Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 475: Sliding down

Blizzard continues, even more urgent than before. ∷,

The good thing is that the tribe has to ease a lot compared to the salt field. The degree of blizzard at this time is only a little more urgent than the previous one, but it has experienced the wind in the salt region. The soldiers of the snow are much easier. Looking at the snow outside, the heart is very calm.

Shao Xuan rested for a few days, and after his body recovered completely, he walked out of the house, braved the cold storm snow, and went to the place where the witch gave him training.

Because there is no one living here, the soil is not suitable for farming, so most of the time it is empty and becomes a playground for children. Even if Shao Xuan was trained before, he would be free to give the tribe's juniors a few days to practice shooting and slashing. But now, in the snowy days, the senior totem fighters are not willing to come out, so don't mention the juniors who are not capable enough. In the vast area, only Shao Xuan is alone.

Because no one came over, in order to save manpower, the snow here has not been cleaned up. Therefore, the snow in this place is much thicker than that in the densely populated area. It has already surpassed the height of Shao Xuan, and now the snow is still, the snow layer Still piled up.

Shao Xuan Shun followed the road cleaned by the tribal warriors, walked to the end of the road, looked at the white snow wall in front, and took a deep breath.

The power of the totem in the body is not as crazy as it used to be. There are no opponents and enemies here, and there is no need to deal with it in such a fierce way, and it is not necessary to overload the power of totem and the power of inheritance.

Don't worry, take your time.

The power of the totem runs throughout the body, and the power of inheritance is separated from the totem flame, and the totem bones that converge on the chest are as good as the ancestral powers of the previous few times. The only difference is that it is now more moderate.

The previous exercise was just for familiarity. Now it is for more precise control, no need to be fierce, just need every detail, try to follow your own wishes, not out of control.

The flame emerged from the bones and gradually expanded. Until the whole person of Shao Xuan is wrapped up. The movement of the totem power in the body drives the airflow overflowing in the pores, interlacing with the whistling wind outside, making a squeaking sound, and the sound becomes louder as the wind becomes more intense.

A thin layer of snow accumulating on the ground beneath the feet, like being swept away, leaving only a round earthy ground.

In front of the distance from Shao Xuan's half-arm, the snow layer nearly three meters high is in front. However, now this thick layer of snow. However, it is sunken at the speed visible to the naked eye. On the snow wall, closest to Shao Xuan's position, the snow wall is like an invisible big hand, pushing away from Shao Xuan.

Among the white snow, Shao Xuan, wrapped in a red flame, slowly lifted one foot and took a step forward.


The feet of the landing, such as the hooves of the behemoths in the mountains, slammed on the ground. A bang sounded and the ground was shaking. The force of this foot is on the air and the impact caused by the ground. The thick snow wall that blocked the front was quickly spread, and the arc was increasing. The white snow was picked up from the large snow wall and flew far away.

A small piece of gravel that collapsed under the ground and burst into the ground, with the spread of this force. Shoot like a bullet into the snow wall.

One foot stepped out, a little slower, and the second foot came.

The second step is to take the same as the first step, stepping on the ground and making a roar. The snow layer continues to be pushed by the forces of proliferation, and there are still a lot of snow flies up, and the snow wall, there is a larger gap in the direction away from Shao Xuan.

The effect of these two steps is not as good as that of the leader of the Linlu deer in Wangcheng. It is also far more powerful than the time when the king was not used, even the two feet of Gongjiashan. They are not comparable, but the sound is large. Compared with the previous few times, it is nothing at all. The power of proliferation is still strong, and it can be mild, not the intense force that burst out in an instant, and it seems smooth.

This is the result of Shao Xuan’s control.

To control more accurately, to master more skillfully, not to spend them in useless places, but to concentrate as much as possible on the goals he has drawn.

Not enough, this kind of control is not enough!

The third foot...

Fourth foot...

Step by step, slowly step out. The roar is gradually getting smaller, the ground vibration is weaker step by step, the stones on the ground are no longer collapsed, and the snow-covered snow on the snow wall does not appear again.

Everything is moving in a more peaceful direction.

Compared with the gentle movement outside, Shao Xuan's internal strength is more intense, and the body's totem power is running again and again, so that the body can continue to support the strength of the bone decoration, and the body surface changes with this change. The red color is like the totem of the melted rock, and the flame forms a pattern, covering almost all of Shao Xuan's body.

Among the totem flames, the blue flames surged like the flood of the dike, gathering at the chest. At this moment, Shao Xuan could not hear other sounds from the outside world, only the sound of blood flow in the ear, and the sly and sly Strong and powerful heart beats.

The flow of air on the surface, like the boiling steam, the sound of squeaking is getting more and more urgent. However, this rush of snoring, not long after, fades away.

The body that used to be rigid and hard to move when using bones is now more than one step. The stiff movements become smoother and more natural, and the heavy steps are gradually becoming easier.

Among the large white snow, under the snow of the sky, Shao Xuan is like a red fish, leisurely swimming in the white snow sea.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the sign of the other side, watching Shao Xuan like watching a monster, no one in the tribe can feel the powerful strength of the bone decoration more deeply than him. At that time, Shao Xuan used the bone decoration of the king beast. When the power is strong, the levy is the nearest one. It is only one face-to-face, and there is no time to escape. Then the powerful force will fly him directly. If you leave the salt land and come back, you can’t leave, or you will be backed by Dokang. It’s only now that you can only move a few feet, and it’s hard to run.

You can look at Shao Xuan, from the beginning of the fierce force of one foot and one bang, to the current introverted peace, the change so fast, simply makes him unable to believe.

So powerful power can really be retracted? If it is so easy, it will not be possible to have only one Shao Xuan for thousands of years.

The sorceress was covered with thick suede, braved the blizzard of her face, and her eyes were gratified. Then she turned her head and asked for the sign: "Is there already arranged?"

"Well, I left this morning." Zheng Luo took expectations and worried, "I hope they can arrive smoothly."

"I hope." Wu looked at the snow, and continued to move to the next step of the mountain, and the sign was turned and left. Shao Xuan can walk so easily in the snow, they are two old, one injured, staying in such an environment for a long time, can not help.

After Shao Xuan walked for a while, his body had already sweated, took a break, adjusted for a while, and continued again.

In the place where Shao Xuan passed, there was a road about three meters wide. The snow on the road was pushed open, leaving only the earthy ground, but the snow that had been floating in the sky quickly covered the ground again. white.


The snow wall pushed forward is hardened by the squeezing, and it bulges upwards.

The more you go forward, the more severe the snow wall has been squeezed, and the more difficult it is for Shao Xuan to walk.

Every time Shao Xuan takes a step, the snow pushed on the snow wall will make a squeaky sound.

At the foot of the mountain, the soldiers who are in charge of patrolling today, taking advantage of the big rafts that dig the snow, come to the place where they temporarily come to avoid the cold wind.

The so-called temporary shelter is actually a narrow branch road next to the road that has been cleaned away, and then a square area about three meters long and wide at the end of the branch road.

Twenty soldiers who were sweeping the snow were squeezing in the three-meter-high refuge at this time, leaning against the hard-pressed snow wall.

The cold wind is still blowing, there is wind here, just hiding here, the wind will be smaller, not so cold.

"When is this ghost weather, will it go down?" Some soldiers complained.

"Who knows, I have swept this side, and I have to clear the roof when I go back, or the house will be crushed."

"I heard that this is a disaster that has not happened for thousands of years, and I don't know what else is going on."

"More than a thousand years, I heard that it has never happened!"

The patrolling soldiers hid in this temporary small place and clamored for discussion.

Just talking, a soldier sitting by the snow wall, a large snow mass suddenly falling above his head.

"Oh!" The soldier quickly dialed the snow on his head. The pain did not hurt, it was frozen and it was colder.

Other people standing against the wall couldn't help but look up at the snow wall. How could they fall off a big mass of snow? Was blown by the wind?

"Be careful, there is snow falling!"

At the edge of the snow wall, a piece of bulge rises and falls outwards, as if it was pushed by someone.

The soldiers on this side quickly avoided.

"what sound?!"


The sound is getting clearer and clearer.

Twenty soldiers have forgotten, nervously staring over there.


The snow wall cracked and slipped in the direction of the mountain!

"No, run!"

Some soldiers used to go to the farther mountains because of hunting. There was snow all the year round. I heard that if you slammed the ground or shouted loudly toward the top of the mountain, you would encounter a snow storm like a flood. This happened in the Mo Fei tribe?

No, the hills of the tribe are not high, and the **** is not steep, so that the snow does not slide down.

Regardless, avoiding is the best.

Twenty soldiers quickly retraced along the outgoing branch, withdrew a distance and looked over there.

The place where they were originally stayed, has been replaced by the snow that has moved down, and there is like a white giant worm crawling down the hill, little by little, with a sense of rhythm.

The patrolling soldiers yelled at them, stunned and looked at all of them in front of them. They wondered what was going on, and stood there waiting for a while until they noticed Shao Xuan’s breath.

"Long... Elder?!" (To be continued...)

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