Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 482: Wangcheng team

When ambushing on the route that Yanjiao people often walked, when people who are waiting for it are impatient, when others are chasing the trails in the mountains, there are still a group of people, from another road. go.

The people wearing metal armor lined up. The first people were riding tall horses. These horses were carefully selected and looked after. They were well cared for. The big hoof was stepping on the ground. The sound of the sound, the stones on the road were easily broken. Many horses run together, like a thunder rolling.

The man riding on the big head, holding a copper spear in his hand, the cold light of the spear, and the indifferent face of the spear, the people passing by on the road can feel the coolness of a cold. It is clear that the coldest winter has passed, and the temperature has risen so much. When these people are seen, they still can’t help but shudder.

Because this road is often moved, there are fewer weeds growing, no trees blocking the road, the ground is leveled, and the driving line is also convenient. The tribal trading team often travels from this road. However, the width and width of this road is limited. When the caravan passes by, the caravans have to be re-arranged. It is even more impossible to allow the two teams to pass at the same time. Unless one party avoids it, there are often pits where there are many deep stones.

There is a long-distance caravan in front of the tribe. The people in front of the team who are riding the big horse, with a horse's belly, shaking their hands, slamming forward and rushing forward, the sharp spears are gone, the sound Such as the cold wind choked, straight to the front of those who block the road.

"Avoid, avoid!" The caravan shouted, driving the car and the beast to the side, and the people rushed to the side to avoid the team. They could only avoid the flash.

Seeing this team, the people in the caravans have a sense of fear, and they have great courage. When they encounter such a team, they will be completely destroyed! Under such a shock. They can only avoid it.

Mori's cold breath came to the surface, the spears did not arrive, the murderous has arrived, if they did not avoid. I am sure to be on those who are full of anger.

The other party came too fast. The caravan was rushed to avoid the fact that a wooden truck with a pile of goods was almost turned over by the stone and the goods fell to the ground, but the caravan people could not care about the fallen goods. There is a young person who wants to linger in the past, but the old man is dragging his clothes to the side.


The man riding the horse has arrived, and the spear of the spear with a cool airflow has been wiped from the side of the young man who was dragged by the elders. The skin that was exposed to the outside was stunned by this murderous airflow, and a grain of goose bumps seemed to jump out, and they felt more terrible when they were close. Such an imposing manner, so I can't wait to clear all the impact, so that the young people who are still struggling to get rid of the fallen items are frozen like stones. It seems that as long as they move more, they will be hit by such an imposing manner. .

For those who rushed over to Malaysia, everything that blocks the road. No matter people or things, they are all their enemies.

Blockers, people, kill! Things, ruin!

The front of the first person in the hand of the spear suddenly turned to the next, the spear with the shaking of the spearman's wrist, a loud noise, like the beast before the beast bite.


The goods that fell on the ground were swept away by the spearheads, and the force of the spears was too great. Even with the power of tearing and ruining, the linen wrapped in the goods made a broken sound, and the goods were scattered in the air, and the pieces of linen broke down and then fell.

but. Those who avoid being there don't dare to speak out at this time. They don't dare to check how many of the fallen goods are good, because once they are close, they will be mercilessly tied there. Such an imposing manner and strength, people hit it, where the spearheads were scrapped. I can't know if I can save my life.

After the rider rushed over, the ground was still shaking slightly, the dust on the dirt road was high, and the team behind did not come immediately, but stopped for a while, and the smoke was blown away by the wind, and the team passed by.

In the blank period before the arrival of the team, people who are avoiding the flash are not willing to embark on this road, they can only wait! When all the teams have passed, they will be able to walk on them. Otherwise, the scene of the talent will be repeated. Will those people who have not seen the past stop to stare? The one riding on the horse also took a spear to them with a spear, meaning that they would roll away, dare to step on, and die!

This is strength! The strength is not as good as people, and you can only stand by.

When the armored equipment was flashing, the teams of several giant beasts pulling the car left, and the caravan next to the road trembled on the road.

"Who are those people?" Someone in the caravan asked.

“I didn’t see the words on the flag?” said one elder. “Those people should be from Wangcheng.”

"Those nobles? What are they going to do?" Such a team can destroy the city, and which unlucky tribe has provoked them? In the past, I rarely saw the help of these nobles.

"Who knows." The caravan set off again, but the scene just became a topic of discussion. All the way to discuss who those people are going to deal with, if they pass through some cities, they have to ask.

Over there, among the teams that had just passed through here, there were several cars pulled by giant beasts, and the car was covered with patterned silk cloth around them.

One of the cars, which was pulled by a huge white polygonal rhinoceros beast, sat in a few expensive costumes. The most middle-aged man sitting on the cushion was a young man with a face, but the long hair that had fallen down Silver white.

At this time, the young man had a wooden square plate in front of him, and the square plate was painted with a pattern of squares and circles. Seven smooth white jade were distributed among them, and each jade had a moist light.

“Yi Yi, what is it?” A young girl wearing a delicate leather armor couldn’t help but ask.

The person who is on the cushion moves away from the square plate and raises his finger to point in one direction. "The other side, the Yanjiao is still in the mountain, still not stopping."

"What do Yanjiao people want to do?!" The leather girl sat down in a frustrated manner, holding her hand to look at the side pointed to by Yi. Yi Yi's divination is at the top of the Yi family, no one will doubt his results.

"Is it wrong, they are scared by us? They are so scared that they moved to the place, maybe they are looking for a new place to settle down, but those tribes like to hide in the mountains," said another young man in the carriage.

When you think of the intricate terrain and dense woods in the inaccessible mountains and forests, as well as various poisonous snake ants, beasts and even king beasts, they will not be stupid enough to go into the mountains. Therefore, they will disclose the news from Yi Bu to other interested parties and let those people push. As long as the Yanjiao dare to go out of the forest, they can kill it directly!

It is best to let those people first push the Yan corner to a remote place, and wait for others to consume the power of Yan Yan, they will carry out the final cleaning.

Fire crystal? Salt stone? Take the character of Yanjiao. It won't be so easy to let out, it will definitely be in the hands, at most, grab a small part of those who chase the past. To take a step back, even if the fire crystal and the salt stone were all grabbed by the people who went first, they were only slightly regretted. After all, their main goal this time is only Yanjiao. These people, but they want to use the things of Yanjiao to make meritorious deeds!

Since the disappearance of the fire, the cohesiveness of the tribe has gradually weakened, and there have been people who have traveled. These people from different tribes have gathered together because of their interests or hobbies to form new forces. Among these forces, there are many specialties who rob or assassinate. For example, the famous "Qingfeng" of the robbery, such as collecting money to assassinate the famous "night family."

These forces, once they have a huge interest in attracting them, they will become hungry wolves that smell the blood, looking for the smell to pounce.

"Yanjiao, is that terrible?" someone asked.

"I know that when the man at the corner of the city took the home of the family at the gate of the city, I sat in the tower of the city gate, then..."

That young man, let's say it again, "I heard. Our ancestors, I always wanted to kill the Yanjiao people, but the Yanjiao people often hide in the mountains, and later I gradually forgot this tribe. Only when the Yanjiao people make trouble, will they think about it."

"I heard that Yanjiao people can drive the king beast? Is it true?" The leather girl was curious.

"Do you all believe?!"

"Why don't you believe it? Don't you say that? No, I will call the leader of the fox again and ask." The wallet girl said to open the curtain and told the outsiders, not much later. The leader of the fox tribe in the back of the car was brought over.

After entering the car. The head of the fox is still somewhat uncomfortable. He used to be the leader of the tribe. He is the boss himself. But after he has gone to the king city, he will always feel short when he sees these young people. After all, these people are the best among the six nobles of Wangcheng. Child.

"I have seen a few less masters." The fox leader suppressed the awkwardness of his heart and said.

"You are the leader of the fox? I heard that you were slaughtered by the Yanjiao?" asked the leather girl.

The head of the fox fox has a blue gluten on his forehead. What is it called "the scalp man slaughtered?" Are the foxes brought into the king city not people? Also, what is the disdainful tone? Look down on us?

Five fingers bent and clenched, and the fox leader held back his anger, and then sighed softly: "The Yanjiao is really dangerous."

Said, the fox lord will repeat the thoughts of good thoughts a long time, the details of the king beasts blurred, listening like the Yanjiao people can really drive the king.

"Well, let's go, I know." The leather girl smashed her palm like a fly.

The fox leader took a deep breath and jumped out of the carriage.

When the fox leader left, the leather girl fell cold. "He is lying!"

"Just tell you, Yanjiao people are actually not as terrible as rumors, just to deal with them, deliberately exaggerated. As for the things in front of the city gate, it must be because of the secret law, that is called Shao Xuan certainly not So powerful." A young man next to him leaned his arm on the side and said, "Moreover, the fox leader is lying, and the purpose is up."

It’s okay!

Outside the carriage, the sound of the wings vibrates.

Inside, a few people were shocked, opening the curtain and letting a streaked bird come in. There was a thin skin on the bird's paw.

Carefully spread the thin layer of skin and see the word above.

After reading it, Yi Wei said: "The people of ‘Qingfeng’ don’t have to count on it, and disclose the general position of Yan’s now to the “night group.” (To be continued.)

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