Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 481: Chasing after chasing


A savage beast rang in the mountains.

After the impact of the metal, the beast finally stopped, and the heavy breathing gradually subsided.

Shao Xuan pulled the leaves next to him and wiped the blood on the sword.

The soldiers next to them used to deal with the beast that had just been slaughtered, and opened the kettle to connect the blood of the beast into the pot.

If they used to, they would try to keep the integrity of the hides after they hunted the prey. But now they no longer need that, and the hides will not be hoarded and traded. All they need is food. It only hits the fierce. The beast became a lunch for the soldiers.

Seven or eight people deal with this beast at the same time, the internal organs are separated, the meat is cut, the skin and bones are left in place.

Dokang handed over the pot filled with blood of the beast. "Drink some?"

Shao Xuan waved his hand. "No, I don't consume much, let other soldiers."

Dokang's mouth, not much to say, poured a mouth into the mouth and handed it to others.

Slightly viscous, with a strong **** smell of liquid, down the esophagus, into the stomach, the energy of the morning is gradually replenished, raising a warmth.

The sweat oozes out of the pores, and Dokang pulls off a few pieces of tender leaves next to him and rubs his hands, and has some coagulated blood clots on his hands.

"Two days, we did not meet the people who chased and killed." Dokang looked at Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan to give some news, he saw Shao Xuan playing the grass rope in the morning, this time Shao Xuan is not It will be boring to play the straw rope, it must be a divination. Only Dokang has been taking the team to guard against the surrounding, no time to ask, and now finally wait until the opportunity, then come over and ask.

"It will be met soon. Not everyone thinks that we will follow the original path. No one chooses to ambush. There are also active attacks. Perhaps, some people can predict the route we are taking." Shao Xuan said.

"Even our route can be counted?!" Some don't believe it, though. It is really possible to think of the people of Yijia. Although there are many wastes in Yijia, there are still capable people with real skills.

“What are your plans?” asked Dokang.

"Just continue to hurry, right, let everyone do something to help, did you do it?" Shao Xuan asked.

At the time of departure, Shao Xuan assigned some tasks to the soldiers who had a little leisure time. With the elderly and children, the trip is definitely not as fast as when they were hunting, so naturally someone will be idle, and Shao Xuan will let them have time to help with some small things.

"A lot has been done, it is there." Dokang pointed to a rattan basket not far away.

"That's good, you will go first, I will stay here to arrange it." Shao Xuan walked over and opened the lid on the big rattan basket, and looked at the big and small things inside, very satisfied.

Dokang thought that when they came back to the city of Amba, when they came back, they encountered the things that Shao Xuan did when the young master of Anba City was chasing. Do not ask, say hello to other soldiers who have already dealt with the beasts, and quickly rush to clean up.

Xiang Chen sees Shao Xuan alone and stays behind. Doubt asked Dokang: "Elders don't go?"

"The elders have something to do." Dokang gestured to Chen to return to the team.

Xiang Chen was full of doubts. He didn't trade with Dokang at the beginning, so he didn't know about the incident. Even if he listened to other people, he didn't have a deep impression.

Returning to the team to pick up the little daughter, the daughter-in-law will be picked up, other things on the neck or waist, and then to Chen, like other people, began to hurry.

quickly. The **** place is quiet.

In the warm and humid air, with a **** smell. In the distance, there was a beast that was inconsistent, and Shao Xuan looked up at the sky above. Through the hidden leaves, you can see some flying figures squatting back and forth.

Those scavenging birds can't wait. The first one rushed down, broke the leaves, went straight to the fierce beasts on the ground, and was cut to the ground by Shao Xuanyi. After two strokes, he broke his breath.

Other scavengers rushed down to see the shape, turned in the air, resting on the branches not far away, staring at Shao Xuan.

More than 20 scavengers flew down, and they stared at Shao Xuan in the distance, and there were more in the sky.

There is only one person around Shao Xuan. If you change the other courage, you may feel happy. Shao Xuan does not pay attention to them. He has been busy with the remains of the corpse and will want to attack it. The scavenger bird patted the ground, and when he finished this side, he left and continued to be arranged around.

Shao Xuan intends to arrange a chain cover. What he asks the soldiers to do is to set up the traps. There must be chasers afterwards. Even if they can't block them all by these traps, at least they will cause some losses and Blocking, those people will slow down.

See Shao Xuan left the corpse, and the scavengers waiting to stand on the branches rushed up and rushed to drop a lot of feathers. Because the team of Yanjiao has been in the past, the large beasts here have been avoided. In a short time, there is nothing to **** food with these scavengers.

The scavengers who ate the flesh and blood on the bones of the beasts, licking the gray eyelids, holding a **** shredded pork, guarded Shao Xuan, and from time to time, opened his wings and stretched his neck and frowned. Mao shouted, this is driving, not letting Shao Xuan to **** their food. However, Shao Xuan did not intend to pay attention to it and continued to be busy with himself.

The gray-gray vines, which are even thinner than the little ones, are entangled in the inconspicuous grass. If you are familiar with the mountains, you will definitely be prepared, because this kind of vine is not in the vicinity, but a life. The vines in the swamp are fine and resilient.

Sharp wood thorns and polished stone needles are blocked by the leaves, and a rattan basket of things, but for half an hour, it is hidden nearby.

Waiting for all this, the corpse has only skin and bone left, most of the meat has been cleaned up, and a giant beast is smashed, and now there is a push bone and hard corner teeth.

Shao Xuan stood up and swept his eyes before leaving.

Taihe tribe.

A group of soldiers from the Taihe River drove away the sneaky people in the forest and killed two people.

"Is this a few waves?"

"The third wave, or the fourth wave?" said a soldier.

"Fortunately, the people in Yanjiao are leaving fast, or they have to be annoying."

In these two days, they often encounter people who are swaying in the nearby forests, especially the Yanjiao tribe. They pick up the site of the Yanjiao. They naturally have to send people to stay in the past. They will give people who want to be close to the inquiries. run.

Those people seem to be just small groups. They dare not offend the people of Taihe. When they see the Yanjiao tribe, they are almost empty. They give up this side and look for traces of Yanjiao people in the forest. Some people who want to threaten the Tai River, but here is the site of the Taihe River. People are not threatened, but they are dragged up the mountain by the people of the Taihe River to make fertilizer.

The sun is skewed, and at dusk, a team of hundreds of people follows the trail. After all, there are so many people in Yanjiao that it is impossible to leave a trace. For those skilled in business, it can be easily distinguished. .

They were the first people to catch up. After they went to the vicinity of the Yanjiao tribe, they followed the trail without a stop. They had to get some benefits before they could grab others.

Although there are only a hundred people coming, they are not going to fight hard, but they are trying to kidnap some people as hostages, and then threaten the people of Yanjiao to use fire crystals and salt stones. This method has been used by others. Many times, it is much more sensible than hard fight, this time is also full of confidence.

"The corpse! They passed by here not long ago," one of them said.

They are close to the corpse, want to judge the strength of the slaughter from the traces of the corpse, and the approximate time of slaughtering them so that they can estimate the combat power of the opponent and the time it takes to catch up.

However, when the person who went to see the corpse was moved and the animal bone that was picked up by a little pork was left, it changed.

With a rush of fierce sound, it was like pressing a chaotic switch, calming the forest, and instantly murdering.

A wide range of stone needle attacks, like rain, resisted the people who avoided, but accidentally triggered another round of traps. When they thought they finally escaped, they would usher in another round of attacks. Take another round. The lasso is a large hand that suddenly emerges from the ground, and people who are unable to escape are tied up. Those who are slow-moving are accidentally stabbed by wooden thorns and stone needles.

When all the chaos finally stopped, the well-being people did not dare to move around, watching the surroundings with vigilance, and each time they stepped, the nerves were tight. Someone on the ground is in the **, they have recruited, but also poisoned, even if they survive, they are temporarily unable to continue to pursue.

Although there are only 20 people who have lost their ability to act, eight of them are out of breath, and the remaining 70 are even minor injuries, but they dare not pursue it at full speed as before. This is still theirs. Be alert to dodge quickly, or else you have to lie at least half here.

"Hey, let's... still continue to chase?" A man twisted his face and pulled out a wooden thorn on his arm. It was only made of wood. The threat was so big. The poison on the thorn was made. His whole arm was numb, he applied some medicine, and he felt better, but he didn't know if he could always use it. If it was too toxic, his arm didn't know if it would be abolished.

The people who led the team also made a big alarm. They didn't receive the news before. The understanding of Yanjiao was limited to the "powerful" and "brute", but did not expect to catch up, they ate a big loss!

"First take the injured person away, let's not chase it first," said the leader.

"What should I do if the fire crystals and salt stones are preempted?"

"Then let them grab first! I have to look at it, the people in Yanjiao will also make some ways to deal with those behind!"

Their loss this time lies in not knowing Yan Yan people, and they can't blindly catch up. If they fall into the trap of the other party, there is only one dead word. After all, they are so a little bit, they don't get anything, they are here. Instead, it was all cut.

To test and let others test. (To be continued)

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