Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 510: What is "Wanshi"?

With the addition of Wanshi's strongest main force, others have withdrawn from certain battle circles with painful expressions. Oh,

By this time, Wan Shi’s people have already known about Yan Yan’s side. What kind of people are leading the leader, the other pioneers, the general Wan Shishi people can’t fight, they can only be left to the stronger people in the tribe. The soldiers will face the soldiers.

Up to now, in order to withstand the invasion of Shao Xuan, people around Shao Xuan, even if they have not been cut down, they have been injured, and in order to hold back Shao Xuan’s attack, they have clearly felt the chest. The blood of the churning is almost rushed out of the throat. In general, a swaying **** will bear a fierce leg kick and fly out of the battle circle.

Wan Shi’s people can’t help but sneak in my heart, and this little boy’s strength is too great! Even if they only bear the strength, they feel that their arms are numb, and there is a numbness in their legs. If they continue this way, they will not even have the strength to take weapons.

In fact, not only these people, but also for Shao Xuan, it is more difficult. The constant and fierce battle made the ups and downs of his chest become bigger and the breathing was not so easy. At this time, every second feels infinitely long, like feeling for a long time, but actually only a few dozen seconds.

It’s just that Shao Xuan’s physical fitness is better, and at the same time, with the suppression of imposing manner, he can continue to hold on to the siege of these people and break into it. Fortunately, with the rapid joining of the follow-up team of Yanjiao, sharing some of the fighting power, Shao Xuan is also a bit easier.

"Step aside!"

A person with a golden swaying mace, striding over here, the other side's eyes revealing fierce light, the whole person exudes a strong killing temper, let people see the chill.

This is a leader of the Wanshi tribe. He came along with him, but. Going to the other side, he took people to come over here.

Seeing a group of people still can't get a kid, the head is on fire, the nostrils are expanding with a jet of air, and the cold light in the eyes flashes rapidly.

I saw this person coming over, surrounded by Shao Xuan. And the people who are coming over here have turned in the direction. They will not join the battle circles belonging to the leaders. If they join, they will only be affected, and they will not go to death.

When the leader rushed over, Shao Xuan clearly felt the pressure of the other party when he ran. The mace that is held in the other hand should be made of materials provided by the slave owners, and it looks more like a spear. The front end of the stick carries a pointed blade like a spearhead, and the pointed head is down. It is a thick rod with a spike like a spike, and then a long stick.

When the other side is approaching quickly, the gripped mace slams an angle, and the spike on the stick is strangled, as if to smash the opponent.

Shao Xuanzhen retired from the front of the two Wanshi warriors. Did not make any pauses, a knee. Ejected and ran straight to the direction of the stone.

The two sides are moving in opposite directions, and the distance between them is shortened in the blink of an eye.

The whole arm of Shao Xuan’s sword cuts the air, and the airflow that drives it rang, like the sound of wind and thunder.

The 10,000-gauge stone footed on the ground and held the arm of the mace. He hit the sword of Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan’s sword was specially created for him by Gong Jiaheng. He knows that Yan’s strength is great. Therefore, this sword is bigger and wider than most swords used by Wangcheng. I don't know what the armor has added to the sword. This sword is obviously heavier than other swords of the same size. But for Shao Xuan, this weight is really nothing, and sometimes even think, if it is a little heavier.

The blade of the sword crossed a bright arc, such as a heavy cloud under heavy rain.

At the moment of the collision, the 10,000-stone stone only felt a numbness and quickly passed through the arms, as if it had been beaten by the public, and the momentum that had just exploded was almost scattered under the attack, holding the handle. The tiger's mouth cracked and the blood splashed with the vibration of the wrist.

Although I have long known that Yanjiao is very arrogant, this is the first time he has collided with Yanjiao people, and the pressure is even stronger than expected! Every bone in the body, every muscle, seems to tremble under this scream, yelling, making a creaking sound, losing the original coordination. The heart beats fiercely and seems to be coming out at this moment. The blood vessels on the arm are feeling like they are about to be exploding.

Only one moment, the head of Wanshi knew that he was far from the boy of this flaming horn. At this time, he could not think about the other, but his heart was terrified. If the young man of Yanjiao is like this person in front of him. In general, that Wan Shishi, is there a way to live?

Perhaps the leader’s decision was wrong and they should leave early.

Someone once said to them that Yan Yan was a very brilliant tribe a thousand years ago. Even the powerful tribes that are well known in the middle of the country are very jealous of the Yan Yan at that time. However, no one believes that in the inflammation. After a thousand years of disappearance, after a thousand years of desolation, you can return to the peak.


It was as if a shell exploded here. When the two men fought, the ground suddenly fell. At the same time, the stones and clods on the ground exploded, and the smoke broke out.

The people who are close to each other feel that the ground is shaking, and the people with poorer strength even have the feeling of being unstable. At that moment, it seems that people have taken off the cerebellum. However, this is not because Shao Xuantong and Wan Shi’s leader caused a partial violent earthquake, but the momentum and impact that were scattered when the two sides collided, so that the people around them were mentally affected, which produced an image. It is the feeling that the ground is shaking and people are not standing.

However, this is not the end.

The two figures rushed out of the dust, and waited for others to hide away. The sound of the golden gongs blew up again, and it was a series of sounds of gold, after a thunder burst, the next moment, Underneath the ground there was a giant worm in the arch, the clods rolled up, rolled in the air and fell.

The Wanshi warrior who stood on this line of impact only felt a strong pressure, such as a huge stone that rushed over, slammed into his chest, and people flew out like a sandbag.

Seeing the people around can't help, the 10,000 stone eyes are a little anxious, and they don't touch Shao Xuan's front face. When the legs retire, they scream a few times. He can't continue to block this kid, and he has been the limit until now. If he goes on like this, he is definitely worse than those who have just been rushed. Maybe he will be cut off by the boy of Yanjiao!

The two figures jumped out of the battle circle not far away and came over here. Shao Xuan knows that this is the other party looking for a rescue. I am going to solve this problem that has already been at the end of the strong, before the other party’s helper arrives, and suddenly move.

The two people coming over here were blocked.

The leader who was gasping was not aware of it. He was planning to retreat. The armor behind him was caught. The whole person was shackled and dragged in one direction. Before he responded, he was violently Not far from the wall of a house, the wall slammed on the wall.

When the leader has been so many years, he has repeatedly taken people out to attack other tribes. He used to be one of the most important helpers around the leader. Why was he once mentioned in this way? Even if they are the leader, they have never done this to them!

This kind of expression is like a small prey, it is simply an insult!

However, the person who was injured by Shao Xuan was thrown once again. Although he was angry, he couldn’t rush to slash with the person who threw himself. He can’t continue to join the battle now. Fighting with other more common junior fighters, you can't fight against the opponent's leader level. Going is to find death.

Blocking the two people coming over here, blamed for taking a hand and slamming the leader out, and quickly pointed to Shao Xuan, here he blocked, let Shao Xuan do his own thing.

Since the blame has come over, there are other warriors around the horns approaching, Shao Xuan no longer hesitates, rushing out of the encirclement and moving in one direction.

The main goal of Shao Xuan is the fire pond. They all know this blame, Dokang and the tower. Therefore, when staring at the head of Wanshi and other leaders, the three will also assist Shao Xuan.

Tuo and others have already come back. They have been instructed by witches and will go with Shao Xuan to the fire pit of Wanshi.

Most of the people with the Tuo are the members of the advance team of the original hunting team in the tribe. There are people who have followed the blame, and those who have followed the tower. In the past, the two sides often competed and quarreled, but at this time, everyone also put down. Prejudice, match up.

The vast majority of a tribe's fire pits are in the center of the tribe. It is not good to go there. There are many people blocking the road, and many of them are slaves.

Because of the high temperatures and exposure in the desert, the skin color of those slaves is deeper than others and is easily recognizable. And a large part of these slaves are slaves of White Rock, and they can be identified from the slave prints on them.

As soon as I saw the slaves of Baishicheng, Tuo and Lei both burst into fierce light.

In the few cities on the desert, what they hate most is the White Rock City! Baishicheng not only has close ties with the Wanshi tribe, but also once raised a traitor of Yanjiao!

The two shouted and waved the sharp edge of their hands, killing the slaves of the Shishicheng who were in front of them, and the knife screamed.

The more you go, the more you can feel the repulsive power of Wanshi fire. I believe other people in Yanjiao can feel that the influence of fire can not be ignored. However, when feeling the rejection, Shao Xuan discovered that it still seems There is a feeling that is very different from rejection.

Before being hurt by Shao Xuan, he was blamed for the 10,000-stone stone that he was carrying out. At this time, he leaned against the wall and hid in a corner, panting and watching Shao Xuan bring people in the direction of the fire pit. There was a sneer on his face, he did not chase it, and he did not let others rush. It is not that he does not care about the fire pond. As a tribal leader, in addition to the leader, they are also very worried about the fire pond. After all, the fire pit is related to the survival of the tribe.

However, there are witches in the firepit. It is not only the fire-horn that can not be destroyed by the Yanjiao people, but also the soul of the dead under the fire.

Is the fire pit of Wanshi so close? Even the slave owners who have been ill-intentioned do not dare to directly attack their idea of ​​10,000 stone fire! There, it is the most sturdy place of the entire Wanshi tribe! Otherwise, the Wanshi tribe, why is it called "Wanshi"? (To be continued...)

Ps: Well, there is only one more tonight.

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