After knowing the consequences of Shao Xuan’s training there, the patrolling soldiers are interested in the day after they have finished sweeping the snow. Oh,

The outgoing branch is still there, they directly withdraw the temporary rest point and then make a dodge point.

The person who was originally patrolling wanted to make an open-air rest point according to the original method, but it would also freeze and chill.

One day, Shao Xuan suddenly remembered a way to teach them to use a simple abrasive and water to make a large piece of ice bricks. The water in the river has been frozen thick, and you can’t go there to knock the ice. Melt with snow, then pour it into the grinder, let it freeze for a while, and after a few breaths, it will soon form an ice brick, which is very efficient.

Such ice bricks were accepted very quickly by the tribes, and even some warriors who did not take turns came out to help.

Nowadays, from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, there is an igloo in an "i" shape. The foundation of the igloo is also made of ice, which is high, beyond the snow layer, and then builds the house on it.

The patrolling soldiers are patrolling, sweeping the gap between the snow, will go to the igloo to rest, drink some hot water to warm up, from here can see the situation farther away. People who have been locked up in the tribe will also run for two laps because of their new curiosity.

Shao Xuan is also worried that these people have been reminded of snow blindness due to long hours of snow, but until now, no one has snow blindness.

"Look, the elders started to push the snow again!" The man who was at the igloo window looked outside and said.

"Where? Let me see!"

Three small windows were rushed to watch.

These igloos were built near the first road that Shao Xuan launched. Shao Xuan will follow a new road every day.

Looking from the heights, you can see the white snow on the ground, and a person wrapped in flames is slowly moving. And in front of him. It seems like there is a white giant worm moving down the mountain.

In addition to the shock of the first sight, the patrolling soldiers now regard this as daily entertainment. The tribe worships the strong, not to mention the coldness in the stormy snow, when walking in the snow, it is said that pushing snow, they have tried. It is a pity that the snow that is inconspicuous is extremely strong and heavy when they are piled up together. They can only push it for a while, and they still feel that they are quite strong.

Dokang came over from outside and patted the snow on his body and asked, "How is the sentry at the foot of the mountain?"

"Tao Zheng they take over today and continue to do it, saying that they have to do higher, so that they can see the distance on the top. You don't have to go out and freeze," said a soldier.

"Ice bricks are a good thing to do sentinel, but don't be lazy, I have to check it!" Dokang scolded.

"Yes, make sure you are not lazy!"

"Yeah." Dokang responded with a bang, and the person at the side of the window turned to the side and looked out. "I see how Shao Xuan pushes the snow."

The warrior standing next to me is not trying to grab the window? He also specially talked with his face.

Under the mountain. Opposite the river, a high-sounding sentinel was made. Large pieces of ice bricks are constantly being sent there.

After doing a few sentinel points, the soldiers are idle, and try to connect these sentinels together and make a passage with ice bricks, so that there is no need to take snow when walking. It looks like a wall has been built.

Looking at the channel that was built to match the wall, the patrolling soldiers were even more energetic. Such a snowy day is not something that you have no fun at all. It is another experience for those who are idle.

The beasts in the mountains are rare now. It is impossible to go out hunting in this weather. Fortunately, everyone has more stocks, will not go hungry, and if they save some food, they can go on, as long as such snow and wind does not last.

Many people in the tribe do not know that there is a team of 50 people who are braving the wind and snow and leave the forest. These people were sent out by the princes and witches. Although they may miss the most important rituals of the tribe in a year, the witches and the princes privileged them to absent, because, in the eyes of the witches and princes, this was more than the rituals. Important, about the future of the tribe.

The person who led the team named Xiang Chen, a little younger than Dokang, is also a senior totem fighter, but he has not been in the tribe for most of the past year.

Xiang Chen was the first person to follow Shao Xuan to the beach. From the tribe to the seaside, he has already gone twice. This is the third time.

This time, Xiang Chen was ordered to take people to the beach to see the situation there. According to other people's thoughts, what are you going to do on such a cold day?

But the witch and the leader want it is such a cold day!

Even the witch and the leader hope that if it is as they think, the colder the day, the better.

When the path to Xiangchen and Shao Xuan first found the tribe, the path was different. When Shao Xuan first went to the tribe from the seaside, he walked almost in a straight line, but it was more difficult to go there. The tribes went to the beach and went on another route.

They struggled out of the forest. When they passed through Ancheng, they found that Anba City, which used to be too cold in the winter, is not alone outside the city.

Some people in the tower on the wall are moving around, and there are no people in other places. They wanted to go to Amba City to find a place to rest and change some food. Now it seems that this plan is not successful. When the gates are closed, people outside are not allowed to enter.

"Go ahead." Xiang Chen greeted others.

Compared with the mountains, there is less snow here. Perhaps in the eyes of these people in Anba City, it is already a heavy snow that has never happened in the millennium. It is difficult to walk, and it is extremely troublesome. However, Xiang Chen and others who came out of the mountain forest did not think so.

The snow here is only the waist.

Every time I meet people on the road, I hear their conversation, "This snow is already deep, how should the days go?", Xiang Chen people can't wait to say: "Before you get to the waist, you are surprised to be like this." If you go to the forest, would you scare your eyes out?!"

In the middle of the road, I also encountered robbery. There are only a few people. In this kind of weather, people who are professionally robbed are not willing to come out. Some of them are amateurs. Those who are forced out by the wind and snow are forced to change because of hunger and cold. Be fierce, with a gesture of getting out. It is a pity that Xiang Chen is not a kind-hearted person. It is so easy to be soft and it is impossible to live to the present. If these people who are robbing are just pleading for soft words, perhaps they can divide them to eat a little bit, but if they stand in front of them with their swords, don’t blame them for their ruthlessness.

Bright blood splatters on the snow and quickly freezes with the snow. Those who fall there, fortunately will be covered with snow, cover, and unfortunately will become the target of other hungry people.

Walking along the road, I have seen too many to Chen.

The more you go forward, the thinner the snow layer.

Shen Chen is sinking. Although he does not want to see such a snowstorm, according to the meaning of the witch and the leader, such an icy day continues, perhaps the best, and most importantly, is there ice in the sea? This is all the expectations of the witch.

The witch said that if the sea is frozen, continue to look forward. If it is a large icing, this is an opportunity. They can return to the place where they left the millennium and gather together with another one. Perhaps, Yanjiao The "hidden illness" also has the opportunity to cure. Who is not willing to live more than twice as long? If you don't hunt for another 20 or 30 years, you have to consider withdrawing from the hunting team, and watch other tribes roam more fiercely in the mountains than their older people.

Think about it is miserable.

Be sure to freeze, tens of millions!

Leaving the city of Anba, after passing through other smaller towns, the same as the city of Anba, the gates are closed, revealing a serious and heavy meaning, just like the hearts of people in the city. And there, the snow is just to the thigh.

Going forward, the feeling of being bad in Chen’s heart is getting stronger and stronger.

When I finally set foot on the semi-desert area, I gasped into Chen and looked into the distance. Here, the snow only reaches their knees.

Go ahead and step into this once-drought zone.

There are camels on the ground looking for ice, the hair on them is getting longer, huddled together to warm up, eat snow to add water.

Seeing the pedestrians of Xiangchen, the camels threw their hooves and turned away.

Xiang Chen did not chase, he still has food, and he is not in the mood to chase and hunt, the pace is more urgent, went straight to the beach.

The tall columnar cactus, like an icicle, stands there, as if it were a thorn, and it stabs the blood of Chen’s heart.

Sea water, no ice!

Only a part of the coast is close to the ice, but the ice is not enough to see the ice in the artificial river in front of the tribe. Can people walk on it? !

Not to mention, far from the coast, the sea is still flowing, the wind picks up the waves and slaps on the frozen ice.

Blue sea water, snow-covered sandstone, two colors of impact, perhaps to some people, this is a rare beauty, however, Xiang Chen and others are disappointed.

Like losing all strength, the fatigue along the way became strong, kneeling on a layer of thin snow and gravel, punching the ground with a punch.

A road is broken.

They don't even know whether they can have the hope of spending this sea in their lifetime.

How long is a person's life? For those who do almost the same thing every day, it seems that it is over. Xiang Chen seems to see the aging of himself sitting in the doorway of the house. The people of the same age as their own, but they are dragging their prey every day.

I can't bear to think about it anymore.

With a sigh, with a strong disappointment, return to the tribe to the group, not to mention them, the witch will probably stun and stun in the fire.

Back to the old place, what time to wait? Where is the road?

They don't know anyone. (To be continued...)

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