Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 473: Enron return

Where Shao Xuan is located, almost all the snow layers around him are flying, especially where Shao Xuan is sitting. It is directly a salt field, and there is no leftover in the snow. There are traces of different depths on the ground, which radiate outward.

As for other people, such as Dokang, they are often mixed up in the past, and others are hidden directly in the snow layer, and then come out after the crisis.

At that time, Shao Xuan reminded him that it was fairly timely. Although most of them were flung out, they suffered some injuries, but not many serious injuries.

Dokang and those who woke up in succession and walked out of the distant snow, dragged others out of the snow. If this is so long, the comatose will be frozen to death.

At that time, in order to go to Shao Xuan, it was considered to be the most serious one, but his strength was relatively strong, and the main attacking power was occupied by Shao Xuan, although he was stunned by the smashing, and suffered a lot. The injury is so depressing, but as long as you are alive, it is a good thing.

The comatose, and the body of the warrior who died before or died for other reasons, were also found, and could not be found with the help of Shao Xuan. Although the snow layer is thick, Shao Xuan’s special ability vision, It is also convenient to see things under a certain range of snow.

A seriously injured coma, being carried by a slightly injured person, holding on, and continuing on the road.

Shao Xuan told them that the king beast just wanted to chase them away. If he really wanted to kill him, he would have already started.

Although Shao Xuan said the situation at that time is simple, but the people of the Taihe River and the mountain wind can not ignore the young elders of this Yanjiao. At that time, they flew their strength, they themselves clearly felt, it is not a normal force. .

Yanjiao is stronger than they think.

"Right, Shao Xuan, you said that the king beast eats salt flowers. I think of one thing. You said that the king beast is active in this salt field and still eats salt flowers. Will it be the reeds? Said the 'salt beast'?" said the sign of Dokang carrying away.

Salt beast?

Others thought about it. Responding to the totems of the Lu people, they have not remembered clearly. For a long time, they have not seen the reeds who are good at salt production, and they have been occupied by the salt lakes that repel the Lu people. Into the city, the forest has almost lost the traces of the reeds.

"I remember, the totem of the rebellion, like the kind of thorn, not a snake." The mountain wind tribe. A remembrance warrior said.

"That's not a thorn, it's the ice that grows up. Remember the look of the king beast that I saw before the earthquake?"

"It’s really like this."

Because the king beast looked like a snake, they did not associate it with the salty beast on the tomb of the reed tribe.

“The totem salt beasts of the Reed tribes did not appear in their salt lakes at the earliest? Later, the reeds knew the existence of salt and then lived around the salt lake. Now the salt lake has not much salt, and the nobles are right. There was no interest there, and the goal shifted to the newly discovered salt springs,” said the leader of the Taihe River.

"But the salt lakes that have repelled the reeds have never seen salt beasts. Instead, the salt mines have found the best salt stones. You said that the people who first discovered the salt mines in the past, why did they enter the dead salt areas that people can't avoid? He is not a rebel, he will not have such a powerful ability to identify the salt stone. Is there really nothing to attract him to come in? Or, he wants to commit suicide?"

Regardless of the truth, things have been going on for hundreds of years. No one knows the facts of the year. They dare not go back and ask the king beast.

"In any case, the salt mine is no longer able to go." The leader of the mountain wind sighed.

"I must know that there is a king beast. I will not go to death!" The catastrophe of the Taihe River has a lingering fear. Anyway, they will not come again, and they will not live!

"In short. Just be alive."

"Yeah, just be alive!"

It is already the greatest blessing to be able to survive so many people. The salt stone fire crystal and the like are second. The tribe pursues only the word "survival".

"I almost forgot. Are the people of the fox and the Mori tribe still in the salt mine?" asked Dokang.

The king has warned once, if you find other people, will you worry?

Even if there were a few warnings like this time, there was no second Shao Xuan to help them block.

"After going back, pay attention to the movements of the two tribes. If you find them coming back, wait for the weather to be good, fight again!" said the leader of the mountain wind.

Speaking of the weather, the joy of the rest of the life after the robbery was once again diluted.

This weather, I don’t know what happened to the tribe.

In the extreme weather that has not happened for thousands of years, no one can really feel relaxed.

On the salt floor, there are traces of the king beast crawling, not to walk in the snow, but many times, they still have to shuttle through the thick snow layer, but on the way back, it is better than the mood.

At the moment of walking out of the salt flats, everyone screamed in the sky.

They have survived from the king's beast, and they are about to travel from this tribe for hundreds of years, leave, and really leave. Perhaps, this life will not set foot on this salt field, the people of the mine team, there are Nostalgia, the garrisoners are handed over from generation to generation, and the next generation is handed over to the next generation. They know more than others. Wacha is the qualification to take over from his shackles, and the way the ancestors passed. What I did.

However, when I think of the king beast, I can only suppress my nostalgia.

The sound of venting screams echoes above the snowfield, shaking off the snow on the treetops.

In the past, many trees have been covered by thick snow. However, the snow here is not as thick as the salt. The average thickness of the salt is about ten meters, but only the salt land. The shoulders of people. Fortunately, there is still a head that can be exposed. If you step on the pit, you will all fall into it.

"The salty land has passed by, what are you afraid of here?!" Luo asked Dokang to put him down, and then directed the soldiers to cut down the trees to make a stretcher wooden sedan, so it was convenient.

Those who are seriously injured and cannot walk can also be comfortable on the stretcher. Yanjiao is very arrogant, and four people are very easy to lift. Assign the wounded, the Luo was placed on a simple wooden sedan, looking at the white of the distant large, silent.

The woods are covered with a thick layer of quilts, but in the woods, the snow is much less. This is the advantage of the tree growing and dense, just to guard against other beasts that are active in the woods.

Some beasts are hibernating, and some are hungry and come out to find food.

Not only people. These animals did not adapt to such weather changes. They went back along the way. They saw many corpses buried in snow. Animals around the bodies were foraging. The bite squeaked and the meat was frozen.

When they were looking for a place to cook the porridge, there were some courageous animals who wanted to come over. The warmth here is just because there are many people here. Did not come over. Instead, there were a few small animals that grew like squirrels and jumped to the side of the fire. They were not too close to the fire, but could borrow the temperature of the ignition stack.

This kind of small animal tribe usually does not eat, can not look at the eye, unless there is nothing to eat when they start. So these little things are so lucky that they can live by the side and borrow fire.

The soldiers who were not seriously injured hunted a few beasts and two beasts that came out to eat nearby. Everyone was a little bit grilled. After soaking for so many days, eating a hot meal can also last a long time.

"Shao Xuan, when will the sky change again?" asked Luo.

"Tomorrow morning." This is the result of Shao Xuangang's out. But what will become, he will not come out.

"Do not rest tonight, continue to hurry." Zheng Luo decided.

The other two leaders have no objections. At the moment, they only know that it is better to decide with Yan Yan people than to decide.

It’s not easy to hurry at night. After all, not every detail in every place is memorable. There are many dangerous places in the mountains, and there is still a need to go over the mountains. A negligence may lead to a crisis and lose its life.

Shao Xuan has now recovered a lot, this situation. The glowing spar is not as good as him. Walking in front of the road, next to him is the Vacha couple, who are the most familiar with this place, and the number of times they travel. Shao Xuan will ask them when he walks for a while, then determine the position and continue to go.

The next morning, the sky was bright, and it began to snow again, and the wind was very strong. People who can't stand will be blown away.

"Fortunately, I have already turned over the most dangerous mountain." Wacha exclaimed.

With a road in the evening, now the substitution is in front of the road, Shao Xuan can also relieve the tone.

The sky is darker than it was when they saw it in the salt mine. The thick clouds make the day like dusk, dark and dark.

After another two days, they finally came to the familiar area, which is not far from the tribe.

The mountain wind people separated from them the other day, different roads.

"Thank you all this time. If it is helpful, send someone to tell us in the past." The leader of the Taihe tribe said when he was separated from the Yanjiao team.

This time, if it weren’t for the people in Yanjiao, they would bring out a thousand people, and it would be unknowing if they could return ten.

The levy waved his hand and did not speak. He was still being carried.

"There is a road ahead!" shouted the soldier in front of the road.

The so-called road, that is, the thick layer of snow has been opened up, they do not need to start again.

"It was made by the tribes! There is food!" Wacha untied the animal skin bag tied to a wooden stake. Although the meat inside was already cold, it should have been made in these two days. .

It’s good to come back.

This is what every soldier thinks.

Not far away, they saw the figure of the event, the patrol of the tribe, everyone wearing a thick animal skin, the head bag only left a pair of eyes exposed.

When they saw the people who came back, they shouted happily.

“Every day someone will come out to stay here and sweep the snow away,” said the patrolling soldier.

Counting the people in the team, the patrol soldiers who came to pick up were slightly better in mind. They were much better than they thought. They were all prepared for the tragic situation. Unexpectedly, there are so many people who can be safe. come back.

"The leader, what about the salt mine?" asked a patrolling soldier.

"Go back and talk."

The soldiers who heard the patrols did not ask much.

Among the nearly two-meter-high snow layers, a curved walkway leads directly to the river in front of the tribe.

The river has frozen, no need to bridge, and walking directly on the thick ice has no problem.

Many people in the tribe have heard the news and responded, and others have handed hot broth.

Going back to the tribe, think about the things that have happened during this time. The soldiers feel like they have had a nightmare, but now they wake up.

"Elders, Shao Xuan elders!" A person squeezed into the crowd, and squeezed over Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan blocked the snow flakes coming over and looked at it. The person who came to take care of the duck shed was there.

"Why, is that fat duck making trouble?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No, hatched! The egg of the duck, hatched!" (To be continued.)

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