Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 478: Indication

People of Yijia, as long as they have a little bit of a good ability, will have an indescribable sense of crisis. It is not the kind of disaster that can be ruined, but it always makes them unwilling to do other things, upset. But the divination can't make a result. ∷,

This is a very unpleasant feeling. For the Yi family who have always been able to see the world, it is like a knife hanging overhead.

This winter's blizzard is a palm on their faces. Since hitting such a weather, many people have come to the door to ask for a hint, but the Yi family can do so.

The arrival of the fox leader undoubtedly allowed them to find another vent, and also found a hint of the very uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

Perhaps, because of the Yanjiao people, they will feel the crisis?

Didn’t Yi Jia once say a prophecy? The six nobles have been worried about what they mean. The last time Yan Yanren came to Wangcheng, and the leader of the Linlu tribe was defeated by one palm. The Wangcheng gate was broken, which was enough to make the people of Wangcheng jealous. At that time, some people would be Yanjiao. Linked with the results of the previous divination, the theory of the threat of the horn is raised, but most people do not believe it.

But now, after listening to the leader of the fox, the people of Yijia began to plan. The next day, Yi Jia’s family went to the palace to discuss with Wang Shang and several other aristocrats.

For them, if they are in danger, they will be killed in the cradle, and they will not be allowed to grow up. When the young man from the last Yanjiao broke the Wangcheng City Gate, some people began to take the eye medicine again, and now there is a bigger thing.

"Yanjiao, can more accurately predict the change of the day?!"

"Every day, even the Yanjiao people can really resist the king beast?!" This has to be taboo, there is such a high-risk tribe. Think again about the conclusion that the "the world must be divided for a long time, and the long-term must be combined", they are not at ease.

In the temple, the atmosphere is dignified, and once the doubtful cloud is formed, it is difficult to disperse. Especially those who have been suspicious for a long time, finally found a suspected breakthrough point, certainly will not give up.

If Yan Yan people know the conversations of these people, they will probably vomit blood. Hey! Can they resist the king beast, they will give up so many high-quality salt stones and fire crystals? !

However, once these people think that you are a threat, it is difficult to be convinced.


The cold winter will always pass.

This winter, come early, come fierce. It’s too late to leave.

When the snow finally stopped, when the sun finally broke through the thick clouds and shone to the earth, people who had been gloomy for a long time, shouted in the sky.

The weather turned fine, the winter officially passed, and the temperature rose very quickly, giving no adequate buffer time.

The tribes are cleaning up the thick snow. In fact, it has been almost pushed by Shao Xuan, and most of the snow is only as deep as the knee. These places were pushed by Shao Xuan during the practice, and people living in dense places were cleaned every day, so they did not directly face a lot of snow melting.

The eaves dripped water on the eaves, and the tribes were everywhere. The patrols let the soldiers reluctantly watch the ice-street building's sentinel slowly melt. They haven't played enough yet, but, relatively speaking, they still prefer warmer weather so they can go hunting.

The melting snow made the river in front of the tribe rise a lot. People near the foot of the mountain had to move to the mountains. There are a lot of water in many places in the forest, and it is not convenient to go out for hunting. However, a large amount of stagnant water also allowed some animals hiding in the cave to escape, and the soldiers could encounter many small beasts while they were turning around.

Frozen a winter duck, yelling out from the duck shed, not afraid of cold, jumped directly into the river, or flew to the distant woods.

The person who took care of the duck shed finally saw the fat duck and his party.

With a fat duck that came out of a similar green hair troupe, everyone was wary, but there was no attack.

"Thirty, one is not less." The person who cares for the duck shed happily said, "Hey, what is the duckling eating?"

Shao Xuan looked at the past, "Probably oh..."

The words "蚯蚓" were not finished, and Shao Xuan saw the thick worms that were being squatted by the green hairs, and they were full of fangs.

"Probably the worm that crawled out from under the ground." Shao Xuan can only say that he doesn't know what the worm looks like, he hasn't climbed before, and now it's probably melted by the snow. from.

There are still some creeping or crawling bugs coming out of the river in front of the tribe. The river rose and drowned the ground. Now these worms are rushing to climb high, but they are cheaper than these special ducks.

The fat duck took the thirty-one green hairs and hunted along the rising river. Other ducks eat, they eat, other ducks don't eat, they still eat.

With this group of ducks, the tribes do not use their own insects. The coast is full of ducks jumping, and fighting for food.

The weather turned warmer. I was wearing a thick suede yesterday. Today I only wear a piece of usual hunting clothes. The working people are so tired that they are sweaty.

"This weather is too strange." Shao Xuan said.

Such weather changes do not know what to indicate.

Since the weather has really warmed up and the winter has passed, the tribe’s annual ritual ceremony will be held, but the witch is not absent-minded recently. Not only her, but also the leader, she often stands on the top of the mountain and looks at the distance.

Shao Xuan knew that they were waiting for a message, and those who left in the winter brought back a good news. Even if this time did not catch up, would the same situation be the next winter? Then you can seize the opportunity.

However, Shao Xuan faintly felt that the road that the witch and the leader thought would not be able to leave.

Two days later, the tribe's snow was all cleaned up. After three days of sun on the wet ground, it had already dried up a lot. The river also retreated quickly. I don't know where the water went.

The river in front of the tribe was connected to another river outside, but it was stopped by something. The dangerous creatures in the river couldn't come over, but the water was flowing. Now, the rising rivers have dropped significantly every day, and within a few days, they will fall to the water level before the winter.

This evening, the tribe's rituals were as usual, and those who were sent out in the winter have not yet returned. This is expected by everyone, and it takes time to travel, and it takes longer to travel in the snow.

This year's ritual rituals are particularly silent, and the enthusiasm of the witches and the princes are not high. The informed people are also somewhat absent-minded, but in order to sacrifice, in order to respect the ancestors, they temporarily put aside other emotions. If you want to think about anything, you have to wait for this. After the end of the ritual ceremony, go to the daze.

In the singer of the witch, the flame in the fire pond rises.

The heat of the flame dispels the chill that remains at night.

The bones on Shao Xuan’s body are also reflected. It is almost connected with the flame of the fire pond. The flame body of the taller body gradually forms a flame giant.

For the appearance of this flame giant, the tribe has never been surprised, but this time, the flame giant has a very different feeling for Shao Xuan.

The power of inheritance in the body is not insane. That is to say, the appearance of the flame giant is the spontaneous opening of the bone decoration itself. It is quite similar to the appearance of the previous sacrifices. It is not Shao Xuan’s own control.

After seeing this flame giant, the tribes worshipped, even the most embarrassing warriors of the past, the elders who loved their faces, respected and bowed. Especially in the winter, the soldiers who went to the salt mine together with the signing of the salt mine were especially pious. If there is no ancestor's asylum, they can't escape from the king's beast.

Shao Xuan looked up at the flame giant in the air. At this time last year, the flame giant slowly turned and stood toward Shao Xuan. Today, this flame giant also turns his body toward the familiar direction. The difference is that he turns After that, I raised an arm and pointed it over there.

In this situation, many people in the tribe have seen it, and their heads are looking up in the voices of others.

Ancestor, what is this suggesting?

In the heart of the witch, he stood on the edge of the fire pit and looked at the flame giant in the air until the flame giant disappeared, and the witch continued to preside over the ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, everyone dispersed and talked about what it meant when the ancestors raised their fingers to the side.

By the fire pit.

The flame in the fire pit has only one ignition seed, and it is not bright, with the end of the ceremony.

Wu still stands there.

"Shao Xuan, have you heard that?" Wu asked.

"What have you heard?" Shao Xuan wondered.

"The voice of the ancestors." The eyes of the witch

"What did the ancestors say?" Shao Xuan asked.

Wu did not speak, silent for a long while, said: "It should go back."

Shao Xuanqi looked at the witch from a different place, confirming that the witch was not mentioned casually, but that he really had this idea.

"Are you planning to migrate?"

"Yes, the appearance of the ancestors is the instruction." Wu said.

"But, how do you go? Don't wait for them to bring back the news to Chen Chen?" Shao Xuan asked.

"It’s not necessarily good news that they brought back to Chen." Wu long sighed. "But the meaning of the ancestors is indeed telling us that it is time to go back."

The witch is such an idea: Since the ancestors said that they should go back, they must act. As for what method to use, they have to think for themselves. However, the witch does not think that the ancestor’s instructions are embarrassing them. Maybe, the methods are already there, but they don’t know.

Shao Xuan is pondering the words of the witch, and he notices what he is doing. He looks up and sees the witch staring at himself.

"What do you think I do?"

The witch smiled. "Which time, the ancestors will tell you how to leave."

That is the ancestor. Shao Xuan abdomen.

At the same time, on the other side of the sea, the beastly mountain forest, at the same time, the Yanjiao tribe held a ritual ceremony, the old man Wu stood in the fire pit, looked at the fire in the fire pond, and pondered the flame that appeared in the fire pond just before the sacrifice. Giant, the giant raised an arm and pointed to the place where it faced.

What does this mean? The old man is blowing the night wind and standing there for a long time. (To be continued...)

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