The sky is still not bright. At this time, the guards of Wanshi have not been rotated. The people who have been guarding the night have been exhausted, and the people who have changed the guards may not have risen. The birds that the slave owners raise in the air can also Did not start activities.

When Shao Xuan came to the edge of the forest, the sky above the sky began to show the light of the sky. The birds that had gotten up early in the mountain forest were brewing and ready to scream.

He looked at the sign, and saw the nod of the sign. When he raised his hand, the people in the forest quickly rushed out. Their speed was very fast, but the movement was very light. At one time, they could only hear the sound of the clothes and the leaves. The bark of the pole.

The team is approaching quickly towards the Wanshi tribe, and the people guarding Wan Shi are not eating dry food. They have been vigilant since the change of the Yanjiao fire in the mountain forest. Now they are very tired after staying up all night. But it is impossible to get close to the inflammatory corner and still not noticed.


A shout screamed to disturb the quiet atmosphere of the Wanshi tribe.

The sharp bone whistle pierces the calm at dawn, and the moments are filled with a sense of chill.

The Yanjiao team still has some distance from the periphery of Wanshi, but after the movement of the Wanshi tribe, the people in Yanjiao also have movements.

In the Wanshi tribe, the torches were picked up one by one. Although it is already dawn, it will soon be dawning, but the sky is still dark, the eyesight is not good, and the things are not clear. Now it is the time of the war, more rush, no ignition. Error-prone.


Some sound of breaking in the sky sounded like a sharp arrow.

The person who responded quickly had picked up the bone shield and blocked it in front of him. The sound came from above. Yan Yan’s team is not very close. The chance of a flat shot is small.

But very quickly, they found that something was wrong. As the sky rushed through the gap, people were careful to look up into the air, and under the canopy with a little light, the dense arrows came and went, just... those arrows seemed to... ... too big?

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sound of dense fall like a raindrop sounded.

The person holding the shield only felt that the moment the shield was hit, the powerful impact made him numb. Then look at the arrow tied to the ground next to it, and suddenly the eyes are round.

This is what the arrow is, obviously a spear!

Similar to the spears that were tied at the door that day, they were all stone-handled with a wooden handle, the handle was thick, and the spear was sharply sharpened. Most of the stone spears hitting the shield were broken by strong impact, leaving only one wooden pole. .

This made Wan Shi’s people startled. If you just throw dozens of such spears, you will forget. Just the round just now, thousands of volleys!

Wan Shi’s people have never seen a tribe shoot a spear as an arrow! This "arrow" is too big!

Probably also the people of Yanjiao take it for granted. After all, Yanjiao is very arrogant.

This was followed by the second round of spears coming again. This time, everyone in Wanshi took up the shield, while others avoided the stone-walled perimeter wall or used other shelters to avoid this round of spear attacks.

When projecting the spear, a group of people in front of the Yanjiao team did not stop their steps. And the projectors. After the second round of spears was thrown, the people followed.

At this time, the perimeter wall of the Wanshi tribe is clearly visible.

In the second moment of the second round of spear projection, Shao Xuan knew that he should move.


Shao Xuan’s feet rushed out on several big steps, ran fast, then leaped and jumped on the knife that was flanked by the front.

The strong and powerful hand grasped the handle, then violently waved the knife, and then the thrust of the blade, sent Shao Xuan out.

And Shao Xuan made similar behaviors at the same time, there are three people, such as Dokang, Guiqi and Tower.

Four figures. Like four goshawks, they rushed from the ranks and wanted to rush to the clouds.

With the four figures left, there was a burst of shouts in the team.

Shao Xuan feels the cool breeze at dawn, and feels the smell of moist steam and mud in the cool breeze. He can feel the murder and warfare from the team below. It seems to have spread. To every corner.

The team is just like the ones used to hunt. However, when hunting, there is not such a strong momentum. After all, hunting often needs to control the atmosphere to converge, but at this time, on the battlefield, the momentum is completely blooming.

Shao Xuan has never felt such a strong killing in the tribes. This is filled with blood and warfare that cannot be ignored. It seems that every pore is erupting with these **** and warlike murderous. Everyone is no longer a hunter in the mountains. At this moment, the murderous spirit that they have been suppressing in their bodies, like a volcanic eruption. Thousands of murderous entanglements, such as a wave of **** and savage waves, set off an unprecedented height, and patted the direction of the Wanshi tribe.

The power of the totem in Shaoxuan's body is like feeling the information released from the surroundings. It is instantly spread all over the body. The deep purple and black totem pattern is not conspicuous under the dark sky, but it is even more dangerous.

The Wanshi tribe is getting closer and closer. Shao Xuanfei flies over the perimeter wall of the Wanshi tribe. He pulls out the sword in his hand and blocks the arrow that is shot. The whole person is kneeling on a person holding a shield.


I only heard the sound of broken bones. The screams of the people below failed to come out. If the body lost support, it fell to the ground and there was no breath.

The person holding the shield probably never thought that someone would land from the sky and trample him to death.

The sudden appearance of Shao Xuan caused the surrounding Wanshi people to smash.

There are at least a dozen people around here who avoid the spear rain. They didn't even think that someone would jump out of the air, probably never thought that they would encounter such crazy things.

Although they were surprised, they quickly adjusted and took the weapon and rushed toward Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan's back is shot like a strong bow, and the swaying sword smashes forward, with the fierceness of Yan Yan people, it seems that the mountains and rivers are to be opened.

The arrogant momentum suppresses the people around them, and the movements of the people around them are all slightly stunned.


The man who slammed Shao Xuan’s sword, the weapon came out and the man flew straight out.

Shao Xuan did not look at the man and sneaked into the crowd. In an instant, Shao Xuan’s whole person is like an incarnation storm. It swept through the sword. The sword light beat like a current. The legs are like a blast, the hands and feet are used together, and the sound of the air screams. Every hit seems to have The power of a thousand, the power is like a hurricane, every sword has been cut down, and every foot has people kicked out of the battle circle. Gold and gold, gold and stone, the sound of the collision between the fist and the flesh, endless, every sound is shocking.

Shao Xuan couldn't count how many people his opponent had. He didn't have that time with him. At this time, he couldn't be distracted, and all his energy was placed in this killing.

Facing the sword and the fists like a rainstorm, Shao Xuan is immersed in a subtle state, all the senses are promoted, he can even clearly feel the movement of the other side's blade around him, feel the fierce eyes of the other side The next moment of the act to be done, I feel the side of the other side will be cut.

The more he played, the more Shaoxuan had the feeling of facing the sea wall again, just like when he took the tribe and walked in the stone path in the sea, but at that time he mostly relied on the power of the ancestors, but now, the ancestors can not help How much is he, he is fighting on his own strength.

Here, survival is like this, not to break the block in front, or to be suppressed.

Behind the peace, it is always full of blood and killing. This is the most primitive rule.

In the tribe for so many years, Shao Xuan has gradually integrated into this large group, and is integrated with Yanjiao. He is not alone. There are more companions behind him. He is fighting not only for himself, but also for those who are placed in refuge, and for the glory that Yanjiao has lost.

I am a Yanjiao.

I, fight for the tribe!

The factors of excitement in the blood, like stimulation, increase rapidly. In the mind, the totem flame is eagerly tossed, and the totem lines on the surface, such as the growing vines, become more dense. If you look carefully, you can still see To the deep purple-black texture, the dark purple light of different shades flows.

The surrounding Wanshi warriors were shocked to see Shao Xuan, obviously besieged, but not in a weak position, with the heroic spirit of the monopoly, each shot is rolling up the momentum of rising, just fierce, this person is like a swim Fish in general, in the endless swords and shadows and fists and collisions, dodge freely.

After Shao Xuan, there were other Yanjiao people who came to the wall in the same way as Shao Xuan and joined the war.

The high wall can indeed block a lot of trouble, but Wan Shi’s people may not have thought about it. The Yanjiao tribe actually used it directly.

Bloody and killing spread quickly, and the blood dyed the dawn, and the wind that blew through it was accompanied by a chilling murder.

Other creatures around are far away, fleeing, and eager to escape from this place.

When the Yanjiao tribe attacked, the heads and leaders of Wanshi also came out one after another.

I knew that the Yanjiao people would attack, so I was not surprised, but I couldn’t help but see the situation. In the period when he took over as the leader, only Wan Shi went to attack others and never experienced the attacked people!

Standing in the heights of the Wanshi leader, Zhang Da’s eyes glared around, and wherever the line of sight was, all the circumstances were in the eyes, and the cold light flashed across the eyes, and then burst out: “Give me a kill! ”

The sound has not disappeared, the monks have jumped from the heights, several ups and downs, and rushed away in the direction of the battlefield. The winds that are brought up are like roaring thunder, which seems to be the drums of the ring.

After the whole body, others followed to join the battle.

The two tribes, two different momentums, each not retreating, like two ocean currents, colliding together, bringing in countless whirlpools, even the wind is chaotic. (To be continued.)

Ps: Sorry, I can't be more, hehe.

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