behemoth, splashing the frost to cut the ground around Shao Xuan. A squeaking sound.

The sweat continued to fall, soaking the animal skin of Shao Xuan.

How long can Shao Yan not know, but can hold it, it is already fortunate in the misfortune. It’s just that it happened too suddenly. I don’t know if anyone else has time to leave, if it is affected. It is not expected to be good.

At this time, Shao Xuan couldn't take care of others. All he had to do was to block the attack of this monster. If he couldn't help it, he could only fall here.

The rushing air suddenly stopped, and the shrouded white cold current disappeared instantly. It was shocked like a flame that was to be spread out, making the outline of the flame giant clearer.

The beast's open mouth is slightly closed, and there are doubts in the snow-striped eyes. The narrow pupils are slightly enlarged and slowly moving. Probably it didn't think that the person in front could actually block it.

The thick layer of snow above the ground has long since disappeared, and no other people have been seen in the vicinity. Shao Xuan is in a hurry, but he can't mess around at this critical time, converge on emotions, stare at the behemoth, see if it is going to come again. Frost attack, or, come straight, sweep a tail? In that case, Shao Xuan really couldn't stop it. Although he is now very proficient in the control of the strength of the bones, after the violent use, the flexibility has a great influence, and it is impossible to avoid the attack of the king beast.

The only thing that made Shao Xuan feel a little relieved is that this king beast, whether it was the attack or the present, did not reveal the real killing. It was more like a test and warning.

Compared to the roar of the fierce fox cave, it is still a little bit to ease.


The white beast closed his mouth and spewed a cloud of white mist from the two large nostrils. The head was lifted up, and the standing body was slightly later, and the underground body pulled out for a while, which made it look taller.

The flames of Shao Xuan’s body slowly descended, and the flaming giants that disappeared disappeared. Only the body surface and some flames were shaking. This is Shao Xuan in order to save physical strength, instantaneous high-intensity confrontation, consumes a lot of his physical strength, he can not maintain that one, can only temporarily slow down, look at the attitude of the behemoth.

The behemoth stared at Shao Xuan, and the tail buried in the ground forcibly broke through the ice and lifted it.

One of Shao Xuan’s hearts is awkward. Is this behemoth really going to use force?


The raised tail of the animal struck **** the ground, and the whole ground trembled fiercely. The sound of the slamming sound spread along the white ice sheet and spread away.

On the other side of the salt cave of the fox, the leader of the fox came out of the hole and listened carefully. He heard the roar of the behemoth, although he was far from here, and the person with weak ear might not be able to hear it. But it is indeed the roar of the behemoth. He was happy in his heart, and that direction was the direction in which the three tribes of Yanjiao went, and they must have encountered the behemoth!

Deserve it! It is best to be eaten by the behemoth!

Now I heard the sound coming again. The fox leader was even more happy. He turned back to the hole. "Go to the salt cave of Yanjiao. They can't come back. Even if they come back, they will go out and encounter giant beasts. ”

Over there, Shao Xuan looked at the behemoth and tapped the ground with his tail, and then snorted again. It’s just that this time it’s not so close.

Block this second. Shao Xuan has already taken off, and he will not be able to stop the third degree of the same degree. However, what does the behavior of this behemoth seem to mean?

The murderousness in its eyes is not strong, but more with a threat.

Drive away?


"You can rest assured. We will leave immediately." After a pause, Shao Xuan said again: "I will not come later."

Shao Xuan did not know if this white behemoth could understand what he said, but after his voice fell, the white behemoth hit the tail of the ground and stopped.

A slight sound rang from a place not far away, and it was not within the scope of the main impact of the air wave. Although a layer of snow was lost, the ground was still nearly half a meter high.

Along with the sound, a red crystal column broke out of the snow, and many lychees, such as corals, were scattered around.

Salt flower, opened.

I don't know if it is the cause of the weather or the influence of the snow layer. The salt flower is still expanding, and the branches are separated from the lychee. It is not like the flowers on the ground. More like a tree growing on salt ground.

After the salt flower broke out of the snow, I stared at Shao Xuan’s behemoth and ignored him. Instead, he climbed over the salt flower and then bowed his head to the salt flower that stopped the growth of the snow layer. The whole is pulled out of the ground and then swallowed up.

Such as the sound of broken glass, and the sound of broken ice, squeaky, squeaky, the sound of biting is very clear.

Some debris fell on the snow. After the swallowing of the salt flower, the behemoths swallowed the snow layer with the debris on the side.

Shao Xuanyuan looked at it all with big eyes.

This behemoth, it is actually vegetarian! No, exactly. It is salt-smelling, and others regard it as a salt of poison. For it, it is a delicious food.

No wonder this monster has no anger for the salt mines in their salt caves, because for it, the salt in the salt mines is not very attractive. Since he woke up, Shao Xuan had never seen the salt stone in the salt mine. On this salt field, the salt flower that people feard became a delicious meal. As for the others, it probably didn't really go to the heart, completely ignored, just like other creatures living in the wormhole of the stone worm, as long as they don't touch the interests of the king, they will be ignored. The king allows them to humble. .

After the salt flower was finished, even the debris was left, and the behemoth turned and left. From time to time, he lowered his head and arched it in the thick snow layer, as if sniffing.

Before leaving, the behemoth screamed at Shao Xuan and slammed the tail a few times. Shao Xuan blocked the third wave of frost attack with the last strength. Fortunately, the two sides are farther apart, unlike the first two. It was as strong as it was, otherwise Shao Xuan couldn’t stop it.

"We will leave soon!!" Shao Xuan shouted.

When the behemoth left, Shao Xuan was able to move some stiff body, the muscles seemed to be hardened, the bones were like rust, and they could hear the rattle when they moved, and the action was extremely difficult.

Unlocking the fist that was always close, the white residual powder was scattered from the palm of his hand, and the piece of fire crystal he held was absorbed.

The legs are weak, I want to move my feet, but my body is shaking uncontrollably, and I lose my balance and fall to the ground.

"The leader, where are you?!" Shao Xuan shouted. "Who else is there?!"

I didn't hear the answer. It was only after a while that Shao Xuan struggled to get up and heard the vague voice coming.

It is more than Kang.

When climbing up from the snow, Dokang’s consciousness was a little embarrassing. He didn’t pick up the snow on his body and looked at Shao Xuan.

"Shao Xuan?" Dokang seems to have some disbelief.

"It's me." Shao Xuan, who was sitting on the cold ground, replied.

"you are still alive?"

"Well, still alive."

"Wang...what is the king?"


"Go away? Go well, go well!" Dokang was tripped by the uneven ground, and he leaned back on the ground and breathed a few times. He had the joy and sorrow of the rest of his life. He did not continue. Asked Shao Xuan what happened in the end, he climbed up and he went to find other people. (To be continued.)

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