Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 479: It’s time to leave.

In the past two days of the ritual ceremony, the Shanfeng tribe rushed over, and the leader of the mountain wind came over.

"Your lord? I am looking for him to have something to do." The leader of the mountain wind asked the patrolling people in Yanjiao to take him to the levy. "If you don't, you can be elders."

After the salt mines, the people of Shanfeng were a little more jealous and cautious about the young elders of the Yanjiao tribe. Naturally, they would not be ignorant. If they were not Shaoxuan, they could not go back smoothly.

"The leader and the elders are all there." The patrolling person let people first report, and after getting the order, they took the mountain wind to the mountain.

The cooperation of the salt mines made the people of Yanjiao and Shanfeng get along a little bit.

Seeing the leader of the mountain wind, the eyes are serious, it seems that there is really a very important thing, the people who lead the way do not waste time, quickly stepping up the mountain.

According to the past practice, after the end of the winter, after the ritual ceremony, the first hunting of this year will be ushered in. At this time of the year, important people of the tribe will gather at the summit to prepare for hunting.

Today is also gathering on the mountain, but they are not talking about hunting, but others.

The witch told her about the instructions she had learned at the ritual ceremony. She also mentioned her thoughts. However, she could not know how to leave at a time, so she would be frozen in half. No one wants to migrate to the entire tribe when they have not found a way. The variables are too big. This is not a joke.

Just at this time, the people outside came to report that the leader of the mountain wind had come over personally, and it seemed to have something important.

Let Luo let other people go back and think about it and continue to meet tomorrow. From winter to the present, the frequency of meetings has increased significantly.

Upon seeing the eye, the levy was deep in the heart. He knew that the people of the mountain wind had always planned to wait for the end of the snowy day to fight against the fox fox tribe. If the foxes did not return safely from the salt mine, the battle of the fox The force will be greatly weakened, and the people of the mountain wind are also abominable. See you now. It doesn't seem like a good thing. Are the people who are the foxes safely going back?

"How? But is there a change in the fox tribe?" asked Luo.

"More than that." After sitting down and slowing down, he told the news that he had learned.

"In the winter, after we went back, because of the snow and snow, we did not send people to investigate the situation of the fox tribe in the past. I felt that the winter was over before I sent people to investigate. I did not expect the fox. The people are actually moving. There are too few people in the past to investigate and stop them. We have no chance to kill the past. When we wait there, the people there have already withdrawn, and there are still a few left. The injury." Speaking of this eye-catching gas, brewing a winter, the result encountered this situation.

"Where are the people of the fox, where is the migration?" asked Luo.

I looked at Shao Xuan, who was sitting next to me. "Wang Cheng, they are going to Wangcheng." This is what he asked from the mouths of the wounded and sick people who were left behind.

"Wangcheng? They are relying on Wangcheng?!" The levy is very different. "It seems that there are not many people in the salt mines who can safely go back. Otherwise they will not easily make the migration tribes to rely on Wangcheng."

"Yes, according to what I have heard, there are fewer than 20 people in the Mori tribe who are going back to the salt mines. And they are all seriously injured. The people of the foxes must not be much better. Just..."

"There is something to say." Shao Xuandao, who has been silently sitting next to him, must know something about him. Otherwise, this person cannot always look at him.

The eye was paused. Road: "I heard that Shao Xuan elders went to Wangcheng before winter?"

"Goed." Shao Xuan answered.

"The six Zhuchengs also issued a reward order and arrested the Yanjiao people. I heard that it was for the broken wall of the Wangcheng City." When I heard the news, my heart was still surprised. The Yanjiao people were too fierce, even the walls of Wangcheng. All broken!

The news of the Shanfeng tribe is quite well-informed. The place where the tribe is located depends on the periphery of the mountain forest. I don’t know what methods they use to get the news so quickly. It may be a flight of birds and beasts, or it may be other. In short, in terms of well-informed, the Shanfeng tribe is indeed going to be superior. Since the eyes are so, 80% is true.

"Break the city wall, it is necessary to deal with our Yanjiao tribe?" Zheng Luo said, "This reason is far-fetched, their walls are not hard, they will break when they touch, but also blame us for their strength?!"

I heard a word on the face and said, "What is it to break when I touch it?" That is the wall of Wangcheng, not the fence of your backyard! I am also jealous of me.

"There are rumors that the past winter has changed, because you Yanjiao tribe, I heard that..." The eyes of the eyes and the ugly face of Luo and others continued. "I also heard that you are Yanjiao. People lead the king beasts living in the snow and ice, which will bring even greater disasters."

"It’s just awkward!" The face was dark, and what pots were on the back of the Yanjiao tribe? "Do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it. But there must be other reasons for this. It may be related to the fox tribe, or it may be other reasons. But the news that they want to shoot you is definitely true. I got the news and immediately came over." After all I personally experienced it. If the Yanjiao people really have a relationship with the king beast, why was it so embarrassing? However, there is nothing to say about it... I still have doubts in my eyes. After all, how did I escape from the mouth of the king, how happened after they were in a coma, only one person knows.

At this point, I was once again glanced at Shao Xuan's side, with suspicion, just to the sight of Shao Xuan, squinting at the heart, and quickly moved away, he now does not want to provoke this young man.

The reason for the change of the day is to buckle on the head of Yan, and I don’t know which idiot is the idea. Is this kind of thing that a tribe can easily influence? Believe people are brain-dead?

However, there are still many people who believe that the Yanjiao people will be plague.

The only thing I noticed was the news I knew. I was thankful for the help of Yanjiao in the salt mine. Before leaving, I looked at it again and again, and asked: "You Yan Yan people, is it really different?"

It’s obvious that the most important reason that can lead other people to point firepower at the corner of the eye is this.

Their Yanjiao tribe does not belong to this land. It has only been for thousands of years. Many people have forgotten it. Many people just think that the Yanjiao tribe comes from other places on the land. But I don't know, they didn't exist here until thousands of years ago.

I opened my mouth and finally shook my head and sighed: "You, be careful."

Excluding dissidents seems to be a nature and instinct. When the Yanjiao tribe left the crowded place, they came here to live. One is because they really like the living environment here, and the second is to let people forget the origins of Yanjiao. As I said in the ancestors' handwriting, when the Yanjiao people first came, they suffered a lot of crowding and lost a lot of people. Now, is it necessary to experience another?

After the show left, Xiang Chen and others finally came back, and brought similar news. On the other side of Anba City, an announcement has been posted. Yanjiao, was demonized.

When Xiang Chen was hiding, he even heard people take the anger of Yan Yan.

Is our strength too big? !

How many people believe in the rumors of magic, Shao Xuan does not know, but Shao Xuan is sure, if you add a reward, secretly may reveal the matter of salt stone and fire crystal. There are more people who dare to go there.

Those people are planning to gradually erode the power of the Yanjiao, and did not intend to attack directly.

The six Zhucheng want to start with Yanjiao, and they don't need to do it themselves. They know that Yanjiao's bad deal is a good time. It is a good time for the dependants and greedy to make meritorious deeds. and. I heard that the winter king city has already taken in a lot of people. White has given so many benefits. When the slave owners will make a loss?

In the mountain forest, because of the competition, the tribes and the tribes do not communicate frequently, and the good partners are only the Taihe tribes next door. The people of the mountain wind are just reluctant to leave, and they don’t want to take a kick. But I can understand it.

"It's time to leave!" Wu got up and walked out, standing on the top of the hill that was not high, and looking at the woods where the shoots had begun to sprout.

Instead of waiting for people to continue to provoke the prostitute, it is better to leave now. The instructions of the ancestors are not wrong.

The emergency convenor opened a meeting, and soon the whole tribe moved.

The enlistment took time to go to the Taihe tribe next door to find the leader of the Taihe River.

Since the eye of the mountain wind has come to the Yanjiao, it will naturally say aside the Taihe River not far away. Therefore, the leader of the Taihe River already knows the situation of Yanjiao.

He had thought that the enlistment came for help. For many years, the neighbors, the people of Taihe were willing to help a group, but he did not expect that the enlistment actually came to say goodbye.

I know that the people in Taihe have the help. The Luo has been very grateful. For so many years, the neighbors have been arguing and fighting, and finally they are willing to help them, but they are still the neighbors. Perhaps this is also the ancestors who have always been overbearing. The reason for being willing to be with the Taihe people.

After thanking him, Zheng Luo said the purpose of his coming.

"I am coming to leave." Zheng Luo looked at this old rival who is much older than himself.

"Go?" The leader of the Taihe River usually took out and forced the copper cups to almost disappear.

What do you mean?

When I was told by the six aristocrats, I was afraid? Is it going to run away in a more remote place?

The Yanjiao people they know are not the same.

"Isn't that the aristocrats who think they are superior? If we build our own city, we can also be self-proclaimed! Why don't you be afraid of them! Don't worry about what they say, right when they fart, they can't make a big difference, in the mountains, they are dominant. Still!" The leader of the Taihe River was dissatisfied.

"We are from another piece of land." Zheng Luo said.

"I know, what is the relationship from where? Do you dare not do one?" The Taihe leader does not think that there is anything. It is rare to have such a neighbor. They don't want to lose. They will travel long distances and help them move. Something?

"No, we just have to go back." Although the levy does not know why the witch is so confident, at this time, he only needs to believe in witch.

go back? What do you mean?

Until the sign of Luo, the leader of the Taihe did not want to understand. (To be continued.)


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