Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 474: Duckling


It’s been a long time since the fat duck grabbed the eggs. It’s been a lot late for the eggs in other duck nests.

It is obviously the same nest of eggs. It is the egg that the fat duck snatched. The incubation time is long. If it is a coincidence, there are too many coincidences. But if the fat duck hatching egg is not efficient, it will lead to late shelling. No, even if you are amateur, those duck eggs will not be so different.

"I will go through it first." The things that were carried in his hand were given to them. Shao Xuan set aside the crowd and followed the person who took care of the duck shed and walked toward the duck shed.

"The snow is too thick during this time. Every day we will sweep the snow more than three times. When the snow does not stop, the night will also be up." The people who lead the way have a worries in their words. "This year's ducks have a lot of frozen deaths."

The ducks who stayed in the woods and didn't want to be close to the tribe did freeze a lot. The little ducks that grew up were not spared. In contrast, many ducks took the ducklings into the tribe's duck shed to take refuge.

Shao Xuan listened to the people in front of the story about the time, while watching the duck shed.

The other duck sheds around were quiet, and occasionally they heard two ducks calling, and the sound was not spiritual.

When I came to the duck circle where the fat duck lived, the person who led the way did not go in, pointed to the inside, and stood at the door. He couldn't get in at all. When he pushed the door, he would be attacked by the fat duck inside. He could only stand at the door and listen to the movement.

There is indeed a tender voice coming out inside.

Shao Xuan pushed the door open, as if the real murder went straight.

To prevent the cold wind from blowing outside, Shao Xuan entered the door quickly and took out a luminous spar to put it next to the lighting.

Seeing that it was Shao Xuan, the fat duck that had stood up and froze was stiff and kept on the offensive, but did not move, his eyes slid and turned, and did not seem to think that Shao Xuan would come over, for Shao Xuan. This fat duck is still very taboo.

Shao Xuan looked to the duck nest, a few green hairy huddles shrunk there, heard the sound looked up at the light source, but did not seem to see Shao Xuan's look. Just feeling the strange atmosphere, so I was a little confused, but I noticed that the fat duck was around, and soon I was quiet. Shao Xuan also noticed a detail when a duckling stood up from the hay nest. The foot is hooked to the hay, and a hay is cut directly into two halves.

It is the same foot as the fat duck, with a hook.

Beside the fat duck, there are some eggs that are not broken, still in the hatching. After all, these eggs are produced at different times, and the progress of hatching is different.

Shao Xuan counted several, and there were about eight small green hairs. When he left the tribe to go to the salt mine, he counted thirty-one eggs. In this case, there are still twenty-three eggs that are not hatched.

I don't know if I can all hatch successfully in the end.

Think about it, Shao Xuan really feels wonderful.

The little ducks I saw before, none of them like this fat duck, Shao Xuan still thought about it, is this fat duck blood is too weak, so the duckling is not like it, or is wearing a green hat?

However, it seems that this fat duck has long been planned. It knows how to pick eggs from the duck's nest and pick it out. It looks like it.

No wonder it was dismissive of the little ducklings outside, perhaps for it, only here is the same as it is considered to be its own species. Nothing else will take care of it. See how it protects these little green ducks so tightly, and then compare them with the previous ones.

In nature, not your own species, will be killed. Just like a lion group. Now, this fat duck has adopted a similar strategy and attitude. Only when it is picked, will it be treated well, and the rest are clouds.

Being ready to leave, Shao Xuanzhen saw a bit of weird traces on the ground, and took a closer look and found that it was actually a fish scale!

In exchange for a special vision, Shao Xuan swept the house. In the corner behind the duck's nest, there was a thin layer of hay covered with small fish and fruits.

This duck is well prepared.

After seeing it, Shao Xuan came out from the duck shed.

“How? Hatching a few?” The people who care for the duck shed are curious.

"There are eight hatched, and the rest are still incubating."

"What do the little ducks look like?"

"It's the same as a fat duck."

The person who cares for the duck shed is more itchy, but unfortunately he dare not go in.

"Do not worry, wait for the snow to stop, the winter has passed, they will naturally come out." Shao Xuan said.

Leaving from the duck shed, Shao Xuan was called to the side of the mountain to collect Luo, had a good meal, went back to sleep. During this time, no one in the team really took a good rest. Shao Xuan just slept for a day, while others, some of them slept directly for two days and two nights, and did not wake up in the middle.

On the third day back to the tribe, despite the heavy snow, the tribe still held a farewell ceremony. The baffle was surrounded by the fire pit, and then the soldier of this sacrifice was put into the cremation.

Survival means unlimited war, which means that life and death continue. The tribes have long been accustomed to such farewells. Although they are heavy, they are much better than what they expected.

After the ceremony, Shao Xuan was called to meet in the past.

This is the first time that everyone has gathered together for a meeting after returning from the salt land to the tribe.

The injury from Zheng Luo came back after treatment and recuperation. It was already better and he was able to walk around.

They have told the witches and the tops about what happened at the salt mine. There is joy and sorrow.

I lost the salt mine, but no one objected to this incident. Even if they didn’t see the king beast, they knew that with their current strength, they could not compete with the king beast, and it was the most correct to give up the king beast to avoid the conflict. s Choice.

Fortunately, the salt stone brought back a lot, the most important thing is that there is fire crystal, which makes everyone very excited. With these fire crystals, the tribe's soldiers have greatly helped to consolidate and enhance their strength, especially those who are in the bottleneck, and Fire Crystal can solve their problems well.

The Taihe tribe sent people some herbs, some were effective for frostbite, and some were disease-preventing. After all, the first time they encountered such a weather, the tribal warriors were more or less unaccustomed, especially children, prone to illness. .

The witch said the various arrangements for the snow disaster. It is impossible to leave here. This kind of weather can't go anywhere. Moreover, they don't know whether other places will be better than here. They can only stay in the tribe first. Resist this day.

The tribe's soldiers cut some firewood and squatted, and they made fire in the house. Fortunately, they have more animal skins, and they don’t need to wear a cover. The people who listened to the Taihe River said that in the small tribes where there are few people in the forest, they have already frozen people. The specific situation does not know. Such weather cannot be carefully explored in the past.

After the arrangements in the tribe were arranged, several senior officials also discussed about the fox and the Mori tribe. When the winter passed, the snow stopped, and they went to explore and see how those people staying in the salt mine were doing. The Shanfeng tribe wants to wage war against the fox, and persuaded the people of the Luo and Taihe tribes to join, but the levy did not immediately agree.

Not only the Yanjiao side, but also the Taihe and Shanfeng tribes are thinking about it. Now, the fox tribe, the Sen tribe, etc., who are still in the salt mine, what is the situation now?

At this time, a slaughter was being carried out on this snowy field with salt flowers in the salt fields.

The king beast does not think about whether these people are a group or not. What do you want to do, and how to do it. For it, this white snowy area has only one of it, its own territory, other creatures. All stand by.

It was just intended to slap two times and blow a few breaths to knock on the tail, but did not think about it. This time, the little things dare to resist and use force against it. !

This is a provocation against the king beast, so it is angry.

The man with the salt stone and the fire crystals full of animal skin bags shuttled through the thick snow layer on the salt ground. The escaped ice has been frozen into ice, or it has been pumped away. I don’t know which one to drop. No one will care about them in the corner.

The people of the fox, the people of the Mori tribe, are all at large. I thought that I didn't see the king beast, and I went back with the harvest of the bag, but I didn't want to, I would meet the king beast again!

The people who were used as bait by the fox leader, who had all been frozen into ice, were blown by the extremely cold wind, scattered in the snow, no bait, and two tribes who could not escape smoothly. It is decreasing rapidly.

The fox's first tie is his lover, running wild in the snow. Others, he has no time to look at it, keep up with his continued follow, can not keep up, can only become a member of the snowfield. Their foxes were divided into three teams and fled in three directions. He did not know how the other two are now.

This time, there were more than 1,200 people coming from the foxes. But now, roughly estimated, there are only about three hundred people still alive. This has not escaped the salt fields, and the people of the Mori tribe share the firepower.

Think about the loss today, the head of the fox is bleeding. Not to mention the lost salt mines and fire crystals, the loss of people is already heavy enough to allow his leader to step down directly. He didn't even dare to think about what kind of situation he would face after going back.

"All blame the Yanjiao!" The woman who was stunned by the leader of the fox screamed.

Yes, they all blame the Yanjiao.

If it weren’t for Yanjiao, their plans could be carried out on time, everything would be very smooth, the salt caves would be destroyed, the teams from the three tribes would freeze, then go to the salt caves of the Mori tribe, and those who came over The tribes fight for you to die, and their fox tribes just wait for a leak.

The king beast is an accident.

However, they ran so far, but they did not see a Yanjiao tribe or the body of the Taihe and Shanfeng tribes. Did they all escape smoothly?

He also deliberately chose the position where Yan Yan had traveled, but only saw a place with a thin layer of snow. Other than that, there are no other traces.

No, they must have been eaten, definitely!

Although the answer in the heart is more inclined to the three tribes in Yanjiao, all of them leave, but the fox leader does not want to admit it.

The more I want to be more angry, the head of the fox is already congested.

If he can leave smoothly this time, he will not let the people of Yanjiao, will not let them go! (To be continued.)

Ps: I am in a bad mood today, the state is not good, it is even more. Let's slow down first, and tomorrow's three will make up.

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